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Excellentia, Probitas, Officium, Benevolentia, Respectus


60 items, 50 minutes

Instructions: Choose the best and simplest answer from among the choices. Take note that
figures are not drawn to scale.

1. If two people are working together on the same job at the same hourly rate, what part of
the job is done by one person in one hour?
a. ¼ c. ¾
b. ½ d. 1

2. In the figure below, △ACE is equilateral, and B, D and F are the midpoints of AC ,
CE , and AE , respectively. If the area of △ACE is 24, what is the area of the
shaded region?

a. 4
c. 8
b. 6 d. 12

3. Which of the following is a root of the quadratic equation 4x2 - 5x = 6?
a. -2 c. ¾
b. -¾ d. 4

4. If g(x) = 4x + 6, then which of the following is equivalent to g(x + 1) ?

a. 4x + 10 c. 4x + 6
b. 4x + 7 d. 4x + 5

5. Simplify (-15y9) ÷ (5y4)

a. -3y5 c. -3y36
b. -3y13 d. -3y-5

6. In the figure below, line p is parallel to line q. What is the value of a?


70° 100°

a. 10° c. 35°
b. 30° d. 70°

7. O is the center of equilateral hexagon ABCDEF, shown above. What is the degree
measure of ∠FOD (not shown) ?



a. 60° c. 120°
b. 72° F d. 150°

8. In the system of equations below, how many points of intersection do the equations share
and what is their relationship, if any?

a. Zero, and the lines are parallel.

b. Infinitely many, and the lines are the same line.
c. One, and the lines have no relationship.
d. One, and the lines are perpendicular.

9. Oil is being drained from an oil tank at a constant linear rate. Four hours after draining of
the tank began, the volume of oil in the tank was 740 gallons, and seven hours after
draining of the tank began, the volume was 545 gallons. Which of the following functions
best models v(t), the volume of oil in the tank, in gallons, t hours after draining of the
tank began?
a. v(t) = 740 – t c. v(t) = 1000 – 195t
b. v(t) = 740 – 65t d. v(t) = 1000 – 65t

10. What is the midpoint of the line segment with endpoints (3, 4) and (0, 0) ?
a. (1.5, 2) c. (2.5, 0)
b. (1.75, 1.75) d. (3.5, 3.5)

11. If the perimeter of rectangle ABCD is equal to p, and x = ⅔ y, what is the value of y in
terms of p?

B y

x x

A y
a. p ÷ 10 D c. p ÷ 3
b. (3p) ÷ 10 d. (2p) ÷ 5

12. Which of the following quadrilaterals are always similar?

a. any two squares c. any two rhombuses
b. any two rectangles d. any two parallelograms

13. A radioactive substance decays at an annual rate of 13 percent. If the initial amount of the
substance is 325 grams, which of the following functions f models the remaining amount
of the substance, in grams, t years later?
a. f (t) = 325(0.87)t c. f (t) = 0.87(325)t
b. f (t) = 325(0.13) d. f (t) = 0.13(325)t

14. The second term of the expansion (2 x − y)❑4 is:

3 3
a. −32 x ❑ y c. −16 xy ❑
b. −4 x ❑2 y ❑2
−xy ❑

d. e. 1
f. 2
g. 4

15. Jillian does 0.75 of the task in 1 day. How many days will it take her to finish the task?
a. 0.25 days c. 1.33 days
b. 0.75 days d. 3.33 days

16. In the figure below, RT is the diameter of the circle with center O. The shaded portion
of the figure has an area of 25 π and is one-ninth the area of the entire circle. What is
the length of arc RST?

a. 15 π c. 30 π
b. 25 π d. 125 π

17. Which of the following is equivalent to the expression 9a4 + 12a2b2 + 4b4?
a. (3a2 + 2b2)2 c. (9a2 + 4b2)2
b. (3a + 2b) d. (9a + 4b)4

18. Which of the following expressions is equal to 3 for some integer value of k ?
a. 4k + 3 c. 2 + 2k
b. 1 – 3k d. –k + 3k

19. Cedric takes 20 minutes to walk to school everyday. If he lives within 600 meters of the
school, what is his speed in m/s?
a. 0.33 m/s c. 1.5 m/s
b. 0.5 m/s d. 25 m/s

20. If k > 0 and x = 7 in the equation below, what is the value of k ?

a. b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

21. Which of the following statements will prove the given triangles congruent by ASA?

a. GO ≡¿ c. GO ≡¿ and ∠ O≡ ∠ T
b. GA is an angle d. A is the midpoint of ¿
bisector of ∠OGT

22. A man left ⅛ of his money to a school, ¼ to a charity and the remainder to his family.
How much money did the man leave in total if his family received $15,000?
a. $9,375 c. $22,857
b. $15,000 d. $24,000

23. 2x - y = 3 and y = - 3 + 2x are _____________ lines.

a. Parallel c. Collinear
b. Perpendicular d. none of the above

24. What is the result of multiplying 8s2 – 6s + 2 by 4s – 1 ?

a. 14s – 2 c. 32s3 – 16s2 + 2s + 2
b. 16s2 + 2s + 2 d. 32s3 – 32s2 + 14s – 2

25. In the function f(x) = −2x2 + c, c is a constant and f(2) = 6. What is the value of f(−2) ?
a. −6 c. 6
b. 0 d. 10

26. A rectangle with length 16 and width 6 has an area that is 3 times the area of a triangle
with height 8. What is the length of the base of the triangle?
a. 4 c. 12
b. 8 d. 16

27. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to ?




28. What is the equivalent of the trigonometric identity below?

b. 0

d. 1

29. Solve the following inequality: g - 7 ≥ 1 - g

a. g ≤ - 4 c. g ≥ - 4
b. g ≤ 4 d. g ≥ 4

30. What is the gradient of a horizontal line is always

a. 0 c. -1
b. 1 d. undefined

31. If the circle with center O has a diameter of 9, then what is the area of the circle with
center O ?
a. 81 π c. (81 / 4) π
b. (9 / 2) π d. 18 π

32. For , the following represents the graph of:



33. In the figure, lines m and n are parallel, find the value of x.



a. 16.3° c. 55.8°
b. 28.5° d. 105°

34. A 6 kg salt solution contains 40% of salt by weight. How many kilograms of salt must be
added to the solution to increase the salt concentration to 60% salt by weight?
a. 1.2 kg c. 3 kg
b. 2 kg d. 4.8 kg

35. In the figure below, what is the value of a + b + c ?


b c
a. 180° c. 270°
b. 240° d. 360°

36. Alex props up a ladder against a wall. The ladder makes an angle of 23° from the ground.
If the ladder is 10 feet long, what is the expression for finding the distance the foot of the
ladder is from the wall?
a. 10 tan23° c. 10 cos23°
b. 10 sin23° d. cos (10/23)°

37. What is the diameter of a circle with a circumference of 5?

a. 5 / π c. 5
b. 10 / π d. 5 π

38. Express radians in degree measure

a. 145° c. 165°
b. 155° d. 175°

39. What is the area of the circle centered at (4, 3) that passes through the origin?
a. 9 π c. 16 π
b. 12 π d. 25 π

40. In the figure below, ABCD is a square with sides of length 2. The square contains two
semicircles with diameters AB and CD . What is the sum of the areas of the two
shaded regions?

a. (2 - (/ 2) A c. 4 -
b. 2 - d. 2

41. What is the equation of a line that contains the point (6, –5) and has an x-intercept of 3 ?

D c.


42. A night train leaves a station at 2147 and arrives at its destination at 0040 the following
day. How many minutes does the journey take?
a. 73 minutes c. 173 minutes
b. 100 minutes d. 180 minutes

43. Which of the following dimensions can create a triangle?

a. 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm c. 3 cm, 6 cm, 7 cm
b. 2 cm, 5, cm, 10 cm d. 5 cm, 7 cm, 12 cm

44. How many possible outcomes are there for throwing 2 balanced dice at the same time?
a. 0.28 c. 21
b. 6 d. 36

45. In rectangle PQRS below, what is a + b in terms of x?

R a

P °
a. 90 + x S c. 180 + x
b. 90 - x d. 270 - x

46. Find the least common multiple of 2, 8 and 6.

a. 12 c. 60
b. 24 d. 100

47. If 17 = 3 + 8x, what is the value of 4x + 9 ?

a. 7 c. 16
b. 14 d. 25

48. Two men, John and Peter, can paint a house in 10 days. John alone can paint the house in
15 days. How long will Peter take to paint it himself?
a. 10 days c. 20 days
b. 15 days d. 30 days

49. The angle lies in what quadrant?

a. Quadrant I c. Quadrant III
b. Quadrant II d. Quadrant IV

50. A chord of a circle of radius 13 cm is 5 cm from the center. Find the length of the chord.
a. 5 cm c. 24 cm
b. 12 cm d. 36 cm

e. f. −10
g. 10
h. 15


51. If the equation for a parabola is y = 5(x – 3)2 – 3, which of the following points represents
the parabola’s vertex?
a. (3, –3) c. (0, –3)
b. (3, 0) d. (–3, 3)

52. A measure of central tendency that tells us the most frequent value of the data set.
a. mean c. mode
b. median d. weighted mean

53. The coordinates of points D, E, and F in the Cartesian plane are (-4, 3) , (-1, -1) and
(-1, 3) respectively. What is the perimeter of triangle DEF?
a. 12 units c. 13.12 units
b. 20 units d. 15.40 units

54. Given that the volume of a cuboid is 72 cm3 and one of its edges is 6 cm, what is the
volume of a similar solid if one of its edges is 12 cm?
a. 72 cm3 c. 288 cm3
b. 144 cm3 d. 576 cm3

55. A cyclist rides 10 km at 2 km/h and a further 30 km at 3 km/h. Find the average speed of
the cyclist for the whole journey.
a. 2.67 km-hr c. 2.5 km-hr
b. 2.67 km/hr d. 2.5 km/hr

10 9 8 7 2
56. Find the value of k so that p( x)=10 x ❑ −9 x ❑ + 8 x❑ −kx ❑ + 2 x ❑ has a factor
of x-1.
a. -29 c. 11
b. 7 d. 29

57. If y = 4(3x – 1)(5x – 1) then which of the following is equal to y ?

a. 40x c. 60x2 – 32x + 4
b. 60x + 4 d. 45x2 + 8

58. AB is a diameter of circle with center O. C is a point on the circumference

of the circle, such that ∠CAB = 26°. What is the degree measure
of ∠CBA ?
a. 26° c. 45°
b. 64° d. 74°
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