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CHM1045L Spring 20183

Dr. Pando Morejon

Office: Room 1345 Tel: 305-237-6065 MDC Emergency Tel #: (305) 237-6046


Office Hours: To be assigned

Required Materials:

• Safety glasses or safety goggles

• Lab coat
• Non- programmable scientific calculator (TI 30 or equivalent)
• CHM1045L CER Lab Manual

Course Description: CHM 1045L is the first semester of a two-course introduction to the
principles of chemistry. It is designed to introduce students to the basic laboratory techniques
involved in general chemistry. As such, it will give the student the opportunity to learn basic
laboratory skills that will be broadly applicable to other scientific disciplines.

Grading Policy: Your grade will be based on direct lab performance measured by your prelab
quizzes, post labs, midterm, final exams as well as evaluation points given by the professor through
observations of you during lab (see below for more details).

Pre-lab Quizzes (20 points each): Pre-lab quizzes will be given at the beginning of the lab
session. These short 10-minute quizzes will be worth 10 points each and cover the basic theory
and/or calculations of the scheduled experiment.

Post-Lab Assignments (20 points each): Each lab contains a data sheet and a post-lab
assignment. Data sheets (including calculations) and post-labs are due at the beginning of the next
lab session. A 1-point deduction will be incurred for each day the assignment is turned in late.
Post-labs assignments that are turned in after the beginning of the lab session will be considered
as one day late. Post-lab reports must be in non-erasable ink. Points will be taken off if your
answers are illegible, therefore, please be as neat as possible.

Instructor Evaluation (10 points each): During each lab, you will receive a maximum of 10
points for your ability to follow protocols in the lab. This instructor evaluation score will be based
on your safety practice during the lab; active participation in the lab, punctuality, and cleanliness
in performing lab experiments.

Midterm and Final Exams: There will be a midterm and a cumulative final exams for the course
as indicated in the schedule.
Grading Scale:

Evaluations Points Grading Scale

12 Experiments (50 points each)
• Lowest lab report grade will be dropped
A = 90.0-100%
Mid Term Exam 150 B = 80.0-89.9%
C = 70.0-79.9%
Cumulative Final Exam 150 D = 60.0-69.9%
F = 0-59.9%
Total possible points 850

2610 CHM 1045L Gen Chm Qual Anl Lab 01:25pm 04:45pm M Pando Morejon

Date Chapter Lab Title

22-Jan-18 MISC 371 Introduction & Safety Regulations
Introducing Graphing Techniques
29-Jan-18 TECH 601 Introducing Mass & Volume Measurements
5-Feb-18 PROP 375 Separating the components of a ternary mixture
Handout Nomenclature handout
12-Feb-18 REAC 422 Studying Chemical Reactions & Writing Chemical Equations
26-Feb-18 REAC 482 Copper Start to Finish: a sequence of chemical reactions
5-Mar-18 ------ Mid-Term Exam
12-Mar-18 ANAL618 Standardization of NaOH Solution
ANAL304 Evaluation of Vinegar samples
19-Mar-18 SYNT 439 Synthesis of Aspirin
26-Mar-18 Handout Analysis of aspirin
2-Apr-18 THER 368 Heat of Neutralization
9-Apr-18 PROP 440 Identifying a liquid using physical properties
16-Apr-18 PROP 481 Determining the Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid by the
Dumas Method
23-Apr-18 ----- Final Exam

Attendance: No make-up experiments will be allowed. All students are expected to be on time
and prepared. Important safety information will be covered during the first 10-15 minutes of the
lab. Therefore, if you are more than 15 minutes late, you will not be allowed to carry out the
scheduled experiment. Labs missed due to safety violations, lack of preparation or tardiness
cannot be made up. Students are expected to arrive on time. All lab work must be completed prior
to the end of the lab session. You will not be given extra time to finish a lab. You should be
leaving the lab no later than the exact ending time of your lab session, no extra time will be allowed.
After two absences the professor reserves the right to drop the student from the class. Please be
on time and be prepared to start the lab experiment!
Negative or unacceptable class conduct includes but is not limited to:

(i) texting, fiddling with ipod or other electronic communication device not related to the class
(ii) cell phone or beepers ringing during class (let me know of emergencies);
(iii) taking or making calls while lab is in session
(iv) habitually coming in after lab session has started;
(v) entering through the front door instead of the back door after lab session has started;
(vi) failing to cooperate in group assignments;
(vii) uncivil attitude/behavior toward anyone in lab;
(viii) any other conduct/attitude that I consider to be negative class participation.

If you repeatedly show in class a negative or unacceptable class conduct the instructor reserves the right to
DROP the student from the course.

Important Note on Class Behavior:

1. Only non-graphing calculators are to be used in exams.

2. Cameras, recording devices, cell phones, graphing calculators, earphones, etc. are not permitted at any
time during exams.

3. If I observe any of these devices you will be asked to leave the room and you will automatically earn the
grade of 0 for the exam.

4. Failure to follow this strict order regarding electronic devices will result in disciplinary action for

Laboratory Neatness:

At the end of the lab period, the lab should be clean and tidy – lab benches should be clean
and dry; all balances should be clean and turned off; there should be no garbage on the floor,
benches, or sinks. Each student in the lab will be penalized if the lab is left in an unacceptable

Safety in the organic laboratory is of utmost importance. Many organic compounds are
volatile and flammable. Many are toxic. Some organic chemicals can cause lung damage, some
can give chemical burns, some can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, some are vesicants (blister
producers), some are lachrymators (tear producer), and some are carcinogenic.
When you are in an organic laboratory, you must always think in terms of safety. Students
must adhere to the safety guidelines discussed at the beginning of the course. You are expected to
bring your safety goggles and lab apron or coat to the lab and wear them at all times during the
Your safety and the safety of all those in the laboratory depend on each individual’s adherence
to these safety rules. Therefore, I will be EXTREMELY STRICT when it comes to lab safety.
Any student who violates ANY ONE of the safety rules will be given one warning. If the student
commits a second violation, it will result in expulsion from the laboratory and a grade of “F” for
the course.

Safety goggles are mandatory. Bring your goggles with you to every lab. Wear clothing and
shoes that properly cover your body, legs, arms, and feet. No open-toe shoes and certainly no flip-
flops or slippers allowed. You will not be allowed to take part in a lab if you are more than 15
minutes late to class. You will also be dismissed from a lab if you fail to follow the safety
requirements including proper attire.

Cheating is absolutely not tolerated. In the event that I determine that you cheated, you will
incur severe penalties as outlined in Miami Dade College Student’s Rights & Responsibilities
Handbook including earning an ‘F’ grade for the entire course. I require you to please review and
acquaint yourself with the relevant sections.

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