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Dear Mr …

Dear Mr. … ..
Dear Mr … (The elder),
Ladies and presence that we respect,

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

‫السّالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاتة‬

ْ ‫ الَّ ِذي َخلَّ َد لِ ِعبَ ِد ِه بِا إْل ِ س َْر ا ِء َو الِم ْع َرا ج ُم ْع ِج َز ةً ع‬ ِ ‫اَل َح ْم ُد هلِل‬ 
َ ‫ أَ ْشهَ َد أَ َّن اَل اِلَهَ إِاَّل هللاُ َو حْ َدهُ اَل َش ِر ْي‬.‫ُظ َمي‬
,ُ‫ك لَ !ه‬ ِ
ْ ْ‫ج‬ َ
. َ‫ص بِ ِه أ َم ِعين‬ْ‫ح‬ َ
َ ‫َلى َسيِّ ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد َو عَل َى الِ ِه َو‬ ِّ
َ ‫ص ِّل َو َسل ْم ع‬ َ ‫ اللهم‬,ُ‫َو اَ ْشهَ ُد أَ َّن ُم َح َّم ًد ا َع ْب ُدهُ َو َرس ْ!ُو لُه‬
: ‫أَ َما بَ ْع ُد‬
Thanks for the opportunity given to me to convey a message from the events of the
greatness of our prophet “Muhammad.” Let us praise the previous and gratitude to Allah
SWT, for the blessings and grace bestowed on us all, so especially on this night we were all
given the pleasure of physical and spiritual health to work together and listen to lectures
religion as spiritual nourishment, to commemorate “Isra ‘and Mi` raj “Great Prophet
Allah said in His noble Sacred Book. Verses al-Isra ayat 1,

َ ‫!ر ِام إِ لَى ال َم ْس! ِج ِد األَ ْق‬

‫ص!ى‬ َ ‫ ُش! ْب َحانَ الَّ ِذي أَ ْس! َري بِ َع ْب! ِد ِه لَ ْياًل ِمنَ ال َم ْس! ِج ِد‬.‫طا ِن ال َّر ِجي ِْم‬
َ !‫الح‬ َ ‫أَ ُعوْ ُذ بِا هللاِ ِمنَ ال َّشي‬
.‫ق هللاُ ال َع ِظ ْي ُم‬ َ !.‫ص ْي ُر‬
َ ‫ص َد‬ ِ َ‫ إِنَّهُ هُ َو ال َّس ِم ْي ُع الب‬,‫الَّ ِذي بَا َر ْكنَا َحوْ لَهُ لِنُ ِريَهُ ِم ْن اَيَا تِنَا‬
“Glory to (Allah) who did take his servant for a journey by night from the sacred mosque to
the farthest mosque, whose precincts we did bless in order that we might show him some of
our sign; for He is the one who hearth and seeth (all things) ”

Further, I extend our thanks to the maximum to all attendees who sincerely willing to ease
the measures take time, to seek knowledge by listening to religious lectures which will soon
be delivered by Mr. … (Which Will Provide Speech / Lecture).

Ladies and gentlemen, as the Muslims for granted we know the closer our master the Great
Prophet Muhammad. Overall it was simply to increase our taqwa to Allah SWT. By doing so
we can get closer to Allah SWT, to better carry out his command and away from all the
banned by God.
Warning in the name of the Chairman of the Committee of Isra` ‘Miraj, we hope that the
knowledge of our religion, especially problems Isra’ Mi’raj this will truly be comprehended by
the audience, could henceforth be carried out in accordance with the guidance that has
been taught by Him to all of us as His people.
Special to Mr … (Which Will Provide Speech / Lecture) which we thank you profusely for Mr
sincerity in providing additional insight to our religion on this night, good deeds you can be
accepted and rewarded by Allah with great reward.

Finally, the wa billahitaufiq walhidayah,

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Artinya :
Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang diberikan kepada saya untuk menyampaikan pesan dari peristiwa kebesaran nabi
kita " Muhammad . " Marilah kita memuji sebelumnya dan syukur kepada Allah SWT , atas berkah dan rahmat yang
dilimpahkan pada kita semua , sehingga terutama pada malam ini kita semua diberi kenikmatan kesehatan jasmani
dan rohani untuk bekerja sama dan mendengarkan ceramah agama sebagai santapan rohani , untuk memperingati "
Isra ' dan Mi` raj " Nabi Besar Muhammad .

Selanjutnya , saya mengucapkan terima kasih secara maksimal kepada semua peserta yang tulus bersedia untuk
meringankan langkah meluangkan waktu , untuk mencari ilmu dengan mendengarkan ceramah agama yang akan
segera disampaikan oleh Bapak ... ( Yang Akan Memberikan Pidato / Ceramah ).

Ladies and gentlemen , sebagai umat Islam untuk diberikan kita tahu lebih dekat junjungan kita Nabi Besar
Muhammad . Secara keseluruhan itu hanya untuk meningkatkan taqwa kita kepada Allah SWT . Dengan demikian
kita bisa lebih dekat dengan Allah SWT , untuk lebih melaksanakan perintah-Nya dan menjauhi segala yang
dilarang oleh Allah .

Peringatan atas nama Ketua Panitia Isra` ' Miraj , kami berharap bahwa pengetahuan agama kita , terutama masalah
Isra ' Mi'raj ini akan benar-benar dipahami oleh penonton , bisa selanjutnya dilakukan sesuai dengan bimbingan
yang telah diajarkan oleh-Nya untuk kita semua sebagai umat-Nya .
Khusus untuk Mr ... ( Yang Akan Memberikan Pidato / Ceramah ) yang kami terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya
untuk Mr ketulusan dalam memberikan wawasan tambahan untuk agama kita pada malam ini , perbuatan baik Anda
dapat diterima dan dihargai oleh Allah dengan pahala yang besar .
Amin .

Contoh Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Islam (Isra Miraj) dan Artinya – Berikut ini,
terdapat sebuah contoh teks pidato tentang islam lebih tepatnya mengenai isra miraj

yang ditulis menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat. 

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

The Honorable Mr. Muhammad Ibnu as the Principals

The Honorable Mr. /Mrs. Teachers and staff administrative of the school

And all of my beloved friends

First of all Let us say thanks to Allah SWT who has given his grace and guidance so
that we can live in this world and still be given aCHANCE  to celebrate ISRA MI ‘RAJ
today and also let us convey prayers and greetings to our great Prophet Muhammad
SAW that has brought us to blessed religion that is Islam.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On this nice occasion I will deliver a short speech in commemoration of Isra and Mi’raj
of Prophet Muhammad SAW so that we as servants of God will always endeavor and
try to improve our life and faith as possible and we can feel the happiness of life in this
world or in hereafter later.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Rajab month is a very historic month for Muslims because there is an important and
remarkable event for the Muslim all over the world. In 27 th Rajab, our Prophet
Muhammad SAW was transported by Allah SWT from the AL Haram Mosque in Mecca
to the AL Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem that called as Isra and then up to the seventh
heaven called as Mi’raj. This event runs on shortly in one night. It is also described in
the Qur’an Surah Al-Isra’ paragraph 1, which said:

Limitless in his glory God, who has transported his servant on a night from the Sacred
Al Haram Mosque [at Mecca] to the Al Aqsa Mosque [at Jerusalem] which we have
blessed around it so we showed him some of our signs (greatness). He is the All-
Hearing, All-Seeing. [Surah Al-‘Isra ‘: 1]

Surah above explains that as Muslim we should trust and believe in the greatness of
Allah SWT that surpasses anything that is not able to be done by anyone except him
because Allah SWT is Almighty in the universe and only him. If you think logically, the
trip was not possible happened because of the long distance between Mecca and
Jerusalem. Even, the incident will not occur in modern age now where the technology of
transportation has been sophisticated. Nevertheless, By Allah SWT’s will that can be

Ladies and Gentlemen,

On a trip of Isra Miraj, Allah SWT commanded our Prophet Muhammad SAW and all his
people to pray 5 times a day. Therefore, if we really believe in Allah and his prophet, we
must carry out pray according to Allah’s command because prayer could prevent us
from cruel and evil deeds. Moreover, prayer can bring us to enter his heaven.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Let us take a lesson from this incident that Allah SWT is almighty god in universe. And
let us keep our faith by always believing in Allah SWT as our God and Prophet
Muhammad as his messenger. Therefore, we should utilize the rest of our lives as the
best as we can by doing a lot of good deeds and keeping away from all restrictions.

Ladies and Gentlemen

That was short speech which I can convey today. Hopefully what I’ve said can be useful
for us. May we always be given grace and guidance by Allah SWT Amen

Thanks for your attention

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Yang terhormat Bapak Muhammad Ibnu sebagai Kepala sekolah

Yang terhormat bapak/ibu guru dan staf administrative sekolah

Beserta semua teman-teman yang berbahagia

Marilah kita mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat
dan hidyahnya sehingga kita bisa hidup di dunia ini dan masih diberi kesempatan untuk
memperingati hari Isra Mi’raj ini dan juga marilah kita menyampaikan doa dan salam
kepada Nabi besar kita Muhammad SAW yang telah membawa kita ke agama yang
berkah ini yaitu agama Isalm.

Hadirin yang berbahagia,

Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini saya akan menyampaikan sebuah pidato singkat
dalam rangka memperingati peringatan Isra dan Mi’raj Nabi Muhammad SAW agar kita
sebagai hamba Allah senantiasa berikhtiar dan berusaha memperbaiki hidup dan iman
kita sebaik mungkin dan kita bisa merasakan kebahagiaan hidup baik di dunia maupun
di akhirat kelak.

Hadirin yang berbahagia,

Bulan rajab ini adalah bulan yang sangat bersejarah bagi umat islam di mana terdapat
suatu peristiwa yang sangat penting dan luar biasa bagi ummat Islam. Pada bulan 27
rajab Rasulullah SAW di isra’kan dan di mi’rajkan oleh Allah SWT dari Masjidil Haram di
Mekkah ke Masjidil Aqsa di Jerusalem yang disebut Isra dan kemudian naik ke langit ke
tujuh yang disebut Mi’raj. Kejadian tersebut berjalan dengan singkat dalam waktu satu
malam. Peristiwa ini juga diterangkan di dalam alqur’an surah Al-isra ayat 1 yang
berbunyi :

Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al
Masjidil haram ke Al Masjidil aqsa yang telah Kami berkahi sekelilingnya agar Kami
perlihatkan kepadanya sebagian dari tanda-tanda (kebesaran) Kami. Sesungguhnya
Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat. [QS Al-Isra’ : 1]

Ayat diatas menjelaskan bahwa sebagai orang yang beriman kita harus mempercayai
peristiwa ini dan mempercayai kebesaran Allah SWT yang melampaui segala sesuatu
yang tidak mampu dilakukan oleh seorang pun selain Allah karena Allah yang maha
kuasa di alam semesta ini dan tiada duanya. Jika dipikir secara logika perjalanan
tersebut tidak mungkin terjadi karena jaraknya yang sangat jauh. Bahkan kejadian
tersebut tidak akan terjadi pada masa modern saat ini dimana technology transportasi
sudah modern. Namun, dengan kehendak Allah SWT peristiwa itu bisa terjadi.

Hadirin yang berbahagia,

Pada perjalanan Isra’ miraj itu Allah SWT memerintahkan Nabi Muhammad SAW dan
seluruh umatnya untuk melaksanakan shalat 5 kali dalam sehari. Oleh karena itu , Jika
kita memang beriman kepada Allah SWT dan nabinya, kita harus melaksanakan Shalat
sesuai dengn perintah Allah SWT karena Shalat bisa mencegah kita dari perbuatan
yang keji dan munkar. Selain itu juga, Shalat bisa membawa kita memasuki Syurganya.

Hadirin yang berbahagia.

Marilah kita ambil hikmah dari peristiwa ini yaitu Allah SWT merupakan tuhan yang
maha kuasa. Dan marilah kita menjaga iman kita dengan senantiasa menyakini Allah
SWT sebagai tuhan kita dan nabi Muhammad SAW sebagai utusannya. Oleh karena
itu, marilah kita manfaatkan sisa umur kita ini sebaik-baiknya dengan memperbanyak
melakukan perbuatan baik dan menjauhi semua larangannya.
Hadirin yang berbahagia.

Demikianlah pidato yang bisa saya sampaikan. Mudah-mudahan apa yang telah saya
sampaikan bisa berguna bagi kita semu dan semoga kita senantiasa diberi rahmat dan
hidayah oleh Allah SWT. Amiin.

Discipline of time
Assalamualaikum wr wb.

With all due respect to the honorable judges representing, to all of the teachers here
attending, and to all of the audiences, ladies and gentlemen, good morning everyone!

Allow me to introduce my self  to you all, My name is Ainil Mustaghfiroh, I am in the

fifth class in Miftahul Ulum Islamic Elementary School Sukosono.

First of all, let’s thank and pray unto our god who has been giving us some blessing  and
mercies so we all can gather here on this event.

The second May Sholawat and Salam be with our prophet Muhammad SAW, his
family, his friends, and all of his followers. Amin

·         In thisCHANCE  I would like to tell you my speech about theDiscipline time.

·         Honorable, all of the juries, the teachers and the audiences

All the activities we do every day that there must be time, there is a pre-planned and
happens suddenly. If we plan activities that occur at the time was called on time, if the time has
come and the activities of these activities has not happened that his name not on time, and
usually on time with all the activities that we do produce maximum results or satisfactory.

Actually, I have many questions in my mind to all the student, ? do you usually study at
home ? what time do you usually sleep at home ? what time do you usually get up in the morning
? what time do you usually do home work at home ? do you always pray on time everyday  ?

As a student we have to really pay attention to this, the discipline of time, we can start
from the time when we go to school, so we are never late, time to do homework, work on school
assignments. Particular discipline of learning time, this will help us quickly and easily to
understand the lessons in school. Thus without us knowing we have been taking part in helping
to promote national development in our beloved country.

Dear Brother and Sister

A State if it is not accompanied with discipline in all aspects of time, then the State would
be impossible to get a head.

So, It is the right time for us to rekindle the spirit of learning, time to prepare the future of
our education, it's time we looked  at or meet this world with all the ability we have, it's time we
prove that we can do something for our country especially in terms of educational
development in our country. 

Dear Brother and Sister

That’s all my speech, I apologize if any mistakes, thank you very much for your attention
and the last I say  

Wassalamu’alaikum wr,wb.


The Impact of Television Towards Children

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

The honorable the juries and all of the audiences.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
First of all I would like to express my gratitude to Allah SWT. then I would like
to say thank you to all of the jjuries and audiences in this beautiful room.
Well everybody! Here I’d like to present a speech about the impact of
television towards children. Because children are the future asset for this
country,so we need to give a serious attention for them.

Well everybody…
Television or TV is one of humanity’s most important means of
communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into
millions of homes.
Maybe you will be frustrated if you do not watch TV in one day. No wonder,
television is considered as the most important source of entertainment and
information. People have different ideas about television. Some say that
television will help to educate children. Other people say that television is bad
for children.
Ehm……If we ask children why they like to watch television, they usually give
significant reasons. They say that they watch television because the
programmes are good, the programmes are fun and the programmes are
The actor or actress on television very often could be a model for children.
They will act in the same or similar manner. If the model is a good character,
she or he will help children grow into good children as well. On the other hand,
if the model is a bad character, she or he could be dangerous. In other words,
they can influence the behavior of children
Well everybody…, The people who support television say that television is a
great teacher. Children can learn about other countries and other cultures
from it. Television can teach children science, technology, the arts, and up-
date news. They can learn everything from television. Television can improve
their knowledge because it makes them easier in accepting the new way of
Ehm….But for the people who are against television say that watching
television is making children passive. Television is a kind of drug. Children
can have a bad character after they watch television by their bad model of the
Ok,The fact is that television has changed the children’s lives. Television has
good impacts and bad impacts. So, parents should pay attention of the effect
of television. They must help their children to choose the beneficial
programmes and to avoid the bad programmes.
Ok everybody…Let children watch television, but only if the programmes are
good to watch and educate them to update the information.
Ehm….well everyone! I think that’s all
Thank you so much for your kind attention!
Please,forgive me if I have some mistakes!
See you!

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.


Go green!

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

The honorable judges, ladies and gentleman, and my fellow students. May
Allah blesses us all. Amin.
I send grateful to Allah SWT who has given us so many blessings and
permitted us to gather here in good health so we could meet each other to
compete, to challenge our skill and to sharpen our mentality, fairness and

Ladies and gentleman, Allah created our world with extraordinary orderly
fashion with complete content of it. Allah, the most affectionate, told us in
our Holy Qur’an that He created human beings to be able to talk, He
created plants and trees to bow before Him, He made the sun and the moon
to go round based on perfect calculation.

He created the balance, and you all must not destroy the balance, and must
keep the balance fairly and must not reduce the balance. Ladies and
gentleman, It is so clear that Allah created the Earth and its content very
perfectly, orderly, disciplined, systematically and works or runs
unstoppingly and without hesitation only for keeping the balance. It is the
balance of life, the balance of environment, and the balance of faith. That’s
why we must preserve our Earth to make it clean, green, and natural.

Dear friends, It is important to go green because Allah created the Earth for
mankind. It’s not a good behavior if we’re indifferent with our Earth. The
Earth is getting old and fragile, let’s go green. Don’t let global warming. The
one destroying the Earth is human, so the one responsible for fixing it is
human as well. It’s easy to go green. How? It’s “one student one tree
program”. If our school has 174 students, there will be 174 trees plus 5 trees
from each teacher. If there are 15 teachers, it means 5 multiplied by 15
equal to 75. Then 75 trees from teachers plus 174 trees from students, there
are 249 trees. We can grow 249 trees at school and our school will be green,
fresh, and natural. And what things to do after that? We must keep them,
water them, and love them. Allah loves beauty. That’s all from me. Please
forgive for my mistakes, and one more time, Let’s go green. Wassalaamu
‘alaikum wr, wb.


‫السّالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاتة‬
ْ ‫ الَّ ِذي َخلَّ َد لِ ِعبَ ِد ِه بِا إْل ِ س َْر ا ِء َو الِمع َْرا ج ُم ْع ِج َز ةً ُع‬ ِ ‫اَل َح ْم ُد هلِل‬ 
‫ أَ ْشهَ َد أَ َّن اَل اِلَ !هَ إِاَّل‬.‫ظ َمي‬ ِ
‫ص!لِّ َو َس!ل ْم َعل َى‬ َ ‫ اللهم‬,ُ‫ َو اَ ْش!هَ ُد أَ َّن ُم َح َّم ًد ا َع ْب! ُدهُ َو َر ُس! ْو ل!ه‬,ُ‫ْك لَ!ه‬
ُ َ ‫هللاُ َو حْ َدهُ اَل َش ِر ي‬
.‫صحْ بِ ِه أَجْ َم ِعي َْن‬
َ ‫لى اَلِ ِه َو‬
َ ‫َسيِّ ِدنَا ُم َح َّم ٍد َو َع‬
: ‫أَ َما بَ ْع ُد‬
Praise be to Allah, the god who perpetuates His Servants with ‘isra and mi’raj. He
perpetuates it by making this story as the great miracle. I bear witness that there is no God
but Allah, there is no partner with Him. I also bear witness that Muhammad peace be upon
Him is His servant and His messenger. May peace and prayer be upon our adoration
Muhammad, his family and all of his discipline.

Allah said in His noble Sacred Book. Verses al-Isra ayat 1,

ِ‫ان الَّ ِذي أَس َْري بِ َع ْب ِد ِه لَ ْياًل ِم َن ال َم ْس ! ِج ِد ال َح! َر ِام إ‬
َ ‫ ُش ْب َح‬.‫أَ ُع ْو ُذ بِا هللاِ ِم َن ال َّشيطَا ِن ال َّر ِجي ِْم‬
.ُ‫ص! ْير‬ِ َ‫الس! ِم ْي ُع الب‬
َّ ‫!و‬ َ ُ‫ إِنَّهُ ه‬,‫صى الَّ ِذي بَا َر ْكنَ!ا َح ْولَ!هُ لِنُ ِريَ!هُ ِم ْن اَيَ!ا ِتنَ!!ا‬ َ ‫ْج ِد األَ ْق‬ ِ ‫لَى ال َمس‬
.‫ق هللاُ ال َع ِظ ْي ُم‬
َ ‫ص َد‬
“Glory to (Allah) who did take his servant for a journey by night from the sacred mosque to
the farthest mosque, whose precincts we did bless in order that we might show him some of
our sign; for He is the one who hearth and seeth (all things) ”

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

The event of isra Mi’raj is one of miracles of our prophet saw. Allah honors our great
prophet deeply with this miracle when he experienced painful and frightening luck. At that
time, the disbelievers tortured the messenger with the smartest tortures, interfered with
his missionary endeavor by employing various manners, shattered his followers and
disciples. All of these painful suffering took its climax after his uncle and his wife passed
away. Abu Thalib, the messenger’s uncle who used to protect Islamic endeavor, and
Khadijah, the messenger’s wife who use to be his partner when he was suffering, passed
away at mostly the same time.

The events certainly sadden him very much. He was really sad with the demise of his two
protectors. With the heavyhearted, he went to thaif land in order to get new endorsement.
He expected that in this new land he found people who would be ready to help his religious
endeavor. Unfortunately, what he found was that the thaif people suddenly pelted him with
stones until his feet were bloody. He got more sad and confused for seeing the developing
his mission. In his most confusion and sadness, Allah honored him deeply by talking him to
have isra and mi’raj. These two events were for affirming and calming down the
messenger’s heart. Allah showered the messenger with mercy and nobelty from sidratul
muntaha. Beside him was heaven which was ready to say. In sidratul muntaha, he saw the
glory and the greatness of Allah, a view that could not be seen by anyone but the
messenger. He got full of spirit and was really comforted with this journey which brought

Dear Ladies and Gentlemens, my brothers and sisters in faith and religion

In journey of isra and mi’raj he also witnessed many odd events which could be lessons for
the Muslims. Among other this thing is what was told by Abu Horairoh ra that the
messenger said that:
ُ ‫ َرأَي‬:‫ض َي هللاُ َع ْنهُ أَ َن َرس ُْو َل هللاِ ص!لَّى هللاُ علي! ِه وس!لَّ َم ق!!ال‬
ً‫ْت لَ ْيلَ!ة‬ ِ ‫َع ْن أَبِي هُ َر ي َْرةَ َر‬
ِ ‫!!وقِي فَ!!إِ َذ أَ َن بِ َر ْع!! ِد َوبُ!!ر ُْو‬
‫ق‬ ْ َ‫ت ف‬ُ ْ‫الس!!ابِ َع ِة فَنَظَ!!ر‬ َّ ‫ْت إِلَى‬
َ ‫الس!! َما ِء‬ ُ ‫ي بِي لَ َم!!ا ا ْنتَهَي‬ َ ‫أُ ْس!! ِر‬
‫!و‬ْ !ُ‫ج بُط‬ ِ !‫!رى ِم ْن َخ‬
ِ ‫!ار‬ َ !َ‫الحيَّةُ ت‬َ ‫ت فِيهَا‬ ِ ‫ْت َعلَى قَ ْو ٍم بُطُ ْو نُهُ ْم َكا البُي ُْو‬ ُ ‫ فَأَتَي‬:‫ال‬ َ َ‫ ق‬.‫ق‬ِ ‫ص َوا ِع‬ َ ‫َو‬
‫ َر َوهُ اَحْ َم ُد‬.‫ هَ ُؤالَ ِء اَ َكلَةُ الرِّ بَا‬: ‫اجب ِْر ْي ُل َم ْن هَ ُؤالَ ِء؟ قَا َل‬
ِ َ‫ت ي‬!ُ ‫ فَقُ ْل‬.‫نِ ِه ْم‬
“At the night I was taken to Isra’, that was when I arrived at the seventh sky, I was (an odd
view). I saw upward, and suddenly, i found thunder, flash of lightning, and thunderbolt. I then
came to a group of people whose stomaches were like a house containing snakes. The snakes
could be been from outside their stomaches. I then asked, ‘O Jibril, who are they? He
answered; they are people who used to eat usury”. This hadith was told by Imam Ahmad. At
that night, the messenger also witnessed other events, all of which you can find in his
narratives in the books hadith.

Dear brothers and sisters who are honored by Allah.

The event of isra’ and mi’raj is purposeful, and the real purpose is to bring the messenger to
Allah, to receive His commandment to do five time prayers (sholat). The value of the
reward of this five time prayers is the same with that of fifty five-time prayers as what was
previously commanded. The messenger receive the commandment directly from Allah to
be delivered directly to the human kind. In Islam prayer constitute the pillar of religion and
the media of contact between human and Allah. Beside, prayer can also cause a close
relationship among the Moslems anywhere they are. The most important thing we have to
know in this occasion is that isra mi’raj is the miracles of the messengers were visible and
could arise two different responses; those are encouraging people to be believer or event
disbelievers. In addition, the visible miracles can end when the events have been finished.
On the other hand, the miracle of the messenger Muhammad saw is always alive and
eternal. The eternity is valid for each generation and never lasting. Even this continously
experiences renewal all time. It speaks to the reason and encourages it to think.

Ladies and gentlemen!

Another thing which is important to remember is understanding the meaning of the must
of doing prayer. By commemorating isra mi’raj the moslem are asked to think and
understand the meaning of the must of doing prayer so that they will always keep this
commandment. They are also asked to penetrate the essence and the use the prayer, so that
they no disobey this must. It is prayer which can put the servant in contact with his God
and wich distinct the believers and the disbelievers.

Allah swt said in His Noble Sacred Book QS. Al-Baqarah ayat 45-46:
ْ ُ‫ين ألَّ ِذي َْن يَظُنُّ ْو َن أَنَّهُ ْم ُماَل ق‬
‫!!وا‬ َ ‫صاَل ِة َوإِنَهَا لَ َكبِ َر ٍة إِاَل َعلَى‬
َ ‫الخا ِش ِع‬ َّ ‫َوا ْستَ ِع ْينُ ْوا بِا ال‬
َّ ‫صب ِْر َوال‬
.‫ صدق هللا العظيم‬.‫َربِ ِه ْم َوأَنَّهُ ْم إِلَيِ ِه َرا ِج ِع ْو َن‬
“Nay, seek (Allah’s) help with patient perseverance and prayer; it is indeed hard, except to
those who bring a lowly spirit-Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their lord,
and that they are return to Him”.

‫والسّالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاتة‬

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