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Self-Assessment of NBPTS

Direc5ons: For each element, rate yourself in one of the following three categories. Then provide examples of your experiences in the
area of the NBPTS. Finally, iden5fy areas within each domain where you are interested in growing. On the last page, summarize your
strengths and areas of possible growth. Boxes will expand as needed.
• Exploring/Emerging (E/E) - a level of prac,ce in which the teacher relies on ongoing assistance from more experienced colleagues for
support, guidance, and survival. The teacher is moving toward becoming more self-directed and independent in her/his prac,ce.
• Applying (A) - a level of prac,ce in which the teacher is able to provide independent instruc,on and easily applies what s/he has
learned about educa,onal prac,ce.
• Integra5ng/Innova5ng (I/I) - a level of development in which the teacher is fully skilled and confident. The Integra,ng/Innova,ng
teacher is contribu,ng to the broader educa,onal community through staff development, research, or publica,on in professional

Proposi5on 1: Teachers are commiMed to students and their learning. E/E A I/I

1. Teachers Recognize Individual Differences in Their Students and Adjust Their Prac,ce Accordingly x
2. Teachers Understand How Students Develop and Learn x
3. Teachers Treat Students Equitably x
4. Teachers Know Their Mission Transcends the Cogni,ve Development of Their Students x
Three Examples of Proposi5on 1 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
• I adjust my teaching prac,ces depending on the
needs of my students. For example, students with
learning needs will be given more ,me to work on
assignments. I will also include pictures and other
tools for ELL or struggling readers. I would like to focus more on understanding how my
• individual students develop and learn. I tend to know more
I treat students equitably by providing sufficient tools
about my struggling learners, but I would like to have this
and resources that allow each student to be
same understanding with my grade and above grade level
successful with the learning task.     students.
• In addi,on to teaching the curriculum, I also make it
a point to teach social and emo,onal wellness
through whole class discussion, as well as a weekly
gra,tude journal.

Proposi5on 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to
5. Teachers Appreciate How Knowledge in Their Subjects is Created, Organized, and Linked to Other
Disciplines x
6. Teachers Command Specialized Knowledge of How to Convey a Subject to Students x
7. Teachers Generate Mul,ple Paths to Knowledge x
Three Examples of Proposi5on 2 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (h7p://
• I a]empt to relate content across as many subject
areas as possible. For example, I teach Animal
Adapta,ons through our ELA curriculum at the same
,me as I teach it in science.     
• I always try to incorporate mul,ple paths to
knowledge. A^er teaching the lesson, I’ll incorporate
I’d like to find more opportuni,es to teach content across
learning games, videos, pictures, as well as
more subjects, aside from mainly ELA and science. I’d also like
manipula,ve in order to provide a more well-
to incorporate social studies and math, as well.
rounded learning environment for my students.     
• For science, I try to provide hands-on experience for
students a^er teaching the lesson. For example,
going outside and observing the cloud forma,on, or
taking a walk to the school garden to learn more
about plants and insects.

Proposi5on 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. E/E A I/I

1. Teachers Call on Mul,ple Methods to Meet Their Instruc,onal Goals x

2. Teachers Support Student Learning in Varied Seangs and Groups x
3. Teachers Value Student Engagement x
4. Teachers Regularly Assess Student Progress x
5. Teachers Engage Students in the Learning Process x
Three Examples of Proposi5on 3 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
• Allowing students the op,on to move around
throughout the day has become vital in my
classroom experience. I teach whole class, but also
find ,mes to teach in small groups. Allowing them to
engage in discourse and collaborate is also essen,al.
• Student engagement is essen,al, as it not only
I would like to explore more methods and tools to engage my
provides me an informal assessment, but it also
students in the learning task.
allows me to provide learning tasks that are more
high interest.
• Progress is assessed through informal measures
daily, typically through thumbs up/down, as well
having my students send me their answers privately
through the Zoom, chat.

Proposi5on 4: Teachers think systema5cally about their prac5ces and learn from experience. E/E A I/I

1. Teachers Make Difficult Choices That Test Their Professional Judgment x

2. Teachers Use Feedback and Research to Improve Their Prac,ce and Posi,vely Impact Student Learning x
Three Examples of Proposi5on 4 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (h7p://
• I o^en look at my assessment data, both informal
and formal, to gauge how a lesson is going. From
there, I will reassess the next lesson in order to
provide a more engaging and successful learning
• When I’m having a difficult ,me teaching a certain
lesson, or simply engaging with a specific student, I
I would like to incorporate more research-backed prac,ces in
will look to my coworkers for feedback and advice.
my teaching and classroom environment.
Addi,onally, I’ll look to research-backed educa,onal
websites to gain a be]er understanding.
• Having mul,ple resources for feedback is also
essen,al. Aside from peers and students, I will also
look to parents to see how I can improve my
teaching prac,ces. I will look to them for advice on
effec,ve ways for working with their kids.

Proposi5on 5: Teachers are Members of Professional Communi5es E/E A I/I

1. Teachers Collaborate with Other Professionals to Improve School Effec,veness x

2. Teachers Work Collabora,vely with Families x
3. Teachers Work Collabora,vely with the Community x
Three Examples of Proposi5on 5 Experiences Areas of Interest in Growth
• I collaborate with coworkers through PLC and
informal discussion to be]er understand and their
thoughts on how our school environment is being
supported. From there, we work on ideas of
improvement to create a more succinct plan.     
• I a]end professional development to gain more
insight on how to support my students, as well as my
I would like to work more closely with my community and find
school. Through mee,ng other educators, I can learn
organiza,ons and programs to collaborate with.
how other schools are crea,ng effec,ve student and
community experiences.     
• I work closely with families to communicate the well-
being of my students in class, both socially and
academically. I also engage with parents to be]er
understand how to work with their child in an
effec,ve ma]er.   

Summary of Strengths and Areas of Possible Growth

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (h7p://
     In summary, I feel my strengths lie in understanding how to communicate effec,vely with peers, students, and families.
However, areas I would like to grow in are engaging my teaching prac,ces in more research-backed prac,ces, as well as
engaging with the community-at-large. I would like to explore community outreach and explore how local organiza,ons can
benefit my class and school.

Self-Assessment of NBPTS (adapted from NBPTS (h7p://

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