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1. In your own opinion how do you assess the future of human rights in our
country? 10 points.

When considering the future of human rights and whether they will be viewed
as more, or less important in the years to come many potential challenges
come to mind for example is inequality specially when in comes to laws. In our
country when the Rodrigo Roa Duterte become the president and impose the
war on drugs many people had been a casualty to this campaign against
drugs and this is most commonly known as extra judicial killing and for me as
a future law enforcer to assess the future of human rights in our country is to
protect the right of other from the potential treat to there security and should
treat every single people as equal in the eye of the law and should not base
their rights as a human being in their social status in life.

2. How does battle against N-Corona virus affects human rights in

a. our country

We are combating COVID-19 to protect the lives of all human beings.

Invoking the right to life reminds us that all States have a duty to protect
human life, including by addressing the general conditions in society that give
rise to direct threats to life. States like ours are making extraordinary efforts to
do this, and it must remain the primary focus. Human rights law in the
Philippines recognize the state of emergency that the top priority right now is
the safety of every individual to stop or minimize the number of infected in N-
corona virus. The right to health is inherent to the right to life. Every human
being is entitled to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health
conducive to living a life in dignity. Everyone, regardless of their social or
economic status, should have access to the health care they need.

b. all over the world?

The world is facing an unprecedented crisis. At its core is a global public

health emergency on a scale not seen for a century, requiring a global
response with far-reaching consequences for our economic, social and
political lives. The priority is to save lives, guaranteeing human rights for
everyone poses a challenge for every country around the world to a differing
degree. The public health crisis is fast becoming an economic and social
crisis and a protection and human rights crisis rolled into one. In some,
ongoing crises, especially armed conflict, put human rights and other
international legal protections under extra pressure. The COVID-19 crisis has
exacerbated the vulnerability of the least protected in society. It is highlighting
deep economic and social inequalities and inadequate health and social
protection systems that require urgent attention as part of the public health

3. Should our government ban leisure travel and the freedom of assembly
until we can guarantee that nobody will transmit the novel Coronavirus?

Yes, our government should issue a travel ban to the countries that have high
rate transition of novel coronavirus by doing so temporary measures such as
travel bans, are considered to be an effective means of control, preventing the
movement of people and therefore the diffusion of the virus. Furthermore, all
travelers arriving in the Philippines will be quarantined at their own expense.
Visitors must have a reservation at a hotel approved by the Tourism and
Health Agencies where they will spend the quarantine period

4. What is Social justice?

Social justice thought and action weaves itself throughout world history,
working as a counterpoint to humankind’s unfortunate propensities for greed,
power, and physical and economic violence. The fundament of this thought
and action has come out of philosophy, religion, and politics. It has also
originated organically as a reaction to exploitation and oppression. Sometimes
it is a combination of two or more of these factors and it is never separate.
Moreover, Social justice may be thought of simply as the common good
through the equalization of goods or services or it may be more elaborately
defined as the fair distribution of opportunities rewards and responsibilities in

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