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Name : Nurmalasari

NIM : 1905020061

Class : 3B

Course : Curriculum and Syllabus Designing

Lecture : Drs. H. Samsul Arifin, M.Pd.

1. What is a Learning Syllabus and what is the function of it in teaching and learning
The syllabus is one of the components of the learning device of the learning plan
in a group of subjects with a specific theme, which includes competency standards, basic
competencies, learning materials, indicators, assessments, time allocation, and learning
resources developed by each educational unit.
Competencies that will be instilled in students through a learning activity that
must be carried out to instill or shape these competencies. Efforts must be made to find
out that these competencies already have students. syllabus development is shown to
teachers and subject teacher groups at school, subject teacher deliberations, and the
education office. In line with that, the purpose of developing the syllabus is to assist
teachers and other education personnel in translating basic competencies into lesson
The function of the syllabus in teaching and learning activities is
a) Can be used as a guide in the development of learning, which includes planning
for learning management, both conventional and per certain groups and as a
compiler of teaching material.
b) Can be used as a main source in an effort to formulate a lesson plan.
c) Can be used as a tool that functions to actualize the curriculum operationally at a
certain educational level unit so that it can make it easier for teachers to carry out
learning tasks.
2. What must be included in a learning Syllabus? Please explain them clearly!
a. Identity
In the subject identity section, it is necessary to clearly write down the name of
the subject, level of school / madrasah, class and semester. With this information the
teacher will get clarity about the level of prerequisite knowledge, initial knowledge
and characteristics of the students who will be given the lesson.
b. Core Competencies
Core Competence (KI) is the level of ability to achieve Graduate Competency
Standards that students must have at each class level or program which is the basis for
Basic Competency Development. Core competencies are the translation or
operationalization of SKL in the form of qualities that students who are declared to
have complete education at a certain educational unit.
c. Basic competencies
Basic Competence (KD) is the ability to achieve Core Competencies that students
must acquire through learning. Basic competencies contain a number of abilities that
students must master in certain subjects, as a reference for the preparation of
competency indicators in a lesson. In each basic competency formulation, there is an
element of thinking ability expressed in verbs and material. Basic Competencies
contain attitudes, knowledge, and skills that are derived from core competencies that
students must master.
d. Indicators of Competence Achievement
Competency achievement indicators are measures, characteristics, processes that
describe the achievement of a Basic Competency. Indicators are formulated using
measurable operational verbs, for example: identify, count, distinguish, tell, conclude,
practice, describe, and demonstrate.
Teachers can develop each basic competency into two or more indicators of
achievement of learning outcomes according to the breadth and depth of these basic
competencies. Indicators are markers of the achievement of Basic Competencies
which are marked by measurable changes in behavior that include attitudes,
knowledge and skills.
e. Learning materials
The main material is the points of learning material that students must learn as a
means of achieving competence and which will be assessed using assessment
instruments arranged based on learning achievement indicators. Identifying
appropriate learning materials to support the achievement of KD. Identifying
learning materials for these students must consider several things, namely: (a) the
potential that students have; (b) whether there is relevance to regional characteristics;
(c) the current level of physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual
development of students; (d) benefits for students; (e) scientific structure; (f)
actuality, depth and breadth of learning materials; (g) whether there is relevance to
the needs of students and environmental demands; and (h) the allocation of time
provided / available.
To carry out an analysis of learning materials, correct and detailed information is
required on all aspects. The order in which the learning material is presented is useful
for determining the sequence of learning or teaching it. If some learning material has
a prerequisite relationship, it will be difficult for students to learn it. The directed
material needs to be identified whether it includes facts, concepts, principles,
procedures or a combination of more than one type of material. By identifying the
types that students continue to learn, the teacher will find it easier to do. This is
because each type of learning material requires a learning strategy or method, media
and assessment system.
f. Learning Activities
The substance of teaching and learning is actually the learning experience of
students. Learning experiences (Chamistiatin: 2008) are designed to involve the
mental and physical processes of students with each other, teachers, resources and
media, as well as other learning environments for the achievement of competence.
The use of learning strategies, approaches, models, methods, techniques and tactics
determines the learning experience of learners.
The things that need to be considered in teaching and learning activities are a
series of learning activities in a sequence to achieve basic competencies, hierarchical
in the presentation of subject matter, reflected in the learning activities of students.
Learning experiences are obtained both in the classroom and outside the classroom.
Learning experiences in the classroom are carried out by conducting interactions
between students and learning resources. The form of learning experiences in keals
can be in the form of book reviews, review of research results, conducting laboratory
experiments, measuring the height of objects using kilometers, practical work in the
studio and so on. Learning experiences that need to be written in the syllabus are
alternative activities or specific learning experiences in accordance with the
formulation of the description learning material so that it is expected to support the
mastery of predetermined basic abilities.
g. Assessment
Assessment (Chansiatin: 2008) is a series of activities to obtain, analyze and
interpret data from students, carried out systematically and continuously, so that it
becomes meaningful information in decision making. Types of invoices that can be
used include the following: Quizzes, oral questions, daily tests, block tests, individual
assignments, group assignments, responses or practical exams, and practical work
reports. Several test instruments that can be used include: multiple choice, objective
description, free description, short answer or short entry, matchmaking, performance,
h. Time Allocation
The time here is an estimate of how long it takes students to study the material
that has been determined, not the length of time students work on assignments in the
field or in everyday life later. Time allocation needs to be considered at the stage of
syllabus development and learning planning. this is to estimate the number of face-
to-face hours required. The time allocation for each basic competency is based on the
number of effective weeks and the allocation of time for subjects per week by
considering the number of basic competencies, breadth, depth, level of difficulty, and
level of importance of basic competencies. become a reference in developing the
syllabus, namely the annual program and the semester program.
i. Resources / materials / learning tools
Sources / materials are references, references or literature used in teaching. This
learning resource is needed so that the preparation of the syllabus is avoided from
misconceptions. Learning resources are defined as information that is presented and
stored in various forms of media, which can assist students in learning as an
embodiment of the curriculum. Learning resources can be in the form of reference
books, objects, subjects, or materials and tools for learning activities, printed and
electronic materials, sources, events, environment, and others that are relevant.
Learning resources should be in accordance with basic competency, indicators,
and learning objectives. In order to choose teaching resources and materials properly,
teachers need to have the skills to analyze the contents of a book. The points that
need to be analyzed include two things, first in terms of language and print
(readability, typography, appearance): second in terms of content or material, for
example the truth of the concept, adequacy, actuality, relevance to the competence to
be taught, and so on. One way of writing the source of the material is by writing the
name of the author, the year of publication, the title of the book (underlined or in
italics), the place of publication, and the name of the publisher. Alphabetical order of
source materials. A list of material sources or literature needs to be included as
academic responsibility. Whereas what is written in the syllabus is not the result of
his own invention, the source is necessary.

3. Suppose that KKM at SMAN 10 Kota Tangerang has been determinated 75, please
make a score interval analysis of it so that you can make score category A, B, C, and
KKM = 75
100-75:3 = 8,3 (80)
So the scores for category A, B, C and D
<75 = (D)
75+8 = 83 (C)
81+8 = 91 (B)
91+8 = 99 (A)

4. Kompetensi Dasar Pengetahuan 3.2.: Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
a. What is Basic Competency that must be achieved by students?

Understanding the verses of the Al-Qur'an about sincerity in worship, increasing faith
in Allah through understanding its characteristics in Asmaul Husna, getting used to
praiseworthy behavior, and understanding the sources of Islamic law, taklifi law, and
wisdom of worship.

b. Make 4 indicators of Achieving this basic competncy!

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator

Memahami ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an Membaca QS Al- Anam : 162-163 dan
tentang keihklasan dalam beribadah Al-Bayyinah; 5
Menyebutkan arti QS Al- Anam : 162-
163 dan Al-Bayyinah; 5
Menampilkan perilaku ikhlas dalam
beribadah seperti terkandung dalam QS
Al- Anam : 162-163 dan Al-Bayyinah; 5
Meningkatkan keimanan kepada Allah Meneyebutkan 10 sifat Allah dalam
melalui pemhaman sifat-sifatnya Asmaul Husna.
dalam Asmaul Husna Menjelaskan arti 10 sifat Allah dalam
Asmaul Husna.
Menampilkan perilaku yang
mencerminkan keimanan terhadap 10
sifat Allah dalam Asmaul Husna.
Membiasakan perilaku terpuji Menyebutkan pengertian perilaku
Menyebutkn contoh-contoh perilaku
husnuzhan terhadap Allah, diri sendiri
dan sesama manusia.
Membiasakan perilaku husnuzhan dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.
Memahami sumber hukum islam, Menyebutkan pengertian, kedudukn dan
hukum taklifi, dan hikmah ibadah. fungsi Al Qur’an, Al Hadist, dan ijtihad
sebagai sumber hukum islam.
Menjelaskan pengertian, kedudukn dan
fungsi taklifi dalm hukum islam
Menerapkan hukum taklifi dalam
kehidupan sehari-hari.

c. Determine main learning materials in facilitating and helping your students to

achieve this basic competency!

The main learning material in facilitating and helping students to achieve these basic
competencies is by providing a medium that every student must have such as the Al-
Qur'an or Juz Ama before starting lessons, inviting students to read together the
verses of the Qur'an according to with the material to be studied. As well as providing
a video or picture for students such as a video explaining the attributes of Allah in
Asmaul Husna and their meanings and displaying behavior that reflects faith in the
attributes of Allah.

d. What are teaching learning activities that can be applied in a classroom activity!

Namely by planning activities before carrying out teaching and learning activities, as
well as providing explanations and then evaluating. However, teaching and learning
activities will be very boring if the method is applied. This happens because the
learning media applied by the teacher are less attractive or boring and knowledgeable
in utilizing various learning media. And it results in teaching and learning activities
that will not be effective and not conducive. Therefore, here I will use a different
method, namely by providing media such as images or videos in each teaching
learning activity so that students are more enthusiastic and the material he teaches is
easy to implement.
e. How do you asses your students in achieving this basic competency?

Namely by understanding the character of students and processing information in

determining student learning outcomes. By providing various kinds of exercises and
understanding students in the behavior and activities that students do in learning
activities so that we can be easily find out the achievement of students' basic

5. Based on Kurikulum 2013, Attitude Assessment has an important role on

determining students' successful learning. What does it mean? There are 4 sources
of attitude assessment. Please mention what they are and explain them clearly!
Attitude assessment is one of the assessments that must be carried out in the 2013
curriculum, in addition to the assessment of knowledge and skills. Attitude assessment
really needs to be done by educators, because a person's attitude is a basic thing that must
be formed from an early age. A person's attitude has a big influence on the success of his
life. Attitude assessment requires teachers to always monitor students in their attitudes,
both spiritual attitudes and social attitudes. With continuous monitoring and coaching, it
is hoped that students will become accustomed to being positive, and eventually become
a culture that is inherent in them.
There are 4 source of attitude assessment :
a) Observation Technique
Observation is an assessment technique which is carried out continuously by
using the senses, either directly or indirectly by using an instrument that contains a
number of indicators of observed behavior. Direct observations carried out by the
teacher directly without intermediary other people. Meanwhile, indirect observation
with the help of other people, such as other teachers, parents, students, and school
The form of the instrument used for observation is an observation guide in the
form of a check list or rating scale accompanied by a rubric. Check lists are used to
observe the presence or absence of an attitude or behavior. While the assessment
scale determines the position of the attitude or behavior of students in a range of
attitudes. Observation guidelines generally contain statements of observed attitudes
or behaviors and observations of attitudes or behaviors according to reality.
Statements contain positive or negative attitudes or behaviors according to the
indicators of describing attitudes in core competencies and basic competencies. The
scale ranges of the observations are:
1) Always, often, sometimes, never.
2) Very good, good, good enough, not good.
b) Self-Assessment
Self-assessment is an assessment technique by asking students to express their
strengths and weaknesses in the context of competency achievement. The instrument
used is a self-assessment sheet using a checklist or rating scale accompanied by a
rubric. The rating scale can be arranged in the form of a Likert scale or a semantic
differential scale. The Likert scale is a scale that can be used to measure the attitudes,
opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people regarding a symptom or
While the semantic differential scale is a scale for measuring attitudes, but the
form is not multiple choice or checklist, but is arranged in a continuum line where
very positive answers are located on the right side of the line, and very negative
answers are located on the left of the line, or vice versa. The data obtained by
measuring the semantic differential scale is interval data. This shape scale is usually
used to measure certain attitudes or characteristics that a person has.
c) Inter-student assessment
Assessment between students is an assessment technique by asking students to
assess each other related to competency achievement. The instruments used for the
inter-student assessment were a checklist and rating scale with class-based
sociometric techniques. The teacher can use one of the two or use both.
d) Journals
Journals are educators' notes inside and outside the classroom that contain
information from observations about the strengths and weaknesses of students related
to attitudes and behavior. The advantage of having a journal is that events / incidents
are recorded immediately. Thus, journals are original and objective and can be used
to understand students more precisely.
Meanwhile, the weaknesses that exist in the journal are low reliability, require a
lot of time, need patience in waiting for events to occur so that they can interfere with
the attention and duties of the teacher, if recording is not done immediately, then the
objectivity is reduced. Regarding journal recording, the teacher needs to know and
pay attention to the behavior of students both inside and outside the classroom. The
aspects of observation are determined in advance by the teacher in accordance with
the characteristics of the subject being taught, the aspects of observation that have
been determined are then communicated in advance with the students at the beginning
of the semester.

6. Quote K.D. 4.5 Grade XI, then make Quote K.D. 4.5 Grade XI, then make an
analysis of KI, KD, IPK, Materi Pembelajaran dan Teknis Penilaiannya!
4.5.1 Siswa mampu mereplikasi teks memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tentang
hubungan sebab dan akibat berdasarkan fungsi sosial.
4.5.2 Siswa mampu menerapkan teks memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tentang
hubungan sebab dan akibat berdasarkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan.
4.5.3 Siswa mampu menyusun teks memberi dan meminta informasi terkaithubungan
sebab dan akibat sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaannya.
KD Indikator Materi Kegiatan Teknik
Pencapain Pembelajaran Pembelajaran Penilaian

4.5 Menyusun 4.5.1 Siswa Teks memberi dan - Mengidentifikasi - Mengidentifikasi

teks interaksi mampu meminta informasi dan menyebutkan paragraf sebab

transaksional lisan mereplikasi teks terkait tentang situasi yang akibat di BAB VII

dan tulis yang memberi dan hubungan sebab memunculkan LKS Bahasa

melibatkan meminta dan akibat pernyataan sebab Inggris

tindakan memberi informasi terkait berdasarkan fungsi akibat dan - Mengerjakan

dan meminta tentang hubungan sosial. menyebutkan pilihan ganda di

informasi terkait sebab dan akibat pernyataan yang BAB VII LKS
hubungan sebab berdasarkan dimaksud Bahasa Inggris
akibat, dengan fungsi sosial. - Bertanya dan - Membuat 2
memperhatikan mempertanyakan contoh Paragraf
fungsi sosial, Teks memberi dan tentang hal-hal sebab akibat
4.5.2 Siswa
struktur teks, dan meminta informasi yang tidak Remedial :
unsur kebahasaan terkait tentang diketahui atau
menerapkan teks Mengidentifikasi
yang benar dan hubungan sebab berbeda
memberi dan unsur kebahasaan
sesuai konteks.
meminta dan akibat - Diberikan
yang terdapat
berdasarkan beberapa situasi
informasi terkait dalam menyatakan
struktur teks dan peserta didik
tentang hubungan hubungan sebab
unsur kebahasaan. menulis teks
sebab dan akibat akibat
pendek yang
struktur teks dan
pernuataan sebab
unsur kebahasaan.
akibat dan
dibacakan ke
4.5.3 Siswa Teks memberi dan
mampu meminta informasi
- Melakukan
menyusun teks terkait hubungan
refleksi tentang
memberi dan sebab dan akibat
proses dan hasil
meminta sesuai dengan
informasi terkait fungsi sosial,
hubungan sebab struktur teks dan
dan akibat sesuai unsur
dengan fungsi kebahasaannya.
sosial, struktur
teks dan unsur

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