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Activity 2

Rowena C. Mayuga
1. Examine a philosophy of a particular curriculum. Analyze what curriculum conception it is
leaning to. Write your analysis.

 Curriculum Conception can be used to look at a curriculum through various viewpoints. It's simply a
way to see how a curriculum is defined. When you're looking at a curriculum is it focusing on social
and culture needs, the individuals needs or subject matter, Curriculum Conception aims or goals
relate to educational aims and philosophy. They are programmatic and normally do not delineate the
specific courses or specific items of content. The core of the curriculum is essential knowledge and
skills and academic rigor. Although this educational philosophy is similar in some ways to
Perennialism, Essentialists accept the idea that this core curriculum may change. Schooling should
be practical, preparing students to become valuable members of society.

2. Obtain a copy of the following elements of the curriculum intent of a specific school. Analyze the
relationship among these elements. (Aims, goals, objectives).

 In curriculum planning aims, goals, and objectives are tools used in curriculum development because
they provide a hierarchical system (an organizational structure in which items are ranked in a
specific manner, usually according to levels of importance) for all grade levels/grade level or units,
and finally objectives for individual lesson

3. Provide examples of curriculum content and learning experiences. Examine their relationship
(Content vs. learning experiences).

 Example of curriculum content and learning experience are that many curriculums might be built on
inquiry-based learning or Discovery based learning. Some curriculum might be based on lecture or
rote memorization. Some curriculum might be built upon problem solving. There must be assessment
to make sure that the learning experiences are valuable and to make sure that the learning experience
have an impact on student learning experience. Furthermore, it is crucial to make sure that the
learning experience is differentiated at personalized such that all students can access the constant in
an equitable manner.

The relationship between curriculum content and learning experiences is one of mutual dependence.
Curriculum content informs the selection of appropriate learning experience that will help students
understand and master the material. At the same time, learning experience are designed to engage
students with the content and make it more accessible and meaningful to them. In an effective
curriculum, the content and learning experiences should work together to support student learning
and achievement.

4. Analyze examples of curriculum evaluation tools. Examine how the evaluation instruments
measure the success of the curriculum using this question: a. What curriculum competencies
and performance standards are evaluated? b. What forms of evaluation tools are used? c. How
often does the school evaluate the curriculum?
d. How does the school evaluate the hidden curriculum? e. What decision and actions are made after
getting the results of the curriculum evaluation?

 Formative Evaluation and Summative Assessment

a. What curriculum competencies and performance standards are evaluated?

Formative evaluation evaluates the curriculum as it is used and how well a curriculum
works summative assessment measure curricular success by reviewing the outcomes
against benchmark standards.
b. What forms of evaluation tools are used?
Formative evaluation-student reflection papers after lesson, midterm course evaluation or
reviewing summaries that the students write on instructional units.

c. How often does the school evaluate the curriculum?

It is evaluated as needed or whenever there is a need for a change of curriculum if it

does not fit to the student’s learning, the classroom and school environment or to revised
courses and teaching to enhance student’s learning.

d. How does the school evaluate the hidden curriculum?

The hidden curriculum was evaluated using the Illuminative Evaluation Model.
The instructional system and learning milieu were examined through documents analysis
of school documents, observations of classroom instruction, and interviews among teachers,
school personnel, and administration.

e. What decision and actions are made after getting the results of the curriculum evaluation?

Curriculum evaluation serves two important functions: first, it provides a means of obtaining
information that can be used to improve a course, and secondly, it provides a basis for decisions
about curriculum adoption and effective use.

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