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1. Write down your empowering and disempowering habits in your – personal life,
career, and relationship!

 Be irregular
 Thinking too much
 Too much should and no must
 Career don´t know where I am going and do things driven by fear
 Trying to do to much and do nothing
 Eat to avoid anxiety
 skip tasks
 avoid difficult tasks

2. What’s the habit you’re committed to changing?

Not following a plan, no preparation improvisation the whole time.


3. How has this habit held you back from making progress in the areas that are most
important to you in the past?

Procrastination and its costs, the live I could have lived

More achievement in life

Lack of self-esteem

4. Why are you committed to shifting this habit and creating a new one during this
challenge and beyond?

Because I want it with all my heart, I am frustrated enough

5. By making this change in your habit, how will your life be improved not only today
but in the long term?

Achieving things, and do the things that fill in my heart.

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