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Teacher-made Learner’s Home Task



I. COMPETENCY: Align one’s PECs with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur

Code: TLE_PECS7-12-00- 1

II. Objective/s: It is expected that at the end of the lesson:

Knowledge: The learner recognizes the different entrepreneurial skills needed in
food and beverage services.
Skills: The learner explains the different entrepreneurial skills.
Values/Attitude: The learner respects the entrepreneurial skills of others.

III. Subject Matter: Assessment of Personal Competencies and Skills (PECs) vis-à-vis
PECs of a practicing entrepreneur/ employee
IV. References: dictionary)
V. Procedure:
A. Readings (Answer the pre-test)
B. Exercises for skill subjects / Analysis questions using HOTS for content
1. What is self-awareness?
2. How can one manage himself well?
3. Do you believe that there is money in business? Support your answer?

Exercise 1
Read the info sheet

C. Assessment/Application
Please answer the post-test.

Prepared by: LORNA L. NELLAS


Address: IPHO Bldg., Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City

Telephone Nos.: (032) 520-3216 – 520-3217; SDS Office: (032) 255-
6405; ASDS Apao: (032) 236-4628
Name:_________________________________Date:_________ Score:_______



Answer this pre-test before reading the info sheet.

Read and answer each item. Write your answer on the space provided.

________________1.It plays a vital aspect in modern economics as it facilitates not only

innovation but job creation and national prosperity as well.
________________2. It is the act of creating a business or businesses while building
and scaling it to generate a profit.
________________3. It is a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or
thing and serving to identify it; typical of a person, thing, or group : showing the special
qualities or traits of a person, thing, or group.
________________4. It is a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one
belonging to a person; a genetically determined characteristic.
________________5. It is the way in which a person or group lives.
________________6. It means that you understand how you feel and can accurately
assess your own emotional state.
________________7. It involves using what you know about your emotions to both
manage these emotions and motivate yourself. the ability to remain composed
whatever state your emotions are in.

________________8. It is the ability to accurately perceive others (their traits,

intentions and motives.
________________9. It involves the ability to change others’ views or behavior in
desired directions.
________________10. It is the ability to express one’s emotions and feelings
clearly in order to generate enthusiasm in others.

________________11. It refers to how a person feels about his ability.

________________12. It involves techniques for inducing positive reactions in


________________13. It is the ability to adapt and feel comfortable in a wide

range of situations.

Test II: For the following questions write your answer at the back?

1.What is self-awareness?
2.How can one manage himself well?
3.Do you believe that there is money in business? Support your answer?


COMPETENCY 1 Code: TLE_PECS7-12-00- 1

This info sheets contain relevant information about personal characteristics needed in
food and beverage services.

Entrepreneurial competency is one of the main aspects of a business program that must
be conveyed to the students considering that these business students will become future
entrepreneurs. Educational institutions share a significant role in building and imparting
this competency. It is in school where future entrepreneurs are expected to acquire the
knowledge they need for their forthcoming endeavors. Most likely, it is through formal
education that students prepare themselves to become successful practicing
entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship plays a vital aspect modern economics as it facilitates
not only innovation but job creation and national prosperity as well.
Entrepreneurship (ˌäntrəprəˈnərˌSHip/) is the activity of setting up a business or
businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. Entrepreneurship is the act of
creating a business or businesses while building and scaling it to generate a profit. The
world of food and beverage services may open business opportunities to students and
anyone who would like to venture in it.
The following terms should be familiarized in order for anyone to know his own personal
entrepreneurial skills.
Characteristics- a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and
serving to identify it; typical of a person, thing, or group : showing the special qualities
or traits of a person, thing, or group
Attributes- ( dictionary) a quality, character, or
characteristic ascribed to someone or something, an object closely associated with
or belonging to a specific person, thing, or office.
Lifestyle – ( Dictionary) the way in which a person or group
Skills - the ability to do something well; expertise; a particular ability.
Traits- a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person; a
genetically determined characteristic.
According to the University of Pennsylvania Law School, personal
competencies include self-awareness, self-management, relationship or social skills,
and confidence.
Self-Awareness-This is your ability to recognize your own emotions and their effects on
your self and other people. Self-awareness means that you understand how you feel
and can accurately assess your own emotional state.
Self-Management/ self-control- Builds on your self-awareness, using your own self-
control to ensure your emotions don't control you regardless of the situation. It involves
using what you know about your emotions to both manage these emotions and motivate
yourself. the ability to remain composed whatever state your emotions are in. People
with this competence:
• Manage their impulsive feelings and distressing emotions well
• Stay composed, positive, and unflappable even in trying moments
• Think clearly and stay focused under pressure

Relationship/social skills
The 5 factors that underlie social competence in entrepreneurship
1. Social perception-Is the ability to accurately perceive others (their traits, intentions
and motives).
Social perception assists the entrepreneur in:
• Determining whether others are being truthful in negotiations
• Choosing the best job applicants
• Determining the cause of a substandard performance
• Correctly gauging current moods and emotions of others
2. Impression management-Involves techniques for inducing positive reactions in
• Entrepreneurs with good impression management skills:
• Use flattery to their advantage
• Appear to like someone even when they don’t
• Agree with others when it’s appropriate
• Enhance their appearance and image
3. Persuasiveness-Involves the ability to change others’ views or behavior in desired
Persuasiveness is important when obtaining; financing, recruiting key employees
interacting with customers and conducting negotiations.
4. Social adaptability- Is the ability to adapt and feel comfortable in a wide range of
situations. Entrepreneurs with good social adaptability can.
• Easily adjust to any social situation
• Be comfortable talking with many types of people
5. Social expressiveness-The ability to express one’s emotions and feelings clearly in
order to generate enthusiasm in others. Social expressiveness is related to success for
entrepreneurs in the high-tech industry.
All five of the factors that underlie social competence are essential for entrepreneurial
success. They each contribute to an entrepreneur’s ability to connect with employees,
customers, prospects and venture capitalists. Social competence is the key to selling a
vision, inspiring greatness and leading a team to success.
Self confidence is a key entrepreneurial skill for success. ... Self-confidence is
concerned with how a person feels about his ability.

The sum of these skills is a good indicator of whether you will be successful as a
manager or as an employee. There are ways to increase your competencies and help
you to create a formula for success in nearly anything you attempt to do.

Identify competencies that you currently have. Write them down and work on
strengthening them. For example, if you have excellent relationship skills, try to build
on that. Be friendly to those you don't know. Do something nice for a stranger. Take
part in volunteer work for the homeless. Find ways to improve upon skills you already

Make a list of the skills you would like to acquire or build upon. For example, if you
want to increase your self-confidence, learn to accept yourself for who you are.
Congratulate yourself on your successes, and help others. Set goals for developing
those skills and stick with them. There will always be room for improving your skills,
but work on adding new ones, too.
Maintain a positive attitude and keep pushing forward. Staying motivated throughout a
task will increase your self-confidence and provide you with greater self-esteem, which
will carry over to all areas of your life.
A successful entrepreneur believes in his abilities. He is not scared to explore un-
chartered territories, take risk and take difficult decisions.
Name:_________________________________Date:_________ Score:_______



Read and answer each item. Write your answer on the space provided.

________________1.It plays a vital aspect modern economics as it facilitates not only

innovation but job creation and national prosperity as well.
________________2.It is the act of creating a business or businesses while building
and scaling it to generate a profit.
________________3. It is a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or
thing and serving to identify it; typical of a person, thing, or group : showing the special
qualities or traits of a person, thing, or group.
________________4. It is a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one
belonging to a person; a genetically determined characteristic.
________________5. It is the way in which a person or group lives.
________________6. It means that you understand how you feel and can accurately
assess your own emotional state.
________________7. It involves using what you know about your emotions to both
manage these emotions and motivate yourself. the ability to remain composed
whatever state your emotions are in.

________________8. It is the ability to accurately perceive others (their traits,

intentions and motives.
________________9. It involves the ability to change others’ views or behavior in
desired directions.
________________10. It is the ability to express one’s emotions and feelings
clearly in order to generate enthusiasm in others.

________________11. It refers to how a person feels about his ability.

________________12. It involves techniques for inducing positive reactions in


________________13. It is the ability to adapt and feel comfortable in a wide

range of situations.

Test II: For the following questions write your answer at the back?

1.What is self-awareness?
2.How can one manage himself well?
3.Do you believe that there is money in business? Support your answer?


Answer this pre-test before reading the info sheet.

Read and answer each item. Write your answer on the space provided.

Entrepreneurship 1. It plays a vital aspect modern economics as it facilitates not

only innovation but job creation and national prosperity as well.

Entrepreneurship 2. It is the act of creating a business or businesses while

building and scaling it to generate a profit.

Characteristics 3. It is a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place,

or thing and serving to identify it; typical of a person, thing, or group : showing the
special qualities or traits of a person, thing, or group.

Traits 4. It is a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a

person; a genetically determined characteristic.

Lifestyle 5.It is the way in which a person or group lives.

Self-awareness 6. It means that you understand how you feel and can accurately
assess your own emotional state.

Self-Management 7. It involves using what you know about your emotions to both
manage these emotions and motivate yourself. the ability to remain composed
whatever state your emotions are in.

Social perception 8. It is the ability to accurately perceive others (their traits,

intentions and motives).

Persuasiveness 9. It involves the ability to change others’ views or behavior in

desired directions.

Social expressiveness 10. It is the ability to express one’s emotions and feelings
clearly in order to generate enthusiasm in others.

Self-confidence 11. It refers to how a person feels about his ability.

Impression management 12. It involves techniques for inducing positive reactions

in others.

Social adaptability13. It is the ability to adapt and feel comfortable in a wide range
of situations.

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