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SEGh eae = 8 3 ie is ° 5 How livestreaming ‘timesoreupcom CChennal: Setting up the study table with books ad Stationers” and. playing @ ‘ud lth-me vlog" on ou tuts i how Sr Charan, 1, | has been preparing for bis School exams since Septem der" ary felt Ike std Ingwhileat home duringthe lockdown. These vlogs keep ime motivated to study for Jong hours," says the Class XIlstudent om Ava He ist the only lonely student out there who has ‘managed tofind a study’ bu Ay online. World over, study. with-me vlogs ~ realtime live streams of people study ing forlong hours -aremoti vating students to focus dur ang tet stay time a8 well ‘@breningthiemanotony of Galineclases Charan san arden lower the YouTe cha tay ier which nas Tvestened and recorded stodywith me vlogs Pom {np to twelve hours. “I now enjoy tate These ‘logs nlsobelpsdme in prover rashes ‘Shooting long videos of hore stinghas beens exciting experience for Shweta Mehatan. From mimstes toa Tohoar stag Session, Nahin hasbeen documenting her sy row {ine fo her sbscrbere on Souribe ‘The 25yearolé_ micro biology ‘research stident from Nashik who now ta va ea LUVE DEMO: Researcher Shwe- ‘taMahajan tas ben steaming her study sessions iesin The Netherlands, aims toshoweasethelifeof aPh.D. student."These vlogs turned out to be a blessing during Covidas. Mostlibrarieswere closed and studying alone in ‘my room was boring,” she ‘says, adding that these viogs siveherafeelingof studying ‘with virtual groups of friends while sitting i the ‘comfort of herrroom. ‘Samraddhi Shree Avas thi, a Kanpur-based student ‘and YouTuber,saysshe start fed making these videos to provide her subseribers the motivation to study: Awasthi ‘wasalso involved ina project by Unicel in April 2020, where she produced a study: vlog with tips for students in comprehending online classes during the Co: vid‘8 lockdown. "The vi: 20's motive was to promote theparticipationof students in online classes,” says the 1Byearold, who sometimes films her study vlogs at dam ase quieter then, “No ds- factions from loud neigh+ boursor amily members! “We have become a close- is helping students fons Yo communi. we tech thr neve ‘woviesupprt for ander Yeachivement This Sena rine “Cort Says yearalf ngonerng sti a a “our Dinka cha hhattom eth 2Mtogs can transom boring ay sessions no very enjyaie an, ae Pendent eaverinen” te Chennai bso pyeholnst Mini foo, rey can eliminate he drudgery ot saying fhome ana the fois boing stuk in arom. Hoe fver, while they ma) Stanly rewardinor ahi Iymotivated ei, the not be as effective or One who islaidback.” ‘Scanned with CamSeanner

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