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Name: Marquez, Reu Emmanuel S.

Year & Section: BSECESEP – 1B

Teacher: Mrs. Ruby Mae B. Torres Date: Dec. 12, 2020


1. Adaptation the action or process of adapting or being adapted.

2. Microcosm community or other unity that is an epitome of a larger unity.

3. Converge to come together and unite in a common interest

4. Intercultural ____ is the interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds.

5. Ethnocentricity refers to a belief that your culture or ethnic group is superior to another's.

6. Devaluing reduce the worth or importance.

7. Primitive style that offers an extremely basic level of comfort, convenience, or efficiency.

8. Refrain keep oneself from doing something.

9. Impede to interfere with the progress of something.

10. Ethnicities a particular ethnic affiliation or group.

Being a culturally responsive individual requires cultural competence. It is having an awareness
of one's own cultural identity and views about the difference. But First of what is Culture?
Culture is the beliefs, behaviors, and other characteristics that are shared by a group of people.
Adaptation of people is essential, but people have increasingly come to rely upon cultural
The emergence of Globalization and Migration makes a workplace often a microcosm of a global
community where people from different ethnicities and cultural backgrounds converge where
Intercultural Communication takes place. Intercultural communication is the verbal and
nonverbal interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds. It is very challenging
and difficult to communicate since we use verbal and non-verbal symbols that vary depending on
cultural differences. We are not sure about the outcome. We are not able to predict that it can
be disrespecting to a person with a different culture because we base our understanding only on
verbal and nonverbal symbols available, known to us, and what we have learned. To achieve
good communication within and across the culture. We need to break the barrier that hinders us
from communicating. We need to get rid of ethnocentricity, when an individual devaluing
another culture. Ethnocentric Individual feels they are superior to other cultures. To be open-
minded at all times by getting rid of prejudices and stereotypes. Avoid assuming that all groups
behave the same way they do. We need to get rid of our anxiety. Lastly, we need to respect one
another, no matter how primitive or strange the culture and beliefs of others. Also, we need to
be multiculturally aware individuals for us to have greater understanding, sensitivity, and
appreciation of the history, values, experiences, and lifestyles of other groups. By becoming
More Multiculturally Aware, we gain greater awareness of others, Able to challenge stereotypes
and prejudices, and Promote healing and harmony between groups. But how can we effectively
communicate Interculturally, how can we improve? Why promoting multiculturalism is essential?
To effectively communicate Interculturally. First, we need to refrain from formulating
expectations based solely on our culture, it is when We interact and communicate with other
cultures. We need to refrain from isolating ourselves within our own culture and, to accept and
acknowledge the differences that the others presented to us. We need to recognize how faulty
education can impede understanding. We need to work on removing any personal biases and
prejudices that we have developed by determining our feelings about different cultures. Lastly,
commit to developing Intercultural Communication Skills for Life in a Multicultural World for us
to increase our cultural awareness and improve the effectiveness of the interactions. But Why do
We need to enhance our Intercultural Communication? Intercultural Communication will become
essential in the future. You'll encounter situations wherein you'll interact with people with
different beliefs and cultures. Multiculturalism is fundamental because it encourages dialogue,
often between radically different cultures that have different perspectives. It is important
because it softens the indifference of tolerance and embraces it with acceptance. By promoting
Multiculturalism, it allows everyone to better educate themselves about the world they live in. It
opens up the dialogue where people feel equal and respected where the outcome is enormously

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