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1. Tulis jawaban pada ruang yang disediakan pada lembar ujian ini.

2. Tulis no urut presensi

Nama : Yuandina Nikita Dewianto

NIM : 40011420650060

No Urut : 060

Baca teks dibawah ini dengan seksama dan jawab semua pertanyaan dalam bahasa
Indonesia dalam enam kata saja. Jawaban lebih dari enam kata tidak dinilai.

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is located in Agra, in the north of India. Many people think is the most
beautiful building in the world. It is situated in formal gardens just outside the city, so it is in
a very quiet place. Nearby there is a river. The Taj Mahal was built between 1631 and 1654
by Shah Jehan. It was a tomb for his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1631. It is built in an
Islamic style. It symbolizes Shah Jehan’s love for his wife. In the centre of the building is the
tomb, which is made of white marble. The rest of the building is made of sandstone. Around
the tomb there are four tall minarets.


1. Where is the Taj Mahal located?

Taj Mahal terletak di Agra, India.

2. Why did Syah Jehan build it?

Simbol cinta Syah Jehan kepada istrinya.

3. What is it made of?

Taj Mahal terbuat dari batu pasir.

4. What do you find around the tomb?

Disekitar kuburan terdapat menara yang tinggi.

5. What do some people think about Taj Mahal?

Taj Mahal merupakan bangunan tercantik didunia.

B. Hubungkan pasangan-pasangan kalimat berikut ini dengan kata sambung and, but,
so, because.

1. It always rains heavily. We need to take un umbrella when we go out.

It always rains heavily, so we need to take un umbrella when we go out.

2. Deserts do not have much vegetation. The climate is so dry there.

Deserts do not have much vegetation, because he climate is so dry there.

3. Deserts are usually covered by sand and stones. There are very few plants in such places.

Deserts are usually covered by sand and stones, so there are very few plants in such places.

4. Sue does not have much money. She is very generous.

Sue does not have much money, but she is very generous.

5. John looks unhappy. His job is very stressful.

John looks unhappy, because his job is very stressful.

C. Susunlah kata-kata acak pada setiap nomor supaya kata-kata tersebut menjadi
kalimat yang baik dan benar.

1. to live- people- in poverty- don’t- want- in general

People in general don’t want to live in poverty.

2. waiting- should not- other people- keep- we- for- us

We should not keep waiting other people for us.

3. the air quality- usually- monitor- they- from the building

They usually monitor the air quality from the building.

4. discharges- always- pollutants- the factory- to the area

The factory always discharges pollutants to the area.

5. the narrow road- every day- must- along- drive- on car- we

We must drive on car along the narrow road every day

D. Bubuhkan apostrophe pada kata-kata yang memerlukannya dan berikan maknanya.

Contoh: Shes very smart  she’s = she is

The boys house is very big  the boy’s house = the house of the boy

1. Hurricanesre formed in the warm months at sea.

Hurricanes’re formed in the warm months at sea. = hurricanes are

2. The keys of the hall are kept in the teachers room.

The keys of the hall are kept in the teacher’s room. = room of teacher

3. My parents are very happy because todays my graduating day.

My parents are very happy because today’s my graduating day. = today is

4. Theres a good play ground in the park for our children to play.

There’s a good play ground in the park for our children to play. = there is

5. Many of the girls outfits were very nice in the last night’s party.

Many of the girl’s outfits were very nice in the last night’s party. = outfits of the girl

E. Lengkapilah ruang-ruang yang kosong dengan kata atau frasa berikut: in the centre,
around, theres, on the left, has, is made of, on the right, there are, was built, is located.
Tulis jawabannya saja.

The house is located in the suburbs, not far from the city centre. It was built in 2006 and is
made of stone and concrete, The style is modern and very simple. It has a flat roff and three
floors. The garden is quiet large and well designed. On the left of the house is a garage and
on the right there is a terrace with plants. There are several palm trees around the house and
in the centre of the garden is a small pond. The house has four bedrooms and three
bathrooms. There are high walls around the garden and theres a steel gate at the front.
F. Tandailah jawaban yang salah yang ada dalam karangan dengan warna merah.

1. Susan wants some ( information/ informations) to fill out the registrations form.

2. (Marbles/marble) is good material for buildings.

3. A (cup/cups) of coffee will wake me up tonight.

4. John needs some (equipment/ equipments) to fix the washing machine.

5. A lot of (children/childrens) are playing in the school yard.

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