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Ramirez Latorre 1

Anthony Ramirez

Instructor N. Oliver

ENG 110-03

25 April 2020

Choosing your daughter name.

You will make one of the biggest mistakes that first-time parents usually make if you are

thinking of naming your daughter Aita Salome. First of all, I am very happy to know that you are

going to have your first child but when you told me the name that you chose for your baby, I

objected for three simple reasons; it is not a common name in the country, our parents are

conservationists and attached to family customs, and the meaning of Aita is not appropriate for a


First, Aita Salome is not a common name in the country, so people will not know to

pronounce the name correctly and that would make your daughter feel bad. In addition, Aita is a

foreign name and when she goes to school, her classmates could make fun of her by name. If you

would like to name your daughter based on typical names of our country, you could name your

daughter Isabella or Sofia which are known names and are appropriate for a baby.

Secondly, our parents are very conservationist people who always have as their main

objective, to fulfill the customs that the family has passed from generation to generation and the

most important custom is that a child must have the same name as the ancestors of our family. If

our parents find out that you are going to name your daughter Aita Salome, they will be upset

with you because no one in our family has that name. So, you should choose a name from

someone in our family like Mary, Jane or Susan.

Thirdly, our parents taught us that before choosing a name for our children, we must

consider the meaning of the name because the name will influence in their life and it will

influence their character and personality. Aita is a name that derives from Aitana. Aitana means

"fortress" and is a name that gives strength to the woman who has this name. Although, Aitana

has a good meaning, it is not an appropriate name for a girl because the name will give her

characteristics of antisocial which will hurt her when she wants to make new friends. So, you

should look for a name that has a meaning that positively influence your daughter. For example,

Sofia means "wisdom" and is a name that gives intelligence to the woman who has it, or Lucia

that means "the one who carries the light" and is a name that gives the characteristics of the

humility and happiness.

To conclude, I have put forward the reasons why calling your daughter Aita is a bad idea.

However, the decision is only for parents and no one should try to influence this very important

decision. In addition, parents always want the best for their children and the name that they

decide will be chosen with love. You just must trust that you are making the best decision and

God will bless you.


I. No common name.

 Aitana is a foreign name.

People could not know how pronounce it.

 Look for traditional names.

Isabella and Sofia are popular names.

II. Costumes and traditions.

 Name your children after our ancestors.

If your mom was named Mary, you should name your daughter Mary.

III. Meaning of the name.

 Names can give different characteristics to the baby.

Aita means “fortress” and it will be your daughter antisocial.

 Look for a name with good characteristics.

Sofia means “wisdom” and Lucia means "the one who carries the light."

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