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Dear Mr. david.

1. a)you can start reading all the material available on the net. about time and
price relation.
b) you have to study the cylces in nature
c)understand that cycles and philosophy are esoteric.
d)but once understood they can be worked with mathematical precision.
e)you have to read about ancient geomety.
f)physics you have to read especially related to atomic functions
g) and so many other subjects

2) gann studies can be applied to any freely traded markets

any how all the clues are given in the gann material itself available on the net

it is obvious that he has used sayan sasthra i mean method of setting direction.
which can be verified by seeing teh sarvatho badra chakra
which is depicted by directions and symbols just like ganns square of nine.
with spiralling of numbers.

clue is time and price are calculated in the same way

work hard be holy and pure the fire will come.

but one thing is sure he has given all the clues in his writing itself
important things are range of prices, time rate of vibration and angles
provided you know how to deal with y axis. which can be done if you work on it.
wish you the success in your trading

truth of gann-1

Jun 30, 2005
i agree with you on some points and i disagree with you on some

i agree that you have understood the principles of gann to a great

i faced the same situation when i try to reveal what gann is not or
what is understood by general gann enthusiast.

when i told that the real secret is he has used sarvatho badra chakra
india which is directly refelct square of nine with symbols and
spiralling of numbers and angles which came from sayan sasthra
(mehtod of lying direction) sayana means lying in a direction. i was
told that i came from mysitc religion of iskcon(as my name is
krishna). at this juncture i would like to clarify that vedic
sastras are not religion which is presenlty recognised as hindu.
any how hindu is a misnomer. iskcon only promotes only devotional
of vedic religion. but i believe that there are other ways to reach
the relative existence. any how bigots are like retina the more you
throw light the more
they will contract. they are like frogs in a well thinking that it is
the biggest. vedic religion is based on free will not deterministic
thinking. as god sits somewhere and decides our fate enjoy what we
are doing.
why the seers who knows the secrets dont reveal is that all people
are not
matured enough to understand. even if they are told they try to
misinterpret and spoil the whole spirit of the subject and another
thing if they understand it
they utilise for manupulate it to their advantage. when when they are
seers mouth opens at the same time students ears will open.

as you said it is better to concentrate on our trading than try to

teach those
people who are not yet ready.

sages only tell not directly in a coded manner it has to be

understood after
long understanding of nature and cycles and spirituality.

any how for those who would like to understand gann earnestly and who
are ready to receive the nature secrets i am giving the follwing
1. all the techniques he has mentioned seperately like swing points,
division of range, and the point that time and price are calculated
in the same way
and the point that the clues are given from the prices itself (this
statement negates the understanding that gann used mainly astrology)
and his statment that each stock is like atom and vibration is
all these has to be combined as one single indicator. this is
can any body tell me the dictionery defition of vibration instantly.
but still
we would like to know the secrets without work.

2. he said the all swing are cyclical.( any body try understand what
is a swing). anybody try to understand what is an atom and how it
take the clue from the half life in physics.

3. he talked about volume also.


work hard be holy and pure and the fire will come.
ariese, awake and stop not till your goal is reached.


truth of gann-2

Jun 30, 2005
first of all we shall discuss about what gann did
gann did the following.

1.he used to project the price along with the precise date by which a
particular share reaches the target irrespective of whatever the
price in
2. he used to give projected curve for one year in advance
3. he used to tell what price it will not touch which is very nearer
to the prevailing rate. for example if preavaling rate is 63.5 he
will say it will not touch

let us go to the other clues provide by gann

1.all swings are cyclical.(this statement is very important for

2. volume, trend or pitch, time and price and vibration are used in
calculation. he said vibration is fundamental (this reference of
vibration has not come after his article in ticker and ivestment
3. he has used the angles from 1/8 to 8/8 to dermine the trend
4. referred about equinoxes and solistics and told that small
difference in time will exist in dates

5. he has told that the secret is in the tunnel thru air(indeed it is

there --- . (but i dint find the reason why the robert gordon was
so obsessed with one god rather than cardinal rule of doing good to
others as we are done by)

if there are any mistake please correct me and suggest me.

but one thing is quite evident even to a child that sarvatho badra
chakra is the main caluculation he has used. that mystic chakra from
india which is used for prediction even today by astrologer in india.
india is a land of mysticism more than money earning knowledge is
given importance and used for society at large. the secrets are known
to few individuals.

but he has not given much credit where it is due.

in the same way the people talk about fibonicci named after
fibonicci who is just 500 years old which are used and always
remembered in homes of many
in india from ancient times which are called shree durga numbers(the
numbers of mother goddes energy) shree durga number not only contains
so called fibonicci number and also other numer if you care to know.
all temples in india are constructed based on these calculations
giving harmony to who ever goes there.

we are forgetting roots of these knowledge and lost

we are going to for begging when very great meal is served before us.

how did gann predict the price before a specific date

Sep 1, 2007
how did gann predict the price before a specific date.

any one hearing. what goes into his methodoly. the important point
that has gone into his mehtodoloy are the following:
the angular pitch;
the startint point of second bottom or third bottom,
the volume support at a particular place;
the longer wave in time and price when compared to other waves;
balancing of time and price;
projecting the price by simple multiplcation(guess what is the
do todo calculations or use of musical octave principles;

to round up the story he has used the principles of atomic working;

especially in this methodology he has used the half life principle.

he has used basically the indian system of sayanmika sastra for

other things next thing i will give clue of how the bottom and tops
occur in future from a particular gravitation centre.

thank you all for giving an opportunity of sharing my views on gann.

which i believe it to be true.

this i found after a lot of study and strugles for years and years.

"work hard be holy and pure and the fire will come" vivekananda

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 16, 2007
as promised in my earlier post on how gann did prject
specific minimum price before a specific date in
future. i am now giving clues on how did price takes
support from a particular gravitation centre. creation
occurs at nabhistan or naval point. this is best
demonstrated in the form of lord vishnu one of the
trinity of hindus. lord vishnu lying in divine
sleep(yoga nidra) and from his novel sprouts a flower
in the another lord brahma sits on the flowers. navel
or belly button is at a particular ratio to the whole
body. different combination of electrons decides the
matter. brahma the lord of creation is electron, lord
vishnu the proton. electron is linked to proton and
number of electrons are in relationn to proton. brahma
is the lord of creation. comming back to the point how
to identiy a support point we need to take a pivot
point based on some rules and connect with highest
high. from there its all time and price at play.
remember gann said when time meets price reversal is
work with strictly calender days as atom dont stop
working because of holidays.there is a rythem and
dance of the time and price. in hindu philosophy there
are many base elements apart from elements on earth.
time is simply an element. and so it follows certain
rules. lord shiva is the neutron the destructor.
around lord shiva or neutron the energy moves. this
energy is the consort of lord shiva who dance around
shiva. she does three things while dancing she moves
around herself and moves around lord shiva and taps
her foot. from here the whole expansion and contration

next time i will give a clue as to how to identify

time values means time is associated with price. from
there it is all even and odd squares at play.

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 17, 2007
"This power is known and understood by the adepts of
India." this quote is from tunnel thru air of wd gann
on page 264. gann reference are hidden to be

gann theories all mathematical. who is the greatest

mathematician other than the indian mathematician dr.
ramanujan the world knows at that time. gann might
have learnt from this greatest mathematician on how
universe moves with particular number or ratio
sequence and how it double and trible. DR. ramanujan
says universeve moves by 10/8 can we call it further
5/4. now call call it 1.25 ok now go to page number
125 robert was in the union station time at one o
clock. robert was searching for marie. but no marie
was found. there is a gramatical mistake here. is he
searching for all the maries in the world. any how
marie is a five letter world. is he searching for
five. go to page number 25 there is world called
harmony. now go to page number 400 there is a word
called circled four in gann studies taken as four
square is circled whne you circle the square can you
fine the 5/4 or 10/8 .

To round up the story dr. ramanujan was a indian clerk

from tamilnadu, a brahmin boy who written some
thoeries on prime numbers and shot to famous asked
work with other scientists in the west. when asked how
is getting this maths he answered he is getting from
goddess. he has given many astounding theories in
mathematics. his contributions is tremoundous. now a
novel is in the market called the indian clerk
about the this greatest mathematician dr. ramanujan

searching for a vanishing point in the deserts of egypt-ready with a shovel and

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 18, 2007
are you ready with a shovel and towel. let us stright
go into deserts of egypt. are we seeing three
pyramids. why cannot we draw a circling touching all
three pyramids from a corner. the circle will run into
cairo. ok now draw cirlce havign the touch point from
the other corners of the pyramid. the two circle some
where meet right. where they meet i suppose they meet
at the wall of the last pyramid. that wall some how
different with a different angle. and the place where
the two cirlce meets is at the wall. just at that
place there is an extra lump of sand. i think when
egypt wants to hide something they bury below the
wall. where the circle meets let us call it as
vanishing point. there must be something below the
wall. as the boat was found at the first pyramid
vanishing point. i suppose there must be bigger prize
waiting for right below the wall where two circle
meets that is vanishing point. are we readey with a
shovel and towel to dig for a pot of gold.

ok let us start digging for a secret right in the

middle of markets for gold at an eclipse or a
vanishing point.

shall we go ahead. and are you ready.

searching for a vanishing point in the deserts of egypt-ready with a shovel and

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 18, 2007
dear jmh10,

have you tried to take a pen and paper draw three

pyramids and connect the three sides as i told to know
the properties of the diagram.

take pains to do that.

certain things dont change with age. as we all dont

change with certain things.

gann belongs to this age and time. he dont belongs to

ancient time.

i think you got the meaning.

bingo there is a hinge,in gann clock only one hand moves

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 20, 2007
every body talks of extremes, market moves in
extremes, dog and leash and and other platitudes.
but no body defines, what is an extreme. even gann is
at it. if we have to define an extreme there must be
reference by which we can measure an extreme. yes true
market moves in extremes. provided we know the
starting point. what is this starting of gann eludding
us. the startng point is the difference between two
events in time. that is a stopped hand in the gann
clock. i am sure goerge bayer and gann both are at
it. what about moving hand. go to page no 131 there is
reference of time at 1.30.
and gann said the more the fall the more the reaction.
i am inveigled by this kind of statements from the
master. and the answered unfolded once the hinge is
known. yes rest assured there is a hinge to start

as regards joes worry about money management. it is

common thing to worry about money management. it is
seperate science. and as far as money management with
gann techniques is concerned it is entirely different.
as gann is weird and so his methods of prediction and
so his money management. his allocation to portfolio
is as peculiar as his methods.

how does the time meets price to get a resistance

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 21, 2007
the gann famous quote of when time meets price
reversal is imminent. how a does two different things
meets unless both are related and speak the same
language. in this case let us convert price into
indian currency. see in the attached file you will see
a chart called gujarat industrial power. this is the
clear demonstration how time meets price at exactly 58
days rs. 18 giving us a rythem. every time 58 days
meet rs. 18 move up it is resisting. i think this will
do how stocks moves into rythem.

and now about wavelength-stocks and atoms

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 24, 2007
gann said he can know the wavelenght of each stock.
what wavel lenght he is talking of. ok get let us get
back to hard core business from just a visceral to
simple maths. each stock is like an atom he said.
and so what is the implication for the price of a
stock. each electron can have their intelligence
ofcourse with their wave lenght limits. when it was
experimented in labs with two holes in such a way
electrons are to be shooted into a hole. they were
just going like a school children in a disciplined way
into one hole called A. when A hole was closed.
electrons that are directed at A hole changed their
directin gone into B hole. how come the electons that
are supposed go into A hole came to know that A hole
is closed. and gone to B hole. why they should they
choose B hole atall. they can go anywhere if they
choose to go. i read the arguments on this.
all elctrons are intelligence and have free will. and
they aare in you and me and in stones and every where.
and we have our own free will and intelligence apart
form electrons that are in us. we can also say they
are higher intelligence having its own free will.
which is called mahath in sanskrit. vedas are not for
personal god i belive. they are about principles
presently i dont believe in any personal god though.

getting back to the story. each stock has got

wavelenth and gann can calculate it.

wavelenth is how long a stock can go without any major

reaction. this major reaction has to understood in
relative way which can be calcualted with time in
mind. mind it, price is dity.

at a particular stage gann said price generated

themselves can give a clue. by the time he gave this
statement he evolved from complex model to simple
model which works in the same way. this is my

going directly to american stock AEP meddle with this

number 106 , 106 days meddle with it. from top to
bottom. it has not passed through 106 days without
major correction in time atleast.

this 106 can be used in many ways though. meddle with

it and play with it. try to understand. i told
correction in time also. that is why gann used to
quantify all corrections in terms of time. to see the
maximum wave length that a stock can go.

now about cause and effect

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 26, 2007
as we already know there must be a cause to have an
effect. what is this cause. cause is particular
condition between two extremes of price and time.
the condition is how price behaves in relation to
time. the cause gives the last precise date and min
price it touches before that date.

some time we need to go far away to see the cause.

once cause is known we can see the effect before a
science says cause may give rise to effect.
this may word is something they used and it seems they
stopped there. as they have not taken the extreme
point rules in to account. once the extreme point is
known any cause between two extreme will have an
effect in future.

going back from 1940 and gann trend lline

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 1, 2007
this is the double title of the book tunnel thru air
by w.d. gann. gann is referring to future date. can
you see gann drawing line fuure point to the back.
this is what it is back from 1940. the sun is depicted
in the hindu mythology as drawing a chariot with
horses controled by leashes in the form of snakes.
these are rays LIGHT rays in the form of snakes.
snakes are not stright. right.

gann target are always with a price before a specific

date. it is like the swimmer diving into the pool and
appearing at the the oher end of the pool. he can
appear before or dont appear until other end of the
pool. gann price targets are like that. they can reach
the target before a specific date into the future.
this is the peculiar future of the time and price
study drawing trend line from future once the cause is

gann subject is weird. it has to be understood from

worldless state of mind. this is what i believe and

i will try to cover as many aspect of gann studies as

possible for me.

markets and godess aged 16 very playfull and dear

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 6, 2007
in hindu and budhist tantrik traditions and vedic
traditins of india triangles are used in all their
ritulals. vedic traditions of hindus support inward
meditation. the person who are outcast from vedic
traditions are allowed to do tantric traditions. again
there are different sects within vamachara (left hand
path) sects. some sects of vamachara do the pratyaksha
puja (outward worship) of energy points in women.

gann said there is triangle square and circle. there

is an inner circle and outer circle and inner square
and outer square. triangle is the base point on which
squares and circle depends. this where the vibration
occurs. in soundarya lahari(soundarya means
beauty,scinetists wondered with inner working of atom
called it as beauty)wrtten by sankaracharya this point
is the centre (bindu) in the form of three dots
connected we will get a triangle. this is the inner
most point in the shree yantra a diagram the most
complicated yantra on earth to draw. it is
experimeneted that if ohm is pronounced before a
macnine that draws for each sound, it has drawn the
most complicated yantra shree yantra.

the centre point or the cot on which goddess the

parvathi and the god of trinity of hindu the lord
shiva enjoys the sexual union. from this union of lord
shiva and shathi(shakthi means energy and also name
of the goddess) expansion and contraction occurs.

without understanding the triangle where we have to

draw we cannot know how to draw squares and
circle,inner and outer. the triangle is the point from
where the vibratoin dance mathematically to double and
it seems that for scientists this is eluding from
where to draw a triangle, what are the three point
that has to be connected. in gann circle it is common
to listen about square and ellipses. i believe and see
the evidence that square and circles cannot be defined
without defining what is a triangle. all are dependent
on triangle.

every thing markets moves with numbers. they have to

adere to the numbers and geometry. there are
graviational cenres constantly moving creates exrtreme
and it is to be noted that price time meet and moves
from each other.price and time got their own cycles.
and they are related to each other in perfect
mathematical way. they dance to the tunes of numbers.

robert secret of seven in the novel and my journy to the seven hills

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 14, 2007

Sitting before the computer screen inundated with plethora of charts on the screen
searching for gann seven multiplied seven years and waiting for action for the
action followed by another seven years of jubilee period I was informed one of the
company team where I invested as a venture capitalist is going to seven
hills(tirupati) for a business, the most pious place for hindus. I asked them to
book for me too. Many times I went there on the bear foot all the way touching all
seven hills to the top of the seventh where the god of hindus (the reincarnatin of
Vishnu or narayana one of the trinity of hindu god resides. Enjoying the serene
beauty surrounded by the hills, I was watching the frozen geometry into these
ancient sculptures of the temples. Amazed by innumerable number of devotess wating
to worship througout ages, it occurred to me it is not frozen geometry. It was
morning 2 o clock in the chilling cold all seven doors opened for us to have the
opportunity of seeing the god. Closed my eyes to have the imprint of god along with
principles he taught. When I turned the opposite I saw a mirror. I have seen the
god in the mirror. I have seen my self too. God and mirror another frozen geometry
gann saying of angular pitch. Seeing and moving where is the third of the triangle
other than god and mirror. I was moving, the distance between me the god and mirror
changing. Time frozen for me at that time from seven years of gann to just events.
There was water flowing beneath my feet. It is said where ever the god narayana or
Vishnu resides water should be there. It is customary t in the pictures to show god
narayana in the water with yogic sleep on the serpent curled three and half
times(half of seven). Afterward I remember the Robert hero was trying make his
bicycle to float on water. This is another way of telling he is trying two
different cycles to work together.

my conversation with ganndude on squares

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 19, 2007
ganndude2004 (10/19/2007 11:58:07 PM): hi Murali
ganndude2004 (10/19/2007 11:58:21 PM): sorry I missed
you....ended up falling asleep last night
ganndude2004 (10/19/2007 11:58:36 PM): hope your
trading day went well...I have to imagine it did

krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:04:16 AM): ok

krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:04:25 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:04:58 AM): how is the market
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:06:33 AM): hey
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:06:38 AM): hi
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:06:42 AM): how is the market
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:06:49 AM): markets are
dropping at a good rate
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:06:53 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:07:06 AM): have you come out
of long positions
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:07:16 AM): 13,639.65
-249.31 (-1.80%)
2,751.95 -47.36 (-1.69%) 1,513.66
-26.42 (-1.72%)
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:07:29 AM): ive been out
and only in bonds since the day of the rate cut
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:07:44 AM): ok
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:07:48 AM): it will be at
least 1 yr before this mess is over
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:08:00 AM): probably closer
to 3
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:08:19 AM): ok
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:08:27 AM): can you trade
your stocks short?
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:08:32 AM): today how much
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:08:34 AM): in down
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:08:38 AM): 13,639.65
-249.31 (-1.80%)
2,751.95 -47.36 (-1.69%) 1,513.66
-26.42 (-1.72%)
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:08:46 AM): 1.8 today so
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:08:48 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:08:52 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:09:12 AM): our 17 th 1;8th
becomming your 19th
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:09:31 AM): yes!'
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:09:34 AM): good point
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:10:20 AM): interesting
that this is the 20th anniversary for our biggest day
crash....and then 20 yrs later , its yours
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:10:31 AM): yes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:10:40 AM): sorry, what I
said wasn't quite true
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:10:52 AM): 20th
anniversary for our biggest one day fall
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:10:58 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:11:05 AM): gann aniversal
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:11:10 AM): anniversary
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:11:12 AM): dates
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:12:12 AM): square is a real
geometridal square iuse
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:12:24 AM): gann used simple
ruler to measure
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:12:35 AM): point in between
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:12:52 AM): you use a
carpenter square
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:12:56 AM): that is great
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:12:56 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:13:44 AM): have you read my
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:13:57 AM): on my journey to
seven hills
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:14:23 AM): there i gave my
all points allmost all
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:14:48 AM): teaching is a
very difficult even to gann
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:15:00 AM): this i understood
from his statement
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:15:11 AM): I read it, and
I mostly remember your statement about you, God, and
the mirror
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:15:15 AM): start from second
or third bottm
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:15:28 AM): your point is
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:15:29 AM): Ok.....go on
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:15:32 AM): that is a
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:15:44 AM): actually it is
rotational goemetry
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:15:45 AM): ah!
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:15:58 AM): second or third
bottom gann said
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:16:13 AM): he might have
frustrated and gave that statennt
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:16:16 AM): how do you know
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:16:21 AM): I see
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:16:44 AM): becase of
pestering of students
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:16:50 AM): to know the whole
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:17:05 AM): he tried may be
but student should be receptive
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:17:12 AM): this is what my
opinion is
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:17:36 AM): in rotational
geometry many variations exist
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:17:39 AM): he cannot teach
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:17:42 AM): I would have to
agree - especially seeing the recent events in our
little group
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:18:05 AM): frustration
levels are high.....and causes people to shut out
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:18:06 AM): student has to
come with underlying philosophy
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:18:19 AM): yes.....I agree
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:18:25 AM): student need to
understand basic
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:18:38 AM): he was selective
no doubt
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:18:46 AM): in fact, its
when I run out of ideas with the numbers that I go
back to these philosophies and his statements
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:18:55 AM): it opens ideas
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:18:57 AM): taht is good
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:19:22 AM): I have a long
way ahead of me yet...but its good that I can share
these experiences with you
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:20:11 AM): ok
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:20:45 AM): right now I am
watching the EURO - I believe it will top for today at
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:20:59 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:21:27 AM): the thing is
basic philosopy
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:21:35 AM): first understand
that we are all one
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:21:41 AM): every thing is
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:21:45 AM): no personal god
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:21:56 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:22:05 AM): this is the basic
philosophy of gann as i understand
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:22:07 AM): I picture a
circle for this
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:22:09 AM): we are one and
nature is one
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:22:11 AM): samethng
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:22:23 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:22:26 AM): from there
vibrations you receive
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:22:48 AM): but we are
indoctrinated from child hood fear of one god
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:22:52 AM): we aer with god
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:23:10 AM): even jesus said
you and me and father are one
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:23:19 AM): people inrterptet
in different way
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:23:51 AM): yes they
do......even though Jesus also said "The Kingdom of
God is within you"
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:24:04 AM): true
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:24:04 AM): funny how
people don't see that relationship
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:24:24 AM): let us come out
of indoctriination of selfish fellows
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:24:33 AM): who wants to
control us with fear
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:24:39 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:24:42 AM): so that they
enjoy monehy as being leaders
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:24:52 AM): or [power
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:24:56 AM): powert
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:25:00 AM): power
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:25:36 AM): or "^" as in
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:25:45 AM): yes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:25:51 AM): but yes, I
understand what your saying
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:27:01 AM): so...we are all
one....that that these are the vibrations I how do you know what to respond to?
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:27:37 AM): I picture price
as the average of these vibrations
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:28:32 AM): im having
difficulty explaining what I am trying to say
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:31:03 AM): so...we are all
one....that that these are the vibrations I
receive.....where does time fit into this?
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:31:53 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:32:07 AM): first after
experience that state of minjd
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:32:18 AM): your mind is with
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:32:27 AM): as there is no
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:32:32 AM): you are part of
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:32:45 AM): no competion
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:33:09 AM): all in you
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:33:14 AM): you understand
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:33:25 AM): you are a moving
centre in every body
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:33:40 AM): then you
sumpathise wiht
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:33:53 AM): you act with all
thier centre once you sympatise
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:34:01 AM): then real
knoledge will come
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:34:11 AM): as you are centre
of every thing
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:34:18 AM): then bliss
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:34:30 AM): as you are every
where and you know every thing
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:34:39 AM): this is called
satchit ananda
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:34:48 AM): existence
knowledge and bliss
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:35:01 AM): you exist and you
are every where
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:35:04 AM): you know
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:35:07 AM): every thngs
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:35:15 AM): and you are bliss
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:35:48 AM): ok...this does
make sense
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:35:51 AM): time is simply
another element
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:36:08 AM): in indian sastras
or scritures
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:36:31 AM): they follow their
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:36:46 AM): means it is like
another element in periodic table of chemistry
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:36:56 AM): it got its own
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:37:08 AM): and again time is
an illusion
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:37:13 AM): what is time
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:37:25 AM): it is difference
between two events
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:37:38 AM): just two events
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:37:57 AM):
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:38:08 AM): we are
indoctrinated wiht sun centre
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:38:13 AM): the light bulb
went on
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:38:24 AM): are we centre in
this big big universe
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:38:34 AM): with sun alone
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:39:07 AM): ?
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:39:16 AM): No...I feel we
are not
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:39:24 AM): so rtake evens
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:39:28 AM): so take events
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:39:48 AM): i like this sweet
called badusha
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:40:02 AM): let us say i ate
it today
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:40:11 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:40:13 AM): when i did in the
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:40:24 AM): this is an
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:40:34 AM): difference
between similar events
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:40:39 AM): and then comes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:40:41 AM): third
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:40:52 AM): when i want to
eat it again
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:41:13 AM): and i want to go
to a place
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:41:17 AM): i planned it
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:41:28 AM): when i did plan
is an event
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:41:36 AM): when i have gone
is an event
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:41:46 AM): when i did book
is an event
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:42:24 AM): actually gann
might have short of words to explain everying
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:42:26 AM):,
everything has a start middle and end
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:42:29 AM): it is ot only
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:42:39 AM): it comdes with
triangle square an cirlce
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:42:49 AM): and their meeting
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:43:04 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:43:14 AM): then comes the
another concpet called balancing
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:43:36 AM): this all about
initial vibration
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:44:28 AM): Initial
Vibration from the start
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:44:47 AM): whole three
evenrts part of initial vibration
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:45:06 AM): then it doble and
tribles in future after going there
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:45:08 AM): we enjoy
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:45:21 AM): within a time
frame or limit
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:45:25 AM): afterwards
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:45:29 AM): after going there
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:45:46 AM): but...this is
where I am confused
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:46:04 AM): time - to
create a limit, would imply that this is bounded
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:46:05 AM): small end in
intiaal vibration
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:46:15 AM): whole experience
repeat at higher lelve
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:46:18 AM): level
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:46:42 AM): this is beging of
another cycle
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:46:49 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:47:01 AM): initial vibration
is only 1.7
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:47:07 AM): 1/7
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:47:34 AM): !!!.....and
final vibration is always 3
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:47:43 AM): ......I read
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:47:44 AM): good point
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:47:46 AM): this is Gann
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:47:55 AM): the
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:47:57 AM): yes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:48:01 AM):
explained it
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:48:03 AM): this three and
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:48:08 AM): I have not been
able to understand that
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:48:11 AM): ok
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:48:14 AM): wow!
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:48:30 AM): and that is why
3 = 7
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:48:40 AM): and why 4 is
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:48:59 AM): and 3+7= 1
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:49:06 AM): yes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:49:15 AM):
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:49:24 AM): my eyes ...I
can see a bit better
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:49:27 AM):
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:49:32 AM): 6 8 10
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:49:34 AM): half them
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:49:40 AM): 3 4 5
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:49:54 AM): this is dr.
ramanuja maths
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:50:20 AM): creation and
everything occurs in this numbers
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:50:50 AM): 1 goes with every
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:51:02 AM): with two we can
half and double anything
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:51:08 AM): so 1 2 3 4 5
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:51:14 AM): natural sequence
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:52:05 AM): this 3 4 5 are
very important
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:52:13 AM): three plus four
are seven
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:53:09 AM): ok
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:53:19 AM): 7 = 1
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:53:26 AM): thiis inital
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:53:38 AM): starting to
understand this concept
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:53:39 AM): doubles withing a
time limit
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:53:51 AM): within
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:54:04 AM): my key board
giving a problem
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:54:07 AM): so mistakes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:54:23 AM): this is a must
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:54:33 AM): provided we start
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:54:39 AM): correctly
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:54:53 AM): Murali.......I
need to step away for a bit
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:54:55 AM): it is not simply
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:54:59 AM): might be about
30 minutes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:55:03 AM): doubling
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:55:10 AM): it is again
mathematical relation
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:55:14 AM): ok
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 12:55:15 AM): keep talking
...I will catch up when I can
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 12:55:23 AM): ok
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:22:04 AM): im back...sorry
about that
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:22:17 AM): just need a
minute to catch up
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:23:08 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:23:28 AM): can i use this
conversation to post it in group
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:23:55 AM): yes you may
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:23:59 AM): with my blessing
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:24:04 AM): ok than ou
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:25:21 AM): ok...I
understand the math relationship and the higher level
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:27:13 AM): where does
balancing fit
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:27:21 AM): ?
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:27:49 AM): life is not ideal
we need ot balance it to make it idea'l
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:28:06 AM): true

my conversation with ganndude on squares part 2

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 20, 2007
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:25:21 AM): ok...I
understand the math relationship and the higher level
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:27:13 AM): where does
balancing fit
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:27:21 AM): ?
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:27:49 AM): life is not ideal
we need ot balance it to make it idea'l
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:28:06 AM): true
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:29:46 AM): so....its always
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:29:59 AM): sometimes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:30:14 AM): rarely it comes
with ideal situation
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:31:00 AM): or our
perception of what is ideal is mearly a catalyst for
something not ordeal later
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:31:03 AM): copoied and sent
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:31:06 AM): k
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:31:17 AM): yes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:31:23 AM): thus the
extremes cause extremes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:31:35 AM): and the middles
are always trying to return to the middle
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:31:37 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:32:14 AM): yes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:32:38 AM):
understood that....I was about to retype iut
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:33:16 AM): true
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:33:27 AM): extremec auwe with
with a mathematrical relation
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:33:51 AM): if an
extreme is a higher power.....say 15 (going up from
3)....where does it have to drop to?
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:34:10 AM): I realize this
is the time element
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:34:16 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:34:23 AM): one thing i want
tell importatn
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:34:31 AM): gann is not about
tunring points
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:34:32 AM): mostly
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:34:50 AM): it is about long
pull identificatioin
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:35:05 AM): that is wher he
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:35:17 AM): as far his trading
is concerned
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:35:17 AM): ok....that makes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:35:27 AM): he was always
talking about longer cycles
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:35:33 AM): prediction is
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:36:01 AM): he come with a tag
while prediction
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:36:20 AM): like it resist
there at exact point
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:36:35 AM): but until there is
a breakout
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:36:45 AM): means he dont the
correction depth
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:37:00 AM): breakout can
happen any time
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:37:07 AM): or it is not
tradeable always
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:37:16 AM): he can use
stoploss there
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:38:11 AM): he was
occassional wrong on time is what you are saying
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:38:18 AM): no
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:38:36 AM): i am talking about
practicality of trading
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:38:43 AM): oh!
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:38:44 AM): he did trade tops
some time
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:38:59 AM): they are just
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:39:06 AM): he can use stop
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:39:16 AM): where he books is
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:39:27 AM): until there si a
break out he can trade
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:39:39 AM): that with stoploss
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:39:54 AM): or wiht actual
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:40:04 AM): so best thing for
him is
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:40:09 AM): trading long pull
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:40:13 AM): predictig and
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:40:24 AM): the fun is he
stopped tradng for 18 year on stocks
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:40:31 AM): do you believe
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:40:37 AM): canot he use minor
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:40:54 AM): he never used
minor cycles?
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:40:55 AM): he dint
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:40:58 AM): wow
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:41:01 AM): no ...had no
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:41:09 AM): he used but
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:41:13 AM): afterward
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:41:19 AM): he is interested
in long pulls
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:41:32 AM): strike on success
ful trade is different
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:41:45 AM): from trading long
pulls is different
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:42:03 AM): he can be great
with success rate
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:42:10 AM): on strike basis
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:42:28 AM): he can do the same
job one single long pulls
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:42:35 AM): than on tops and
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:43:22 AM): in his own
statemnet he dint trade stocks for 18 years
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:43:34 AM): as they have not
given large moves
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:44:15 AM): wow
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:44:26 AM): that is amazing
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:45:40 AM): Market summary
Oct 19 - Close market_chart Dow 13,522.02 -366.94
(-2.64%) Nasdaq 2,725.16 -74.15 (-2.65%) S&P 500
1,500.63 -39.45 (-2.56%)
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:45:48 AM): i am ingterested
in idenfying initial vibration
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:46:18 AM): adn see how it
moves with higher vibratin within a time frame
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:46:23 AM): exact date
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:46:28 AM): and rate where it
will go
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:46:37 AM): before A TIME
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:46:57 AM): that appears to
be my next task as well
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:47:08 AM): so min touch point
of price with max time window
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:47:13 AM): once I injest
everything you have said
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:47:15 AM): exact time window
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:47:45 AM): I may have a
means to assist you with that
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:47:56 AM): dont be wiht tops
and bottms it frustrates you
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:48:00 AM): as far as
masuring goes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:48:04 AM): measuring
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:48:07 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:48:37 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:48:45 AM): how do you assist
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:48:49 AM): basically a works off of the natural root of
numbers but its also adding in the difference in time
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:49:35 AM): I am finding it
promising as I am able to get the vibrations of a
object with repect to the degree of the move fairly
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:49:53 AM): you may need to
adjust for price....3 decimals instead of 4
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:50:07 AM): I found that to
be the case when I switched from trading Gold to
trading Euro
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:50:40 AM): I will email it
once I clean it up....I will add instructions so you
can make your own adjustments
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:51:09 AM): what type of
spreadsheet are you using? Excel? Open Office?
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:51:25 AM): Or I can make it
a shared SS via Google
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:53:53 AM): any preference?
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:54:40 AM): let me understamd
wjat you sadi
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:54:45 AM): any how you can
send me
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:54:57 AM): ut htis metastock
gann is better
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:54:57 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:55:04 AM): it does every
thing simply
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:55:23 AM): Metastock is
best for charting
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:55:24 AM): ti divides time
and price perfectly
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:55:31 AM): except odd numbers
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:55:59 AM): but it is the main
tool i mean fgann grid
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:56:00 AM): i use
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:56:09 AM): nothing else until
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:56:19 AM): you can show me
better way
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:56:33 AM): let me understand
send it
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 1:57:10 AM): np...need
another 2 mins...just adding some text
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 1:57:24 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:00:10 AM): i posted our
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:01:07 AM): Ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:02:11 AM): i misunderstqnd
carpenter squaure
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:02:17 AM): as computer square
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:02:23 AM): i use gann grid
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:02:38 AM): in conversation i
said yes byn mistake
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:03:30 AM): eventhogh it can
be used on paper
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:03:33 AM): no difference
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:06:38 AM): sorry this is
taking a while....I have a few cells that are hard
coded that I am fixing
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:06:56 AM): when I made a
change, the cells remained where they were originally
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:11:11 AM): done....sending
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:11:27 AM):
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:12:02 AM):
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:12:04 AM): got it
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:13:12 AM): sent
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:14:02 AM): yes
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:14:20 AM):
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:14:50 AM): i said yes to your
questin that i use carpenter square in the
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:15:02 AM): but i use gann
grid in metastock
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:15:23 AM): it is a simple
matter though it is a mistake i said yes
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:15:37 AM): no big deal
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:15:38 AM): that was copied
and sent
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:15:56 AM): i doubt anyone
is going to go out and buy a carpenter square
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:16:02 AM): don't worry
about it
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:16:13 AM): ok
krishnapvm (10/20/2007 2:16:24 AM): people read our
ganndude2004 (10/20/2007 2:16:44 AM): you should have

what happend on 16th october at three pm beforre the day of the great fall

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 20, 2007
i was verifying some stock on that day found that some
shares are meetinpr price and the begining point of
square are very sharp falls as gann said history
repeats. i thouth that many shares are going to
witness sharp fall. especially so many front line
stock are meeting time. so i want to caution them on
that on frontline stock if not money will be
controlled by the brokers in the form of marign calls.
irrespecitve of what ever the recovery afterwards
happens. even on close to close until 19th it is
disaster as far margin calls are concerned. this is
practial issue first than thoeries.

in fact on the same day i mean 16th night i gave fresh

calls on other stocks which are meeting my criteria
which are for a long pull soon ,as gann said each
share is different like an atom which have their own
wave length and properties.
as regards my opinion on calling tops and bottom i
explained in the second part of converstation with
gann dude.
and another thing i am not a hero nor a zero i am just
an ahother energy like you in this huge nature.
nature goes on and nature within goes on

trding is like marathon session we need a philsophy

and plan to reach our gaol. we encounter many thing in
our journey but our aim is reach our goal irrespective
of hindrances and mistakes.

what happend on 16th october at three pm beforre the day of the great

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 1, 2007
Dear friends
Nothing will be ending in the market. each wave got
its own effect. it will be seen in the market. it is
like waves. higher vibrartions push them to higher
levels. we can work with few or one vibratins at a
time. as regards my prediction after fall. i gave this
message on 21st

krishnapvm (10/21/2007 10:33:15 PM): technical update

bse index. market fallen sharply but not followed by
continuous fall but gave sharp reversal three times.
at nearly 17300. if we see this level from this past
15 dats this area acted as important support level
seven times. which a very key area according to me
every time bse index touched that level it made a
sharp revdersal. this pattern alos can be said as
three rivers in candlestick analysis
krishnapvm (10/22/2007 12:04:01 AM): with bse it index
and technolog bottomed out and banks atr their
important support levels and market witness a very
strop support levels from various sectors. dont be
panic and wary.

clear support. and you know what happened sharpest and

biggest rise in this hisory after support is tested.
so sharpest and bigegest fall in abolute terms and
biggest rise in absolute terms happened in few days
and taken care of by gann methods.

actaully this board is meant to discuss on theory and

how to predict gann way. just to showy how gann works
just i am giving. the support came at the gann levels.

this is how it works as far as price before a specific


on september ninth (which is holiday)gann system has

predicted hindaloc price to be touched before 26th
november the last trading was on seventh the closing
price is rs.155.95
krishnapvm (9/9/2007 11:17:30 PM): hindalco aiming for
202 before 26th november.

target reached before the specific date predicted i.e.

on 17th october when the major fall in the market

same way gann predicted commodity price as given in

the ticker interew. price before a specific data. the
same gann system predicted now for hindalco.

thanks to time and price and gann system and rules.

today i want to write about how vibration works how

isolate a workable vibratioh on charts and analysis of
first second page and last pages of tunnel thru air.

i am just a human dont expect me to be perfect i do

mistakes. but vibrations dont do mistakes provided all
rules are followed. i am happy with time and price
prediction i use for my personal investments and

programming gann

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 3, 2010
dear friend

gann said every thing vibrates.

time and price are calucated in teh same way. i used to do with some gann
first i search for a starting point see the harmony. complete pardighm shift is
required to understand
this. even money management is different for gann. trends i am taking and time
values i am taking.
this is just automated one. tested on many scrips and convinced it is working
on many scrips well
for each share values are different. this i am finding it by harmonic
calculations. this i programmed for only longs. bear moves need different rules as
gann said entirely different are applicable for bear moves.

this automation i am checking from past two days

programming gann [2 Attachments]

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 3, 2010
dear gann trader

finding the resistance points he had predicted. because he knows starting


he knows vibration at a point. he calculated before hand by knowing the

this gann did. levels by which max resistance can be met can be known by time
that is the time price is meeting time. this can be done.

but gann is mainly about long pull trading. that is where the money is.

price can be predicted before a specific date by knowing factor at initial

once that factor is known it works with clock work precision.

imagine a still pond throw stone. what happens.

Clustered vibrations-practical aspects of gann

Jan 9, 2010
vibration is fundamental as gann said. there are different vibrations that work
simultaneously. these vibratons some times interfere with each other. he has to
isolate a vibration that works best for trading. all vibrations may not be suitable
for trading. some give long pull depending on the nature of vibration. every thing
got the limits they run up to the limits and shows resistance. some vibrations will
clue a clue to where it will and where they stop. but other vibration take them to
higher level. this is where the problem is prices will overshoot because other
vibrations are also working.

some times higher vibration change the time aspect of vibrations and their
limits but price targets will reach . higher vibrations are like friends. some time
we have to wait for a friend. he will take us to higher level than our
gann used to say it will not go above a particular price unless and until there
is a break out. this is due to clustered vibrations. this is my opinion at present
with my present knowledge

impulse and vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 19, 2010
the rules applied to bull markets are not same as bear markets.
bull markets thrust on themselves. but bear markets are in proportion to bull

when time meets price reversal is imminent. and time and price are calculated
in the same way.


impulse and vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 23, 2010

I think we are going in a direction

Impulses are easy to predict than bear markets. As prices and bear markets are

Observer changing what is being observed(berg experiment?)

Impulses gives a clue . so above so below.

These types of esoteric subject comes from a wordless state of mind.

Nature cannot exploit itself. Gann became part of nature itself.

Gann gave these in esoteric way to those who are ready and open

This can only be understood in esoteric and no other way.

Gann is best teacher that way.

Gann got a different understanding of god. He was spiritual.

To understand these natural laws we need a complete paradigm shift In

Our thinking.

Nature got the uncanny ability to fool. We cannot exploit them. We can harness

If all the people knows the secret who will win who will loose.

So secret may be part of nature. So gann dint reveal or cannot reveal the

These are my present thoughts and experiences to certain extent. chane is the
only constant.


impulse and vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 24, 2010
behind the wall god works with numbers.
so mundane and spirituality may be of difference in degree not in kind.

i think the word maths came from root word meaning learning or fond of
or can also mean life.

much of the gann is working with arithmetic and the concept so above so below.

what is repeating in gann parlance is some thing weird.

when we say two things meet. we should know common unit with which we measure
them both.

dear serious students of gann

Jul 24, 2008
dear serious students of gann i would like you to ponder over why gann
gave complete details of when robert purchased what he purchased and
what rate and on which date. this is very important. what he did with
dates and price and how they meet each other how to the date as number
and how to link price wiht that number. it is for serious students of
gann. the persons with constructive thinking can participate others can
ignore my messages

initial vibration multiplying itself and following a sequence

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 30, 2008

please see the attachment of chart of reliance industries which is again and
again and again taking support and resistance at gann grid lines many times.

for this i followed some points given below.

i searched back for a condition which is based on dr. ramanujan maths which
says univers moves by 5/4 and comes down by 1.5.

second after that i found the unit for price and time.

third after that i multiplied initial calcualtion to suit present conditions.

multiplication is simple 1 2 3 4 5 sequence.

now shifted the grid ot important lows.

this grid works from any direction up and below left and right. as robert
instruments can works lowering the instruement.
see how well the grid lines actging as support and resistance until there is a
good break as gann said.

happy trading


how did gann predict the crash one year in advance

Aug 25, 2008
he has used the following. he squared the time. one end of the square
is swing high and swing low(not the square end) taking a ratio of time
he predicted the exact date on which market crashes.

square is a four in gann parlance. he has divided the ratio of the

sauare(four) into a specific ratio means sqaure is divided into two
parts. both are related with a specific ratio.the point where square is
divided is swing low.

happy trading.

Gann's September 1909 Wheat Forecast

murali krishna venkata puppala
Sep 28, 2009
dear smithsonjames
your observation is mostly correct as regards gann's ability to forecast every
time. he failed some times.

the thing is when he was right his targets are magically and astonishingly
correct. this is magical part of the vibration theory. as gann told starting
point is important. if starting point is not correct whole analysis will go
awry. starting point is sometimes eluding.

but gann found the truth of the vibration. the secret is in the musical octaves
and half life in atomic theories and the truth is said in veiled language
about the initatial vibration in the novel tunnel through air. for a clue
study when robert and his brohers are born and when his sister is born.

thanks for giving me an opportunity to share my thoughts

humbly yours


initial vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 17, 2009
initial vibration itself is vibrating here some calcuations for your perusal.
total number of days in a year 365 divide by 7 you will get 52 add that to 365 we
are getting 417 further divide 52 by 7 we are getting again 7 nearly we add it to
417 we are getting nearer to number of pages in tunnel thru air 423. this is last
seven is end of the musical octave and begining of new one. what is an year
according gann parlance we can discuss later.once initial vibration is found the
calculation is easy to know how gann predicted the time for a particular scrip or
commodity reaches a particular level. for price calculation he used dr. ramanujan
maths 10/8 how universe moves that is 5/4 or 1.25 double it you will get 2.5 this
is important number. doubling of itself.

initial vibration inner and outer squares circle and triangles

Dec 19, 2009
initial vibration is main important thing. this is inner triangle.
first vibration has to be proved by its price by resolving itself in to higher
vibration. that means outer triangle. once it is proved by certain rate of
vibration. then next level target can be predicted within a specific time

starting point is important thing in gann. and another thing to be noted

while studying gann is that simultaneously two forces of negative and positive
will be working at different levels and strength.

that will be later discussion.

all swings are cyclical

Dec 20, 2009
gann said all swings are cyclical. all means all. also said precise generated
themselves will give a clue to what is going to happen. he also said some time
we have to go very long back to see the high or low now.

all swings are related and cyclical. they are related in a very precise
mathematical way, of course inr Relation to time. some times gann used to
say a scrip will not cross particular price unless there is a break out.
here he used past clear swings to say that.

as we see many small medium and big swings are confusing us. but they are
related mathematically.

for a trend to be determined gann said a wave that is bigger in time as well as
price to be studied for a particular phase.

rate of vibration should be proved

Dec 21, 2009
initial vibration is best explained like first wave formed when a stone is
thrown in a still pond. next wave is related to first wave by a particular rate of
vibration. once it is done this rate will be applicable for a particular phase. so
it works like a fractal.
once he said price alone is enough. but this i believe is for a particular
condition. once that conditin is proved we can simply know the best resistance and
support points.

when the cause is born

Dec 22, 2009
cause can happen at any time while bear moves are still under way.
gann used to say a price will go high and touch a particular level and before
that it should touch a particular low. so the cause of prediction of higher prices
is born even before low is established. what ever happens in between it has to
reach high prediction.

we start all out calclation from some low which are seem to be bear market
botttoms. the cause may not be occuring at that may occur right in the
middle of the bear market.
cause for lower prices and rules are different from cause and rules for up
targets. so different rules for different phases.

even factors for calculating and predicting high targets are different from
factors for calculting and predicing lower targets.

when time meets price reversal is imminent

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 27, 2009
time and price are interchangeable and used in the same way for calculations.
there should be a common unit by which charts are done. each share and commodity
got individual time and price unit. then only it is possible for squaring at least
on manual paper. this scaling is most important . each share got its own
individuality. but there are some universal time limits set by nature which are
almost applicable to all.

in this seemingly jungle of dirty price structure there is underlying maths.

fractal nature. only thing need to be known is from where to start the calculation.
for this vibration is fundamental. this time thing to ponder is so above so below.

thanking you

secret of gann seven and my journey to seven hills-my previous post

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 24, 2010

secret of gann seven and my journy to seven hills

Sitting before the computer screen inundated with plethora of charts on the
screen searching for gann seven multiplied seven years and waiting for action for
the action followed by another seven years of jubilee period I was informed, one of
the company team where I invested as a venture capitalist is going to seven
hills(tirupati) for a business, the most pious place for hindus. I asked them to
book for me too. Many times I went there on the bear foot all the way touching all
seven hills to the top of the seventh where the god of hindus (the reincarnatin of
Vishnu or narayana one of the trinity of hindu god resides. Enjoying the serene
beauty surrounded by the hills, I was watching the frozen geometry into these
ancient sculptures of the temples. Amazed by the innumerable number of devotess
wating to worship througout ages, it occurred to me it is not frozen geometry. It
was morning 2 o clock in the chilling cold all seven doors opened for us to have
the opportunity of seeing the god. Closed my eyes to have the imprint of god along
with principles he taught. When I turned the opposite I saw a mirror. I have seen
the god in the mirror. I have seen my self too. God and mirror another frozen
geometry, gann saying of angular pitch. Seeing and moving where is the third of the
triangle other than god and mirror. I was moving, the distance between me the god
and mirror changing. Time frozen for me at that time from seven years of gann to
just events. There was water flowing beneath my feet. It is said where ever the god
narayana or Vishnu resides water should be there. It is customary t in the pictures
to show god narayana in the water with yogic sleep on the serpent curled three and
half times(half of seven). Afterward I remember the Robert hero was trying make his
bicycle to float on water. This is another way of telling he is trying two
different cycles to work together.

impulse and vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 25, 2010

with due respects to all

pebbles and ripples effects are there whether can we trade all ripple effects.
some people trade ripple effects some same trade bigger effects. for each impulse
give a chance.

gann told these laws of vibrations are known by the behaviour of price itself.

so he sees the price in relation to time to know its vibration. we need not go

he has not gone beyond price effect to work with vibration.

i see these in tick chart i see this one min chart, five min chart houlry daily

impulse and vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 25, 2010
and would like to add there are effects and counter effects simultaneously
we need to know which works at a particular time. so we need to know when which
impulse suits our particular trade. so we need alienate those impulse for which
there is no strong interference from other impulse.

impulse and vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 25, 2010
as gann said we have to keep squares of odd and even numbers this will tell not
only the effect but also the cause.

square circle and triangle properties

murali krishna venkata puppala

Feb 6, 2010
with due respects to all

gann has used extensively the properties of square circle and triangle in his
calculation for prediction of targets and resistance and sppport points. while
using cirlce he has used vibrating circle with mathematical relation. this
combining with number 224 which is a goddes number (total number of worlds of
goddess shakthi or energy) is his calucations. these are known by the values that
are generated with interchangeability of price and time values

cause of the market movement-begining point

murali krishna venkata puppala

Feb 17, 2010
vibration calculations are done from the price behaviour in a time window
itself. we need not go far .

cause is not known outside of the price. vibration is fundmantal as gann said.
vibration is known by the price generated.

once begining point is known effect is known. gann searched for the begining
point and gone far back to validate current situation. but one thing. effect
becomes the cause for next effect.

causes and effects within causes and effect.

circle within circle squares within squares.


rate of vibration and time window

murali krishna venkata puppala

Feb 25, 2010
gann predicted the price and time targets depending on the rate of
vibration(phase of the market) of stocks and commodities and it gives clues to
specific date by which a particular share or commodity reaches the target.


four doors to the square

murali krishna venkata puppala

Feb 26, 2010
it is well known that square of nine of gann is directly from india. which is
widely used for different purposes in india. it is from sayanmika sastra. which is
also used for vastu or construction of houses and temples.
these are called yantras. mostly all yantras have four doors. in some yantras
it is depicted as open doors.

comming ot the point of gann resistances it will resist when it resist the four
walls. but when it find the door it jumps to the next cycle.


murali krishna venkata puppala

Apr 11, 2010
gann angles or box is just a tool and so many other concepts are involved. this
fan should be kept in mind along with the other aspects like when time meets
price. how they meet. when we should call them as meeting.

so many points are touched on gann lines. all are not reversing where price is
touching those lines.

Nature and numbers-some interesting numbers on jupiter and pyramid

murali krishna venkata puppala

Apr 13, 2010
time taken by jupiter to make full round around itself 35700 seconds

square root of 35700



four sides of pyramid in meters


average of four sides 230.365

if we convert 755.7777451 in to meters 230.361

in feet

four times of time taken by jupiter to one round is equal to pyramid


so pyramid of giza is related to jupiter

Nature and numbers-some interesting numbers on ju...

murali krishna venkata puppala

Apr 14, 2010
some more interesting numbers

jupiter diameter 142867


pyramid square area 756*756 =571536

571536/571468=1.000119 or 1

so pyramid area is related to four times of jupiter diamter

i will give more astounding evidence of how pyramid is related to jupiter.

Nature and numbers-some interesting numbers on jupiter and pyramid

murali krishna venkata puppala

Apr 15, 2010
with due respect to all

we are not building a house here. so below so above. if we know inner we know
this concept is different from building a house.

same characters we see at the smallest and highest lelvel.

if we know the starting point as gann said every thing is a fractals starting
from a particular low and how point.

thanks and regards

humbly yours


fibonicci, self similarity and gann

Jun 26, 2010
with due respect to all

fibonicci concepts and self similarity are corner stones of gann methodology.
basically it is 1.618 and 2.618 whether you multiply or add you will get 4.236
if you take out last number it is 4.23
add number of pages of ttta book 418+3+3 you will get 423
it is making a full cirlces with this.
the most complicated part is from where to start the calculation once it is
it works for infinity.
as per short and medium or long term the rules are same with self similarity


this is how time meets price until there is a breakout

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 27, 2010
price moves in self similarity time moves in non linear method when they both
meet reversal is imminent. that is what gann says. like produces like that is what
gann said

this is how time meets price until there is a breakout

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 30, 2010
market follows the rhythm right. but with mathematical precision. today low or
high is related to past high or low in exact proportion. but need to find out where
from to start. once these things are known forest becomes a garden

Market and Mass Pressure chart.

Jul 31, 2010
with due respect i dont know how it has been done but i do believe gann used
some fixed number of days to find the mass pressure dates in advance they are
precise to two or three dates. all swings are cyclical and that is true with my
experience. and that is what gann said

thank you



time & price square

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 12, 2010
when time meets price reversal is imminent until there is a break outr and see
time. time get adjusted because forces behind the vibration themselves are
vibrating as said by gann. so this difference.

Return to basics: What is really a top? or bottom? or a swing?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 15, 2010
dear james you are right.
but at the same time 45 degree angle has to be taken into account for tops and
how to draw the 45 degree angle. if the top occurs before 45 degree angle gann
was reasonably sure that it will resist and form a top. but he used to say this
will not go beyond the price until there is a breakout. simultaneously so many
cycles are at work it is a tedious to work all cycles. how to draw the 45 degreee
angle is there with you already.

thank you

Return to basics: What is really a top? or bottom? or a swing?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 15, 2010
intensity of top depends on the time factors. small resistances and large
resistances occurs. as mihai question is answered. even small reisistance at a
particular level is a top in gann parlance. for intensity
as i told need to see the time factors.

Return to basics: What is really a top? or bottom? or a swing?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 15, 2010

Now I could ask:

"but why this price resistance?"
"and how time gives power to these resistances?"
"and why time gives power in the first place?"

we are affected by the seasons. all planets moves in cycles and we are affected
by the seasonal cycles and it affects our life and life styles some how.

we sleep and awake depending on the sun movement. our lives depends on these
so our mass behaviour.

intensity of cycle depends on its previous performance.

as per my experience a cycles themselves rotates cyclically with one failure

out of seven.
so i see for a failure also in the past. so that this will not occur now.

gann said vibration is by the price bevahiour itself.

vibration is fundamental.

cause and effect are in the price itself as gann said.

persoanlly i dont think gann used astrology as the main determining factor for

he used simple maths. adding and subtracting or multiplying and dividing.

as the cycles study involves lot of work(he has to see many cycles and their
intensity). may be for confirmation he has used other methods ot know quickly
whether he is right.

as each planets got their own cycles and own rate of vibration so each share
has got its own rate of vibration. but all shares got one common factor to
calculate for time limit. this is a multiplying number from the starting point.
starting point is not a single price but it is a range with a particular defined
behaviour. starting point need not always absolute low.
gann said start your calculations from second or third bottom.

Return to basics: What is really a top? or bottom? or a swing?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 17, 2010
my reading and my experiment adn practice says time is the important element
and both price and time are related to each other. time limits and price target go
according to cause.

Return to basics: What is really a top? or bottom? or a swing?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 17, 2010
with due respects to all

but sharp rises can be predicted when time limit is nearer adn still price has
not moved mu

this is what gann said when time is up volumes rises price increase momentum

there is a time limit. some shares go to the target much before the time limit
some at the middle some at the end.

when price has not moved until the end just like wheat chart of gann.
returns are heavy. in single day it moved heavily. so what i am saying is.
gann dont want to reveal the secret one thing and another thing is he is unable
to do that.
explaining directly is much more difficult than explaining in parables and
weird language.

i dint clain perfection. it is a life long learning.

thank you

sensitivity to initial conditions

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 18, 2010

with due respects to all

i want to summarise with my present knowledge in simple world or a single
statement what is gann.


1.these initital conidtions can be defined.

2.there are many initial conditions with different perioditical properties
3.there are negative and positive forces.
4.dominating initial conditions can be traded with reasonable accuracy
4. starting point is important


murali krishna venkata puppala

Feb 12, 2011

gann used geometry and maths to find the vibration of each stock. how he has
determined the future price before a specific date.

he has combined price and time which are to be calculated in the same way for
for predicting price before a date. he has used price method of fractals. like
love stories and themes repeating in the main story of tunnel thru air. for time he
equated low price and high price as number of days. but which low high and range or
half of range or half of high or low to be taken to be taken for confirmation.

he has taken fractal of price

he has taken high low range and division of them to equate for number days.
then he balanced the the time.
then he predicted price before a date

humbly yourself

all highs and lows vibrate

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 2, 2011

each high and low are related to past high and low with mathematical precision.
and also each and lows makes circle both in time and price and also related to
number vibration.

humbly yours


time factor

Aug 30, 2011
i believe that jesse levermore and gann shared some secrets of the time factor.
as jesse also used the same word of time factor and its usage.
please refer to his book how to trade stocks.

this time factor is no way related to just form and time . it is combination of
these two and weird.

What is Law of Vibration based on ?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 1, 2011
i believe that we are seeking the right question as posed by abhay. instead of
discussing our own way of thinking, let us ponder over what gann said and did.
vibration is not a single concept. it is combination of concepts.
for clarfication and avoiding some cobwebs i would like you to picturise a

you are sitting before a still pond and you thrown a small stone. waves will be
occuring. they are expanding and relation between waves are mathematical.
now you throw a big stone with more force. it will have have bigger
perturbation causing bigger waves. bigger waves some times interferes. with smaller
waves bigger waves rules. bigger and initial waves are the seed wave. all other
waves depend on biger waves. it is like a big bang. visualise this. at higher
level and lower level the same form is maintained mathematically. that is why gann
said all highs and lows are in perfection mathematical relation ot previous high or

some times levels of previous and next from a point has to be taken. that is
why robert was in search of marie in the sunshine special from one extreme to other

this is how i see it



What is Law of Vibration based on ? (REDUX)

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 19, 2011
“ Within the circle forms the square, there is an inner circle and an inner
square, as well as an outer square and an outer circle which prove the Fourth
Dimension in working out price movements”.

Can anyone give insight on what are the four dimensions of price movements Gann
illuded to in this statemant?



analysis of the novel tunnel thru air -by wd gann market legend-
embedded secrets

Nov 25, 2011
i was handed over a tour programme to the south of india. in that weird name
like vakraturai appeared. i wondered what it must be. By the time i went there, it
was sunny evening. many of the foreigners visiting the imposing structures of the
temple. main deity of the temple mother goddess. Her head was shown to be bent
down. i wonder how can creation occur from involution.
i was asked to rotate three one side and seven opposite side. what is this
three and seven. even bija yantra is with numbers involuted. and it is called seed
yantra. i was pondering over this idea of how evolution occurs from involution. is
there any practial application of the idea.
to come stright to the point seed of the bull market occuring right in the
middle of the bear market. then i thought energy travels from point to point from a
fixed point in the point. fixed point is not a single point. it is a three pointed
(triangle). in order to know the future we should know the past. and start from a
proper starting point.

gann started the novel with dedication of the novel tunnel thru the air or
looking back from 1940(double title to the novel)to the mother and his old friend
in texas.
these two events in the past are important to him. when similar events occurs
that is your circle of event in time element. events repeating in similar fasion.
this is what gann is after. each event is related to other events in the future.
every thing is related.
in the foreword itself gann mentioned the importance of three and seven. the
the theme of the novel is about these number in combination with octaves.
the novel started with the words where the hero robert is born. extremet north
east corner of lone star state of texas. stright away he is referring about square
of nine(sayanmika sastra used in vastu in india) and fixed point star. robert is
the third son here again the theme of the three. first son died in sanfransico
earth quake this happened. can you google it. it is april 18,1906. when the hero of
the novel robert is born. sunday night june 9nth, 1906. how many days passed
between these two events. 52 days right. do you find any relation between the these
days and angle of great pyramid at giza. giza pyramid angle is rounded off to 52.
this is very important.
we are after numbers and themes of the books. which are repeating. the same
degrees appears in big triangles in shree yantra.
i will come with more analysis of the novel
wait please

yours humbly

gann time and price cycles

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 27, 2012
As gann expressed clearly his method works on all time frames. from min chart
to medium to long term.
this is the uniqueness of gann methodology.
these cycles are seen in price structure itself ofcourse related to time
frame. at one stage gann said if he is given high and low he can predict what will
happen in a period.

wave identification with some conditions are imortant. higher is the replica of
the lower. but these waves are hidden in maze of other waves. first we need to
decide which wave to play and whether conditions exist to go higher.

yours humbly


time meets price

this is where the time meets the price when time meets the price reversal is
imminet. this is a different strategy gann used for predicing reversal. this is
five min chart. at least two or three signals will be generated for some shares
whose wavelenght is that of a group of stocks. each share is different.
for predicting price before used a different strategy. last time i gave the table
of trading. it is just for lot profit and loss
How did W.D. Gann project time and price with confidence during day

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 7, 2012
this is a very pertinent question. there are many time frames gann worked. each
time frame is related to higher and lower time frames. time is related to price.
price is calculated in the same way as time. so there must be a unit of price
for every time frame. for some shares it may be 1 for other it may be fractions.
when time meets price reversal is imminent as gann said. shares are grouped
according to their own rate of vibration. rate of vibration is found by upside
fractal ratios and downside fractal(for both calucations or ratios are different).
then we can know the rate of vibration for each. afterwards time and price
imbalance and balances over a period.
this is my present working which is showing some results

yours humbly


some insgihts in concept of time meets price

murali krishna venkata puppala

Aug 13, 2012

gann said time and price are calcualated in the same way. even though it is a
simple statement. there are many concepts involved.
one of the important concept is fractal nature of repetition theme at each
stage up or down.
rules for bull market are different than bear market
in smaller time frames even though reversal happens when time meets price ,
some times they are swept of by the vibrations of higher nature.
when time meets price reversal is imminent
i verified on all time frames.
when i am verifying on weekly charts the signals are more profitable
some times smaller time frame vibrations and bigger time vibration are meeting.
(time meets price in both time frames).


gann used the ocatve system to predict the price before a date.
when time is not in balance with price. it will get adjusted into the future
until is meeting price again before a octave time frame.
gann said whatever happens in between it need to go there. he is only taking
points in the maze of other points. some times he has not taken ultimate or
important bottom or top. it is a point to point calculations.

gann given direct clues. only thing is they are sprinkled in different part of
his literature.

musical octave system

robert and his friend majored in physics and chemistry. but marie joins music
college. this is the point in veiled way gann is eluding us to.

humbly yours


Letter from GANN interesting read

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 4, 2012

it si good ,u can see teh thing in a different way too

1.618+2.618 or 1.618*2.618 =423

there are many things that are there

for example
marie missed on page 118 and appeared on 418 the difference is 300 never mind
the decimals

i can see many mahy like this

and using them. three is an important number which is triangle which is an
intial vibration. that applied with octave system will give long pull market
predictions. i mean targets before a date.
i have written extensively on these numbers in india

Letter from GANN interesting read

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 5, 2012
only a person who can duplicate his method atleast to certain extent can say
that gann methods are not tradeable.

gann did the following the he predicted that a particular share will not go
above a particular rate until there is a breakout.

gann predicted long pull markets before a particular date means predicted price
before specific date.

he gave projected curve for one year in advance

he used to trade both sides of the markets like forexample it will touch 45
before it touches

i use gann as tool for pedicting the price target before date after timing the
buy based on trend following system.

this trend following methods also given by gann

there are many concpets involved in his method. for example most important is
starting point. some people start with lowest point.

starting point is not single low point or high point.

three pointed one (triange energy points)
this triangle can appear from any where in the maze of many energy points.
absolute lows and highs may not be of use for the triangle.
gann asked to start from second or third bottom.

gann gave many cluues.

he finds it difficult to explain all concepts at one go i believe. as i

encounter the same problem of explaining.

humbly yours.


Letter from GANN interesting read

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 5, 2012
a good topic has come up about cause and effect. we need to understand this
with complete paradighm shift.

in gann methodoloy cause and effect are same. effect become cause for higher
cause is known only by the effect.

humbly yours


letter from GANN interesting read -tops and bottoms

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 8, 2012
169 KB
169 KB

i this attachment proves that gann methodolog predicts entry point for either
for short or long. as said in ticker interews gann did some transactions on the
same share on the same day half of which are eighther at high or bottom. i infer
that he did give orders at high or bottom for entry point. for exit he used his
used time and price method for this

humbly yours


Letter from GANN interesting read -45 degree anle

murali krishna venkata puppala
Sep 9, 2012
there are many concepts involved in 45 degree angle

i believe that 45 degreee angle is an ideal situation where balancing concpet

is applicable.
after that it is deviation from that 45 degree angle ,ofcourse in a perfect
manthematical way.
this needs high and low range and time. time and price are interrelated.
concept of circle and square and triangle are applicable here. in the numbers
generated itself is clue of circle square and triangle.

humbly yours


Letter from GANN interesting read -How Gann forecasted 1929

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 9, 2012
that is a good question that needs to be answered. even though iumbly yam not
able fully comprehend how he has done it. i believe that he used octave systmem
using begining point of vibration. i use one vibration at a time. i dint use to
predict different targets in different time frames.

he knows where from to start.

after ideal initial vibration. every thing is a deviation in a mathematical
he predicted the waves just like waves formed in a still pond after a stone is
still much to explore on this.
i am only trying ot predict effect of one vibration at a time.

humbly yours


pure gann nothing else in these intraday goes to


murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 27, 2012

Mr. Henry Hall in his recent book devoted much space to "Cycles of Prosperity
and Depression," which he found recurring at regular intervals of time. The law
which I have applied will not only give these long
cycles or swings, but the daily and even hourly movements of stocks. By knowing
the exact vibration of each individual stock I am able to determine at what point
each will receive support and at what point the greatest resistance is to be met.

We have seen gann give in one day sixteen successive orders in the same stock,
eight of which turned out to be at either the top or the bottom eighth of that
particular swing. The above we can positively verify.
i think this will clarify my point. it is given in ticker interew

humbly yours


pure gann nothing else in these intraday goes to


murali krishna venkata puppala Nov 27, 2012

i guess the rules he mentioned are for ordninary traders with tradtioinal
trading knowledge.
but he used science to predict the market. that has not failed him. he has
discussed about money managment too. he has not revealed his secrets directly.
when he traded he traded with daring nerve as science will give that daring
the most important thing is starting point. it is werd. for that time and price
are required.
price is some times dirty(as gann said it ). that time it might have failed
because the sarting point was not clear.

if we use science with proper money management we can do that what he did.

with this post and my previus discussions i proved that gann is tradeable gann
is not a charlaton. reistance points with crashes are predicted. and price before
date prediction is demonstrated. and intraday. only thing that still eludes me is
how he gave projected curve one year in advance.

i am getting some clues as regards that.

simply gann nothing else in these intraday trades and recommendations

murali krishna venkata puppala

Feb 27, 2013

this is only to prove consistency of gann methods that i am giving the resutls
of the recommendations.

if i need to summarise gann i say this.

there is always a music of balance and imbalance for prices on different time
frames. this causes the fluctuations in precise mathematical proportion

simply gann nothing else in these intraday trades and

murali krishna venkata puppala
Feb 16, 2013
how many trades gann made in a single day before the advent of computer era to
make momey. if we go by the interew of wyckoff and other record he did more
transactions than that.
how many orders a dealer can place in five hour trading day.

more than 100.

with oco and bracket orders available in india through some broker and
sufficiently funded account. it is a small issue with dedicated dealer.

this question should not arise atall.

i will send this calls to you live ,give me ur phone number.

have a good broker.

my intention is to prove u that gann is tradeable in all time frames.

predictions can be done with good accuracy.

these calls can be verfied positively with a time stamp in sms records.

humbly yours


back to basics-what gann actually did.

murali krishna venkata puppala

Mar 19 9:29 AM

time and again i believe strongly we need to go to basics inorder to align

ourselves to the direction we are taking.

gann did the following.

1).he predicted the long pull bull markets with exact price before a precise
2)he gave the exact price levels, which will not be crossed unless there is a
3)dates on which crashes occurs
4)mass pressure dates.
5) projected curve for indexes

any discussion which is not directed towards those things are not related to

Humbly this is my belief at present.

i am ready to be corrected if am mistaken

whether only astro predicts the exact price i dont know.

if so what about his predictions in intraday.



hero robert is unusually happy on page 276 in tunnel thru the air

murali krishna venkata puppala

May 11, 2013

Robert is unusually happy on page 276 althou three years have passed after
marie’s disappearance

I came to badrachalam (Andhra pradesh state ,india) travelling approximately

138 kilometers on some professional work

When I searched my mail 138 mails are waiting to be seen.

Many times this 138 is appearing in life and markets. Push it off it is not
going away.

Ok now, gann enthusiasts, we go to page no 52, where there is a reference of no

72 if we devide 72 by page no 52 you get 138 (never mind the decimals)

Page no 137

The next time that he remembered anything, he awoke on

Monday morning with the sun streaming in thru the

window of his hotel and realized that he had fallen

asleep. The little book, “Poems That Have Helped


The words sun streaming thru the window was repeated after the first page which
seems to be a beginning point . if we add one to 137 we get 138 there Robert
enquired about any telegram or long distance call about marie disappearance.

Page no 276 which is an octave of page no 138 where reference of topic of

communication about missing marie occurred.

Page no 276

IN the Fall of 1929, Robert and Walter made alarge amount of money in cotton
and wheat. Robert was unusually happy. Altho over three years had passed without
any direct news of Marie he was sure she was alive; felt that the time was not long
to waitbefore she would reappear.
It seems that octave of 138 which is 276 is a confirmation of future event.(I
do take them into my calculations some times)

SB 6.18.62: After entering Diti's womb, Indra, with the help of his
thunderbolt, cut into seven pieces her embryo, which appeared like glowing gold. In
seven places, seven different living beings began crying. Indra told them, "Do not
cry," and then he cut each of them into seven pieces again.

SB 6.18.63: O King, being very much aggrieved, they pleaded to Indra with
folded hands, saying, "Dear Indra, we are the Maruts, your brothers. Why are you
trying to kill us?"

SB 6.18.64: When Indra saw that actually they were his devoted followers, he
said to them: If you are all my brothers, you have nothing more to fear from me.

If we further enquire about 138, we come to the knowledge that it is number

related to fibonicci ratio.

SB 1.6.17: O Vyasadeva, at that time, being exceedingly overpowered by feelings

of happiness, every part of my body became separately enlivened. Being absorbed in
an ocean of ecstasy, I could not see both myself and the Lord.

SB 1.6.18: The transcendental form of the Lord, as it is, satisfies the mind's
desire and at once erases all mental incongruities. Upon losing that form, I
suddenly got up, being perturbed, as is usual when one loses that which is

If we add 138 to 162 which is another fibonicci ratio we get three(never mind
the decimals) which gann given importance to. If we add 138 to 262 we get four.
Four is a square in gann parlance

To further enquire about 1.618 if we square that we get 2.618 which is also a
fibonicci ratios. If we further multiply that with 1.618(1.618*2.618) we get 4.23.
we get the same number even if we add (1.618+2.618) .

SB 1.3.8: In the millennium of the r?s?is, the Personality of Godhead accepted

the third empowered incarnation in the form of Devars?i Narada, who is a great sage
among the demigods. He collected expositions of the Vedas which deal with
devotional service and which inspire nonfruitive action.

The themes include chemistry ,physics and mathematics and music. He was more
influenced by the scientific community of that time and incorporated their science
into his trading. Those scientists of prominence were more influenced by Hinduism
by swami Vivekananda. This influence is seen in the writings of gann in the novel.

Gann is uncanny in his ability to predict the market movement one year in

Gann is uncanny not a phony

And I am hungry

(Going to relish dinner in the sri kalki hotel in badrachalam.)

After I finished my chores in badrachalam I went to the temple which is just a

kilometer away from my stay.

Humbly Yours


symmetrical triangle and begining point

Jun 16, 2013
As i have already discussed beginning point is not single point but a triangle.
i believe strongly that it is a symmetrical triangle.

we can see this point only after pondering over the statements that gann has
made " price and time are interchangeable. prce and time are calculated in the same

once the beginning point is known and using fractals of price and time factors
we can predict price before a precise date as gann did.

Most challenging part of gann is about his projected curve.

all other can be duplicated to a large extent.

i am getting some clues now on projected curve.

may take time to completely unravel it.

REVIEW: ?The Law Of Vibration: The Revelation Of William D Gann? by

Tony Plummer

Aug 14, 2013
i subcribe to your views. most of what you wrote seems to be right.
But i want to write further points which i believe are important.

1)time factor is important.

2)time and price are calculated in the same way.
3)time and price are interchangeable.
4)at one time gann told if he is given high and low he can predict the prices
beofore a date.(here he told that price is enough. as signature of time factor is
in price itself validating the idea that
price and time are same.
Concept of time and price are same is not understood properly.
the secret is in the octave system.

elliott wave is different study of pattern. here we are studying the

energy point to energy point calculation as far as gann is concerned

this is what i believe with my present knowledge.

Humbly Yours

REVIEW: ?The Law Of Vibration: The Revelation Of William D

Gann? by Tony Plummer

Aug 15, 2013
this is an interesting discussion.

Right on re Elliott Wave and the "Plummer wave." However, even though Gann did
state that time was the important factor, yet it was his pinpoint price predictions
that are truly awesome. For example, what time factor could be the reason he could
state that a given stock would NOT trade a few ticks above where it was currently
trading before it experienced a significant drop?

Has gann not said when time meets reversal is imminent. first he projected the
price and then he used some calculation related to some harmonics. that technique
is related to the second heading of the novel tunnel thru the air (or looking back
from 1940)

Also, didn't he state that September Wheat (1908) would hit a price of
120...."if not, it would prove his entire predictive system wrong! What time factor
was behind his prediction.

here he used physics and harmonic analysis. (it is akin to waves formed after
a stone is thrown on still pond having mathemtical relation.)

What many seem to ignore is that he also stated that when he accepted
remuneration from clients to advise them on THEIR trading, he did not usually trade
for himself.
Why not? After all, if your studies indicate what a given market is going to
do, and you advise clients with specific recommendations, why can't you participate
in that trade?

He has specialised in teaching and advising. he is getting more money in

teaching and advising. he can do better research when he is not attached to the
market and contribute more. and market depth also may be one of the reason.

this is with my present knowledge and evidence i found in actual practice.

Humbly Yours

novel tunnel thru the air and my analysis

Sep 1, 2013
Robert felt his heart jump right up in his throat after reading marie stanton's
reply to his love letter. Page no 21 and 22

I received your nice note. This is the first time that anyone
has ever written to me about love and I am all excited over it.

I never thought that you liked me, Bobbie. I always thought

that you were making eyes at Kitty Anderson in school. I
do like you and think that you are a nice boy.

When Robert read the last line, he felt his heart

jump right up in his throat. His hopes and ambitions
soared higher than they had ever before. He began
to dream of the future with Marie as his wife.

The words heart jump right up in his throat was repeated three times in the

Page nos 22, 116, 241.

Now we see the things in a different way. If we divide 116 by 22 we get our
5.2, our old 52 if we don't mind the decimals. As we already dealt with 52, 52 days
passed between Sanfransisco earth quake (on which date robert's brother Herbert
died) and hero's date of birth. Half of 5.2 is our 2.618 again.

If we divide 241 by 116 again we are at the number 52.

The above letter was first started in page number 21. At that time her age is
Both are Fibonacci numbers. If we divide 21 by 13 we get our fibonacci ratio
approximately again.

On 21 page 1.618 is coded. And on 22 page 2.618 ratio is coded. If we multiply

1.618 with 2.618 we get or 423 i.e. total number of printed pages other than cover


Gann went to India and Egypt( the word Egypt came from Sanskrit eesha+peetha
meaning place of god, and the name of the king is rama seshu(ramses) which is pure
telugu name) learnt the secrets of vibration theories. His square of nine came from
our sayanmika sastra.

Throat chakra got 16 petals and triangle and circle. As throat is repeated
three times, we multiply 16 with three to get 48. on page no 48 there is a
reference of time to time which is an important concept and number.

Marie continued to write him encouraging letters

from time to time. Their love affair continued smooth
with no troubles or interruptions.

Robert is the man of the hour

The words `man of the hour' was used two times in the novel
On page number 326 and 378. The difference between the two is our 52.

Gann gave importance to 52 giving indelible mark to that number. Why I am

repeating is, the important points are not only in the ratios but also the numbers
themselves if you are ready to investigate.

Just think of the page no 326 and divide that by 52 we get our ratio 6.2
fibonicci ratio.
If we divide 378 by 52 we get 72. octave of 72 is 144 which is a square of 12
and and part of the circle i.e. 2.5 times 144 is 360. And think of other
associations with these numbers to unravel the mystery.

The number 72 got many other implications if we can embark on further


And on page number 378 there is a reference of eight years old giving reference
of octave system of sarigamapadanisa or do to do octave. Which is the most
important concept for his uncanny prediction of price before a precise date.

On the same page there is a reference of native referring about starting

calculations from starting point in a veiled way.

The word dedicated used three times.

Apart from dedication page he used that word `dedicated' in page number 29 and
36. the difference between the two numbers is our seven which gann talked about
gave importance in the introduction itself. If we go on divide and subdivide 29 by
seven we get our 52 again. If we divide 36 by seven we get our 52 approximately.

The number 52 is pyramid angle, half of which i.e. 2.618 is also in angle of
gallery in the great pyramid at giza.

Any way we see 52 is not going away along with its derivatives. If we divide 36
by 29 and further divide and subdivide we get our old friend Fibonacci 6.2
We escape this natural number.

Okay now see where your navel point or nabhi sthan is place in the whole body.
See five finger parts of the finger are three other than thumbs again Fibonacci

Periodic table of chemistry and markets

As gann used harmonic musical octaves, Periodic table of chemistry and

mathematics theme and physics I feel it appropriate to quote a review of the book
seven elements by N.bala subramaniam in hindu news paper to guide ourself in to
holographic universe. Every thing in the universe is related to each and are same
at higher or lower levels.( A Swastika concept).

Gann used these concepts and predicted the markets.

"The periodic table of elements is iconic . it inspires scientists, poets and

rock musicians.
Mendeleev created it by arranging known chemical elements in increasing order
of their atomic weights( atomic numbers are used now) and in rows and columns in
such a way that elements in the same column had similar properties. As a student of
Sanskrit , he may have been inspired by PANINI who arranged Sanskrit letters in the
same two-dimensional way to bring out their properties. Mendleleev's scheme so
worked well that he turned a prophet and predicted 8 new elements, each with a
Sanskrit prefix, and their properties. All came true. At one time the table had
only 90 elements which are naturally occurring but now, elements are being created
in the laboratory and recently element 119 was reported, starting a new row. "

Important point to note

Gann has not used the fibonicci as our present analysts use them now. They are
just hit and miss.

Chasing the maverick

I was watching the movie "chasing the maverick" in tv. There are two lessons a
student is taught by the master in the movie.

First lesson is about power of observation

Second lesson is that fear is good but panic is not.

This applies to ocean surfing and also to the market.

"We all agree that your theory is crazy, but is it crazy enough?"- Neil Bohr

Humbly Yours


novel tunnel thru the air and my analysis

Sep 3, 2013
sundar a

octave number* fibonicci

8*1.618*2.618 =339 approximately

1.618*2.618 is 423= number of printed pages inside the novel

Humbly Yours


Article: very good about who's buying this market

murali krishna venkata puppala

May 7, 2014

Marie Stanton appeared in paris leaving a letter

Walden pond and ganges
Integration of love and war themes in these page no’s 380 and 241
Page no 380
Supreme Commander Gordon had made up his mind that he would keep everything
secret and not let the enemy know anything, but he dispatched a message by radio to
enemy headquarters reading:
Very much disappointed. Lost a good night's sleep last night waiting for your
army to take New York Citv. When may we expect the pleasure of a visit from your
This mysterious message was as much a mystery to the enemy as the letter that
Robert found on the street in Paris was to him. The fleet sent out to attack Boston
had never returned and no word had ever been heard of them. France had been
instructed by Supreme Commander Gordon to cease attacking and await further
instructions. Everything was quiet on the other side and Germany and England were
awaiting reports of the success of the campaign of the United States before making
further attacks on France.
Page no 241
Suddenly he saw a form approaching very closely, and like a flash, a woman
quickly passed him. He was sure it was Marie. His heart was in his throat. He
turned around quickly to follow her but she had disappeared. Just as she passed him
she dropped a letter on the street and he picked it up, put it in his pocket and
rushed on down.

In the para given in 380 (which itself is a fibonicci ratio), gann wants to
integrate two opposite ideas of war and love. He remembered the letter of marie
Stanton while he was in paris. Present is related to the past.
All highs and lows are related to past high or low, as gann said. As gann is
mostly about numbers ,exact proportions ,musical octave system of sarigamapdanisa
or do to do octave and mathematics physics and chemistry themes, We spend much time
on these subjects. As already discussed physics and chemistry are mastered by
Robert, hero in the novel and his friend walter each. And heroine marie went to
kidd-kay college which is a music school. The message Is very clear. Gann used the
subjects not related to market directly applying their principles in the market
arena. For example using periodic table of chemistry in market prediction is
somewhat weird and unheard of.

Now let us see how he integrated two different pages.

He got a strange dream of meeting marie Stanton in paris on page no240. He met
her on page no 241.which one to take as beginning point 240 0r 241. gann gave more
importance to beginning point.Conception of the idea or actual realizing it is the
beginning point?. This question was also raised by George bayer in his novel
“George wollsten”.
Now we take page 240 and add 380. The number 240 is related to part of the
circle( gann dealt with part of the circles too) i.e. 1.5 of 240 is 360. (1.5 is
most important). Circle is related to time.
380 is realted to fibonicci ratio. If we add both we get another number 620.
Which is again a fibonicci ratio. The message is loud and clear time and prices
related to each other and are to be calculated in the same way. Both are
And on the same page 380 gann used the word flower. This is again a weird
statement. Gann chosen these words very carefully. The fibonicci numbers are in
flowers and every where in the universe.
The lord ganesha(the lord of numbers) is everywhere in the universe.
As already cautioned, I repeat gann used fibonicci (shree durga numbers) in a
completely weird way.
The present day analyst use them in a different way far from how gann used
them. They are just hit and miss. Actually fibonicci numbers are not known widely
in the west until r.n. Elliot, who has written secret of the universe book and
finding Elliott wave theory in the markets.
Gann used them even before r.n.elliot entered the trading arena.
gann came to india and got hold of sayanamika sastra( sqare of nine) and
fibonicci numbers, and largely infliuenced by swami Vivekananda.( the influence is
seen in the novel)
swamy vivekanada influenced most prominent scientists of the era. Like telsa.
Gann used some scientific principles of telsa who has been converted to Hinduism.
Walden and ganges
Henry david thoreu who is a great philosopher and writer lived in solitude at
walden pond for two year two months and two days.i.e 26 months and two days. Take
it as a number it comes to 262. When using numbers, while studying gann never mind
the decimals. Shift the decimals to fit.
Coming back to henry david thoreu , he was influcenced by great thoughts of
hindus. The point is how he used the numbers how they appear every where. He also
talked of number 52 half of it is 26 nearer to 2.618 which is a fibonicci ratio.
I wonder how he stayed there in cabin at walden pond. What he ate. How he
passed time.
In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal
philosophy of the Bhagvat-Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have
elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature seem puny
and trivial; and I doubt if that philosophy is not to be referred to a previous
state of existence, so remote is its sublimity from our conceptions. I lay down the
book and go to my well for water, and lo! there I meet the servant of the Bramin,
priest of Brahma and Vishnu and Indra, who still sits in his temple on the Ganges
reading the Vedas, or dwells at the root of a tree with his crust and water jug. I
meet his servant come to draw water for his master, and our buckets as it were
grate together in the same well. The pure Walden water is mingled with the sacred
water of the Ganges.
On Friday, 2 May 2014 4:24 AM, Oak Cliff Cop <joef8217@...> wrote:

Very good and simple to understand article.

Trade Well,
tunnel through the air -time limit of gann

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 11, 2014
After receiving message from mr. kennelworth, Robert felt that marie is glad to
return to Robert.
They could then be married and continue on to New
York where he could take up his studies and complete
the building of his airship as soon as he had made
enough money to do so.

After disappearance of Marie Stanton in page no 118, this is first consolation

message from mr.kennel worth. This is on page no 140. Gann is uncanny in his
ability not only to trade but also in writing in this novel. He is not giving away
the secrets of his trading on a platter. He sprinkled different concepts in the
novel at different places of the novel. Many of the scientists still wonder about
his uncanny predictions before a precise date. He used the secret of the principles
of the universe.
Now let us deal with this page number 140 which is nearly third of 418
pages(total number of numbered pages other than introduction pages). In this page
gann has given important clues of his prediction s.
Another important clue is about number 8 on the same page 140.
Mr. Kennelworth told Robert that he would call him
on the 'phone about 8 o’clock that night and let him
know if any word had been received from Marie or if
news was received sooner, he would call immediately,
but at any rate would call at 8 o’clock.
This is a very important clue given by gann about how things work in the
universe and markets in a veiled way
Price of a stock price is predicted by gann before a specific date or at the
specific date. See each word in the sentence. He is talking of time limit. Mr.
kennel worth will call him before 8’o clock or at any rate at 8’o clock.
Extract from gann interview in ticker and investment digest by Wyckoff.

The Ticker and Investment Digest

(Ticker and Investment Digest, Volume 5, Number 2, December, 1909, page 54.)
One of the most astonishing calculations made by Mr. Gann was during last
summer [1909] when he predicted that September Wheat would sell at $1.20. This
meant that it must touch that figure before the end of the month of September. At
twelve o'clock, Chicago time, on September 30th (the last day) the option was
selling below $1.08, and it looked as though his prediction would not be fulfilled.
Mr. Gann said, 'If it does not touch $1.20 by the close of the market it will prove
that there is something wrong with my whole method of calculation. I do not care
what the price is now, it must go there.' It is common history that September Wheat
surprised the whole country by selling at $1.20 and no higher in the very last hour
of trading, closing at that figure."
"Mr. Gann's calculations are based on natural law. I have followed Gann and his
work closely for years. I know that he has a firm grasp of the basic principles
which govern stock market movements, and I do not believe any other man can
duplicate the idea or his method at the present time."
"Early this year, he figured that the top of the advance would fall on a
certain day in August and calculated the prices at which the Dow Jones Averages
would then stand. The market culminated on the exact day and within four-tenths of
one percent of the figures predicted."
Again we look into other important issues in this page number 140. If we
multiply 140 with 8 that is given on the same page we get number 1120. If we divide
that number 1120 with 418 page(last page number) we get the number nearer to 2.618
which is fibonicci ratio. If we divide 1120 with 365 (number of days in a year) we
get the number nearer 3. Half of 140 is 70. Shift the decimal to the left you get 7
which gann gave importance in the introduction itself. Never mind the decimals in
gann methodology. 7 or 70 or 700 are same family. Weird is it not?
It seems that gann used number 3 for confirmation and many other ways. Gann
said time and price are to be calculated in the same way.
Even though many lodges all over the world are working towards deciphering the
gann code, but no body did like gann even remotely except hauling about square of
nine which, gann taken from sayanmika sastra of india . Gann predictions are
basically about long pull market predictions in advance. The main problem is, we
are not dealing with basic foundation on which gann worked. This is what we are
after. I believe I am able explain these basic foundation at least to a certain
As I have already discussed, gann used many concepts for this vibration theory
as applied to market.
Sarigamapadanisa octave system, physics, chemistry( especially periodic table
of chemistry) mathematics themes, geometry, proportions , numbers, gravity centers,
neutral centers, expired energy and many other concepts have gone into his
Mostly gann followed the science of tesla (whose ashes are in a museum, he
converted to Hinduism with the influence of swamy vivekanada) and walter russel
science. The friend of the Robert, the hero in the novel is walter

summary-issues with gann methodology

Oct 16, 2015
as gann methodology is different i would like to point out the one major issue
which is quite different from other analysis.

as gann said he is not concerned with what price is now. he is only interested
in where it will go.
what ever happens in between.

my observation. each high or low is related to some past high or low. that way
point to point is linear,

each high or low is connected from past highs and lows.

links for each high or lows past are not adjacent. they can be different.

for example today high is 100 which may be related to past 100 days back high
or low. and other immediate high going back 10 days may be related to high of 150
days back.

if we observe charts each high is related to past highs or lows. linear point
to point but not linear in time wise.

important thing is time is known by price. as price and time are related each

Humbly Yours

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 24, 2015
abhay said

Gann was able to say an instrument will not cross a particular price point by a
given time and would see a price far larger than max resistance point by a given
date and he would also give a trend between the two dates.

i believe he said what an instrument will touch before a precise date.

if there is any miscommunication or or any statement with lack of clarity that

is because of my fault .

and another thing i observed with gann is, it is very difficult to explain
gann. it needs lot of effort to explain each situation.

my personal observation says he was continuously evolving. he retracted his own


at one time he said vibration works in all time frames. at another time he said
longer term or weekly charts are better for prediction.

i work with his long pull market prediction method

Ready to correct my self

Humbly Yours


murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 24, 2015
i have seen your attachments. the charts are wonderfull.

even i use them grids and other things. i belive it is only a small fraction of
what gann did.

for example gann used fibonicci even before street is aware of them. But the
way gann used fibonicci is a far cry from what present day analysts use them. they
are just hit and miss.

the way he used fibonicci is weird. fibonicci he used in five different ways.

his method works best with larger time frames. even though they work in all
times frames. because of smaller waves interfere with each other and negative waves
and positives waves work at the same time.They appear to be not working. and it
becomes difficult to segregate waves to see starting point.
but larger waves are easy to work with as interference can less. This is my
present view

Ready to learn.

Humbly Yours



murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 24, 2015
i worked with all time frames. when smaller time frames are linear and easy to
work with. and as regards his sophisticated methods he has used sarigamapadanisa
octave system. to predict. he finds sa and predict price before a date.
for that we need to see whether opposite wave completes it's move.

otherwise waves cross. ( that is the i understood presently)

that is the reason some times gann said he is not interested in what the price
is now or in between but where it will go.

if he has clarity of both negative and positive it is easy to time it. each
beginning point have an ending point.

Ready to learn

Humbly Yours



Oct 24, 2015
true each person has their own time frames in their mind.

you have your objective i work with my objective of time frame and targets.

some time both may be right with different time frames and targets.
it happens.

you may say it falls or go up i may say opposite of it. with gann both may be
possible with different time frames.

and as regards turning points they are called mass pressure times as gann said.
they are easy.

i used to give major mass pressure date for targets and also major events based
on time factors.

mass pressure dates are easy .

but i dont trade them alone. i take them as one of the evidence

ready to learn

Humbly Yours


Can we run an opinion pole - what the market going to do in last week of

murali krishna venkata puppala

Oct 26, 2015
extending the same logic to options in mo i believe with this strategy of gann
where he predicts at what price max resistance of time and price occurs it is
better to go by probability. there are three probabilities. let us say equal
probabilities of one third. up down and hovering around the same level. if we take
near term option call selling.(only for hedging idea)
there is a 2/3 probablity of making money. we get money if it goes or maintains
at same level.

ready to be corrected and ready to learn

not a trading advice.


Humbly Yours.



murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 4, 2015
ivy wrote
Very nice call....

I see this turn is connected to the 12 June 15 low...

which also connected the 24 August 15 low....


gann time is not lenear i have taken the clue of gann time from a clue from
letter of einstein and dr. srinivas ramanujan and photo of lord vishnu in yoga
nidhra on adhi sehsu and from lord indra making them pieces of his sibling into 7*7
pieces( who are born again and again)

it is well know fact that gann taken many clues from india like sanyamika
sastra for his square of nine. That influence is seen in the novel too.

Thank you for your contribution.

your's humbly


now amazon com (amzn)

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 4, 2015
my observation on gann strategy of reversal.

when there are many vibrations under work highest vibration should be taken as
valid. smaller vibrations swept of by the bigger vibration or pushed. some times
smaller vibration pushes higher vibration ( of time as gann said in the novel)

next resistance or make or break situation occurs around 650 before it


ready to learn

Humbly yours


cover page-swastika-higher and lower same

Jun 4, 2016

i believve orignal cover page of gann novel tunnel thru the air got swastika
symbol, which means higher and lower are same. if lower is proved higher is proved.
only proportion changes.

This symbol is widely respected in india. some people worship it

i obseve this higher is same as lower is in charts.

Humbly Yours


cover page-swastika-higher and lower same

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jun 4, 2016
dear abhay

We learn by symbols from child hood. if gann wants to throw light thru symbols
and other ways no problem in that. gann himself told the secret is hidden to be
unravelled by studying his novel.
i belive the secret is not that simple. i humbly say i still need to learn a
lot from him.

some body calls dr.ramanuja the man who knows infinity but gann is greatest one
in that if i am not wrong.

By opening my self to different view points i am learning from all.

if that is simple please throw light on this simple if you can explain. this is
my humble request.

i am not able to do all aspects of gann.


thanks for all the group members i learn a lot from you all including ABHAY


cover page-swastika-higher and lower same

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jun 7, 2016

though the vibration is easy to work with once you understood.( it has take lot
of effort and years of study for for gann to understand vibration brutal work)
most difficult part is starting point as gann said. more difficult part is in
the statement there are smaller and bigger and lower , negative and positive. once
this is understood after understanding gann it will be relatively easier.

vibration is musical octave system sarigamapadanisa this is my belief and and

work at present

i am ready to change and learn


Gann for beginners

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jun 13, 2016
antistes h

it is a good point i am following this principle from the begining.

But there is much to it than that is apparent. it is not just simple 1:1 for

This is good discussion. we are comming to the original philosophy or basis of

gann work.

it works perfectly when you know the starting point. the chart is after the
fact. you cannot calculate from any where. it needs a starting point.

That starting point is harmonic at the begining.

and again there are many waves interefere like higher and lower bigger and
smaller in relation both in time as well as price.

to know about how gann projected price before a date we should know musical
octave system sarigamapadanisa or do to do octave along with starting point which
is bigger both in time as well price,

i call higher and lower bigger smaller which needs to be understood first to be
in the chart it is done perfecctly because startin point was right.
how did you choose that is important

Humbly Yours

interchangeability of time and price

Jun 25, 2016

The more and more i am working with gann i am being spell bound by innemerable
possible maths gann worked to get to the same figures or turning points.

if we treat time and price are equal each time space and price points are
treated as angles. they can be added divided and squred. and equaled (need
rebalancing and know the figures in the same family)

this is one of the clue gann has given in his literature.

interchangeability of time and price.

With this cocept and proportions results are improving.

This is my work and belief at present

ready to learn and change

Humbly Yours


interchangeability of time and price

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jun 25, 2016
i believe gann was not able to transfer his knowledge because of many weird
ideas has gone into his methods.
simply put one has to understand the subject and practice.

My experience is it is very difficult to explain. but somewhat not difficult

once you uundersood. It has taken hell lot of time and difficulties before i
understand some thing. i believe i have learnt some thing out of his books.

Ready to change and adapt to new ideas

Humbly Yours

wave structure of gann methodology

Jul 4, 2016

whait we see on chart of each bottom and tops even every day bottoms and tops
are points force having different beginnings in the past. day high may be related
to 10 days back high or yesterday high may be related to 200 days back.

it is like waves that appear on a still pond once disturned a stone. different
people may throw stones. each wave have a begining of different times and having
different forces. what we see as paterns consist of different energy points.

it is like this many people sitting before still pont throw stones with
different sizes from different places from from the pond with diffrent point. all
these points interact with each and push the others.

smaller and bigger , higher and smaller , negative and smaller.

it is some times difficult for gann to accurately predict reversal.

that is why he says it will not go about a particular level unless there is a

if it dont resist it will have a breakout. it is mass pressure level may be.

i believe gann is best at predicting long pull market,

i am following long pull market recommendations

This is my belief at present.

Humbly Yours

gann said when time meets price reversal is imminento

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 13, 2016
i will try to explain the idea behind the timest meets price it is not just
about price is equal to time always.

because some may not be tradeable though it may be correct. so many concepts
involved in this time meets price concept. like prportion too

i will be right back. now i am in the middle of traning programme i am giving

Humbly Yours


gann said when time meets price reversal is imminent

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 13, 2016
please watch it carefully there are two buttons visible on gann grid second
button is related to fibonicci ratio from starting point. the target line is
horizontal line. second button is most crucial it is directly related to the
price is equal to price. at second button place is related to time and price
related concept low is conected to higher by a ratio of price as well as time and
connected to the concept of time and price are to be calculated in the same way.

little bit tied up still conducting training programme.

i will be back after some time.

Humbly yours


gann said when time meets price reversal is imminent

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 13, 2016
from the first button calculate two square of time the stock turned at
fibonicci. here time and price started at the same place.
Dear chuck you are right we can make out any thing from any chart. even all
gann charts are same.

all gann charts appear in the same way.

if we are able to get the meaning out of maze of line we see the picture.

still learning willing to learn and change my self for new ideas

Humbly Yours


gann said when time meets price reversal is imminent

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 15, 2016
an idea to decipher
when gann said time and price are to be calculated in the same way.

1) he used to trianles, square and circles- triangle -total all angles equal-
this is the one of the clue
he gives to calculate time for a target. within this trianlge time and price

2) vibratin moves to and fro. that means even though we have a begining point
some times we need to to back to validate future-
3) future points also validate past. so some times gann draws trendlines from
future-looking back from 1940

i will come back

Humbly Yours


angular pitch

Jul 24, 2016

The actual workinng of angular pitch is profound in its working.

I choose to refer gann words or some other time price analyst if any, so that
we can not drift from the main subject.
angular pitch is working as am testing this concept. future angle is related to
past angle. once we have starting point to work with. this starting pint is
validated with other methods of gann.

Humbly Yours


angular pitch

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jul 24, 2016
just my thought this may be one of the clue gann is giving about projected
curve of the indexes and stocks.
he used to group the stocks into different rate of vibrations and combine them
to give projected curve of the index.

as i am moving this angular pitch up and down future points are indicated up
and down.

Still i need to work and test a lot of this concept.

Humbly Yours


components of vibration

Aug 2, 2016
as already discussed vibration have different components. all components are to
be seen in vibration.
one of the component is time, times and half.

this clearly seen in the clue how the serepent curl on which lord vishnu, one
of the hindu trinity transcendtal sleep. serpents are well worshipped. hindu
identify adi sheshu (on which lord vishnu have yogic sleep)
with time. kala sarpa. kala means time sarpa means serpent.

every body learn by symols easily. The great subject like spirituality has to
be learnt only symbols to begin with.

presently i cannot comment worshipping is good or not. learned sages shown us

the symbols.

like all concepts are twisted by each due to ignorance or to suit their needs.
this happens every where.
many clues are there in those symbols.

so called fibonicci numbers are not invented by fibonicci they are worhsipped
in india. many of the construction are done with these numbers in mind. these
called as lord ganesh numnbers or durga numbers/

ganesha means lord of numbers.

fibonicci or ganesh numbers are one of the component of vibration. this i

explained in many articles which are published.

Humbly Yours



Aug 8, 2016
cac is formed triangle pattern from november last year. it has taken good time.
this works like a coiled spring. it is at the wedge of breakout.
once it breakout it will have power upward move.

on the fist look i oberved this. i dint do deeper analysis of it

Humbly Yours


flowing vibration or vibration under constant state of flux

Aug 16, 2016

vibration is may flowing what you believe it as starting point may be an ending
point for some other starting point. this constant flow some times make it
difficult to know ultimate mate bottom or top. we need to isolate a wave that start
with higher vibration.

Humbly Yours

time factor and price factor

murali krishna venkata puppala

Aug 16, 2016
gann gave importance to astrological mathematcs. he stress on that.
he said mathematical astrologers are few. so astrology and mathematics coincice
or one and the same
if you know the law behind.
i am trying explain the concepts because of many variations. but unified by one
law. explaing is difficult.
one has to understand it by themselves. i am only talking of what i believe is
the foundation of gann methodology.
if you can show me how planets influence the stock i am ready to learn.
i dont know that subject. vibration and astrology are one and the same may be

Ready to change for new ideas

Humbly Yours


time factor and price factor

murali krishna venkata puppala

Aug 17, 2016
if it is that easy gann would have transferred that knowledge atleast to his
son or any body. until now there is no proof any body did like gann. including me.
i am not claiming to be an expert. if you feel that i am an expert that is your
if you are not liking you can always remove the mail. it is for those who would
like to take a meaning of it.
proof of pudding is in eating it. i am getting results out of the methods i
understood as gann methods.
again i am repeating gann cannot be explained easily. but once understood it is
easy to apply in majority of the case.
i am not getting any thing out of this forum.
gann was not able to explain. he told that . then how can you say gann can be

you got right to ignore. nothing comes on a platter. gann has not given that.
i was on a tour to pushkar bath so i dint respond.
some people may get the meaning get it into secret. that is what the wish of
gann while writing that novel.
why he dint tell the secret. know it because he was not able to transfer in
entirety . partly we cannot be successfull
Humbly Yours


time factor and price factor

Aug 18, 2016
i use calender days for time count most of the time starting point of time and
price are same. i need to calidate, combined price and time cycles proved
consecutively five times past to pedict turning point,

humbly yours


issue with time factor ALONE

Aug 21, 2016

without taking price factor if we work with time factor there is a problem of
stoploss triggering (booking losses).
for example in the case of grasim, if i act or take buy position in the monring
on the turning date wthout taking price factor, my positin should have been a loss
(loss booking due to stoploss).
Because i considered time factor along with price factor i have waited for
price factor to complete before taking positin. i dont know much of astro. i
believe if astro consider only time it would have got the same problem.

Humbly Yours


important clue

Aug 22, 2016

page no 354

“Marie the Angel of Mercy,” ascended to a height of

more than 20 miles and anchored the “Marie” in the
air. The new inventions were a perfect success and the
machine could rise to any height and anchor and remain
as long as it was desired and was absolutely invisible.

He was now in position to construct a Tunnel thru

the Air from New York to Europe and sail the “Marie”
in safety thru it, then rise to a height of 20 to 50 miles
over any of the cities, anchor and start destruction

page no 355
Supreme Commander had enlarged and improved upon
the Tunnel machine or vacuum until it could be made
25 to 50 miles wide in any direction from a large city.
He had also discovered how to send ships thru the air
without an aviator, directing them by radio rays, which
would enable them to distribute sleeping gas among the
enemy’s lines and prevent loss of any of his valuable

page no 2

When Robert was a little over two years old, his

mother gave birth to a girl, the first born to her, but
still she showed great interest in Robert; talked much
of his future and took great interest in teaching him to
live according to the Bible.

how many times the word anchor appear in the book and their page nos

Humbly Yours


important clue

Aug 23, 2016
hi all
vibratin is very vast and have many faces. astrology is part of it may be. i am
getting results out of my theories based on gann methodology.

i dont know how astrology gives a profit i have not seen any body personally
making money. i dont know whether you made money trading market based on astrology.
prediction is different from trading to a certain extent.

as my knowldge i dint meet you. i am too busy to disturb any body.

gann gives confidence trade based on maths. he said that .

because i dont understand astrology i cannot say that is not correct.

because i dont understand medical terminology i cannot say medicine is fault.

this is what i am applying and getting results.

all my recommendation are in the magazines. it can be verified. the strike rate
is more than
95% and average returns per year is 100%
because you dont understand the gann method as i understand it you cannot say
gann vibration is wrong.
truth has many sides you may be rights.

vibrattion has many faces. there are many ways to reach the god or truth. like
gita itself gave many which suits each person to reach the truth.

i dont deny your knowledge is wrong. because i dont about astrololgy.

i dont know any body who made money out of it.

Humbly Humbly Yours


important clue - Thara

murali krishna venkata puppala

Aug 28, 2016
polaris . There is a prominent story in one of the scriptures of hindus. that
the moon takes away the polaris or tara from jupiter. big war ensued between

This is a prominent story. I thought that there is some meaning in it for

application for mundane affairs.It may be a veiled attempt of ancestors to tell
some thing usefull about evenst that are going to occur.
I asked some astro traders to look into any meaning in it long back.

important clue - Thara

murali krishna venkata puppala

Aug 28, 2016
tara-it is a hungry star. before forming into a star it was a like a golden
egg. it is a manifestation of mother kali. it devours what ever comes within its
range. pressure builds. it satisfies it's hunger with combustion.
after that it became a star. -hndu scriptures

This is how star is born according to hindu scripture.

ancient people without modern technology know how the stars are born.
modern scientis says neclear combustion is the cause of birth of the star.

it is the cause of sound of om which you hear in sea shell. from your body when
you close your ears witth your palms. other alphabets , speech poetry comes from
ohm. Humbly Yours-krishnapvm

On Sunday, 28 August 2016 7:50 PM, "shashank shashank_d@... [Time-Price-

Research-I]" <> wrote:
Thanks Idris.

Garu PVN,

The only reference that I could found was for Rohini ( Aldebaran ).. Re
Polaris (Druv--> meaning axis ) no reference to Jupiter, though had read about
Narasimha ( half man/half lion -> depicted as ape) and Polaris in avatar (vishnu
evolution sequence -> fish, tortoise, pig, ape )..


important clue - Thara

murali krishna venkata puppala

Aug 28, 2016
Most know the story of Chandra or Som (Moon) having seduced/abducted Tara (also
called Rohini by some), the wife of Brahaspati (Jupiter). Chandra also produced a
son with Tara, called Buddh (Mercury). The Gods are supposed to have fought Chandra
to bring Tara back to her husband. It is said that Shiva had smashed Chandra at
that time and kept a part of the moon in his hair.

humbly Yours

important clue - Thara

murali krishna venkata puppala

Aug 28, 2016

tara was owned by Scarlett O'Hara. And was outside Atlanta Ga USA. It was
also home to Prissy (Butterfly McQueen). ( "I don't know nuffin about birfin
babies"). So how do I trade this Tara?

how gann did it how great predictors did it. these are the questions. as we
dint find the answers
we are here questioning.

please participate in discussion. together we can find a solution if it is


this forum is trying to find an answers.

Humbly Humbly Yours


drawing trendline from future point.

Aug 31, 2016
i believe that gann has drawn trendline from future. it is weird idea like
anchoring from the air.
but according to me drawing trendline from future is same as drawing trendline
from the past point.

it is in the idea that price and time are interchangeable.

when we think of time meets price we work with past price action.But there is
another possibility too

now let us think in a different way.

Humbly Yours


what gann did

Sep 2, 2016
gann did the following

he used to predict and trade all time frames in a given condition.

he used to predict exact price where it will reach before a date or at a

specific date(his projected curve)

he predicted mass pressure date in advance.

he used to trade exact points of tops and bottoms in intraday.

he can predict which price will not cross before it breaksout.

he can predict both side of the market like it will go above particular level
and after wards it will go down to
a particular level.

i respect there is a science called astrology.

how astrology helps practially to trade. nobody proved the above aspects like
gann did.

he has done all time frames.

we need to ask teh right questions to get right answer.

I am also a beliver of astrology. but dont know the application of it

but how astrology helped the above aspects for gann.

it is not who is right or wrong.

it is humbly to learn

important clue - Thara

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 3, 2016

gann started the novel with lone star state of texas. possible veiled attempt
of gann to direct us to pole star or polaris.

Perhaps more than any star other than the Sun; Polaris has been regarded as the
most important star in the heavens. It has been known by many names in the past;
"the Pathway" "the Pointer" - indicating the way; "Navel of the World", "Gate of
Heaven", "Hub of the Cosmos", "the Highest Peak of the World Mountain", "Lodestar"
"the Steering Star" "the Ship Star" and Stella Maris "Star of the Sea".

important clue - Thara

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 4, 2016
quoting is necessary so that have a reference to discuss.

i am quoting from wikipedia

Polaris, designated Alpha Ursae Minoris (a Ursae Minoris, abbreviated Alpha

UMi, a UMi), commonly the North Star or Pole Star, is the brightest star in the
constellation of Ursa Minor. It is very close to the north celestial pole, making
it the current northern pole star.

i try to quote from source when some thing needs to be discussed so that we
cannot drift away from the subject i talk of gann so i quote.
here i am talking of starts. the immediate available source for me is wiki

gann talks on the first page north(pole star) as well as north east corner . 45
degree difference.

there are other important numbers if you look. sanfransico earth quake occured
52 days before robert birth.

and also about 72 days . the word sansfransisco earth quake repeated on 73 rd
page. (73-1).

astro is a vast subject. vibration and astro may be one and the same. i am
observing foot prints. you also says astro mathematics.

mathematics is foot prints. i am observing. man may follow different astro

principles. here itself many astro traders follow different methods even though
planets are same. this is only my opinion stand to be corrected.

i live on markets apart from giving recommendations which are published in the

Thank you

reday to learn and change.

Humbly Yours


debate-whether gann used astrology solely

Sep 24, 2016

mihai wrote

I am curious about the connection between wave interferences and fibonnaci

It's the first time I hear about it.

The best thing about fibonnaci, which i am aware of late, is that it doens't
matter what numbers you choose as starting points.
it's very funny indeed, no need to start with 1 and 1
you can start with any number, and the ratio of adjacent numbers will converge
to phi anyway."

Fibonicci can be started any where as gann said vibration is under constant
state of flux. means vibration is flowing. as many fibonicci under workk
simultaneously some even from far into the past. this interferenc of different
fibonicci forces applied affect the waves.

the learning point here is isolate the waves which are having less
interference. for that present vibration in toto should work at all levels of the

vibration has limbs all limbs inseperable from vibration.

most of them start from same startinng points(this is the knowledge as i
applied to the market as of now)
and also i try to see all limbs(limbs in know till now) in tandem with each

this may help to know prjected price before a date.

for turning points we see the complete wave with all its limbs in place

Humbly Yours


debate-whether gann used astrology solely

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 25, 2016
a wave that is bigger both in time as well as price is the important point to
understand the future. vibration moves back and forward.

and another point which need to be understood is triangle. think in terms of

time and price inter changeability.

if we want to know an angle of triangle if you know two angles you can decipher
other angle.

this is how we can draw trend line from future.

Humbly Yours


debate-whether gann used astrology solely

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 25, 2016
many members of the forum are silent on this subject. You are all requested to

we should be ready to win or loose if it enhances the knowledge further.

ultimately we win along with knowledge
i doubt the applicability of placing fibonicci arbitrarily. gann said vibration
is contstant stateof flux meaning what call of ending of wave may be begining
point. this observed.

To know the turning point to trade we need to use powerfull wave with all limbs
in place.

Humbly Yours

debate-whether gann used astrology solely

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 26, 2016
whatever the planets do has to repliate higher level vibratoin. planets are in
the hands highest level vibration. galxies maintain the same principles. our solar
system is a small part.

i wonder an ordinary fan gives a sound. how much sound a galaxy has to give
while rotating with a speed of more than 1000 miles per seconds. sage viswamithra
called it as one which is above, ohm. even einstein got a opnion on this.


Humbly Yours


debate-whether gann used astrology solely

murali krishna venkata puppala

Sep 26, 2016
How would Einstein explain Gayatri Mantra?

Gayatri Mantra: A scientific view:

Am not great soul to write on all holy Gayatri mantra but I strongly feel,
this mantra has lot of innate power to guide the seeker on spiritual path
irrespective of religion, caste or creed, it has universal guidance.

Least, Gayatri mantra has been bestowed the greatest importance in Vedic
dharma.This mantra has also been termed as Savitri and Ved-Mata, the mother of the
Vedas. The literal meaning of the mantra has been cited in abundance. But there is
little info available on its scientific importance, one such review I heard from a
noble soul.

The modern astrophysics and astronomy tell us that our Galaxy called Milky Way
or Akash-Ganga contains approximately 100,000 million of stars.Each star is like
our sun having its own planet system. We know that the moon moves round the earth
and the earth moves round the sun along with the moon. All planets move round the
sun. Each of the above bodies revolves round at its own axis as well. Our sun along
with its family takes one round of the galactic centre in 22.5crore years. All
galaxies including ours are moving at a terrific velocity of 20,000 miles per

And now the scientific meaning of the mantra step by step:

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(A) Om bhur bhuvah swah:
Bhur the earth, bhuvah the planets (solar family), swah the Galaxy. We observe
that when an ordinary fan with a speed of 900 RPM (rotations per minute) moves, it
makes noise. Then, one can imagine, what great noise would be created when the
galaxies move with a speed of 20,000 miles per second. This is what this portion of
the mantra explains that the sound produced due to the fast-moving earth, planets
and galaxies is ‘Om’. The sound was said to be heard during meditation by Rishi
Vishvamitra, who mentioned it to other hermits.

All of them, then unanimously decided to call this sound Om the name of God,
because this sound is present in all the three periods of time, hence it is
permanent. Therefore, it was the first ever revolutionary idea to identify formless
God with a specific title (form) called ‘upadhi’. Until that time, everybody
recognized God as formless and nobody was prepared to accept this new idea. In the
Gita also, it is said, "Omiti ekaksharam brahma", meaning that the name of the
Supreme is Om, which contains only one syllable (8/12). This sound Om heard during
samadhi was called by all the seers nada-brahma (a very great noise), but not a
noise that is normally at a specific amplitude and limits of decibels suited to
human hearing. Hence the rishis called this sound ‘Udgith’ -musical sound of the
above, i.e., heaven. They also noticed that the infinite mass of galaxies moving
with a velocity of 20,000 miles/second was generating a kinetic energy = 1/2 MV2
and this was balancing the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence they named
it ‘Pranavah’, which means the body (vapu) or store house of energy (prana).

(B) Tat savitur varenyam:

Tat that (God), savitur the sun (star), varenyam worthy of bowing or respect.
Once the form of a person along with the name is known to us, we may locate that
specific person.Hence the two titles (upadhi) provide the solid ground to identify
the formless God, Vishvamitra suggested. He told us that we could know (realize)
the unknowable formless God through the known factors, viz., sound Om and light of
Suns (stars).

An engineer can measure the width of a river even by standing at the river bank
just by drawing a triangle. So was the scientific method suggested by Vishvamitra
in the mantra in the next portion as under:-

(C) Bhargo devasya dheemahi:

Bhargo the light, devasya of the deity, dheemahi we should meditate. The rishi
instructs us to meditate upon the available form (light of suns) to discover the
formless Creator (God). Also he wants us to do japa of the word Om (this is
understood in the Mantra). This is how the sage wants us to proceed, but there is a
great problem to realise it, as the human mind is so shaky and restless that
without the grace of the Supreme (Brahma) it cannot be controlled. Hence
Vishvamitra suggests the way to pray Him as under:

(D) Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat:

Dhiyo (intellect), yo (who), nah (we all), prachodayat (guide to right
Direction). O God! Deploy our intellect on the right path.

Full scientific interpretation of the Mantra: The earth (bhur), the planets
(bhuvah), and the galaxies(swah) are moving at a very great velocity, the sound
produced is Om, (the name of formless God.) That God(tat), who manifests Himself in
the form of light of suns(savitur) is worthy of respect (varenyam). We
all,therefore, should meditate (dheemahi) upon the light (bhargo) of that deity
(devasya) and also chant the Om. May He (yo) guide in right direction (prachodayat)
our (nah) intellect dhiyo.So we notice that the important points hinted in the
mantra are:-
1) The total kinetic energy generated by the movement galaxies acts as an
umbrella and balances the total energy consumption of the cosmos. Hence it was
named as the Pranavah (body of energy). This is equal to 1/2 mv2 (Mass of galaxies
x velocity2).
2) Realising the great importance of the syllable OM, the other later religions
adopted this word with a slight change in accent, viz., amen and Ameen.
3)The God could be realised through the saguna (gross), upasana (method), i.e.,
a) by chanting the name of the supreme as OM and b) by meditating upon the
light emitted by stars (suns).

This form of worship i.e., worshiping the cosmic sound and light doesn’t
confine to a sect or religion. More over the cosmic sound and light are generated
by none other than the supreme Lord.ufr

Humbly Yours


some practical issues with gann methodology

Nov 25, 2016

vibration under constant state of flux

as the vibration is under continuous flow one has to be carefull in trading as

some vibrations though work are

not practical to get profit. because afer small resisstance or support it will
be broken without giving profits.

so we need to alienate the vibration which works with good profits. To know
that one has to look stageurs of vibration and whether any immediate target is near
by in both time and price.

as regards interference some remote vibrations also may distort the picture.
one has to work with vibrations without interference and clear moement not

w.d.gann has to go back and verify the starting point.

Humbly Yours,

one of many articles published-my analysis of the nove.

Nov 29, 2016

My analysis of the novel tunnel thru the air written by greatest trader and
predictor w.d. gann.

Robert is unusually happy on page 276 although three years have passed after
marie’s disappearance
I came to badrachalam (Andhra pradesh state in ,india) travelling approximately
138 kilometers on some professional work When I searched my mail 138 mails are
waiting to be seen.
Many times this 138 is appearing in life and markets. Push it off it is not
going away.
Ok now, gann enthusiasts, we go to page no 52, where there is a reference of no
72 if we devide 72 by page no 52 you get 138 (never mind the decimals)

Page no 137
The next time that he remembered anything, he awoke on
Monday morning with the sun streaming in thru the
window of his hotel and realized that he had fallen
asleep. The little book, “Poems That Have Helped

The words sun streaming thru the window was repeated after the first page which
seems to be a beginning point . if we add one to 137 we get 138 there Robert
enquired about any telegram or long distance call about marie’s disappearance.
Page no 276 which is an octave of page no 138 where reference of topic of
communication about missing marie occurred.

Page no 276

N the Fall of 1929, Robert and Walter made a large amount of money in cotton
and wheat. Robert was unusually happy. Although over three years had passed without
any direct news of Marie he was sure she was alive; felt that the time was not long
to wai tbefore she would reappear.
It seems that octave of 138 which is 276 is a confirmation of future event.(I
do take them into my calculations some times)

SB 6.18.62: After entering Diti's womb, Indra, with the help of his
thunderbolt, cut into seven pieces her embryo, which appeared like glowing gold. In
seven places, seven different living beings began crying. Indra told them, "Do not
cry," and then he cut each of them into seven pieces again.
SB 6.18.63: O King, being very much aggrieved, they pleaded to Indra with
folded hands, saying, "Dear Indra, we are the Maruts, your brothers. Why are you
trying to kill us?"
SB 6.18.64: When Indra saw that actually they were his devoted followers, he
said to them: If you are all my brothers, you have nothing more to fear from me.

If we further enquire about 138, we come to the knowledge that it is number

related to fibonicci ratio.

SB 1.6.17: O Vyasadeva, at that time, being exceedingly overpowered by feelings

of happiness, every part of my body became separately enlivened. Being absorbed in
an ocean of ecstasy, I could not see both myself and the Lord.
SB 1.6.18: The transcendental form of the Lord, as it is, satisfies the mind's
desire and at once erases all mental incongruities. Upon losing that form, I
suddenly got up, being perturbed, as is usual when one loses that which is

If we add 138 to 162 which is another fibonicci ratio we get three(never mind
the decimals) which gann given importance to. If we add 138 to 262 we get four.
Four is a square in gann parlance
To further enquire about 1.618 if we square that we get 2.618 which is also a
fibonicci ratios. If we further multiply that with 1.618(1.618*2.618) we get 4.23.
we get the same number even if we add (1.618+2.618) .

SB 1.3.8: In the millennium of the r?s?is, the Personality of Godhead accepted

the third empowered incarnation in the form of Devars?i Narada, who is a great sage
among the demigods. He collected expositions of the Vedas which deal with
devotional service and which inspire nonfruitive action.

The themes includes chemistry, physics and mathematics and music. He was more
influenced by the scientific community of that time and incorporated their science
into his trading. Those scientists of prominence were more influenced by Hinduism
by swami Vivekananda. This influence is seen in the writings of gann in the novel.
Gann is uncanny in his ability to predict the market movement one year in
Gann is uncanny not a phony
And I am hungry

(Going to relish dinner in the sri kalki hotel in badrachalam.)

After I finished my chores in badrachalam I went to the temple which is just a

kilometer away from my stay.

Humbly Yours



Nov 29, 2016
tekanlko wrote
They are perfect calls and good charts , the problem is that looking at them
leads the casual observer nowhere

any worthwile study is not for causual observer. It is for deep students of
gann. it requires brutal hard work.

abhay wrote

Gann was calling these trades 4 months or 6 months in advance not 1 hour or few
hours before, obviously my technical patterns will always show where the support
and resistance points are for aa timeframe within 1hr or few hours…

That is the easiest one what it can probably do in future as regards price.
that is just resistance points.

future level i gave many. That is part of long pull market prediction which i
was doing for indian readers of a magazine. the level whch i predict can act as
attractive points and also repulsive points.

Resistance points or support points can be done in advance. they should be

profitablle trades.

this i can give months in advance. many many can be given daily.

future level predictions are given are acurrate before a period.

which gave more than 95% successfull calls with 98% average profits.

which are published. The results were given here in the forum long back in
excel format.

compiled by readers of the magazine.

resistance and support points can be given in advance. giving just before the
event is better. as i can corrobarte evidence with other tools of gann to see
whether they can give good profits.

some time the predictoins happens without giving profits. that aspects need to
be taken care. that needs actual happening mathematics at that time.

It is proved beyond doubt gann has not used astrology in his own words.

see previous posts on debate.

gann used fibonicci in a completely different way. preseent use of fib by
analyst is far from how gann used them.

but i see planets follow fibonicciso there may be coincidence the work of gann
tally with astro some time.

gann used many concepts as regards time and price.

Training classes on, I will come back after some time.

Humbly Yours,



Nov 29, 2016

Respected by abhay.


If i give resistance points short atlest on paper. whether you are getting
three times your stoplosses.
if your method work that is good for you.

i am not saying i am correct 100% times. Even gann was not.

Irrespctive of methods whther gann or some thing else, trading should be done
wiht proper money mangement.

dont invest more than 1% of your trading capital on a single commitment.

If it gives three times of the risk and with more than 80% success rate it is
have a method and try.

try that way whether it gives profit or not.

If it dont suit your risk apetite leave it.

Use your own method to get profit. every body have their favourite methods and
my favourite method i am following.

Humbly Yours,

Proving Validity of Concept

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 30, 2016
traders life cycle

first stage. we come to the market without knowledge. we loose.

second stage: fear based trading again we loose out of fear we get less when we
and loose more out of fear ot book losses without stoplosses
third stage: searching for the holdy graily. looking for 100% success rate.
it will not happen children goes from diapers to funny papers to college. no
body can find
they stop again start with first stage.

few people comes to fourth stage.

searching for 80% success rate with good risk reward ratio(1:3)


What Wd.Gann did? how and what he forecasted?...

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 2, 2016

i agree with your views except small issue the entity that guided him may be
the nature itself. when his nature coincide with nature.
this power will not come to lazy or who are closed to new ideas.
gann is not difficult but it is different. that kind of knowledge we are not
taught in school.

To present level of knowldge that may be weird. LIke 100 1000 1000000 are 0.01
is same.
not only family of numbers are different.
there limits to the universal expansion and contraction from a standpoint.
this is what einstein written in the last letter to the scientific community.
he has not seen certain times of a number in the same family.
this is true in periodic table of chemistry.
he talks of limits.
But dr. ramanuja speak of creating principle is assocaited with 5/4.
I think he has drawn the conclusion from shree yantra also five triangles one
side and four on the others.
He said he gets calculations from goddess of namakkal. Goddess is nature.
Nature guided him
Nauture guides in a systematic order. This is what i felt myself.
This order cannot be taught directly i beleive at present.
Gann also worked with first with one principle then discarded that for higher

i give my view why he refered to wirelesss telegraphy.

i say that your view is correct. let me expand.
cause and effect are seen in telegraph.
cause happens here resuls are seen some where in the future.
Peculiarity of vibration is cause becomes effect further effect becomes the
cause for the effect of higher order.
creating musical octave system. doubling of vibrations.
He used to search for the casuse for present action or future action going back
to even 20 years or so.
some cause can appear near by. some in remotes.
for appearance each cause has its own ending. but all cause connected to higher
At present i work with few causes at a time. where there is no interference of
higer cause, the effect is seen for good trading.
This is some times difficult to alienate the cause which dont have
interference. though appear to interfere they follwo higher order of cause. But for
us as traders we like to trade good for good profits. for example i say a
resistance a points. it will acf as resistnce for lesser period. immediately higher
cause take it forward gives much higher targets.
this phenomenon cannot be explained easily. it wil be confusing if any body try
explain some people.
that is why gann said people are not ready to accept.
ready people like you get the message.
He even did not teach his son who plays with paper rockets( i read some where)
knowing futility of exercise.
every body has comfort zone. They dont want to come out of it.

I read in a book. One man discloses some principles of like. some people like
them. The cult is created followers follow them as afterall they are followerrs.
The main person changes over a period. he cannot tell the followers his original
thgous have flaws.
by that time followers cannot accept the idea they followed a principles which
have flaws as they have devoted much of their life flawed principles. Now the
leader is led. he is no more a leader. now followers kill themselves or kill the
leader if leader teaches them.

this is happening when we dont accept new ideas. we are frozen without

first we start with the question what gann did what gone forecasted.
we validate all our work with it. he used to givne specific levels.
if we cannot do that we cannot say we follow gann.
astrology may be a different subject. for that speficially other fourm of
timepriceresearch is there.
true traditinal astrology is not what he followed.
i follow earh movement for natural cycle. i read armstrong. i like his
His theories coincide with gann like no 224.
The question is whether we dare to validate with what gann did.
No one is 100% correct. gann was not and i am not.
gann or any other trading method should be with money management.





What Wd.Gann did? how and what heforecasted?...

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 3, 2016
true mihai
we need to enter a spiritual realm to connect to the higher source.

That is a state where I concoiusness merge in to higher conciousnes.

this state of mahat existence knowldge and blissh sat chit ananda state.
depending on the stage we get the higher and higher consciousness.
sage by stage development.


What Wd.Gann did? how and what he ...

Dec 3, 2016
he is simply seeing past cycles to repeat.
as gann said he only has to see which cycle si repeting now.

if small cylces conicide wiht past cycles with good correlation he is

projecting . some time we need to go back many years back.
using a formula to go back and correlation you too can do.

gann said nothing new under the sun. past cycles repeat some time inverse.

Where are the original students of gann classes?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 4, 2016
gann knowledge is not a class room subject. passing exam and practicing.
step by step we need to raise conciousness. Though Gann tried to transfer the
knowing fully well that few raise their level of consiousness to understand.
he understand that every body learnt from their own pace.
objective of his teaching class may be to transfer atleast to some body who
this message is very clear by novel tunnel thru the air by way of marie's

‘I will come to you

when I mean the most and your need for love is the

Robert was concentrating more of comming war and nation and his contribution.
He was discussing with marie those things.

Every body learnt at their pace and level of consciousness.when some body talks
about gann or
some literatrue appears i dont try to go deepinto except peripheral reading.i
leave to my free mind
to understand it. when time comes it occurs to me as a flash.(connecting to the
this is the experience of any who desire to find a solution to any thing in
life or
they leave it to their mind to work on it.


One great lesson i learned from my life.Ther is no market for your emotions, so
advertise your feelings, just show your attitude.

Even in ths life they conqured the relative existence(moksha), whose mind is
firm fixed on the sameness
of every thing(seeing the god every wehre) for god is pure and same to all,
such are said to be living in god.
bhagavat gita

Something that Gann said

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 4, 2016

Your observation may be related to gann statement that each stock follows a
rate of vibration. He has given per day vibration
like one dollar or fraction per some instruments in some of his stud material.
he used to group the stocks according to their rate of vibration

This may help him to know which group of stocks are due for correction or rise.

You are highlihting an important observation.

after grouping the stocks to the units. he may associate that with other
properties of geometry to know
the ending of the waves.

so according to your observatioin even indexes folllow the same principle of

rate of vibration.



Dec 18, 2016

We submit this in full recognition of the fact that in Wall Street a man with a
new idea, an idea which violates the traditions and encourages a scientific view of
the Proposition, is not usually welcomed by the majority, for the reason that he
stimulates thought and research. These activities the said majority abhors.

Science teaches that ‘an original impulse of any kind finally resolves itself
into a periodic or rhythmical motion; also, just as the pendulum returns again in
its swing, just as the moon returns in its orbit, just as the advancing year over
brings the rose of spring, so do the properties of the elements periodically recur
as the weight of the atoms rises.”

This i believe to be the clue for predicting the stock before a specific date.

he found the oriignal impulse and found it's periodic or rhuthemicl motions to
predict the

price before a date.

original impulse is related to target in a mathematial way.



murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 19, 2016
there are innumerable impulse working simultaneously. each impulse have their
there are minor major smaller bigger lower and higher negative and positive
impulses working

with in bigger impulses smaller impulses may appear.

that is not simply lilnear points connected serially. though they appear to be
trending points of results of impulses.
the trendng nature may be because of ultimate beginning points with two
seperate wave negative and positive.

so a beging point of an impulse is connected with the target. so it is point to

point interaction.

when we dial a phone it is connected to remote place.

my phone may reach a particular number. other calls go to other numbers.

a beginning point is validated by further action in its. once validated next

higher level target based on lower impulse can
be predicted. smaller imupulses give target for higher .this total first
impulse and target become bigger impulse for higher target.
that is each target and its beginning points give way to higher ones.

The point of discussion is not about time cycles alone. how the impulses gann
was referring to predicting price before a date.

let us align ourselves about basic question. how this impulse theory predicts
price before a date as gann did.

Just like gann did.



murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 19, 2016
good antiste

Your theory is predicting like gann? price before a date?

impulses are seen in prices. gann said time is known only by the price actioin.
means it is price swiings and the difference between the price swings define

not the other way round.

we can discuss to prove or disprove. whether the impulse issue given in ticker
can direct
towards price before a date.

we can debate to prove or disprove the issue.


GANN 45 angle views

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 27, 2016

my views and work with 45 degree angle.

as price exactly cannot move at 45 degree angle we need to see the stopenders.

three things are involved in this starting point with a proper rate of
vibration connecting particular stopender.
once this is done target is fixed which is an ending point for that force which
is just an estension of line from starting point to partiular stopender which moves
with a proper rate of vibration.

if we read his interew it is he divided the stock according to rate of

vibration. he grouped them accoridngly.

this is an ideal situation. some other angles also work equally.

This is only partial view of this concept.


What Wd.Gann did? how and what he forecasted? Debate

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 27, 2016
first let us deal with first question.

what gann did

1)gann did give precise price which will not cross.

2) price that are going to be touched before a specific date.
3) he gave projected curve in advance.
4) where price of stock will be on a particular day.

GANN 45 angle views

murali krishna venkata puppala

Dec 29, 2016
i feel happy that we are discussing the subject of vibration with referecne to
the gann work.

vibration is complex while applying to the market movement. it needs lot of

explanations of different variations.
45 degree is one angle out of many angle. but 45 degree angle better to be
defined first before attempting other
angle. this is the base angle as i understand and work.

There are many concepts involved in vibration. all concepts has to be

if we deal with only one concept it will be a dangerous situation.

one has to jorney followiing the clues given by gann and internalising the
one can also learn from different contributions from the group members to
understand gann.

some who are in the advanced journey might understand new information and
with gann methodology.

it depends on where we are in the journey.

it is difficult terrain and most pain yet times.

adding the rules and testing them.
with aha experience every time.
and again adding other aspects of gann with another aha experience.

more we are learing the all aspects of vibration we are increasting the
probability of success.

gann was a learner through out his life (as per his writings) he used to go
to test why it failed yet times.

innumerable possibilities is test for him in the begining for him.

some clue is given about 45 degree angle by gann in the novel when he was
referring about
robert's sister's birth.

i will try to write more on this soon

tops and bottoms and swings-reg

Jan 2

gann said all swiings are cyclical. they repeat.

highs are related to past HIGH OR LOW.


according to scriptures there are 140 elements related to our body


earth 108
water 8
fire 8
air 8
akash 8
total 140
other than earth elements are 32 elements which is related to our teeth and 2 to
the power of 5.

108 no is is earth related to mooladhar chakra of the body. creation.

“The first centre is called the Mooladhara centre. It has four petals (sub-
plexuses), is placed below the triangular bone, and is responsible on the physical
level of the manifestation of the pelvic plexus which looks after all our
excretion, inclusive of sex activity. When the Kundalini rises, then this centre
becomes inactive in the excretion functions but active in the support of the rising
of the Kundalini. Though the Kundalini has to rise through six centres, the first
centre of Mooladhara Chakra protects the purity of chastity of the Kundalini at the
time of its awakening.”

108 is some how related to circle of earth adn sun with slight difference

earth 12756
sun 139200

139200/12756=109.125 small difference is due to vibration itself under vibration

this is my view

five and eight are important part of gann. they are main componens of vibration.

this is 5/8 of 224 bhuanas of goddess.

i agree he has taken clues from elements. but present found elements are not
gann has gone above it.
please search how many times the word new year is repeated and in which pages in
the tunnel thru the air novel.

stocks are grouped according to their rate of vibration

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 17
i dont think sectors have vibration similar to each other.thin
within the same sectors stocks diverge.
may be some thing related to starting point.
as it is rate of vibration.
some thing should be fixed to compare with.
i am thinking of the distance between one octave to another octave.
and again once vibration is found for a stock.
it may not be the same number to group similar stocks that vibrate.
it may be double or half or simply square or square root of the number you
on a stock.
doubling or halving and further double and halving and squaring and square root
or re
square root are the same family.
this is my idea.
but one thing is what is the purpose of it.
as he said he will know which group of stocks will move upward or down as


Debate-what is a reaction?

murali krishna venkata puppala

Jan 19
all the highs and lows that appear at any moment may not be related to
immediate previous high or low. means they are not lenear.
but they sometimes appear to be lenear because, they follow the cycles of
beginning point for each move separate.
each point may have a separate beginnig poinnt

financial analyst
stocks are grouped according to their rate of vib...

Jan 29
"No matter how you stretch or distort a chart along the y or x axis, the time
factor will remain the same.'

both time and are to be calculated in the same way.

the concept of balancing of time and price is due deviation from each other.

they need to get balanced.

this concept balancing we discuss with reference to original statements of


this may throw some light.


Squaring Time & Price

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 20, 2008
the purpose of squaring time with price is to know where time meets price. as
gann said when time meets price reversal is imminent. this can be done by knowing
the past swing points and the present price we can know whether time meets price.
as gann said past repeats. these turning points can be predicted one years in
advance as gann did. this is possible by knowing two tunring points and factor of
time. this factor of time related squaring. come back soon with more details. this
is important subject. many concepts to be known before applying it. once known it
is as easy as eating a cake.
thanks for giving opportunity to discuss.this can be evidence by my previous
prediction of mine through gann knowledge. thanks to gann and natural forces.


Squaring Time & Price

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 23, 2008
dear bob davis,
what you said is right grid per inch is important. but in the modern computer
world if we know the time and price unit is known that is enough. angles are
important. but mostly can be used for trend determination. just to repeat my old
discussion. the important point is knowing two similar event in different times and
balancing them. just to put it in a different way you like a sweet. when did you
eat that sweet in two different times in the past. that is the first step in the
whole analysis. time element is not fixed. it depends on these two similar events
and third one is balancing point. the subject weird and subtle. but once known it
is easy. i use half life principles in chemistry to determine the exact price that
it is going touch before a specific date. but as regards turning points i take two
different swing points and project the turning date.

as regards my prediction of turning points and prediction of price before a

date. already given in different forums. this is not a forum for who can predict
best. it is a learning site. but still for the sake of proving the greatness of
gann work predictions are given in various forum only to prove gann is real.


TTTA question or asking for help

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 17, 2016
very very interesting and usefull conversation goig on. i would like to talk on
each observation and how i used some of the concetps.
i am not converstant in astrology. but i believe in it as part of higher order.
presently i can throw some different clue to astrology. vibration should be
validated with proof. so take starting point after proof of the starting point is
established. i try to establish the starting point seeing the fractal nature at
lower level.

this clue i believe in the following statement on page no 2

see the two here.

When Robert was a little over two years old, his

mother gave birth to a girl, the first born to her, but
still she showed great interest in Robert; talked much
of his future and took great interest in teaching him to
live according to the Bible.

you can take the position from the two years after the date of birth.

again i telling i am not conversant with astrol.

i use this concept ( which i use the number 2) as a part of vibratioin.
you may find somethihng of value of this date


Humbly Yours.

TTTA question or asking for help

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 18, 2016

mihai wrote

after meeting multiple girls with these energies,

i can understand why her mother shifted her focus on robert :)))

i was not able to follow your statement.

actually two become one at higher level. yes this is related pythagaras music.
this one whch is two at different level is having sub components of octave. get the
clue from pythagaras music.
recently i read on the net around sun there is octaves at work.
I am only writing what i work with from so many years with much much more than
average results.Thanks to w.d gann for all his works.

mihai as regards my english, while i am writng on the timeprice forum i am

little bit fast not minding grammar or spelling.
may be working with wordless state of mind,LOL)


Humbly Yours,


murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 18, 2016

respected jhm.

i am trying to explain what gann did. Gann did the same. most of the time he gave
resistance levels without giving when to buy.
you can say the same thing to gann.

"In 1908 when the Union Pacific was 168-1/8, he told me it would not touch 169
before it had a good break. We sold it short all the way down to 152-5/8, covering
on the weak spots and putting it out again on the rallies, securing twenty-three
points profit out of an eighteen-point market wave."
"This steel will run up to 58 but it will not sell at 59. From there it should
break 16 points." We sold it short around 58 with a stop at 59. The highest it went
was 58. From there it declined to 41-17 points."

"When Union Pacific was 172, he said it would go to 184-7/8 but not an eighth
higher until it had a good break. It went to 184-7/8 and came back from there eight
or nine times. We sold it short repeatedly, with a stop at 185, and were never
caught. It eventually came back to 17."

As regards physics of life, gann got clues from natural numbers and and learnt
from natural laws. as per his interview he followed natural laws. you can be
critical of Gann too. we are here to study Gann and his methodology

i don't ask your trading record which is between you and your tax authorities. you
have expressed many times you
don't have balance in your trading account. based on this i doubt you are a trader
at all. or a continuous looser.or just spending time criticizing others with
sarcastic and racial remarks (once you commented two asians, any body who knows
your comments will tell you that your remarks are racial)

better to follow a tradition of debating only to learn more. in the process whether
we win or loose our endeavour is to learn more.

you should be better contributor before you criticize others.

you wrote

There's one guy who posts regularly on when resistance points ought to be hit. Is
he a trader or a thought technician. If a trader when did you enter--and when did
you exit ?

I have a hard time with people that warn against an upward move--or that can only
talk about tops.

why you should have hard time. that is your problem not others. you can ignore

if you are a real trader you should have tested the calls like your expectation

for example you want to earn 10 percent on each call with test it with your risk
level. whether are earning three times the stop loss.

for example you bought at 100 stop loss at 95 see that whether you get 115 while
1:3 risk reward ratio. you are going to loose 10% on capital if you loose 10 times.
if you are successful 50% of time also you win try this.

let us say you loose 1000 dolars when you loose and get 3000 dollars when you win.

Say you made hundred calls. Make a chart of 90% success and 10% losses and also
possibilities till 40 success and 60 failures with 1:3 risk reward ratio, means
1000 :3000 .

Don't risk more than 1% of your trading capital on single commitment (gann method
of money management)
Your stop loss amount should be less than or equal to 1% of your trading capital,
or invest in out of the money calls options and see how much you are getting. how
much you expect to get.
If you are a trader you would have at least tested before criticizing.
Let us not argue for argument sake

You need not have a hard time with any body. better not to choose to have a hard
time with others. it depends on your choosing.

Humbly Yours,


TTTA question or asking for help

murali krishna venkata puppala

Nov 20, 2016
mihai wrote
all girls i've met with these energies are only interested in their image /
face / ego
me me me me everywhere
very boring

he was talking sublime energy when he was referring about sister of robert.
here two females involved in this.
even though he is bort female sublime energy that occured when he was just
above two years. triggered the events to follow

this is where i anchor my whole grid second is completed and made breakout.
then i project.
this second becomes one which have components of price vibration that is
mathematical sequence. this is known by stopenders.
and most interesting thing is this one is basis for higher level. This becomes
the root.

i appreciate very good conversation started.

research flourishes when we openly and freely discuss.

gann methodology goes beyond speculation. this methodology gives answers for
many things in life.

Humbly Yours


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