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experts, or Looking back from 1940, remember you can never look
back, you can never look back, any way, why would you want to look
back, and why from 1940 ? Good question for you all here, in "the
wall street selector" Mr. Gann says, and eye quote him here, "Each
stock moves according to its individual time limit, and makes top
and bottom at different time because the vibration and wavelength
varies on the different stocks". How many of you know what that
means, and can apply it ?. Mr. Gann in the US STEEL analysis uses
the term GC around ten times, and then about fifteen more in the
master charts section, WHY would he harp on such a thing as a
GRAVITY CENTER. In the astro charts letters written by Mr Gann he
says the price of beans is BELOW the body of SATURN, how can the
beans be below the "body" and in Mr. Ganns own words, "everything
seeks a gravity center" how can "TIME" seek a GC if "TIME" does not
exist ?, WHY did Mr. Gann say, I use a master time factor, if he
just said in the wall street selector, that ALL markets have there
OWN TIME LIMIT ? If all markets have there own time limit, then
there CANNOT be a master time factor, can there be ? or at least one
that FITS EVERYTHING. In the wall street selector, Mr. GAnn
says "showing how to determine the major and minor swings according
to the time element", then he says "I can teach you how to determine
the wavelenghts of different stocks", WAVELENGTH'S ? Then Mr. Gann
that ? Why does he say in the master charts section, "the proof and
cause of all market movements is the natural even and odd squares of
numbers, and he is not talking about 9,16,25,36,49,64, 81 and so on.
What does this mean ? why does MR. Gann say, "prices are governed by
time" and "time causes prices to change". Why all the focus
on "price", when that is the LEAST of your concerns ? Price is ONLY
being DISRUPTED by the rotational timing signatures. IT is
RIDICULOUS ANGLES, or Gann FANNS. Why did Mr. Gann says in "how to
make profits, "if you drilled a hole thru the earth out thru the
opposite side,and dropped a ball into it, it would fall right past
the center of it, then it would oscillate back and forth until it
rested on the Gravity Center ?. Why would he tell you that story ?
because HE LIKES YOU ?, Perhaps, but not likely. Now perhaps you see
why he said BEANS are BELOW THE BODY OF SATURN. The earth has a
body, doenst it, the earth is the body, and that ball was BELOW its
GRAVITY CENTER, and if that ball was "carrying price" the position
of that "ball" would determine a lot, now wouldnt it ? NAAAAAAA, but
your forty five degree angle surely will and so will your ridiculous
angles from zero, and so will your goofy planets superimposed over
the useless square of nine. The real KEY to MR. Ganns work is to
continually and forever LOOK at those angles and gann grids the
PRECISE way your eyeballs see them. THESE very SENTENCES COME FROM
MR. Ganns own books and course, yey they are anathema to evey Gann
student. They are the same as scratching your fingernails on a
chalkboard. Therefore the best thing to do, is to ignore them.


In Ganns master charts section of his commodity course, he gives some

examples of prices being in different squares, ie, maybe the six or
the six hunred and eighteenth square, what would it matter if a
market is in different squares, if they are all the same ?. Perhaps
they are not the same, the gann grids are representative of all the
squares in one, but if you were to chip away at them you would reveal
the various platonic solids, as there are five of them. Did you ever
consider to count the combined vertices, faces and edges of the
platonic solids, if you did you might count 190 of them, which is
quite interesting when you think of diatonic positions over an eight
positioned octave. But the fact that five solids, does not account
for the entire octave makes for some repitition and also the addition
of the sphere. When you look at markets you see various phases of
pattern repitition, spike reversals, swing type moves, trends, and
rounding acr type action at bottoms or tops. This is because market
are running along the lines of the platonic solids in a certain
sequence, this is done on the longer term squares, and also the daily
and intraday time periods, at any one time its not difficult to
ascertain what solid is in operation for any market period. Certain
types of powders, and paste which are vibrated at diatonic
frequencies would automatically build shapes based on platonic
solids, as evidenced by the scientist Dr Janny in the sixties, these
interesting videos and experiments proved that matter builds upon
geometric patterning following along the vibratory laws of wave
mechanics, ie, wavelength, frequency, and amplitude. In ganns courses
he said that a market is built just like a house, its lays the
foundation, then it builds the walls, then it completes the structure
with the top, he of course is describing the cube, but what happens
when the market is operating along the sphere, or the tetrahedron, or
the other platonic solids ?, the market tends to trace the outlines
of the particular solid in operation. Also when using squares, any
particular square, you always have a larger time angle in operation,
this is like a vertical column of energy that is sitting somewhere in
the square, of course this is incremented daily or weekly, and when
the smaller time frames pass over where the larger time slots are
energized something happens, you have what is called sympathetic
resonance, you have a lining up of two time angles, when this happens
market vibration comes alive, it is no different that having two
guitars and plucking the low e string on one of them, and then
watching the same string on the other guitar begin to vibrate, and
you want to think that attentuation or loss of signal would happen,
just the opposite though happens, the strength increases. It doesnt
hurt to make paper platonic solids and look at them, study them and
rotate them, and take note of the numbers that describe them, there
is forecasting truth in the them.


On page 76 in the tunnel, Mr gann says that everything in this

universe is eliptical, or circular in motion, including the
abstract, the concrete, the physical, mental and spiritual. For
Archimedes screw to work this must be a fact, this is why current
water treatment facilities use this principle up to this day. The
Telluric screw was a attempt to show peridocity in the elements over
a spiraling motion. Mr Ganns, says, as the weight of the atom rises,
the properties of the elements show periodic reoccurence, and they
do this roughly every eight positions, which is the chemists "law of
octaves". If nothing operates on a straight line then..... More than
likely everybody has gone to a local carnival in there town, and
seen that house of fun type setup, normally there is a sort of a
tube, or tunnel that rotates, and the people who go thru that have
to walk thru and as they do, they get picked up along the sides, so
they accelerate there speed as to not feel the influence of the
rotation. For the folks in the golden state, we watch the winners
spin the wheel of the lottery big spin. This huge wheel with all the
pins around its periphery is spun very rapidly, then the little
ball, is wildly bounced as it hits different pins, as the wheel
slows, the ball gets lodged in a certain slot, and it gets lifted up
to about half way up the turn, then again falls down to the bottom,
and it moves back and forth oscillating between two pins, then again
its get stuck in a slot, and moves up the wheel again, and this is
repeated until the wheel stops. On to the gann grids, since nothing
can move in a straight line why use that grid as if its a flat
straight surface, the reason you do is because gann told you so.
Again picture that rotating tunnel thru the air at the carnival, and
imagine that the gann grids, ie the angles are all around that tube,
and the person is now the price going thru that tube as it rotates,
and the price gets caught in a angle, ie a slot, then as the
rotation occurs, the price moves up, then as it falls off it is
again caught an another slot, and this pulls the price up further,
at the bottom of the tube, imagine that slot is the time angle, and
the time angles just perpetually run thru the bottom slot of the
rotating tube, for this to happen, you need to move yourself, ie
your perception to the left side of the grid, that is normally used
for price, and stand from that perspective, and if it helps wrap
that square up into a tube, and imagine that thing rotating and the
price moving thru from where you are to the end of it being bounced
around the slot, ie the angles, by doing this we have transposed the
time angles to straight lines, but there are none cause they just
wrap back around to you again, so the time angle is always at the
bottom and the top depending what direction the market is going in
and the price is intersecting these lines where the time angles used
to be, when you use it as a flat grid. If you get into your brain
sufficient enough you will come to realize you are inside that tube
that perpetually wraps itself back on itself, which is one of the
fractals. Remember watching those loggers in the river who would use
a swift change of momentun to knock the other logger off the
floating log, thats what is happening with the price as it traverses
the "tunnel thru the air”

Mr Gann said Once I determine the cause, its easy enough to know the
effect, many technical analysts wonder how come a simple trendline
is so effective. There effective for a reason, sitting near a pond
watching the ducks float near the edge, a huge boulder is thrown
toward the middle, we know about how long the effects from that rock
are going to travel toward the ducks, making them ride and rock over
the ripples as they move toward the shore. By watching the cause, we
can make an approximate estimation as to how much effect we will
see. The bigger the rock, ........ the bigger the turn, and the
longer the influence into the future, the bigger the lake, the
bigger the rock needs to be to distort the norm. Take a look at one
of those old Gann cotton charts, with a million lines going
everywhere, the thinking was that these lines HAVE to catch the
price as its so busy, but they are not drawn in any old fashion,
they are derived from coordinates of price and time when the rocks
are thrown. Shifting of the decimal is needed at these times to
accurately define the pitch and amount of gain or loss over
specified periods of time. Mr Gann said, that these angles are trend
lines that show the pitch or angle of momentum that defines what is
CURRENTLY the dominating ROCK for the moment. Until a bigger one is
thrown and the the former is overcome with opposite momentum. This
is why squares work, because the coordinates that are measured will
be once again tested in the future by the price vibration that
CREATED it in the first place. This is why Cowans work is so
frustrating for the want of how do you define the position and the
coordinates for the next PTV before the market trades thru the
vector. Excellent question for sure. I bet the Indian Siddhas could
trade well being free of karmic debt and the wheel of return, you
could never make a loss being that free of yourself.


Tesla was a man who need not take a back seat to anybody, yet Tesla
said of Walter Russell, you should hide your knowledge from mankind
for a thousand years. Consider Russell had knowledge of wave
mechanics, vibration and the nature of light that made Gann look like
a mental infant. Now Gann left a recommended reading list which
included metaphysics, astrology, hermetic science and other Science. I
have never seen Gann mention the works of Wilhem Reich, Tesla,
Pythagoras, or Walter Russell, these men were giants in the laws of
natural phenomena. It is very odd that this is so. To think that Gann
didnt know who Russell was is utterly ridiculous. The Russell course
contains some information that is a tough pill to swallow, but if you
take it, you see how deep the rabbit hole really is. Recent thinkers
such as Alain Aspect, David Bohm, Brian Greene, Bruce Cathie, Hal
Puthoff have many intersting things to speak of about the nature of
reality, and the seaming illusions and misconceptions of the model
that has been advanced
from what the senses record about reality. Russels explanation about
the two stroke compression expansion cycle of the creator, about
divided bodies created by the sex nature of gravity, and the undivided
white light of the creators knowing, and the divided white light from
the creators thinking which is what our senses perceive as reality are
nothing but holographic three dimenensional white light wich is the
cosmic cinema he says is no different than concave and convex lenses
that compress and expand white light at intervals and speeds which
make things seem real and solid because of our senses. Senses only
pick up illusory motion and vibration. Russell says there is no motion
in this universe, there is only the perceived illusory of it. Russel
says that light does not travel, but is replicated, he says that this
is done by the creator with two geometric solids, the sphere and cube,
the cube is natures way of replicating, the two stroke compression and
expansion cycle of our universe is done by the sphere, and the cube
with light replications along a curve and winding vortex. Now when im
sitting in the easy chair with a box of oreos and a gallon of
chocolate milk, the compression stroke of breath winds up on the
intake, and spins like a vortex into the lungs, then the outbreath is
the expansion stroke with sends the rings back into the cold space.
If the cube is the replicator of perceived matter, then the cube or
the square that Gann used can be used in a slightly different matter,
because holographic imaging when reduced by a portion of an image,
always holds the complete image, its never a portion of it, and
Russell said that holographic gratity centers or equators are always
at 90 degrees of each other. If you look at Ganns squares, you can see
the smaller cubes, or diamonds in the squares, the orientation is
changed so they seem like diamonds, but they are derived from a larger
cube and are drawn into smaller and smaller portions of the larger
thing. These smaller cubes define support and resistance levels as
they are nothing but gravity centers from larger octave lenghts or
vectors. The ideas of Jenkins and Don Hall are good as the highways
and angles that are derived are the desired ones, but because they are
drawn and derived from price pivots make them useless, Don Hall knew
he needed a time element, so he uses a square root number from a price
level wich is also meaningless, but the theory of those highways is
correct. But in Ganns mind, and angle is any line, not just a
diagonal, that mindset is very limiting. When these squares are drawn
from a time element, they work like they are supposed to. In Russels
course the time element is a winding up and winding down over a spiral
tube. Russell says that if we had 360 degree awareness of the
hologram, the intervals between events with we call TIME would not
exist. Its startling how many students of natural law deny these great
teachers and the occult knowledge they contain. Gann recommended a
book called the Tarot of the Bohemians for no other reason, as it
describes what the trine is and the nature of it, how it is built, and
how it it used for transation to higher planes of vibratory light. It
also explains Pythagoras Teractys. The fact that there is 22 hebraic
letters and 22 major arcana of the tarot has tremendous meaning for
students of the occult. The fact that those books have nothing to do
with trading does not mean that the material contained in them doesnt
have market application. Walter Russell has a nine octave universe and
periodic table, this also is very important, and the fact that octave
only becomes visible to our eye at the passing of the fourth octave
also aligns itself with the yod he vau he transition point. Every
event that is recorded in the mind of the creator has an opposing
event wich is not recorded by us, but nevertheless is recorded in the
unseen cold space of light that is invisible. For nothing else the
Russell course is a must just for the artwork and diagrams. Keep the
ends open for the ties that bind.

This article will seem very strange, however truth is much stranger
than the most fantastic fiction. Mr Bayer was a writer of much market
information. He was a tremendous student of ancient lore, as was Gann.
They both made similar statements in there writings. Bayer knew of
Gann, he once made a comment about Gann in his market preview, but it
doesnt appear they were friends. Bayer wrote a book called turning
four hundred years of astrology to practical use and other MATTERS. Mr
Bayer was a huge student of Mr Pair a Celcious, the great Al Chemist,
who in turn spoke of salt, sulfur, and mercury, as did the students of
the rosy cross. Now virtually everything in the Gann courses and books
are absolutely useless information, however here and there he writes a
sentence for the student that allows transition from the useless stuff
all around it. Heres one, in his course, Gann makes this statement
"the proof and cause of all market movements is the natural squares of
even and odd numbers". Now everybody who reads this statment,
immediately think this is in reference to the square of nine, the
natural squares following the forty five degree angle. There is a book
called "New laws for natural phenomena" that explains what the law of
squares really is. If you get this book and you follow its theme, then
you take the transition leap from the ordinary to the ............ You
should read Ganns ticker interview until you can recite the entire
interview from memory, then read it about a thousand more times. Ask
yourself what is "natural law", what is "vibration" what is the "law
of octaves". Then study the ticker interview again and again. In the
Tunnel thru the air, Ganns tunnel was a "vacuum", and you know what
nature thinks of a vacuum. Gann described using light rays and waves
creating two parallel lines, then removing the air from within it,
creating a tunnel to travel thru, or trap anything that gets into it.
Gann referred to this machine as "the demon of death", "spitfire". Do
a search on Teslas "death ray machine", then read the tunnel again,
Gann spoke of a machine that would take the energy out of air, and
send it directly into the sea destroying all ships immediately. On
page fourteen Gann speaks of his friend Walter Kennelworth, who is a
reference to Walter Russell. He says Walter had aspiration to make
great discoveries along chemical lines, and someday be a great
chemist. Now turn to page 364 and read Gann talking to Walter
Kennelworths wife, Edna, he says "you are correct, your NOBLE husband
invented the sleeping gas ....... etc". Gann spoke of a machine called
the Radium Ray, which was like radar to scan the skies to alert to
hostile aircraft. Study Radium carefully, and study the prior sentence
carefully. Gann said in the back of the book, the United States would
keep and control all the gold, Gematria students and students of the
Caballa try to find out the numerical equivalent of gold. Notice on
page 411 gann was given a masonic medal for his efforts and knowledge.
Gann said that "Marie the angel of mercy" could fly sixty miles in the
air, study that statement also. Gann had two motors built by the Henry
Motor company, once was a positive motor, and one was a negative
motor, study this statment carefully. Forget about cycles, forget
about sacred geometry, forget about whats in the skies, then you will
progress, if you understand the theme of this article. Scales of
prejudice will fall from your eyes, if you can understand this
article. Remember Walter Russell said "I am a patient God, all men
come to me in due time, but theres is the agony of the waiting". The
whole book tunnel is about, the Christ statement "I and my father are
one", Robert Gordon understood natural law, and he understood that the
application of those laws are his divine right, making him a God, a co
creator, his power was the same as the creator, the only difference
being one in DEGREE, but the law is the same. See you at the Wits


The celestial mechanics, the machine like gears that run the
holographic universe, the etheric fluid that is so amenable to your
own electric thoughts follow neutral centers and thus their own
triplet rotation govern all of its internal activity. Thus they are
controlled and governed mathematically. These neutral centers and
there associated parts seek sympathetic partners so they can bind,
partners of a different frequency or partial tones of a base frequency
create discord, they attract and repel. Lots of people talk about
Ganns mass pressure charts, give that some good thought, how do you
determine the vibratory signature of something, thru its mass and
density of course. How do you determine the neutral center of
something, thru its......., well you will have to get busy on that. Mr
Ganns method of trading, had nothing to do with anything in the sky,
nor any kind of conventional geometry, sacred or fibonnaci spirals
either. It doesnt come from any kind of sophisticated math either,
nature doesnt work that way, it doesnt have anything to do with those
goofy squares, square of nine, nor any kind of angle, these tools have
some use only because they are offshoots of the truth, but they arent
truth. Take a look at page 333 in the Tunnel Thru The Air, read that
top paragraph, the air being one of the strongest forces we have, if
water can be separated, which is precisely what John Keely did,
discociated water and harnessed free energy, or etheric power, he
destroyed its neutral center, and raised the vibrations to such a
point it became pure energy. Now since Keely worked in the triplets or
thirds and this page is on 33 and one third percent. Well you know
Gann was kind of an idiot, it was probably a mistake or just a
coincidence. Here is an interesting law of Mr Keely, "law of corporeal
oscillations", "All coherent aggregates not isolated from like bodies,
oscillate at a period frequency corresponding to some harmonic ratio
of the fundamental pitch of the vibrating body, this pitch is a
multiple of the pitch of the atomole". Read that ticker interview and
then read these laws, then go back to your square of nine and zodiac.


The acid man here, flashback number 666 the origin of man, as the
universal number of 36 added to the gestation period of man gives us
306 added to the geometric circle gives us 666, the number of a man, a
man like John C Lilly or perhaps Dr Tim. I like the country songs that
talk about tears in bears, although sometimes muddy water does the
trick. Speaking of an eye in your stein. Mr Eye in the stein gave us a
nice formula to wreak havoc on other humans, this can be utilized in
the markets, for if you know what the mass is of something, then you
certainly know the energy that is assoicated with that market pivot.
All this comes from the 25 th parallel on the pane of the window. You
know where apple pies sit. Take a look at the geocubic matrix, and
read about the ramblings on and reiterations of Mr Russell, and learn
that everything is a hologram, flashing cubes and spheres in the
matrix of white vibratory light.


experts, or Looking back from 1940, remember you can never look
back, you can never look back, any way, why would you want to look
back, and why from 1940 ? Good question for you all here, in "the
wall street selector" Mr. Gann says, and eye quote him here, "Each
stock moves according to its individual time limit, and makes top
and bottom at different time because the vibration and wavelength
varies on the different stocks". How many of you know what that
means, and can apply it ?. Mr. Gann in the US STEEL analysis uses
the term GC around ten times, and then about fifteen more in the
master charts section, WHY would he harp on such a thing as a
GRAVITY CENTER. In the astro charts letters written by Mr Gann he
says the price of beans is BELOW the body of SATURN, how can the
beans be below the "body" and in Mr. Ganns own words, "everything
seeks a gravity center" how can "TIME" seek a GC if "TIME" does not
exist ?, WHY did Mr. Gann say, I use a master time factor, if he
just said in the wall street selector, that ALL markets have there
OWN TIME LIMIT ? If all markets have there own time limit, then
there CANNOT be a master time factor, can there be ? or at least one
that FITS EVERYTHING. In the wall street selector, Mr. GAnn
says "showing how to determine the major and minor swings according
to the time element", then he says "I can teach you how to determine
the wavelenghts of different stocks", WAVELENGTH'S ? Then Mr. Gann
that ? Why does he say in the master charts section, "the proof and
cause of all market movements is the natural even and odd squares of
numbers, and he is not talking about 9,16,25,36,49,64, 81 and so on.
What does this mean ? why does MR. Gann say, "prices are governed by
time" and "time causes prices to change". Why all the focus
on "price", when that is the LEAST of your concerns ? Price is ONLY
being DISRUPTED by the rotational timing signatures. IT is
RIDICULOUS ANGLES, or Gann FANNS. Why did Mr. Gann says in "how to
make profits, "if you drilled a hole thru the earth out thru the
opposite side,and dropped a ball into it, it would fall right past
the center of it, then it would oscillate back and forth until it
rested on the Gravity Center ?. Why would he tell you that story ?
because HE LIKES YOU ?, Perhaps, but not likely. Now perhaps you see
why he said BEANS are BELOW THE BODY OF SATURN. The earth has a
body, doenst it, the earth is the body, and that ball was BELOW its
GRAVITY CENTER, and if that ball was "carrying price" the position
of that "ball" would determine a lot, now wouldnt it ? NAAAAAAA, but
your forty five degree angle surely will and so will your ridiculous
angles from zero, and so will your goofy planets superimposed over
the useless square of nine. The real KEY to MR. Ganns work is to
continually and forever LOOK at those angles and gann grids the
PRECISE way your eyeballs see them. THESE very SENTENCES COME FROM
MR. Ganns own books and course, yey they are anathema to evey Gann
student. They are the same as scratching your fingernails on a
chalkboard. Therefore the best thing to do, is to ignore them.

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