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Table 1 Three neurons of afferent nerves (first)

1st neuron 2nd neuron 3rd neuron

Name Sense Start Ganglion Start Decussation Start End
Spinothalamic Pain, Free nerve Spinal Dorsal horn Yes (spinal Ventral Postcentral gyrus,
tract temperature ending ganglion cord) posterolateral paracentral lobule
(- spinal nucleus
Medial Touch, Encapsulated Spinal Gracile, Yes (caudal Ventral Postcentral gyrus,
lemniscus proprioception nerve ending ganglion cuneate medulla posterolateral paracentral lobule
pathway nuclei oblongata) nucleus
(- medial

Table 2 Three neurons of afferent nerves (second)

1st neuron 2nd neuron 3rd neuron
Name Sense Start Ganglion Start Decussation Start End
CN I Smell Olfactory Olfactory No (Absent) (Absent)
(olfactory mucosa bulb (-
pathway) uncus, amygdaloid
nucleus, etc.)
CN II Vision Cone, rod Retina Yes in half (optic Lateral Cuneus,
(visual cells chiasm) geniculate lingual
pathway) (- optic tract) nucleus gyrus
CN V Pain, Face, etc. Trigeminal Principal Yes (spinal cord, Ventral Postcentral
(trigemino- temperature, ganglion sensory, brainstem) posteromedial gyrus
thalamic touch spinal nuclei (- trigeminal nucleus
tract) of CN V lemniscus)
CN VII Taste Taste bud Geniculate Solitary No Ventral Insula, etc.
(taste ganglion nucleus (- central tegmental posteromedial
pathway) tract) nucleus
CN VIII Balance Utricle, Vestibular Vestibular Ventral Cerebral
(equilibrium sense saccule, ganglion nucleus posteromedial cortex
pathway) semicircular nucleus (scattered)
CN VIII Sound Cochlear Spiral Cochlear Yes in part (pons) Medial Transverse
(auditory duct ganglion nucleus (- lateral lemniscus) geniculate temporal
pathway) (additional synapse in nucleus gyrus
inferior colliculus)
CN IX Taste Taste bud Inferior Solitary No Ventral Insula, etc.
(taste ganglion nucleus (- central tegmental posteromedial
pathway) tract) nucleus
Table 3 Three neurons of afferent nerves (third)

1st neuron 2nd neuron 3rd neuron

Name Function Start Ganglion Start Decussation Start End
Limbic system Memory, Hippocampus Mammillary No Anterior Cingulate,
(medial limbic emotion (- fornix) body (- nucleus parahippocampal
circuit) mammillothalamic gyri
Basal nuclei Appropriate Striatum Globus No Ventral Precentral gyrus
(direct movement pallidus lateral,
pathway) ventral
Ponto- Skilled Purkinje cell Dentate Yes (midbrain) Ventral Precentral gyrus
cerebellum movement nucleus lateral
(afferent to nucleus
Ascending Consciousness Body (whole) Sensory Reticular Intralaminar Cerebral cortex
reticular ganglia formation nucleus (whole)
activating (whole)


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