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Computers & Structures Vol. 21. No. l/2, pp. 223-234. 1985 0045-7949185 $3.00 + .

Printed in the U.S.A. 0 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd.



Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Abstract-The analysis of gusset plates in welded truss structures for elastic and elasto-plastic material
conditions using ADINA is presented. To analyze the concentration of stresses in linear analysis,
different models of gusset plates of various shapes are considered. The linear results are compared
with experimental data obtained from photoelastic measurements. Two-dimensional plane stress is-
oparametric elements are adopted and various finite element meshes are considered. Based on the
results obtained in the linear analysis only two models are used to perform nonlinear analyses. For
the nonlinear elasto-plastic analyses the various incremental procedures available in ADINA are used
to identify the most effective approach.

1. INTRODUCTION gusset plates using the ADINA program, and to

:ompare the results with the experimental data. The
Welded truss structural systems for the horizontal
second reason for performing the linear analysis
bracing of steel buildings have considerable accep-
was to gain insight into different finite element
tance in engineering practice. The main duty of the
models and evaluate which one would be the most
bracing system composed of members and gusset
adequate for a reliable nonlinear analysis.
plates is to provide a stiff structure for working
The main problem in achieving the continuity in
loads and to possess sufficient ductility at extreme
welded truss structures, is the connection of the
overloads such as may occur during a major earth-
members to the gusset plate and therefore, from the
quake. In order to obtain an accurate response pre-
point of security and reliability, the plate shape is
diction, it is very important, besides examining the
3ne of the most important factors (see Fig. 1). Ex-
complete subassemblage, to examine the behaviour
tensive experimental and analytical studies were
of gusset plates where the members are connected.
carried out[l, 2, 31 in examining this problem.
Stress concentrations for service loads and the dis-
The experimental data used for comparison for
sipation of input energy by yielding for increased
the linear analysis were obtained from the photoe-
loading are the dominant factors that characterise
lastic measurements made by polarized light trans-
the behaviour of gusset plates. There are three dif-
mitted through transparent thin gusset plate
ferent methods available for analysis: analytical,
experimental, and numerical. Analytical solutions
models. The thickness of the models was d = 6 mm
and the material used was polymeric with the pho-
can be obtained only for certain simplified cases of
toelastic constant (in tension) 2.06 N/mm*. Several
loadings, material properties, and boundary con-
gusset plates with different geometrical properties
ditions. For more complex problems, experimental
and various shape contours were examined in the
and numerical methods must be used.
Experiment. Fringe photographs of the stressed
In practical designs of gusset plates, usually only
gusset plate models under tension loads in the elas-
the linear material behaviour is considered. But if
tic domain are shown in Fig. 2.
they are stressed beyond the working loads, factors
From the experimental studies it was found out
established in linear analysis lose their significance,
and therefore a nonlinear analysis is necessary for
that certain geometrical relations are the most dom-
an accurate prediction of the behaviour.
The objective of this paper is to obtain more in-
sight into the behavior of gusset plates using a nu-
merical procedure based on the finite element meth-
ods in ADINA for linear and material nonlinear
static analysis.

There were two main reasons for performing the
linear analyses. The first one was to numerically “Pi
explore the phenomena of stress concentrations in Fig. 1.


Fig. 2. Fringe photographs of gusset plate models

inant factors in obtaining the magnitude of the For the numerical analysis using ADINA, the
stress concentration gradients. The most important gusset plates exert only a uniform tension to the
one is the relation between the half width of the members. The load for the linear case was 9.3
gusset plate and the radius of the fillet given as a/p, N/mm’.
see Fig. 3. Also, it was found that the angle 4 of From the fringe photographs the existence of
the lateral edge of the gusset plate toward the axis two local disturbances of stress can be noticed. To
of the truss member; the relation between the height examine the concentration of stresses around the
of the truss member and the radius of the fillet b/p. point A. Fig. 1, several finite element models were
the relation between the height of the gusset plate examined for the gusset plate model shown in Fig.
and the width c/2a: and their mutual relations are 4. Considering the problem of mesh selection in this
very important factors in determining the stress fac- region, we tried to obtain the best possible model.
tor concentrations. First, for the analysis we have adopted 2-D plane

I Za=ZlOO mm _,

Fig. 3. Fig. 4.
Elasto-plastic analysis of stresses in welded gusset plates 225

a=1050 ran
b=900 rm
c=700 ml
o=lOO ml


(b) (cl

Fig. 5.(a); (b); (cl.

stress, eight-node isoparametric elements which are further nonlinear analysis. Our opinion is that per-
usually very effective. Second, in selecting the ele- haps more sophisticated procedures based on op-
ment sizes and the number of degrees of freedom timization of meshes, taking into account the po-
in the first approximation (see Fig. 5(a)) the exper- tential energy of the adopted model, might be
imental data were considered. The results obtained employed in selecting the optimal mesh for linear
in the first linear run, showed that the stresses in and nonlinear analysis.
the dominant region, where the local disturbances To check the dependence of the stress concen-
occur, have discontinuities between the adopted tration factor on the contour around point A and
elements, whereas in the homogeneous stress field certain geometrical parameters mentioned above,
the discontinuities were negligible. Therefore the several finite element models shown in Fig. 7 were
mesh had to be refined in order to obtain a smooth analysed. Two kinds of round contours were ex-
stress field (Fig. 5(b)). amined: circular, with the radius of 100 mm, and
It must be noticed, that the magnitude of stress elliptical, with the semiaxes 100/200 mm. In mod-
discontinuities between the elements was the only eling the plates, symmetry conditions were taken
measure for indicating the most appropriate finite into account.
element model. At the same time we wanted to ex- The results obtained using ADINA were com-
plore, by using the eight-node isoparametric ele- pared with the experimental data in Table 1. As can
ment, how the.distortion of the adopted elements be seen, there is good agreement between the nu-
in the region of high stress concentration affects the merical and experimental results. As expected, the
solution. Our experience obtained from the meshes stress concentration factor is much greater for the
shown in Figs. S(b,c) is that it does not have a sig- circular contour K = 1.92 than for the elliptical K
nificant influence on the stress concentration fac- = 1.42 and this fact must be considered in designing
tor. For the mesh in Fig. 5(b) the stress concentra- the gusset plates.
tion factor is 1.81 and for the mesh in Fig. 5(c) it is Figure 8 shows the stress concentration around
1.88. the circular and elliptical transition contour.
Since the analysed refined meshes were also The stress distribution through cross-section a-
coarse regarding the stress distribution between the u for the models in Fig. 6(a,b) is shown in Fig. 9.
elements, the mesh in Fig. 6(a) was finally found to Good agreement with the experimental solution can
be the most appropriate one, and it was used for be observed. Figure 10 shows principal stresses in

a=1050 mm
b=900 mm
c=700 mm

(a) ( b)
Fig. 6.(a.b) Mesh for a plate with circular and elliptical transition contour.

a=1375 mm
/ -
b=900 mm k
~=I100 mm -

- ~ -

b=900 mm b=900 mm
~=I100 mm
p=lOO mm

Fig. 7. Various finite element models with different geometrical properties

Elasto-plastic analysis of stresses in welded gusset plates 227

Table 1. Experimental and numerical data for stress concentration factor for various gusset plate

circular elliptical circular circular

contour contour contour contour
a=900 a=900 a=60° ci=45O

Ratio .K =10.5 .G =2.63 10.5 10.5

stress concen. 2.00 0) 1.33 2.06 2.11

factor Ke 2.13 (2) 1.53 2.04 2.07

Numerical stress'
concen. factor
K, obtained 1.92 1.42 1.90 1.97

using ADINA

Fig. 8. Stress concentration around the circular and elliptical transition contour.

the finite element models; the element stresses are respectively, were used to perform the material
output at the integration points by ADINA. nonlinear analysis. The material was assumed to
obey an elasto-plastic isotropic hardening material
law, using the von Mises yield condition for inlin-
itesimally small displacements and strains.
In the linear analysis we have presented the nu- In the ADINA nonlinear analysis, stresses and
merical results for the gusset plates made of steel strains are computed at the Gauss integration points
and compared them with the results obtained using within the elements, both for the stiffness matrix
photoelasticity on the models made of a polymeric and the stress output. One of our intentions was to
material. As can be seen, the results agree very show how the order of Gauss integration affects the
well, since the following conditions were satisfied: solution. Adopting 3 x 3 and 4 x 4 Gauss inte-
The geometry is similar and both materials obey the gration for the models, and using the incremental
same material rule. We also made an attempt to solution with BFGS equilibrium iterations we con-
study the nonlinear behaviour of the existing gusset cluded that there is no significant difference except
plate models using the method of photoplasticity. in the solution time.
Since for the proper simulation it was hard to satisfy Our next point of interest was the performance
two additional conditions besides those mentioned of various iterative methods available in ADINA.
above-that the materials must obey the same yield For that purpose we considered the gusset plate
criterion and that the dimensionless stress-strain with a circular transition contour, Fig. 6(a). The
expression for both materials must be identical- plate was modeled using 101 eight-node isopara-
in this paper we are presenting only the numerical metric plane stress elements, and it was subjected
results obtained using ADINA. to a uniform tension at the two opposite sides, in-
Based on the results obtained in the linear anal- creasing in a large load step from 140 N/mm2 to 220
ysis only two models of gusset plates, Fig. 6(a,b) N/mm’. The displacement tolerance DTOL =
with the circular and elliptical transition contours, 0.0001 and force convergence tolerance RTOL =



Fig. 9. Stress distribution through cross-section u-a for models in Fig. 6(a,b).

..I.. -,. ._ __

_,..... .,.. 1

I *

Fig. IO. Principal stresses.

0.01 were adopted. using the modified Newton- Stiffness reformation was assumed at each step of
Raphson method 24 iterations were required for solution. To check the accuracy of the response,
convergence, 11 iterations for modified Newton- the second run was performed with the load step
Raphson method with Aitken acceleration, and two times smaller than in the first run. Figure 11
only 5 iterations for the BFGS method. Although shows the displacement response of point C for in-
the number of iterations was different, the solution creasing loads for both cases.
time cost for all three cases was almost equivalent, Figure 12 shows the strain at the point of first
800 s of CPU time. yield using the incremental solution with the load
To check the performance and the accuracy of step of 10 N/mm* and 5 N/mm*.
the incremental solution without equilibrium iter- Finally we examined the solution obtained using
ations, the same model was considered. Eleven so- incremental method with equilibrium iterations
lution steps from 140 N/mm* to 240 N/mm* were within each load step for the same model. Since this
employed in a first run to calculate the response. is usually the most accurate method, we wanted to
Elasto-plastic analysis
of stresses
inwelded gusset plates 229

compare those results with the ones obtained in- gence was encountered between 238 N/mm’ and 240
crementaly without equilibrium iterations, as well N/mm’. The required computer CPU time, obtained
as the CPU time for both methods. Twenty-one so- using a DEC20-DIGITAL computer was 7650 s for
lution steps were employed, with the stiffness ref- BFGS method and 7250 s for modified Newton-
ormation at each step and the equilibrium iterations Raphson method.
using modified Newton-Raphson and BFGS At the same time it was interesting to explore
method. The loads were incremented from 140 how the shape of the transition zone affects the non-
N/mm* to 240 N/mm’; the step was 10 N/mm* until linear solution. The model with the elliptical tran-
220 N/mm*, and then 2 N/mm* until 240 N/mm*. sition contour was examined using the incremental
The iteration convergence tolerances were the de- method with BFGS equilibrium iterations. The
fault values programmed in ADINA. The yielding yielding started between 180 N/mm* and 190
started at the load close to 150 N/mm* and diver- N/mm*.

:: CIRCULAR TRANSITION 0.50 i .OO i .50 2. oc 2.50





Fig. 11. Displacement response of point C for the incremental load of 10 N/mm2 and 5 N/mm2.




NE Cd-
E r.
: r.l

UJ 2 I I I I I I I I I I

Y .oc i .43 i .I30 2.29 2.60 3.Srv


Fig. 12. Strain ai point of first yield for the incremental solution with the load step of 10 N/mm’ and
5 N/mm’
Elasto-plastic analysis of stresses in welded gusset plates 231




Fig. 13. Change of displacement at point C for increasing loads using the incremental solution with
BFGS equilibrium iterations for circular and elliptical transition contour.


CROSS SCC’T ION a-a (mm)


720.30 ‘?I:$ 30

CROSS SECTI3r\l a-a (mm)

Fig. 14. Distribution of stresses for cross-section a-a for different load steps.
Elasto-plastic analysis of stresses in welded gusset plates 233

z I I I I I I I I I I
1 .oo i .40 I .80 2.20 2.60 3.00
Fig. 15. Development of the strain at the point of first yield for the gusset plate with circular transition

2 Z
n 180 N/mm*
@d 200 N/"n?2 L Y
210 N/m2


Fig. 16. Spread of plastic zones around point A.

Figure 13 shows the displacement at point C for 4. CONCLUDING REMARKS

increasing loads for the circular and elliptical tran-
sition contour. The objective in this, paper was to present the
Distribution of the stresses for the cross-section finite element analysis of gusset plates for elastic
a-a is shown in Fig. 14 for both models. In Fig. 15 and elasto-plastic material models using ADINA.
the development of the strain YY at the point of first For linear analysis the agreement between the cal-
yield with increasing loads is shown. culated and experimental data is quite satisfactory
Spread of plastic zones for various load steps is even for coarse finite element meshes.
shown in Fig. 16. The material was steel. The fol- The capability of the nonlinear finite element
lowing properties have been assumed for analysis: analysis in predicting the behaviour of gusset plates
yield stress in pure bending a, = 240 Nlmm2, was also demonstrated. Our experiences in obtain-
Young’s modulus E = 21000 N/mm*, strain hard- ing the most accurate and effective solution using
ening modulus H = 1050 N/mm2, Poisson’s ratio Y ADINA for elasto-plastic analysis are the follow-
= 0.30. ing: (1) All procedures incorporated in the program

provide reasonable results; (2) the single step so- Ackno~led,qements-We gratefully acknowledge the fi-
lutions give results which are close to those ob- nancial support of the Computing Centre of the Civil En-
tained with several load increments: (31 the use of gineering Faculty in Belgrade.
an incremental solution without iterations and with
the stiffness matrix reforming every time step is the REFERENCES
most economical approach: (4) the methods making I. M. Radojkovic and V. Brcic. Investigation of the gusset
use of equilibrium iterations are considerably more plates, (in Serbo-Croatian). Zhornik 5, 197-210. Fac-
computer-resource consuming. ulty of Civil Engineering. Belgrade (1962).
Z. LeSniak. PregIand Sputtwlnict~w 7, 160-165 (1965).
Although this study was restricted to the static 5: A. Tesar. Czechnslol’rrkiclr/ Acadmq of Sciences. Re-
material nonlinear analysis for the simplest case of port 388156.
loading (it was intended to be a preliminary nu- 4. ADINA-A finite element program for Automatic Dy-
merical study), the results are good and can be used namic Incremental Nonlinear Analysis. Report AE Xl-
1. ADINA Engineering (Sept. IYSl).
to reach useful conclusions about the behaviour of 5. ADINA-PLOT-A Prom-am for disolav of inout and
gusset plates in more complex situations. output data using ADINA. Report AE 83-3. ADINA
Engineering (May 19X3).

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