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A Narrative of My Strengths and Weaknesses

No person on Earth is perfect. If this were true, then the world would be a very boring place.
Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Some people know how to handle their
weaknesses in the right way and try to learn from them. Others keep hiding their own
weaknesses and do not want any help with them. I am one of those who has been keeping my
weaknesses inside and hiding all the time. I realized that I need to change by getting help and
that I must overcome my fear of doing so because my weakness have been bothering me and
are keeping me away from success. Strengths are often the talents and hobbies that people
enjoy to do and never get bored of. Some people use their talents to help others with their
weaknesses. I have been hiding my weaknesses and strengths from others because I am
embarrassed to let people know what they are. In order to be successful, I need to overcome
my fear of sharing this information and share my talent to everyone.

I have discovered several weaknesses of mine which mainly involve education. I realize that
my writings are not good or perfect as others. Every time I try to write an essay, I have to re-

read and re-write several times but I still receive bad grades on my assignments. English is my

second language; therefore, I am truly afraid to write or read for fear of receiving a bad grade. I

try to avoid writing as much as I can because grammar and sentence structures are the weak
points of my writing. I have taken several classes to improve my writing but so far I do not see

any improvement. Sometimes I feel that asking a question regarding my paper is very awkward
and embarrassing. I just keep quiet and turn my assignment in as is.

Communication with others is another weakness that I never seem to gain any improvements
in. Whenever I speak to a stranger or to an elder, I usually get nervous and stutter. Sometimes I

even shiver as if I am cold. I remember one time when the chief financial officer of my company
was asking for my help with using the computer and I was feeling scared and nervous. I could
feel my heart fluttering in my chest and thoughts racing through my mind. When I spoke, she
could not understand a single word coming out of my mouth. Many people have thought I was a
shy person but the truth is I am afraid to speak to anyone because of my nervousness.

However, one of my strengths includes my love of taking care of kids. I have been working at a
preschool for several years now, helping out with the kids. I help with keeping the classroom
organized and making sure that the room and the kids are clean. When the kids see me in
class, they are really happy. This is what motivates me to become a preschool teacher because
I know it will make me happy to know that I was the one who helped those kids get a good start
on their education. I want to serve as a good role model for them and be a person that they can
look up to.

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Organization is another one of my strengths, in many aspects. I always know where all my
things are and rarely ever lose them. If something or a place is organized, such as my room, it
makes it so much easier for me to find where I put something. This strength is an important one,
as it has led to success for me and will continue to do so. When my school supplies are
organized and I have everything I need to learn and do work, it shows that I am motivated to
learn and leads to higher grades. This quality is highly sought out in any type of career because
it shows one’s willingness to work and do an excellent job.

The ability to listen to others is yet another one of my strengths. If one of my friends is having a
bad day or just needs a shoulder to lean on, I am there for him or her. Although I can’t always
make their problems go away, just by me being there for them helps them to feel more positive
and uplifted.

My strong and weak points are a part of who I am and will lead me down the path to success in
future. Although my weaknesses lie in the reading and writing aspect of education and in the
communication with others, my strengths have more influence on whom I am and how I present
myself. My strengths include the love of taking care of kids and organization, two very important
personality traits that go hand in hand. If I didn’t love kids and taking care of them, I wouldn’t

have found a career that I wanted to go into, a preschool teacher. In order to become a superb

teacher, one must be organized and able to listen to others and help them with problems, which
are important qualities that I possess.

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