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Name: Meneses, Jaella T.

Teacher: Ma’am Marilyn Obod

Grade & Section: BSACC1-Y1-3 Subject: Veritas


Part 1: What imperfections make you feel inadequate as an individual?

I think Physical appearance most of the time I feel pity for myself especially in body
shaming, because I am slim I do not know why I eat so much but I do not gain weight.
Sometimes I think I'm not healthy? I'm just embarrassed to go out, some clothes don't
suit me because I'm slim I look like a stick. There are so many clothes I want to wear
but it is not suited to me, I am a badminton player before but I stopped because they
said it is not perfect for me. Because of body shaming, there are only limited things
that can do.

Part 2: Write a letter to yourself as if you were a friend who unconditionally


If you cared about your health, you'd stop your body shaming because it's hurt your
mental health, and that's killing you faster than anyone else, You alone are enough.
You have nothing to prove to anybody. You have been criticizing yourself for years
and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. To be beautiful
means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others, you need to accept
yourself, The sooner we can all figure out that being ourselves is the only way to live,
the better off we will all be.

Part 3: Journal Writing

I’am happy while reading a letter for myself I feel I may be alone, but I am never lonely.
I am always with my best friend, and that is me. I just realize that the best friend you will
ever find is you. You must love yourself with joy to fill your heart with bliss and

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