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Persona 1

Name : Aida
Age : 36
Occupation : currently jobless
Education : spm
Marital status : divorced
Income : government allowance Rm300
Bio : Aida is a woman worked as a promoter in a supermarket. She has no family.
After she injured in an accident, she becomes temporarily disabled. The company
fired her. She is now a person with physical disabilities. She’s desperate and lost
after the accident, not sure what to do and what jobs she can find. She find jobs
through some websites but many of the employers didn’t state the information
clearly and make her not sure which job is suitable for her.

Goals : 1. Has a stable job

2. To work from home due to her legs was temporarily handicapped
3. To have someone guide her through and encourage her

Frustration : 1. Too many job websites visited but without full information yet rejected her
2. She needs a job to maintain her expenses
3. She hope someone could encourage her what to do

User Story 1
As a female with physical disabilities (legs), I want to get a stable job that suits my condition as
well as joining some motivated talks so that i could maintain my expenses and brings back my
Persona 2
Name : Jake
Age : 20
Occupation : currently jobless
Education : diploma
Marital status : single
Income : government allowance Rm300
Bio : Jake graduated. He can speak four languages, English, Malay, Chinese and
Hindi. He accidentally became blind after an accident when he was 15. He wishes
he could live once again like other people, make earnings by himself and do
copywriting. He always wanted to participate in seminar or talks because he loves
sharing his experience with the others too but he couldn’t find any website that
accessible to his condition. He needs to browse through many websites to find
jobs or talk which makes him feels tiring because he needs to use more energy to
figure what the websites’ content. He feels the website is much inconvenient to
him compared to the phone when he wanted to hear the talks anywhere.

Goals : 1. To find jobs more easily

2. Access to more talks/seminars anywhere conveniently
3. Access to function using a device only

Frustration : 1. Too many websites searching makes him feel tiring

2. He needs jobs to earn income

User Story 2
As a fresh graduate with learning disabilities, I want to earn my own income meanwhile get to
access more talks of a person’s life so I could maintain my daily expenses and learn more
things during me-time.
Persona 3
Name : Johnson
Age : 40
Occupation : Assembly-line manufacturing worker
Education : high school
Marital status : Married
Income : Rm100,000 per year
Bio : Johnson has an autism spectrum disorder. He also has learning disability. He
often uses larger text so he doesn’t get distracted easily. He cannot learn new
website easily. But he has an entrepreneur dreams. Due to his disability, he
couldn’t get a job suitable for him. Especially during this pandemic, he loses his
previous job due to the closedown of the company.

Goals : 1. To find jobs suitable for him for maintaining his income
2. Access to familiar sites in an established routine

Frustration : 1. Couldn’t learn to access a site easier to find jobs

2. Too many distractions limit his learning and knowledge

User Story 3
As a person with learning disabilities, I want to get a job suitable for me and hear more seminar
about business start-up knowledge in only a device so that I could maintain my daily expenses
and learn more knowledge

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