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Persona 1

Name : Aida
Age : 36
Occupation : currently jobless
Education : spm
Marital status : divorced
Income : government allowance Rm300
Bio : Aida is a woman who worked as a promoter in a supermarket. She has no
family. After she injured in an accident, she becomes temporarily disabled. The
company fired her. She is now a person with physical disabilities. She’s desperate
and lost after the accident, not sure what to do and what jobs she can find. She
hope she can work from home due to her physical condition.

Goals : 1. Has a stable job

2. Work from home

Frustration : 1. Confused what jobs suits her

2. She needs a job to maintain her expenses

User Story 1
As a female with physical disabilities (legs), I want to look and apply for job online so I could
maintain my expenses by working from home.
Persona 2
Name : Jake
Age : 20
Occupation : currently jobless
Education : diploma
Marital status : single
Income : government allowance Rm300
Bio : Jake graduated. He can speak four languages, English, Malay, Chinese and
Hindi. He has autism spectrum disorder. He also has learning disability. He often
use larger text so he dosen’t get distracted easily. Due to his disability, he couldn’t
get a job suitable for him. He wishes he could live like other people, make
earnings by himself and keep learning. He always wanted to learn more through
seminars or talks. Due to his disability, all the websites he browsed through for
learning purpose are confusing him.

Goals : 1. Access to more seminars conveniently

2. Access to an app where content or information are crentralized

Frustration : 1. Finding hard to access current job or learning websites because they are not
disability friendly

User Story 2
As a fresh graduate with learning disabilities, I want to access more seminars that is disability
friendly so I could secure a job.
Persona 3
Name : Johnson
Age : 50
Occupation : Founder of a franchise restaurant
Education : Bachelor Degree
Marital status : Married
Income : Rm100,000 per year
Bio : Johnson owns a franchise restaurant that serves local foods. He is a kind
hearted and fair person. He always find it challenging when hiring workers due to
the salary requirements and the attitude of the workers. He wanted to expand his
company’s brand reputation to gain more customers by hiring disabled person.
He wants to find person that is with good attitude.

Goals : 1. Post job vacancies for disabled ppl

Frustration : 1. Challenge to hire good attitude workers that willing to work as waiters,
cleaners etc

User Story 3
As an owner of a franchise restaurant, I wanted to post job vacancies for disabled people so I
could hire disabled people as workers meanwhile building up my company’s reputation

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