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HOUSING Trenton Tonokawa

February 2, 2021
HOMELESS English 11

The homeless population of the Hawaiian Islands expands over a vast amount of area on the island. We live on a small island, and within
our borders, a vast amount of homeless can be seen at every turn. The life we live on Hawaii is our most prized feature of being able to
afford the excessive cost of our daily needs. We need to act now, so future generations won’t suffer the same fate. We can make the
change by setting up shelters and getting people who are trained and willing to give their time to find out what and why the homeless
population needs. We can also make things like food drives which can help donate food and supplies needed for the shelter. This change
will not be easy as it will take more than just one person. Getting even a single community involved can spark thousands of others to join
in. It takes time for people to change and there will always be those who wish otherwise, but there is always a chance for change.
Cleaning the streets will allow for the sidewalks to be usable, trash won’t be littered, and people will feel safer traveling to the Hawaiian
Islands. We can change the island simply by improving one community.

Homelessness in Hawaii is a major problem because they take space away from the community by living on the streets. It can also cause
controversy as we do not know what they are going through and what they could be using to help themselves with their problems. We
need to change the way the next generation lives and not putting people aside just because of the rough times they are going through.
There needs to be a change that can help homeless people get a jump start back on the right path. Reducing the homeless population can
help benefit the children and the next generation by making their lives better. The homeless population live in places like public parks
or even on the side of roads. We can help tidy up and clean the streets to build a safer community. The problem with the homeless
population in Hawaii is that people want to live their own way and not accept change into their lives. We see that people fear change as
they don’t know what the future holds, yet this is basic human nature. Why stop a lifestyle which is working? In the past, there have
been places like Pu’uhonua O wa’ianae which is a place where homeless people are welcome to stay and build their own homes with
what they have. There are specific rules they must follow which causes issues for some. There could be more work being done by setting
up other places that will help support other people living on the other side of the island. Pu’uhonua O Wa’ianae is lead by Twinkle Borge
and her work is phenomenal in what she is doing.


I believe that homelessness is a big deal if we want to help change our community for the better. There are many ways that can help
support the change needed for the homeless population. There are ways that can help impact their lives, but I believe the best way
would be to provide shelter and teach them skills that will help them throughout their lives. Teaching essential skills will help change
and rebuild their life to what it was like before they were homeless. Teaching skills like doing the laundry, washing dishes, living off
cheap things, reusing items, and skills needed for jobs can help change their life. The change needed for homelessness is to be seen in
the public as a problem. I aim to make it known in the public eye instead of putting it aside and making it not a big deal I want people to
know the truth of what is going on. I believe I am the best person for the job because I am looking for a solution that will impact the
future. I do not want a small change, rather change for the future people and generations to come.


I plan on starting off small and getting other people’s perspectives on the problem whether it be interviewing someone who is working
on the problem or someone who also wants to see a better future. I look for change in the future and to impact the effects that it will
make for the next generation. I am going to put time into making a change for our community and the people who are in need. Looking
at everything that could happen, the best outcome will be for looking for the obscure solution. Making changes take time, and
generational changes can take decades, yet we must start somewhere. There will always be problems in the world but we must put our
best efforts to overcome the situation.


The people can find the work being done from a website that will be made to inform and teach people of the problems in Hawaii. Using
different techniques to spread the word of the work being done to help change the community. It takes a community to make a change
in the way the world works today. People who try by themselves are less successful than having others to back you up when you are in
need. The internet has millions of people using it every day which can help spread the message across the island of the work being done
to help combat against the homeless population.

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