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#41 Tan, Alyssa Nikka B.

2B - Pharmacy

Reaction Paper: Informal Settlers

From the report that was delivered by my block mates about informal settlers, I realized that I did
not know much about the said issue. What I only knew was it is one of the most prevalent and
current problem our government is now trying to alleviate and solve. From what I understood,
informal settlers are a group of people which have constructed occupancy on a place wherein
they do not have a legal claim to. It can also be defined as an unplanned settlement area of
housing which is not with compliance with the current planning and building regulations of the

After their discussion about the topic, I was enlightened of information I do not knew before.
Some says that informal settlers are not a victim but are actually a threat in urban development.
What I can say about this would be, yes they may be a cause of problem with urban
development, but also I think they are a victim of the governments inadequate provision of job
opportunities. This is mostly because people which are found in areas where informal settlers are
numerous flocked their way to the metropolitan in hopes that they can have a job they could not
get in their province. They think it is a better place to go to because the metropolitan, being the
first to receive the governments work and actions, provides job opportunities and a better
quality of life greater than those that they have from their province.

From what I know is the government function to provide the people in their leadership the
common good, these includes everything that will make the people in their scope receive benefits
and at most a great quality of life. First on the list is the basic necessity for living which includes
housing. The governments action towards this issue is relocation. Being able to do this is a good
start to help the informal settlers in our community, what the government fails to do is to provide
livelihood around the surrounding environment of the relocation area so that the people which
they had transferred does not have to choose again to leave this place and go back to where they
were before due to the lack of livelihood that will help support their family with living their life.
The government should provide a better plan and action that will truly help alleviate and provide
support to these people so that they may live a better and progressive life with their families.

Informal settlers are not the bane in our countrys urban development but a reminder that before
we can be a progressive nation which has a great urban development we should first tackle the
issue of diminishing the informal settlers we see in our community.
#41 Tan, Alyssa Nikka B.

2B - Pharmacy

Reaction Paper: Social Media

For this topic I was greatly attentive with listening to the reporters. This is because the topic is
very much appealing to me. Social media is one of the things that are highly incorporated with
my generation. Social media has been one of the components that I allot my time in to everyday.
Social media is a great way to be connected with each other in the world. It provides up-to-date
information of the current happenings all over the world with a single click of button. Though
social media offer advancement in our life it also bring about negative consequences that can
affect not only yourself but also other people.

One of the negative consequence of social media is it hinders people from having a social life
outside the World Wide Web. People tend to get too much engrossed with social media they
forgot to develop and live their life in the real world, we forget to make, develop and foster
strong relationship with other people. Thus social media delivers a false sense of connection with
people. Social media also makes people less productive in ways that they usually have a
tendency to to get distracted easily from their work by getting more interested with something
their friend posted in their social media.

Furthermore, another negative effect of social media is its a place where cyber-bullying ensues;
anyone is vulnerable to this act. Cyber-bullying is the act of bullying through electronic
communication which leads the perpetrator masked with anonymity terrorize, intimidate,
humiliate embarrass or threaten its victim. This act of online attack can devastatingly leave the
victim with mental harm.

Each of us should never hurt other people, so it is upright to say that we should all take a stand
against cyber-bullying, we should always remember that being silent when someone is getting
hurt is totally unacceptable. Moreover, we should always be mindful of what we post online,
much like saying, think before you speak by electronically means. We, as Christians should
always be prudent of our actions, for our actions undeniably will always have an effect with the
people we are interacting with every day.
#41 Tan, Alyssa Nikka B.

2B - Pharmacy

Reaction Paper: Globalization

Globalization is something new to me, yes I have heard the term before but I never quite
pondered about it until the day it was the topic of the report of my block mates. Simply put
globalization is the transition of an isolated world into the international world. It is a change
toward greater international cooperation be it economically, politically, culturally and many

Globalization has its own pros and cons. One of its advantage is it promotes better economic
trade between countries which will help nation provide and cater more job opportunities to its
people. Thus, it provides unity among differences. However, it also has its downside,
globalization though promoting unity among difference ironically delivers division among
people and culture.

The consequences brought about by globalization should be realized. I believe that each of us
belongs to a culture which is rich and unique in its own way. If globalization delivers the
consequence of division than greatly unifying and connecting people, then we should ensure and
promote awareness that will improve this downside. We should develop an amended and better
alternative wherein our relationship will not be tainted but will be linked strongly than before, a
relationship built with harmony, amity and benevolence with one another.
#41 Tan, Alyssa Nikka B.

2B - Pharmacy

Reaction Paper: Climate Change

For as long as I can remember climate change is one of the most serious problem our world faces
today. The place we are living with now is not the same place the people who lived before us has
occupied. It has been put in to too much harm that now we are looking into a challenging
dilemma of protecting and preserving it so we can maintain a habitat for us, the human race.

Climate change is associated and is correlated with global warming; this issue is of utmost
importance for it undeniably affects each one of us. It can directly hit our health which could
cause illness; it can also bring about catastrophic disasters such as typhoon, earthquake and
drought. All of these could happen and it is through our shared will, effort and sacrifice to make
and stand up for a change for our environment, to reach a result wherein preservation of mother
earth is the ultimate goal.

God created the world and God created us as the steward of his creation. It is our responsibility
and duty to make sure that we are protecting and preserving his creation. Promotion and
awareness should always be put into action. Research and sustainable studies about improving
our environment is currently on the works. With this, we should aim to make use of these studies
to further help the preservation of our world. Together, we should be unified more than ever to
deliver and live a better life fueled with initiative, disciple and compassion not only with one
another but of the thing around us most especially the place where we are all living right at this

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