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Pallasigue, Olive Mae A.

Activity #20

Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting 1-A January 2, 2021


Read the following items and discuss them in at least two paragraphs of not less than 3
sentences per paragraph. 1. What is heritage? Why do you think heritage is important? 2.
Identify a heritage icon (preferably one that is near your area) and discuss briefly its
history. Why do you think that heritage icon is important to the community where it is

Have you ever wondered why you have to remove your tsinelas before you enter a
house? How about saying po and opo to the elderly? These are just some examples of the word
“heritage.” Heritage is another form of culture. It a person’s unique inherited sense of family
identity: the traditions, beliefs, culture, and etc. handed down by the previous generation. We
adopt a part of our heritage throughout our lives as we see and encounter the things that we
and our family do.

On the other hand, have you been in Luneta? Seen there is the monument of our
national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. This is an example of cultural heritage which is expression of the
ways of living created by a community and passed on from era to era, including traditions,
practices, places, objects, creative expressions and values (ICOMOS, 2002). There are two
types of cultural heritage: 1) Cultural heritage has two types namely tangible (paintings,
sculptures, coins, manuscripts), and intangible (folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge),
and 2) Natural heritage (including culturally significant landscapes, and biodiversity).

For me, heritage is significant because it is our identity. It will always remind us on why
we should value our culture. We show appraisal and preserve it so that the future generations
would be able to know as well. Most importantly, heritages are one of the reasons why we are
aware of something that may have happened in the past. I conclude that heritage is one of the
major factors that help us understand who we are and who is our country.

A heritage icon in our city are the biggest shoes in the world. It measures over
seventeen feet long and eight feet wide. This massive footwear was certified by the Guinness
book of world records in 2002. This took seventy-seven days to finish and costs over 2,000,000
Philippine pesos. This is heritage icon is important to our city it is because we are known to be
the shoe capital of the Philippines. This icon represents our accomplishments and our identity.

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