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How to Isolate a Girl Away from Her Friends

There are three (3) standard ways to isolate a girl:

1. Take her hand and lead her off

2. Invite her to go get something

3. Create a bubble and let her friends isolate you

#1 is the most practical option, and will most likely be your go-to isolation method. #2 works best
if you’re shy about isolating, or if you need to isolate in scenario where it’d be odd to ask for a
standard isolation (if she’s already seated, for instance). #3 happens naturally much of the time as
you get better with girls, but don’t forget to move her on your own anyway and get her following
your lead / committing to getting to know you.

You typically want to isolate within 2 or 3 minutes of reaching the hook point (don’t miss
that escalation window!). Further guidelines on isolating:

 You have 20 minutes to isolate in relaxed non-social venues (cafés, malls, bookstores,
libraries, airports, etc.), where she is not seated

 You have 10 minutes to isolate in energetic non-social venues (street stops, mass transit,
etc.), or if she’s standing in a relaxed non-social venue

 You have 10 minutes to isolate in relaxed social venues (dive bars, lounges, barbecues,
low-key parties, networking events, etc.)

 You have 5 minutes to isolate in energetic social venues (dance clubs, wild parties, raves,

All these are dependent on the situation and her energy levels, of course; a girl in a highly
social, energetic mood in a relaxed non-social venue presents a much shorter window for you to
isolate her during, while a girl in a non-social, low-energy mood in an energetic social venue offers
a longer window to isolate during, and often requires more time to reach a hook point with

You have two (2) options for isolating in non-standard / unconventional ways, when standard
isolation seems unavailable or impractical:

1. Make up a reason to walk around with her, then isolate elsewhere

2. Have her turn her back to her friends and achieve semi-isolation

And, it sometimes possible to forego isolation, if:

 You are escalating quickly and dominantly with her then and there, and/or

 You are moving the entire group along with you and her, while seducing her

In both cases, you will still typically want to make sure you are moving her, to get her used to
following your lead and to help her trust that when you take her places, they are places she wants
to go and enjoys going to.
Once she’s isolated with you:

 Run game on her

 Sex talk

 Escalate touch on her and get closer

Isolation’s a key part of seduction when you are going for one-night stands or same-day
lays; it’s crucial to get her away from prying eyes so she can let her hair down with you and start
to really indulge herself in the seduction.

Do this, and you make it significantly easier for the women you meet to go places with you,
accompany you, escalate with you, and leave their friends to come home with you. Not to
mention, it’s simply fun for her to meet this cool, sexy guy, then have him whisk her off, away
from her friends, and pull her into this seduction. It doesn’t happen for her every day, or even
often at all.

Bonus: Thread-Cutting + Amplifying & Thread-Directing

Thread-Cutting is about shutting down bad, unproductive, or destructive lines of conversation

(like a girl talking about how she thinks men use women for sex, or how much her jobs sucks,
etc.), while Thread-Amplifying is a conversational technique for building up and encouraging
productive lines of conversation (like a girl talking about things she likes about you, or her
favourite childhood memories, etc.). You’ll find ways to get a woman talking more about what
she’s mentioned, provide more details and expand (past small talk and asking her Eliciting Values)


You guide a conversation in the direction you want it to go and get women to independently
discover the topics you want them to discover, ask you the questions you want them to ask, and
tell you the details about themselves you want them to tell you.
Secondary Compliance Requests

[scenario: you have met a girl at an ice cream stand in a park and talked for five minutes. A spot
just opened up on a nearby bench in this otherwise crowded park where the two of you could sit
and talk]

Bad Version

You: Would you grab seats for us over there?

Her:  Umm...[she has to decide if she wants to sit with you now, or not]

Good Version

You: Would you grab seats for us over there? You need to make sure you put your purse on my
spot so no one takes it. I'm going to finish paying for the ice cream, then join you.

Her: Okay.

Here's a grab-bag of requests to refer to for reference:

 "Step over here. But be careful not to step off the sidewalk, the grass is really muddy
there!" [have her step a few feet over with you on the street]

 "Here, hold this for me? Be careful not to drop it, my computer's inside." [hand her your
bag for a moment while you do something]

 "We're going out to lunch this week. But only on the condition you like Mexican food!"
[asking her to qualify her liking of Mexican food -- her qualifying herself is compliance]

 "I'm taking you out for drinks. However, you must drink wine. None of this beer
malarkey!" [and of course, if she agrees to drinks, but insists on something that is not
wine, you can always just faux-begrudgingly relent and accept her terms]

 "Come and sit near me. But don't sit all far away and make it weird." [have her sit right
next to you on the sofa or in a booth]

 "I'm going to introduce you to my friends. You have to promise to make me look good in
front of them though." [take her to meet your buddies]

All but the second of these examples is a fun/teasing request. The secondary request, when it's a
playful one, makes these requests! It really ups their playfulness and enjoyment factors.


Sometimes you'll meet girls who are very uptight, and cannot stand being teased, even
lightly. With girls like this, obviously, don't use the teasing variety of this tactic. Because the
secondary compliance request is usually a light tease.

You can still use the serious sort, where the secondary compliance is just another instruction in
something you are telling them to do. Like in the "don't drop it, my computer's inside" example, or
the example in the header image where you're telling the girl to keep looking at you as she sits

Just keep in mind though, these aren't magic: if she wasn't ready or close to ready to
comply with that first request, this tactic won't help much.

The second request is also often going to be somewhat humorous, and somewhat flirtatious, very
lightly poking fun at her (e.g., telling her she'd better be a good houseguest is funny -- there's an
implicit accusation in there that maybe she's not a good houseguest!).
Though it can also be something to give her more specific direction and keep her focused on a
specific task ("Okay, we'll take you car then. Show me which way to go? I don't know this parking

So long as you have instinct enough to string together a little flirty half-accusatory secondary
compliance request after the primary request, or just a good matter-of-fact one that makes sense
in the context, you can pull these off well, and raise the responsiveness of the women you talk to
your compliance requests.

Bonus: Compliance Ladder

The way this works is by requesting someone to do something.

You usually request something small at first because, initially, the level of compliance is fairly low.
The girl doesn’t know you and hasn’t yet become immersed in the interaction. She has no reason
or motivation to comply with your request. However, let’s say she is extremely horny. In such
cases, compliance is higher because you only need to be “good enough” and available to fulfil her

Make a small request at first, but if you feel you can make bigger requests based on your own
observation, feel free to push it. Don’t be afraid to experiment with how far you can take this – it’s
a great way to practice your calibration. If she complies with your request, which can be anything
from holding your drink while you light a cigarette to asking her for the lighter, you can consider
this initial test passed.

You can then create compliance momentum by following up with another request, usually
a bigger demand like moving a meter or two away. In case you don’t remember from my post
on locking in, this is a great way to “hook” her in and become part of the interaction

Let’s say she complies with that. You may now ask her for her hand, take her for a spin on the
dance floor. Then maybe you can go in for some hand holding. Then maybe move even further
away. Perhaps you can get some intimate escalation going – maybe a kiss?

You get the idea. You start small and build up a compliance ladder. The more she complies to
requests, the more likely she is to comply with future – often, more demanding – requests. You
build things up progressively. Some, like me, prefer to play it safe and build up the pace gradually,
taking baby steps.
Boyfriend Destroyer Tactics
Background - a few things to remember:

1) When Boyfriend destroying you walk a tightrope between evoking too many bad
feelings and having them anchored to you, and getting the chick to want to dump her
BF. Don't forget that your end goal is to f-close, not to break her up for some other dude to enjoy.

2)  It is preferable that you don't make it appear that you want her to dump her
boyfriend. Rather, make the idea appear to be something from within her (more of a Socratic
thing, than a direct thing).

3)  While Boyfriend destroying, you must direct the convo. to make her prompt you to tell
her how you would treat a woman. Make her work it out of you, because she's worked up, and
wants to know if she's got a fair deal or not.

4)  You must REFRAME all behaviour to appear like insecure nice guy behaviour. Even
behaviour that -WE- as ASFers would use on girls (such as not agreeing to LTR) is to be
REFRAMED as being nice guy behaviour, as someone who is too afraid to be decisive and go for
what they really want, since they are too afraid that they will lose it once they've been emotionally
vulnerable (as will be explained below). All behaviour can be REFRAMED.

5)  By making the guy look like a "NICE GUY", you are making him the most sexually
unappealing guy conceivable. Once you've done this, there is NOTHING that he can do to get
back into her good books, as you've put him into a predicament where anything that he does will
be interpreted by his GF as being insecure. So, if he's too distant, and he makes up for it by
buying her flowers -> he's insecure. If he's too needy, and he makes up for it by getting a life ->
he's insecure. You are trying to DIFFUSE his outer glossy shell, and give the girl a window into his
inner workings, so that he no longer appears "mysterious" in any way. You make her understand
him so well, that she likes him more as a person, but no longer has any sexual desire for him.

6)  Rather than re-explaining EVing, I'll just quote some MrSEX4uNYC archive, to give
the basic frame that you're working with WHILE you are using the stuff that I'm
mentioning. Without using this at the same time, my shit is USELESS: "A major point though is
that if her relationship to her boyfriend was so good, what is she doing sitting out for coffee with
you? This does not need to be stated by you. It is obvious. Your job is to find out what SHE wants
from you and how you plan to demonstrate that you can provide it to her through your stories
about yourself. Of course you need lots of stories about yourself dealing with women in the same
fashion that she likes to be handles herself. This stuff seeps in and makes her think of you as "her
type" without you even complimenting her once." (MrSEX4u NYC)

"You have to understand that this guy really appreciates you, because you're probably the best girl
that he ever got, or ever will get.

I know that... you care about this guy (maybe sp)... but there's just a certain equilibrium where if
you've done this guy a favour by being with him and he's not equipped to handle it, since he
knows that he'll never get a girl like you again if he walks out, that he's just constantly frustrated
and panicked that you'll leave. It's not his fault.


"You've got to understand that for this guy you are his entire world. He cares about you so much,
that everything else in the world is meaningless to him.

You are his only source of pleasure, and without you he knows that. ..he's nothing. You can't
blame him, he just doesn't have anything else going for him, so he needs you."

Failure to commit:

"It's not that this guy doesn't love you. He does. Its just that deep down he has a fear that...
you're too good for him... and that you'll realize it and be like, you just have to dump
this guy.... and then he'll be left emotionally destroyed because he made himself vulnerable.

Yes yes I know that you wouldn't do that to him, but its just that with (x,y,z into consideration -
bring up imbalance struck earlier in the convo) he knows that you could get other guys (SP)
me...I just think that he's not an emotionally secure person, and you've gotta cut him some slack."

Abusive behaviour:

"It's not that this guy doesn't love you. Its that he loves you too much, and just can't handle it.
He's not emotionally available, and because he knows that you're the best he's ever had, he can't
handle all of these things that he's going through emotionally.

All his life he probably wasn't very good with women, and women weren't interested in him.. So
now that he's got this girl, he doesn't know how to handle it. (plus use the he doesn't want to be
emotionally vulnerable, because he's such a loser ass that he can't handle it as per above etc.)

Periodic Psychological Withdrawal:

"(use combinations from material I've written.. Rather than downplaying it for the perfectly normal
behaviour that it is, magnify it by making it appear to be a sign of insecurity, that is typically
displayed when nice guys who can't get girls get stuck into a relationship with a girl that is too
good for them)"
Being Irresponsible:

"Its not that this guy doesn't -want- to do these things. Its just that he's so overwhelmed by all of
the things that are going on, that he just can't keep up these responsibilities.

Yes yes, I know that x,y,z aren't that much, but he's not in an emotionally healthy place right now,
and he just can't handle it (You mirror this against yourself, the image of a
REAL/STRONG/COMPETENT man, basically trying to make him seem like a little boy)"

Not being assertive in bed (THIS IS KEY, AND IS VERY OFTEN THE BEST ONE TO USE -

"It's not that he doesn't want to excite you. It's just that he's so overwhelmed being with a girl like
you, that he's not equipped to handle your sexual needs. It's like the typical case of the rich
daughter who marries the labourer.

At first the labourer is so ecstatic to have this gorgeous girl (point to her) wanting him.. But in the
end, he cheats on her with some white trash mullet haired girl, because he knows that that's who
he really belongs with, and that's who makes him feel good about himself.

You shouldn't hold his lack of assertiveness in bed against him, because its just a reflection of his
insecurity. With the right girl, any guy can be a stud in the sack .. its not hard, you just have to
take CONTROL (perhaps show some controlling kino here, to get her turned on)." - then transition
to some HOT sex talk, where you inadvertently spill how much you need to take control in bed.

Guy into weird stuff in bed (S&M etc) when she hates it:

"It's not that this guy doesn't love you.. Its just that he uses these things to objectify you,
because he knows that he's never had a girl like you, and probably never will once you're gone..
so he doesn't want to "make love", because he doesn't want to make himself emotionally
vulnerable to you.. but he still wants sex, so he has to turn it into a perverse game, to keep his
insecurities from overwhelming him"

Guy gets angry when he initiates sex and she's not interested (ANOTHER KEY ONE TO

"The thing is, that this guy loves you, and he's just exasperated that.... he's completely impotent
to turn you on.. he just can't turn you on, and he knows that, so he gets frustrated.. Its like when
you want to have sex...with me its like, I know that its your job to get the girl turned on.

Girls need a man who knows that they want, and how to get it. When a girl says 'no', but at the
same time she loves this guy (sp), it often means please turn me on more.. please, I want you to
be more attentive to me.. (this totally mindfucks the girl, as it is an EXTREMELY COMMON part of
the LTR cycle, that once sex becomes stagnant -> foreplay nearly ceases. Because chemically
women are addicted to OXITOCINS which are released by touch, and it is more testosterone that
they get from sex, most women will hate sex once it degrades to a lack of foreplay. However,
most LTRs have this problem, so you must exploit it.. I'm ceasely amazed by how much girls in
LTRs PERK RIGHT UP the second that you imply that you're attentive even in LTRs)

Being too predictable, not passionate:

"Its not that this guy doesn't love you. He does. Its just that he's so comfortable with you now..
and feels so close to you, that you're more like a sister to him…Like a special sister, but someone
who he doesn't feel that he has to do all these things for anymore, because your relationship is so
secure and so predictable.. there's no need for all that excitement, because he knows that nothing
will change.

Some guys deal with true love that way…I dunno, for me, I think that if you really love someone,
you have to do x,y,z (established earlier in convo) to keep it fresh. Like if you are really a real man
who loves his woman, you have to do x,y,z to keep it fresh. But really, its not that he doesn't love
you, its just that he loves you so much that he doesn't see the need."

***So, remember that you are focusing on destroying the guy's sexual appeal, by making him
seem too familiar, and easy to understand. People generally get 'one-itis' for those who are
challenging and hard to understand. By making the BF seem both easy to understand, and very
insecure/nice/beta in the meantime, the relationship will likely not last the week.

Just remember not to be the LJBF who counsels her on her problems. Instead, you are constantly
getting her worked up by doing the EVing that MrSEX4uNYC discusses in his archive. Ideally, she
must be getting both turned off the guy by what you're doing, and getting turned on by YOU, and
the conversation

natural flow of conversation must indirectly lead to exposing your highly desirable qualities.

She is getting turned on by the DIRECT CONTRAST between you and her boyfriend. You do not
offer your qualities directly, but highlight them by pointing out that you understand where her BFs
negative qualities are insecure. Getting her to beg you to tell her how you treat women is all the
better, and if it is going well can likely be expected. Act reluctant to tell her if necessary, though
not to the extent that you are sending an SOI that her getting with you is not a program that
you're down with.

Once you have her worked up, use standard ASF material to move in, and its a done deal.
Black Man Game - Compliments
Traditional black American game , and to a large extent Caribbean game is a mix of
compliments. The compliments all do different things.

- Sincere compliments that are offensive, "Girl that ass is phat", meant to rile a chick up so
that you can start talking some shit. The point of which is to hype her up and bring her back down.
Emotional mastery

- Sincere compliments that are inoffensive, "Look at your little cute Rihanna cut, where
you going today Love?"

- Insincere over the top compliments meant to make her laugh at your cleverness and
audacity. "Girl if you was ten years older…You still couldn't handle all of this"

- Small talk style compliments that transition into something' "Look at your little cute
Rihanna cut, where you going today Love?"

I could go on, but what really makes black guy game different than modern game is that
you're actively provoking and managing emotions. There is no buying temp spikes or "alpha"
smirks. It's more active and often invests more into the interaction than most are willing to do.
Stealth Trick To Gauge A Girl’s Sexual Openness
Screening for sexual openness is relatively simple – throw a low-level sexual expression and
gauge her reaction.

If she was into the conversation but is responding negatively to the sexual expression, she is
most likely a ‘comfort leaning’ girl, meaning she is less sexually open.

Conversely, there will be girls who are comfortable with you using mid-high level sexual
expressions straight off the bat, or a couple of minutes into the approach. These girls
are far more likely to give you compliance.

Another simple method of screening for sexual openness is throwing them ‘sexual’ hoops, and
engaging them in sexual topics. Things like

• How many boyfriends have you had

• What type of guys are you usually into

• [Point to a couple making out] They’re totally gonna have sex tonight.
Where to Post Up in Bars or Clubs
Benefits Of A Good Post-Up Spot

A good post-up spot offers three (3) key benefits:

1. Good optics for those looking at you

2. Easy for girls to position near

3. Not too much male ‘crushing’

... plus an optional fourth benefit of good crowd view. Some post-up spots will offer a good view of
the crowd, while others won’t. If you have a choice, go for crowd view, but the other three benefits
must be there first. Each is more important than crowd view.

1. Good Optics: you want a spot that makes you at least look neutral. Preferably, you find
one that makes you look cool. Standing along bachelor’s row is obviously not a cool place
to be. But wedging yourself into some far corner somewhere away from the action will
usually not look cool either. You want a spot that makes you look visibly good.

2. Easy for Girls: it should be easy for girls to position themselves near you without
violating the Law of Least Effort. Even if she thinks you’re pretty cute, she’s not going to
go to an empty part of the bar and stand right next to you. That’s far too obvious. If you
want to get approach invitations (or even have girls approach you outright), you
need to make it so they can do these things without making it too obvious. If she has to
choose you or her reputation, she’ll pick her reputation. So don’t make her pick, and she
can instead have both you and her reputation.

3. Not Too Much ‘Crushing’: ever post up at the bar, and within 15 minutes you’re
swarmed with men? Men on all sides of you, seething up against you, ordering drinks or
standing around laughing with their buddies, bodies all crushed up into yours? Not only is
no girl going to notice you here, but no girl’s going to dare come within 10 feet of this
maelstrom of men. Avoid at sausage party spots at all costs.

4. Good Crowd View: the optional fourth benefit. Some good post-up spots lend you a good
view of the crowd. Some do not. If you can get the other three benefits and still have a
good crowd view, go for it. However, if a spot misses one of the other three benefits, don’t
take it just for the sake of good crowd view, except in passing. Sometimes it’s cool to post
up on, say, an empty catwalk for 15 or 20 minutes, even though it’s not an easy place for
girls to approach you. But you won’t want to stay there too long.

How To Pick A Post-Up Spot

Even once you’ve got your radar fairly well developed, you’ll still get this wrong at times. You’ll
pick somewhere you think is likely to be a good spot, only to find yourself out in space or,
alternately, in the midst of a crush, 20 or 30 minutes after posting up there. All you can do if you
find you’ve picked wrong is ditch the spot and set out in search of somewhere new.

Once you’ve visited a venue several times, you’ll typically have figured out the best post-up spots
(so long as you’ve been assessing them via these criteria). And don’t worry, good solo post-up
spots never get fished out. Most men steer clear of the best solo places to meet girls in a venue.
The best post-up spots are almost always available.
Solo Post-Up Spots

When you’re out alone, you want to look for the signs we covered above: good optics, easy
access for girls, and not too much crushing. Typically the best places will be:

1. The edge of a drinks bar, off center. People go there just to get drinks. Drink bar centers
also tend to attract crushes; groups of people (often largely men) aggregate there, with the center
typically growing more crowded as the night wears on.

The edge of the bar off-center is usually a good spot. Sometimes where this is depends on the
time of night; the center of some drink bars can swell outwards as it gets more crowded, and you
may have to slide down. Sometimes a drink bar gets too crowded, and loses all good post-up
spots. Or it may be completely crowded, save for a few remote ends of the bar. These remote
ends can be good sometimes, but other times they may be too remote. You’ll have to gauge by
the venue.

One other spot to be careful not to post up at is the serving area, where bar backs deliver
empty glasses to, and cocktail waitresses pick up drinks from. You might see an empty spot and
think great, a good place to post up, but you’ll have to constantly move for staff, and sooner or
later one of them will just ask you to please move somewhere else because you’re in the way.
Hard to look cool when you keep having to make room for staff.

2. The dance floor railing (bar area side). If there’s a railing around the dance floor, this can
be a good place to post up. You’ll want to post up on the bar area side, since things are too chaotic
on the dance floor side and girls out there to dance don’t want to hover near a lower energy guy to
talk (while girls who want to talk will feel too obvious walking on the dance floor, then positioning
themselves next to a guy against the railing; if they want to lean against the railing, they can do
so on the drinks side... going to the dance floor side violates the Law of Least Effort).

You won’t want a spot right at the entrance to the dance floor. Girls who hover here are
usually just waiting for friends or otherwise distracted / about to get on the dance floor. Instead,
you’re better off somewhat away from the entrance. Not so far you’re off in space, but a
little out of the ways, to where the crowd thins out a bit. Like the off-center part of the drinks bar,
this is a better optics place (you’re more noticeable away from the crowd), there’s no crush of
men, and it’s still a natural place for a girl to ‘happen’ to post up, so interested girls can more
easily position themselves near you if they want to.

3. Near a small-size staircase/hallway door. Some nightclubs feature halls or staircases that

connect to other parts of the venue. If there are empty walls around the door into the hall or
staircase, and if the door is a small/normal size (and not a huge, grand entrance), these can be
great places to post up. There aren’t always small-enough doors (sometimes it’s a big opening).
And there aren’t always empty walls (sometimes there are sofas or tables right up to the
doorway). But where there are small doors wit a little empty wall space, you can post up a little bit
away from the door.

You want to post up near enough that there’s not really space for someone else to post-up there
without blocking traffic (to avoid other guys trying to steal your spot – which some guys will try to
do. Some may post up in the way, blocking traffic anyway, often hoping you will slide over and
make room for them so they can have your spot; just ignore them and stare in another direction
until a bouncer comes along and makes them move).

Girls entering or exiting who notice you may stop and stand about off on your side of the door;
this is your approach invitation. Do be aware you will need to do a bit more work to show
interest and draw the girl in in this situation than at the bar or the railing though, since she’s
standing out in space while you are locked in. She can’t show as much interest without looking
like she’s chasing too hard in this situation. Get her interest, then move her over to the wall
you’re posted up on so she can post up on it and talk with you (so she isn’t left hanging in space).

Start with the bar area first (usually the best area), then dance floor railings if present (second
best), then wall-by-door areas (third best). I should note with the doors that you do not want to
post up near the entrance/exit of the venue, as people here are too focused on entering or leaving.
You want doors where girls are likely to be wandering around semi-aimlessly, while
casting about for interesting people / prospective mates.

To find a post-up spot, here’s the procedure I suggest:

1. Walk the venue. The first thing to do when you reach a new venue is to walk it. Walk
around the entire place, and check out the whole venue. Build a mental floor plan. Keep an
eye out for both potential post-up spots, and places you can potentially move girls to
(usually: seating areas).

2. Pick your first post-up spot. Unless you will start out on the dance floor or doing
your warm-up approaches as you scope the venue, you’ll pick your first post-up spot
after you’ve gotten the lay of the venue. This might be somewhere you noticed when you
first walk in (in which case, you’ll circle back to it), or it might be somewhere you noticed
later, as you went through your venue review.

3. Gauge the spot as the night proceeds. If you arrived early (as I suggest), you’ll gauge
how well you picked your spot as the night proceeds. You may find you’re too far from the
action, and out in space. Or you may find a crush of men forms around you. This is okay.
Just go for another walk around the venue and pick another spot. Or if you had a good
view of the venue, you may already have spied a better spot.

4. If the best spots are taken, wait. You may notice a great post-up spot, but observe it’s
taken. Keep your eye on it; most people move around fairly often in bars and clubs. Don’t
totally commit to waiting for just one spot though... Sometimes guys will find post-up
spots and spend the whole night standing there talking to friends or nursing their drinks.
Have a few spots you’re looking at, and move in when you see one of them open up. While
you’re waiting, post-up elsewhere, or circulate about and do a few approaches.

How long should you stay in a post-up spot?

I recommend no more than 35 to 40 minutes, and no less than 7 or 8 minutes.

If you post up somewhere, then jet off again in 2 or 3 minutes, you risk looking indecisive to
anyone who’s watching. If it’s because you spotted a girl you want to meet and you decide to go
meet her, or you see a significantly better post-up spot than the on you’ve just occupied, it’s okay.
Otherwise, hang there for a good 7 or 8 minutes, then change.

On the other hand, stick around more than 40 minutes and you’ll start to grow roots. Girls who
might’ve been watching you earlier will now turn blind to you, because you’ve just stood there
doing very little the whole time. You become less interesting. Change it up and go check out the
rest of the venue. Circulate a bit. Talk to people you meet along the way. Approach a few girls.
Maybe post up somewhere else. You can return to your original post up spot another 25 or
30 minutes later, if it was really good


When I post up it's usually with a table, at a high traffic location, like between the
bathroom and the bar. I actually like the bathroom route because that's where you're most
likely to meet girls who are isolated from their groups, in transit. As far as standing in one
spot and just trying to look cool, I don't do that much except like Chase said, at the beginning of
the night.

There's a basic rule for night game that almost ever guy who gets laid from them follows. Open
often, don't waste too much time in sets that aren't going anywhere and escalate quickly
when you find a hook.

You have to open. When I'd go out to bars to practice, we'd call it "Burning the place down"
because we'd approach literally ever good looking girl in the place, until we picked up, or ran out
of options.

Beta male: "But that lowers your value!"

No, it doesn't because nobody cares in a busy club or bar. They really don't unless you're
absolutely awful at it.

Moral of the story, just standing around waiting for ioi's is a terrible strategy. This stuff is
all sales, and you need to knock on doors, not wait for the doors to knock on you.
What Should I Do If A Plate Openly Talks About Other
Guys In Front Of Me?
it’s pretty clear that our relationship isn’t exclusive, but it feels disrespectful to me for her to be
talking about the hookups she’s had in the past week. I don’t walk around telling her about the
other women in my life. what’s the best course of action here? ignore it and keep fucking her? or
soft next?

When you tell your feelings, she will take note and uses that shit against you.

1) “Are you trying to make me jealous? Are you trying to lock me down? Get me to think
you're the one? LOL/FUCK OUTTA HERE” - And then I start to PLAYFUL spank the bitch
for being bad, you know how the rest goes.

Be careful about this, cause anytime you "react" a chick will push that button again and
again to get you to react the way she wants you to react (remember, that's her game, she
wants to get you to react).

But that's your game too. You act, she reacts. She acts, you CHOOSE your reaction. And the
choice makes it an action.

Disabuse the idea that you're a boyfriend/LTR type. Reaffirm, she's just a sexual option to

I'll often go as far as to say, "You don't even like me, you just like the dick. And real rap,
you don't even like the sex - you just need someone next to you that doesn't make you
want throw up"

Push, push, push. Get her to react!


2) "But you aren't getting any money out of that dude (low key, you're saying she's an idiot
for giving her pussy away for free)

I play to her inbred provisioning instincts/natural whore tendencies (Get her to start
getting money out of these dudes and bring it back to you).

She'll try to jujitsu you on this shit, and ask for money (you just need to reaffirm who you are
within the relationship).

“All I got for you is some hard dick and bubble gum, and right now you ain't doing shit
for me.”

You don't do this because you want the money, but because you want the chick to do shit for

That's why if a chick wants to come over, have her bring you a pack of gum or whipped
cream. Get her into your service. People will stay in jobs that suck if they like the routine.

And more times than she will admit, she will GLADLY do these things that you ask. She will
want to sacrifice more.
Does it really mean anything when a girl gives you her
If she fucks you for 6 months, it doesn't mean anything.

She'll jump off your dick and hop on another one (after telling you that she loves you and wants
your children).
How should I answer when a girl asks how much
money I make?
This one is easy. It's a question of how you want to play it.

 What are you? A fed? (walkaway)

 My girl brings in 12k on her only fans every month. Trying to get her cousin to start doing
it to (stand there and wait)

 I'm a janitor/I live with my Moms.

If she's asking about money, she's poorly showing her hand. Her interest could be carnal or
financial, but she thinks she has leverage over you.

Either you're poor and not worth her time, or you're rich and she can use her feminine wiles on
you. Because the behavior is predictable, you can manipulate her.
Putting more “effort”?
I stopped talking to her after she said she had stuff to do when I invited her over.
Eventually I stopped texting her and she sent me a snap a couple weeks later and we had a chat

I ended it with asking her to hang again and she unfortunately had plans and I just jokingly
ended up saying “I’m just literally going to keep hitting you up until you come over” and
she responded with she hopes so because she likes the perseverance. I told my friend
about this and he says I need to put in more effort and make it interesting with her. [Dumbass!]

I just didn’t really understand what he meant by “effort”. Normally I use phone for logistics so the
effort is when we meet up. How am I supposed to put “effort” if I don’t see her?

She wants you to chase, by sending more and more messages. (She's basically seducing

The more work you do, the more invested you are, the more you think you should get something
= the more she controls you. (Personally? I'd pass)
In Your Opinion, Will That "We'll See" Ever Become An
"I'm Down"?
The technique I use for busy girls,

 I'm going to be at X event.

 you should come.
 I go to said event.
 try to take a cool photo of it, make a funny comment.

And usually, I write text messages that sound personal (but I'm blasting to lots of people).

I never set some formal date (never try hard to get a girl out).

At the moment you are not on the top of her priority list (you didn't lose, you just saved 20 bucks
on drinks).
Scheduled Date at a Bar for drinks?
For a basic kickback, I'll rock

 Polo/Button Down Dress Shirt - type of thing you'd see in J.Crew/Gap/Banana. Not too

 Dark Jeans or Dark Slacks (dark pants for night time dates)

 Brown Belt and Brown Leather Shoes

 Leather band on the watch.

*Nice* Basics work for most temperatures and times.

I would rarely wear these on a 1st-3rd date

 Cargos, Khakis, Chinos,

 Shorts of any kind

 Sneakers, Crocs, Sandals, Mandals, Flip Flops (unless it's the beach)

 White Shoes

 Athletic Gear of any kind - especially sweats, including baseball caps (unless you're first
date is an NBA game and you're courtside with Jay)

 Suit, Blazer, Sports Coat

 Rings, Chains, Blinged Out Watch,

If you're game is on point though, and you know that the girl is going to react
positive/neutral/negative to what you wear - you can definitely provoke her and mess with her
head with a fashion choice.
What Do You Guys Talk About With A FWB/ Tinder Lay
When She Comes Over?
When I was 29 I used to be a boy toy for this chick in her mid 40's. This chick had been around
the block. She just needed some hard reliable uncomplicated dick.

I said I liked her hair up, and the next session she wore her hair up.

The session after that, she didn't. Then I made her put it up before we got busy (There was a
palpable change in her behavior).

We started to go more down that trail - The type of relationship that you want dictates the
type of conversations you have (Define that first, and you'll know what you should talk about,
and what to avoid).
How To Accept Compliments From Women? (Women
Who Open)
She gives you a compliment, take it as a sign of attraction. You need to get investment.

1) You can qualify the girl. Her answers are investment.

Are you adventurous....

Those type of questions, as if you are now trying to figure out if she's worth it.

2) Give her the chance to take your leadership.

I find that taking my direction doubles as investment and leadership. And leadership is the "x-
factor" when it comes to hooking up.

 Tell me a story.

 Tell me a joke.

 Tell me a secret.

 Come stand over here.

 Let's go over there.

 Let's find your friends.

 Fix my tie.

 Let's go for some fresh air.

After she impresses me, then I compliment/flirt back. A few rounds of that, take it to
the next stage.
How To Hold On To A Chick After Sex
You can basically hold a chick two ways

1) Love
2) Lust

BDSM gets closer to the mark, but if you want to be her side guy, her reliable fb, you have to dig
into her mind and figure out what her fantasies are.

It's not so much about the execution of her fantasies but getting her to actually admit that
she has some, and then actualizing (what you're doing is recreating the bubble around the two
of you).

That "us versus them" principle, when she looks for that in her life apart from you, it only leads
back to you. She can love other guys, fuck other guys, but that time with you is different.

In practical terms
- Pre bang - you're setting the tone
- During the bang you're engaging her mind by talking.
- POST BANG -the pillow talk

“Have you ever, would you ever etc” As you're talking to her, you're also touching her.

The whole idea is that you create this world for you and her, and she feels free there. It's a
commitment to getting in her brain though.
Fuck Buddies and Respect
Exactly what the title says. How do fuck buddy dynamics work in terms of respect?

A fuck buddy = She comes over, mutual exchange of orgasms, sleep in separate beds.

Friends with benefits = She comes over, you go over. Netflix and chill, Seamless and Fuck. She
can sleep over at your place. Might even get a morning session in. But that's it.

Soon as a guy takes the chicks for food or alcohol outside of his place - he's DATING that
broad. (Whatever dumb label he wants to use bringing the chick into public is no longer FWB).

Sometimes a chick wants to cook or clean up his place/help him do anything else other than sex.
She's violating the sacred trust trying to guilt him into upgrading her. Chicks get a taste of
the magic stick or otherwise have no good alternatives will always bargain for more.

So the respect is the boundaries of the relationship. Once the boundaries are established, neither
side should violate.


He brought over his FWB

Now in your situation, he violated their agreement several ways. Assuming that ain't his girl and
he's just lying just to fuck you (you did swipe right). In which case, I got to give him props for the

1) You should not know of her existence. In dealing with a chick you might upgrade from FWB
to gf, broad isn't supposed to know anything about your sexual exploits.

2) If he's not fucking that moment, why is the FWB even present? Either he invited her, or
broad ain't got no life of her own, and trying to upgrade by osmosis. If it is the latter, pimp hand is

He is disrespecting himself and the game by being sloppy. If you have his membership number
we'll address it at the local meeting
How Did You Beat The “You’re Too Young For Me” Shit
You didn’t bring up age, she did. We can go as far down as she wants with this.

 How many more years until you can retire?

 Did you get your AARP card yet?
 What if your gerontologist says it’s okay?
 Can I get your number ... in case I have any questions about Medicare Part B?

Frame: “You can’t handle me.”


You: “I think you’re being too hard on yourself. You don’t look like you weigh that much.”

You: “Sorry, you just had this cute dimple just now as you were acting all confident. What
were you saying?”

You: “That depends on what you had in mind.”

Her: "My boyfriend wouldn’t like that"
You: "So I'm not the only one that you drag your titties across?" (The more visual and sensual
you can make it, the more that it paints the picture in the mind, the more powerful the effect).

You: "Do you love him?"

Her: [No matter what she says, no matter how fast she answers, the follow up is] -

You: "But you hesitated..." (Plant the seed of doubt).

You: "I know what girls that are actually in love are like...."

Don't explain anything after that. (Like the titties example, it's letting her mind do the work).

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