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Francis Xavier Band Participation Form

*Please note that if you have completed the electronic version of this form, you do not need to do this one*

Student: ___________________________________

Grade: ____________________________________

Parent/guardian to contact if I have questions: ________________________________

Best Email to reach you: ________________________________________________

Instrument Selection:
Mr. Fritz will meet with your son/daughter and they will discuss which instrument may be the best fit for
them. Your child will be able to choose which instrument they feel would be the best for them.
If you have any suggestions as to what instrument you think that your child would find success with,
please let me know in the "Is there anything else that Mr. Fritz should know" section.
If you are not sure what each instrument is or would like more information about an instrument,
please feel free to visit Mr. Fritz's TikTok page (@derekfritz1) to learn more about each instrument.

All instruments can be rented through Eckroth Music at the following prices:
• Flute, Clarinet, Percussion, Trumpet, and Trombone - $40 for the first 4 months
• Alto Saxophone - $65 for the first 4 months
• French Horn, and Euphonium - $75 for the first 4 months

Please indicate with a 1, 2 and 3 your child’s first, second, and third choice of

_______ Flute

_______ Clarinet

_______ Alto Saxophone

_______ Percussion

_______ Trumpet

_______ French Horn

_______ Trombone

_______ Euphonium

If you already own an instrument you wish your child to use, please specify the type of
instrument and brand (ex. Trumpet - Yamaha): _________________________________

Is there anything else that you would like Mr. Fritz to know? ________________________

Parent/ Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________

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