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Discuss the likely impacts of Industry 4.0 on construction health and safety in
Zimbabwe and other developing countries.

Introduction and Back Ground of Industry 4.0

The term “industry 4.0” laterally referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution was
initially developed in Germany and it was developed solely for the manufacturing
industries though later adopted to other industrial sectors which construction industry
has not been spared too (Tay, Lee, Hamid and Ahmad, 2018).

As cited in the study by Tay et al (2018), it is clear that industry 4.0 has several
definitions. Some scholars, Kagermann, Wahlster & Johannes, (2013) defined
Industry 4.0 as the utilisation of the power of communications technology and
innovative inventions to boost the development of the manufacturing industry. Other
scholars, Schumacher, Erol & Sihn, (2016) defined industry 4.0 as a concept
surrounded by a huge network of advanced technologies across the value-chain. In
defining industry 4.0, Mrugalska & Magdalena (2017) mentioned that the modern and
more sophisticated machines and tools with advanced software and networked
sensors can be used to plan, predict, adjust and control the societal outcome and
business models to create another phase of value chain organization and it can be
managed throughout the whole cycle of a product. They went on to elaborate that,
Industry 4.0 is an advantage to stay competitive in any industry and to create a more
dynamic flow of production.

Another scholarly perspective states that industry 4.0 consist of basic design principles
which includes interoperability or interconnection, information transparency and
virtualisation thus creation of digital models, decentralisation, real time capabilities,
service orientation and modularity.From the above definitions, most authors outlined
the meaning of industry 4.0 to consist of key topics related to Cyber-Physical Systems
(CPS), Internet of Things, industrial Internet and others. Industry 4.0 describes a future
scenario of industrial production that is characterized by new levels of controlling,
organizing and transforming the entire value chain with the life cycle of products,
resulting in higher productivity and flexibility through three types of effective integration
which are horizontal, vertical and end-to-end engineering integration.
In simpler terms, industry 4.0 is the future of global manufacturing. It is the era of
automation, of the digitalized factory and digitalized products (Tay et al 2018). There
are 9 characteristics for industry 4.0 as shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Characteristics of Industry 4.0, Source: Tay et al (2018).

Rojko (2017) in her study appreciated that industrial revolution has been developing
from its early stages of manual work in the 1800s upto the current industry 4.0 as
shown in Figure 2 below. The first industrial revolution began with the mechanization
and mechanical power generation in 1800s. It brought the transition from manual work
to the first manufacturing processes; mostly in textile industry. The second industrial
revolution was triggered by electrification that enabled industrialization and mass
production. The third industrial revolution was characterized by the digitalization with
introduction of microelectronics and automation.

Figure 2: Through the Industrial Revolution, Source: Rojko (2017)

In the construction industry, industry 4.0 is referred to as Construction 4.0 (Osunsanmi,
Aigbavboa and Ayodeji, 2018). These authors went on to mention that the main idea
of construction 4.0 is directed at creating a digital construction site assisted by
attaching internet connected sensors on the equipment and each stage of the
construction project to monitor progress coupled with the use of drones and virtual
simulation. This idea distinguishes construction 4.0 as the process of implementing
modern technology to encourage the digitization of the construction industry as well
as the supply chain; thereby, leading to an increased performance of the sector.
Construction 4.0 has brought about several technologies which has both positive and
negative impacts on construction health and safety.

Impacts of industrial technologies on construction health and safety

1. Building information modelling

Building Information Modelling or BIM, is a new approach to design, construction, and

facility management in which a digital representation of the building process is used
to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of information in digital format
(Mariapaola, Gregorio and Massimiliano, 2009). With BIM technology, an accurate
virtual model of a building is constructed digitally. When completed, the computer-
generated model contains precise geometry and relevant data needed to support the
construction, fabrication, and procurement activities needed to realize the building.
This technology has impacted positively on the construction health and safety.

BIM can be used in worker safety training and education, design for safety, safety
planning (job hazard analysis and pre-task planning), accident investigation, and
facility and maintenance phase safety (Khoshnava, Preece, Ahankoob and Rostami,
2012). One of the objective in the design process is the safety issue that the designer
and the collaborating team should look into. The BIM technology can help designers
to provide 3D building models for an efficient collaborating team works and make the
designing for construction worker safety suggestions available to the designers and
constructors (Khoshnava et al 2012). In terms of site safety improvement, BIM can
facilitates top quality site planning which helps to improve site safety by proper
arrangement and positioning of tools, equipment and machinery onsite. BIM can layout
tower crane for lift planning and safety reviews during the construction site.
3D visualization can be used to check crane reach and capability in construction work,
as well as to examine the risks in case of load fall, or to evaluate what the crane load
could hit.

2. Exoskeletons

Exoskeletons are metal frameworks fitted with motorized muscles to multiply the
wearer’s strength (Thilmany 2019). Also called exosuits, the robotic suits’ metal
framework somewhat mirrors the wearer’s internal skeletal structure. On
exoskeletons, Thilmany (2019) went on to say exosuits makes lifted objects feel much
lighter, and sometimes even weightless, reducing injuries and improving compliance.
Another author, Standard (2019) defined exoskeletons as wearable machines suited
with motorized joints that aim to minimize strain and injury by providing lift support,
weight dispersion, posture correction and other capabilities. These machines are
mainly used for physical rehabilitation, but are increasingly used by workers in
construction and manufacturing. This same author pointed out that exoskeletons can
be mechanical and electrical and there are several types of exoskeletons that
specifically assist construction workers and the classification is based on the area of
the body they support.

Exoskeletons are slowly making their way into the construction industry to increase
safety and productivity for all workers. These machines aim to reduce accumulated
strain gained from repetitive and prolonged tasks throughout the work day. These
tasks range from screwing car bolts overhead in a car factory to drilling into walls while
holding up heavy equipment. In addition, these machines help to reduce injuries at
workplace due to overload. The use of exoskeletons can reduce pressure on the spine.
Taking for example most mechanical exoskeletons take weight from a specific area of
the body (like the arms and shoulders) and redistribute it to another (like the core and
waist) to reduce strain and fatigue.

On the other hand, these exoskeletons have their own drawbacks which limits their
application especially in developing countries. Though electrical exoskeletons are
more powerful and can handle more load, they depend on constant supply of power.
These skeletons cannot be useful in the developing economies such as Zimbabwe
where there are excessive power cuts. At times batteries also add weight, potentially
impeding mobility.
Depending on the model, you may need to manage cables from the suit to its power
source otherwise it can increase hazards. At times the use of exoskeletons deprives
the wearer from social interaction since there will be no free interaction with peer
workers that can result in isolation and frustrations thereby increasing stress levels for
the operator.

3. Wearables

Construction wearables are devices, generally including a computer or advanced

electronic device, worn on a construction worker’s body, clothing, or personal
protective equipment, designed to collect and deliver data about the worker's
environment, activities and biometric conditions (Galbraith 2019). The technology has
the ability to detect and warn the employee of the potential for injury, or reduce the
seriousness of an injury when one occurs. According to Galbraith (2019), wearables
can be classified into visual, tactile and sensing wearables. Smart vest and smart
helmets are the most common wearables currently being used in the construction
industry and they have proved to enhance safety and health in the construction

Taking for example a smart vest devices can provide audible or vibration alarms to
warn workers when they are too close to danger, such as moving equipment or a
leading edge (Galbraith 2019). The vest uses sensors that measure a worker's body
temperature and heat rate. It sends data wirelessly to a smartphone app which alerts
the user to any abnormalities thereby saving the workers from heat related illness such
as stroke, nervous system and even death. Smart helmets which are GPS installed
hates are an improvement of the conventional hard hat. It allows managers to control
and manage activity of each worker at site. Active helmet number gives information of
attendance and signals are sent to the saver on real time if the worker remains on one
position more than required. In emergency situations, these devices can alert
emergency personnel and lead rescuers to the injured worker’s location. Wearable
devices may warn the individual of a hazardous physical movement such as bending,
twisting, reaching or lifting. They have also the ability to caution a worker when they
are nearing exhaustion.
A study by Creighton (2018) cited that in as much wearable devices can improve
health and safety at workplace, they have potential to violate privacy of the employees.
The employee data that wearable devices track and monitor must be kept secure and
safe otherwise such data are very valuable to hackers who want to sell and/or use
them for their own purposes. Installation of these devices is very capital intensive since
it requires infrastructure such as uninterrupted internet at times which might be beyond
the reach of many contractors. Creighton (2018) noted that wearable devices have the
potential to distract employees, like the ways that Internet search engines and social
media platforms have the potential to distract employees. The more devices
employees have access to that are connected to the Internet, the more likely they are
to get distracted in meetings and while working on projects.

4. Site sensors

Construction health and safety can be improve through the use of site sensors. These
sensors can clip on to workers’ belts and jackets to detect injuries and proximity to
high voltage or harmful toxins, as well as bodily functions. By measuring a worker’s
body temperature, perspiration, and heart rate, the sensors can tell when a worker is
in danger. The sensors are also alerted when a worker is exhibiting dangerous
behaviours, such as drowsiness or distraction. To protect the inanimate elements of a
construction site, the sensors can provide data on humidity spikes, water infiltration,
and temperature changes. On top of minimizing incidents, sensors also benefit safety
by cutting down on the response time when an incident does occur (Ellis 2018).

Contrary, the use of sensors requires reliable internet connection otherwise their
efficiency can be compromised. In the context of Zimbabwean construction industry,
this is a major problem and that might be the reason why these technologies are not
being fully utilised in Zimbabwe.

5. Unmanned driving vehicle

The use of unmanned driving vehicles such as drones has become as popular in the
construction industry as they have positively impacted the construction healthy and
safety. They provide an aerial view of a site at a comparatively smaller amount of the
cost of the construction. Drones can be useful to identify hazardous areas onsite
before work commences thereby allowing project managers to implement proper risk
management strategies.
With their high resolution cameras, drones have proved to be useful for site
inspections and site monitoring. Staff at office can undertake site inspections to check
whether stated healthy and safety measures are being religiously followed at the work
place. This can actually reduce the number of accidents at site since all the safety
procedures will be followed.

Thought the use of drones in the construction industry has several benefits there ae
some issues one has to look into when deciding on their use. The use of drones require
two people operating it at the same time. It’s not a one-man job, and these people
need to be highly trained in drone use while being fully aware of the planned flight path
and any other relevant issues (Natwilai 2018). In addition, the accuracy of drones is
high dependant on the state of the weather. Cloud and wind are the two most common
problems for many commercial drones. Too much wind could make the drone
impossible or unsafe to fly, and too much cloud cover could prevent the right images
being taken.

Drones are also very expensive. Despite the fact that the use of drones in construction
industry can largely improve the construction health and safety in the long-run, they
have a high up-front cost. This should hopefully come down in the next few years as
the technology becomes more common. This has led to most contractors opted not to
use the drones due to huge capital outlet required.

6. Geographic Information System (G.I.S)

GIS is a computer system for capturing, storing, quarrying, analysing, and displaying
geographic data. GIS is a special class of information system, which can be divided
into four components involving a computer system, GIS software, human expert, and
the data (Lo and Yeung, 2002). According to a study by Lo and Yeung (2002),
currently, the H&S personnel performs risk assessment for each construction method
and keeps this information attached to the method of statement that is submitted to
the owner at the beginning of the project. However, usually site workers and
superintendents do not use this risk assessment information at site since it is recorded
on based documents which are kept in the office. Also this information is only
associated with method of statement, not related with daily individual activities. This
results in low awareness in H&S among workers and engineers and leads to hazards
and fatalities at construction sites.
The use of G.I.S in the construction industry has positively impacted on the
construction health and safety. The use of G.I.S has helped to create a proactive
health and safety management system in the construction industry. GIS technology is
being effectively used for route selection, feasibility studies, progress monitoring, asset
management, and operation and maintenance management for linear projects
(Luettinger and Thayne, 2005).

In order to answer when, where, what and why of construction safety planning, GIS
can be used in three different areas (Bansal 2011). First, to develop the safety data
base that includes safety information related to different activities. Data base can
easily be processed to determine types of safety measures that are possible.
Secondly, to develop construction sequence that helps in the identification of hazards
situations and determine when and where safety measures are needed. Thirdly, to
manage, retrieve and analyse spatial and non-spatial safety information. GIS has the
potential to generate and maintain spatial information regarding 3D modelling,
geographic locations and site topographical conditions which is pivotal in safety
planning. By using GIS environment, safety planner and other project participants can
match past accidents which were already occurred under the conditions that are
similar in the ongoing project and prevent the occurrence of similar accidents again in
future (Bansal 2011).

In summary, industry 4.0 has brought with it various technologies which have both
positive and negative impacts to construction health and safety as explained above.
When coming down to the Zimbabwean context, the million dollar question to answer
is whether the construction industry is ready to fully adopt and embrace the
technologies brought by industry 4.0. Despite all the positive impacts which are likely
to be brought by industry 4.0, there is still need to address the fundamentals which
can support the functionality of these technologies. These technologies requires
support infrastructure for them to be fully utilised. For example the use of exoskeletons
require uninterrupted supply of electricity. The use of drones, smart vest, smart
helmets and even site sensors requires uninterrupted access to internet. Currently in
Zimbabwe we ae experiencing massive load shading and this puts the adoption of
industry 4.0 at a disadvantage.
On the other hand, the use of modern technologies in construction at times can deprive
the social fabric in the construction industry. Real time site monitoring with the use of
smart vest and smart helmets can infringe the privacy of site workers because they
will be under 24 hr monitoring and it can creates unnecessary stress which can further
results in construction accidents and injuries. The use of exoskeletons in its self can
leads to boredom and frustration since the operator of the skeleton will be working in
isolation for all working hours.
Reference List

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