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Wait on your Dream when it is a dream of God!

Developing a Heart for God

Ruth: A Heart to Go with God
When Adversity Strikes --Will We Go Back? Or, Will We Go On
With God?
• Some Go Back Because Of Past
• Some Go Back Because Of Family
• Some Go Back Because Of Religion
• Ruth Made decision To: Go On… With God
Ruth: The Heart To Go With The Godly
• “Where You Go I Will Go”“Where You Live I Will Live”

God has a plan for your Talents

Talents Are To Be Used To Build Up The Kingdom
(1 Pet 4:10 NIV) Each one should use whatever gift he has received
to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various

Growing in God:
A. Knowing God
 It’s One Thing To Believe In God It’s Another Thing To Know
 Eternal Life Comes In Knowing Him
 To Know God In A Deeper Way -- We Must Grow In Our
Walk With Him
 Paul’s Prayer (Eph 1:17 NIV) I keep asking that the God of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit
of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.
 We Study God So We Can Have A More Intimate &
Meaningful Relationship With Him
 Even The Greatest Mind Cannot Fathom The Greatness Of
 We Study God So That We Can Know Him And Become More
Like Him
 (Jer 18:3 NIV) So I went down to the potter's house, and I
saw him working at the wheel. (4) But the pot he was
shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter
formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.
 When We Yield Our Lives To The Hand Of The Potter He Can
Make Us Into Useful Vessels For His Kingdom
 He is the Potter>>>We are the clay
 It’s Not knowing about Him…it’s knowing Him
 The ways we can’t be like Him: Eternal, Unchanging,
Omnipresent, Omniscient, Omnipotent
 The ways we can be more like Him: Holiness, Love, Justice,
Mercy, Goodness
B. The Holy Trinity
 God The Father God The Son God The Holy Spirit
 The Trinity: Father - Son – Spirit
 God the Trinity is involved in the lives of true
o God Is With Us - Jesus
o God Is In Us - The Holy Spirit
o God Is Over Us - The Father
 How The Trinity Effects Our Lives
o God The Father Is The Author- He Initiates
o God The Son Is The Agent- He Accomplishes
o God The Spirit Is The Applier- He Empowers And
 (Isa 40:28 NIV) Do you not know? Have you not
heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator
of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or
weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
(29) He gives strength to the weary and increases the
power of the weak. (30) Even youths grow tired and
weary, and young men stumble and fall; (31) but
those who hope in the LORD will renew their
strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will
run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be
C. Who Jesus Is?
 To Know God We Must Know Jesus
 Jesus is the Son of God (John 3:16 NIV) "For God so loved the
world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life
 Jesus: Fully God / Fully Man
 Jesus Made Himself Nothing: Phil 2:6 NIV) Who being in very
nature God, did not consider equality with God something to
be grasped,(7) but made himself nothing, taking the very
nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.(8) And
being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself
and became obedient to death-- even death on a cross!
 He Came As A Servant  He Became A Human  He Humbled
Himself  He Was Obedient even Unto Death
 (1) He Was Pre-existent With The Father. (John 1:1 NIV) In
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
(3) Through him all things were made; without him nothing
 To Know God We Must Know Jesus
 He Is The Son Of God  He Is Perfect Humanity & Perfect
Deity  He Emptied Himself --The Perfect Sacrifice  He
Came As A Servant Human & Humble
 He Is God  Pre-Existent  Without Sin  He Forgives Sin  He
Performs Miracles
D. What Jesus Taught & Did
 What He Taught: Humanity Needs To Be Saved
 (John 3:17 NIV)… “for God did not send his Son into the
world to condemn the world, but that the world through him
might be saved.”
 Righteousness Is Internal Not External and Love Is Life’s Top
 (John 15:13 NIV) Greater love has no one than this, that he
lay down his life for his friends
 The Things That He Did
o He Matched His Words With Deeds
 He Performed Miracles
 He Confronted Stagnant Religion
 He Preached and Discipled
 He Provided An Example
 God Sent Us A Savior: He Is The Only Savior. (Acts 4:12 NIV)
Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name
under heaven given to men by which we must be saved
 The Central Message Of The Bible Is Jesus Christ
o The Old Testament promises Christ
o The New Testament presents Christ
o The Old Testament pictures Christ
o The New Testament produces Christ
o The Old Testament prophesies Christ
o The New Testament proclaims Christ
E. Who is the Holy Spirit
 The Holy Spirit is God: The Holy Spirit Was Involved From the
 (Gen 1:1-2 NIV) (1) In the beginning God created the
heavens and the earth. (2) Now the earth was formless and
empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the
Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
 The Holy Spirit is God:
o • Christ Is Born -- The Spirit Is His Forerunner • Christ Is
Baptized -- The Spirit Bears Witness • Christ Is Tempted
-- The Spirit Leads Him Up • Christ Ascends -- The Spirit
Takes His Place
Lessons from the Wonder Years of Jesus
Father, we come to you today and we thank you today that you
brought us together to be your people. To come together to hear
your word to sing you praises, to worship you, to build one another
up in the holy faith. Lord, guide us give us wisdom and knowledge
Lord God a fresh revelation would be upon us while we study the
word together Oh Lord Jesus with the holy spirit as our counselor.
I’m just your spokesperson. We thank you for this time Lord. We ask
you now Lord just use this time for your glory and speak to us
through your word we pray. In Jesus name, Amen.

 Posted: January 10, 2021 by fpcpastorjeff

Star of Wonder: The Wonder Years – Genesis 1:1-5 and Mark 1:4-11
In the final episode of the TV Series “The Wonder Years,” Kevin, as the narrator, says this:
“Things never turn out exactly the way you planned. I know they didn’t with me. Still, like my
father used to say, ‘Traffic’s traffic, you go where life takes you’ and growing up happens in a
heartbeat. One day you’re in diapers, the next you’re gone, but the memories of childhood stay
with you for the long haul. I remember a time a place, a particular fourth of July, the things that
happened in that decade of war and change. I remember a house like a lot of houses, a yard like
a lot of yards, on a street like a lot of other streets. I remember how hard it was growing up
among people and places I loved. Most of all, I remember how hard it was to leave. And the
thing is, after all these years I still look back in wonder.” For most of us, our childhoods were
like that…years full of change and wonder. But at some point, we grow up and we often seem to
lose touch with that sense of wonder.
I think that faith can be very similar. When we are young in our faith journey, everything feels
exciting and new. The early part of our Christian journey is full of wonder. 
So, this morning, I want to talk about the wonder of Jesus’ baptism and the importance it
has for our lives. In a sermon series on baptism, Pastor Stephen Whitney wrote this: “In every
life there are turning points that determine the course and direction of our life. The college
degree we choose and the person we marry are two of the most significant decisions we make.
They change the course of our life, where we will live and what we will do with our life. For 30
years Jesus lived in Nazareth with his father Joseph and his mother Mary. The time has come
for him to reveal who he is and so he makes a decision to be baptized by John as many other
people were also coming to be baptized.” That moment for Jesus changed things. It is sometimes
talked about as the inauguration of Jesus’ public ministry. It didn’t necessarily change who
Jesus was, but it began to change how others viewed Jesus.
Today, as we remember Jesus’ baptism, we can also remember our baptisms…the beginnings of
our journeys of faith. That time when our wondering was just being awakened. And let’s open
ourselves to a new set of wonder years. A new journey of faith. A voyage into a deeper faith…a
fuller faith. This new year we’ve entered looks to be challenging. We continue to face the
struggles presented by this pandemic. Our nation is deeply divided. We are grieving so many
losses. We still can’t do all the things we want to do. But perhaps in the midst of all of this we
have an opportunity to renew our sense of wonder. To try new things. To discover more about
ourselves and about God. Our star word can present us with a jumping off point. But it will be
in our seeking and our wondering that we truly draw closer to God. All life stages growing

Well, take your bibles and tune in with me this night to Luke Chapter
2. How many of you have heard the term “Wonder Years”? The
wonder years (2x) You know before there was a show called Wonder
Years which I never really watched so I can’t comment on that but
there was a bread called ‘wonder bread’. And it was a staple for
many houses in America.
Wonder bread was marketed as a bread for the wonder years and
there was commercials on tv back in the day. One of the
commercials was the wonder bread commercial and actually I found
out you can, if you want to go look at one of those wonder bread
commercials you can go to YouTube and find it don’t do it now but
you know after this you can; you know contemplate what this bread
this is I’m talking about. “It builds bodies 12 ways” that was their
slogan. I listened and viewed to one yesterday at YouTube and I took
a few notes on it because I thought you know it really fits in well
where we’re going tonight. It said in this commercial, “They’ll never
need wonder bread more than they do right now because the time
to grow bigger and stronger is during the wonder years ages 1
through 12. The years when your child grows to 90% of their adult
height. How can you help, serve them nutritious Wonder Bread? It
helps build bodies in 12 ways blah blah and then it says at the end it
says during the Wonder years, the growth years help your child grow
bigger and stronger serve them wonder bread. Wonder! helps build
strong bodies 12 ways”.
So they wanted to get that point across that the Wonder Years were
the years of growth right! And I don’t know what you think about
Wonder Bread and I’m not trying to promote that bread really it
doesn’t really matter. The bible says, you can’t live on bread alone

Slide 2: But one thing we can take away from their marketing and
something that’s true is that there’s something very important
about the wonder years something very important about the
wonder years. Those years ages 1 through 12 something happens in
those formative years of life that impacts the rest of life.
(Formative-lasting influence on a person's development) In fact
much of a development of a child happens in those years, 1 through
12. And then it continues through their youth and their early
adulthood. And what we’re going to see today is we look into the
book of Luke Chapter 2 that Jesus had a heart for the things of God
that began in his wonder years. Jesus had a heart for the things of
God that began in his Wonder Years and I believe that there are
some lessons that the Lord wants to teach us as his people no
matter what age of life we’re in. No matter what stage we’re in
whether you’re a parent, grandparent, an uncle, an aunt whether
you’re somebody who’s in the wonder years or has just gone out of
them I believe that there some lessons we can learn that will impact
our life if we put them to work. Because God wants us to
understand some things about the wonder years. How many think
that the Lord can speak to you today about this time in Jesus
Life and apply it your life.

Slide 3: So, were in the book of Luke Chapter 2 today and I’m going
to start with verse 21. This is the account of after Jesus was born so
we had Christmas last (3x) week right? Now we are past
Christmas and this is something that happened in Jesus life and
the first thing we see here is that Jesus is dedicated to the Lord. And
you know Mary and Joseph were a good set of parents because they
did what was commanded them of them to do with their child they
dedicated, they consecrated him to the Lord and the lesson for us to
learn is you need to dedicated your children to the Lord. (The act of
setting apart, or dedicating, something or someone for God's holy
purpose) Why there is a need for consecration? Because God as a
great purpose. You need to consecrate them to God. And so we pick
it up today in Luke Chapter 2 verse 21 it says:

Now, that was the offering of someone who was poor. If Mary
had been wealthy she would have given a lamb but because she was
poor she gave a pair of doves or two young pigeons. We could go
into a lot of depth here learning about some of these principles and
understanding the Jewish custom and ordinances and that were part
of the circumcision on the Eight day. But what I really want to focus
in on today is right here is this, that Jesus was consecrated by Joseph
and Mary unto the Lord. This was done according to the pattern of
scripture. You go back to the book of Exodus the Lord said to Moses
in Exodus 13:1”Concsecrate to me every first-born male the first
offspring of every womb among the Israelites belongs to me
whether man or animal. And then in verse 12 of that same
chapter Exodus 13:12”You are to give over to the Lord the first
offspring of every womb all the firstborn males of your livestock
belong to the Lord”. And then over in the book of Numbers 3:13 it
says, ”For the firstborn are mine when I struck down all the first
born in Egypt. I set apart for myself every firstborn in Israel whether
man or animal they are to be mine. I am the Lord” So, Jesus was the
firstborn male from Mary right? She did in obedience to scripture.
She dedicated the Lord, she consecrated him unto God. And one of
the great responsibilities of every maturing believer of every parent,
of every church is to be in obedience to God’s word and to
understand there is a principle of consecration of children to the
Lord. To consecrate and to train up a generation of children who will
follow after God. That’s what God wants us to do and so this is
something for us who are not in that wonder years any longer.
Sometimes we’re in the wonder years I think but we’re not in the
wonder years any longer. But listen we are to commit ourselves to
see a younger generation grown up who is going to be dedicated to
the Lord. How many believe that today? Amen. Now, listen as
Joseph and Mary presented Jesus in consecration; parents and
churches today! Should consecrate and dedicated young people and
children unto the Lord. Praying constantly for them from their very
beginning that each child in their life will find God’s will, God’s
pattern, or what has God fashion and shaped them for and that they
each will serve and glorify God with complete and total devotion.
We need a new generation to be raise up who will come after us
who will continue to carry the torch and follow after God.
That’s one of the reasons we have child dedication sa church. Nanay
are doing that as the church and as parents, as a family. We’re
saying look we’re going to care for these little ones, we’re going to
pray for these little ones, and we’re going to do everything we can to
bring them up to know God and have them in their lives. So we got
to make it a high priority as a group and the Church sa Cabasagan
has always had a heart for children and young people. Children and
young people are part of our focus. We need to say as Mary and
Joseph consecrated Jesus dedicated them unto the Lord we must do
the same with our young people and children (24/7 Prayer Center)

Slide 4-7: Let’s move on the next thing we see is that when Jesus
came he was an answer to prayer. Jesus is the answer to our
prayers. One of the things that this account teaches us is don’t ever
give up in praying about things that have a long time in coming to
completion. Don’t ever give up praying about things that you are
seeking an answer for and you don’t ever know whether they will
come true so you keep praying until the very end. Let’s read because
I want you to see what I’m talking about verse Luke 2:25-38 says
this, “ “. You see what Joseph and Mary they brought Jesus and
now Simeon’s saying this is the answer to what I’ve been waiting for.
Verse 36, “ “. So the coming of Jesus is an answer to prayer it
teaches don’t ever give up on praying because sometimes things
take longer than we think but God is still in control. When we read
this passage we find out that Simeon and Anna had been waiting
and praying for the Messiah to come and they both testified when
he did come that he was the answer to their prayer. Luke 2 reveals
four individuals who obeyed God’s Word and were blessed because
of it. The first two were Mary and Joseph. They obeyed the law of
God. They were poor, and yet they obeyed. In Luke 2:25-38, we
learn about Simeon and Anna who also obeyed God’s Word. I think
we can apply this to our lives and say you know what Jesus is still
the answer to our prayers. If you want life he offers life. If you want
health he offers health. If you need joy, Jesus is overflowing in joy. If
you want peace, he gives a peace that the world can’t give and the
world can’t take away. You need a savior, he is the savior. He is the
Messiah. He is the answer. He is the one who meets the needs. He
is the one who fulfills the pursuit of our lives. Don’t ever stop
praying and believing that Jesus has an answer because he is the
answer. Sometimes we think as we’ve been waiting for something to
take part in our lives. How long do I have to pray? Will this prayer
ever get answered? But the answer is yes, just keep praying, keep
trusting, keep believing because the Lord does things at the right
time. He does things at the right time the bible says, Jesus came
when the time was fulfilled when the right time was there. That’s
when Jesus came to earth he couldn’t come before that because
not everything else would line up with all the prophecies but it was
exactly at a very specific moment in time where everything came
together at one time. He Was Pre-existent with The Father and He
was already with God in the beginning. The Lord still works in that
way, he does not work on our timetable. He doesn’t always go
according to the way we would do things but you know what His
ways are higher than our ways. His ways are better than our ways.
He will bless you if you will continue in Him. He will answer your
prayers according to his riches in glory. And applying that to some of
these young people I see around here like me. Jesus was an answer
to prayer in his formative years. He was an answer to the prayers of
Anna and Simeon and you know what we fail to see sometimes is
some of the kids around here. They’re the ancestors to the prayers
that during Nanay’s time or your Grandparents been praying for in
JTSOCM. This is what’s true keep praying , keep believing, keep
trusting the Lord has an answer. He might have already released
that answer to you and it might be in the form of one of these little
young ones (tudlo sa mga bata). Who’s going to grow up and do
something great for God and we don’t know. How God is going to
use you but listen many times what I see in scripture is many times
people pray and the Lord sends a child or somebody young to do
what nobody else is willing to do. Mary was young, David was young,
Josiah was young, Joash was young; all these different people that
God used in different ways were young. So don’t despise their
youth. Pray for them and entrust them to the Lord and God will do
great things to them.

Slide 8: The next thing we see, was Jesus was actually a child he
lived among us. He became a baby and he grew up as a child. And he
was a child who grew up and we need to believe that your children
in their wonder years will grow up in God like Jesus did. He grew in
the normal way, he grew physically but he also grew in the ways of
God’s grace and wisdom. He grew spiritually verse 39 says, “ “. So
what do we know about Jesus well he grew up, he became strong,
he was filled up with wisdom and the grace of God was on Him. The
child grew and he became strong and he was filled with wisdom and
so these are the Wonder Years and its wonderful for us because if he
hadn’t come we would have no Saviour. Now, when Jesus grew up
just like all kids. He grew up I mean he didn’t skip levels and go he
didn’t go from 1 to 30. He went from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 and he went
different levels. He grew into his mission, he grew into his calling. He
grew into the stages of growth from infancy to childhood and
adulthood. He grew and when he was ready when God’s time had
fully come. When he was ready to accomplish the mission he would
be sent on to do that’s when he was released into that mission.

Slide 9-10: Jesus had developed a heart for God during the wonder
years. This heart for God began in his childhood and carried on to his
youth and his adulthood and there is a lesson for us to learn.
Sometimes we put ourselves on a certain level because we’re adults
and we think children at this other level they can’t understand.
Listen, they can develop a heart from God from the nursery, junior,
primary, young people at Sunday School up until they grow to know
Jesus Christ and serve him with their lives. And the lesson for us is
you need to do all you can to motivated and to grow young ones in
Godly living and truth. Jesus has a heart for the things of God
because as we read on in Luke Chapter 2: 41:48 “ “ We find out
when his parents have gone to celebrate Passover, Jesus is with him
Joseph and Mary have gone. When it’s time to leave they leave him
behind not realizing he’s not there. I submit to you he was a very
mature 12 year old. This is an interesting path because you see here
we have Jesus at 12 years of age. He’s just gone through the wonder
years now he’s 12. I believe he was excited about this 12th birthday
and there’s a reason because when you’re 12 you can go into the
temple. He was a 12 year old in the temple and I believe this was a
desire of his heart. That’s why when he was there he was like “you
can do whatever you want I gotta go to the temple, read what
they’re reading and I wanna talk to them about these things and I
wanna share some answers with them that I know” And here you
have a 12 year old all alone in a strange city by the time they found,
two days have gone by. It’s not like you’ve lost a coin or a piece of
jewelry or your camel or donkey’s missing this is your son! “And he’s
gone for two days where did he go”. They though Jesus was with
him but he was not they left Jesus behind. When they started
looking around they finally found him.

Slide 11: They found him at the temple and they his own parents
were astonished. Along with the crowd who was amazed at his
teaching. Here we have Jesus, Himself who is showing us something
of his inner heart for God. His not playing video games, he’s not busy
with his gadgets, he’s not building something with his lego. Although
you know there’s nothing wrong with those things but that’s not
what he was into. “He was like I want to be in the temple. I want to
know more about the things of God”. They didn’t have bibles that
they could carry along with them they had to go to the temple to
hear the word. He was wanting to go to the word. He was wanting
to go where the word was being lifted up/being read. You know
what happens sometimes we put adults on one level and children on
one level and they think, “Well yeah we’ve got it together we’re the
one that are really hungry”. Not knowing sometimes it’s the kids
that are hungry for God. it’s the children who develop a heart for
God. Sometimes the revival starts not among the old but sometimes
it happens among the young people. Mao during youth incubation
“Revivalist Generation natah.” Jesus had a response to these
astonished parents. “Why nangita man mu nako, wala man ko
gadula video games, galaag, I was in my father’s house” But they did
not understand what he was saying then he went down to Nazareth
with them was Obedient to them. Here’s a message for kids naa
direh guess what , you may not understand everything but God put
these Authority figures (your mama and papa) in your life for a
reason. Be obedient and God will bless you. Jesus was obedient
event though he would rather be in the Father’s house. Three days
they find him his not in the market, business, bank, government
house, His in the House of the Lord.

Slide 12: There’s another important lesson I believe we need to

learn here is this don’t despise the hunger for God among the
young. They may do things different in their worship but maybe God
wants to do a new thing. Don’t despise it encourage it these are
their formative years. These are our years of childhood and youth
where Jesus is growing in wisdom and favor with God and man.
These are the years where he’s getting ready for his mission. These
are the years where the hunger and desire in his heart is filling him
up so that when he gets an opportunity where does he want to go,
he wants to go to the house of God. Studies over the years have
shown that “ “. In fact, I believe we need encourage them and not
despise their wonder but encourage it, build them up. Pray for them.
God elevated me in different areas sa akoa kinabuhi.

Slide 13: Matthew 18: 6 Jesus sad it this way he said, “ “. To stop
a child in the pursuit of God it’d be better for you to go kill yourself
that’s what Jesus is saying. I believe this is a warning to each person
who has a child in their home to each believer who has a children in
their church, to each person who come in contact with someone
who is either young or young in the faith or maybe they’re older but
they’ve just come to Christ and they’re still a spiritual baby I think
this applies to them as well. And Jesus say anybody who causes
them to stop or to stumble will be judged harshly. There are times in
the church when children/youth/babies come to faith in the Lord
and they’re going all out for him but then gi-look down. The person
who causes a child like that to stop or towards their growth you
better watch out because they will answer to the Lord in the
judgment day. We want to be a source of encouragement. And I
challenge this New Year 2021 to find a way to minister, to support,
to pray, to encourage, to build up those who are younger in the faith
than you are especially to the children and the young people. It
would be so beneficial to the Lord and to the church and finally
Nanay would start saying “Gues what my call, my prayer, my heart,
my investment is for the younger people who come after me so that
they will know the Lord, come to know him in the way that I’ve
known him and even better they will lead the church until the Lord
returns.” Why do we minister to children? Why naa tay Sunday
school? Because we are still young people who are young souls, who
are young lives. Kita mga young people we are impressionable, we
can be led to know Jesus Christ and the revival can start in us (Pastor
Gener) Some of the school systems, some of the educators not all of
them because we have some great Christian educators. The system
is not set up for people to serve and know the Lord and to come to
Him. Don’t depend on your school I don’t care if your public, private,
home school. Don’t depend on your school to set the boundaries
and parameters for your kids. If you have a chief influence among
young people or children used it for good. Take your responsibility
and opportunity seriously because your kids need the touch of Jesus
upon their lives.
Slide 14: Do you remember when Jesus was dealing with some
ministry issues and the people wanted to bring him the kids for him
to be blessed. The disciple said “Nah, he’s got too many things to do
ayaw siya tagai ana mga trabaho. They’ll be too loud “sabaan
daw”.” And Jesus said, Let the children come to me and Jesus
rebuked the disciples. In those days, the persistent parents would
bring their children to the Rabbi to have their children get blessed
before they turned the age of 1 and it was important to them they
understood that if they didn’t get this blessing things could spiral out
of control in their children. Those parents who had high hopes for
their children they said “we’re going to bring him to this rabbi and
he’s gonna bless them they were detracted”. There’s a lesson for us
too we need to get to that place where we say “I’m not going to go
until the Lord blesses my child.” You’re going to bring your kids to
Jesus for his touch. You’re going to be persistent and even if there’s
detractors(don’t come to the lord later nalang) This is the time, the
age we need a blessing to the Lord go beyond the obstacle and let
Jesus touch your children.
Slide 15: Proverbs Chapter 1, let’s go there real quick. Are these
things you want for young people? “ “. There are two schools in
life: school of wisdom and school of fools. You don’t ever find
wisdom if you’re attending the school of fools. You don’t ever find
foolishness if you’re attending the school of wisdom. Wisdom starts
with the fear of the Lord and in the book of Proverbs we find out
that these people would teach their kids, How to be wise in life, How
to get wisdom and understanding by getting into God’s word.

Slide 16: Chapter 3 it says this “ .“ How many would like that for
your kid’s long life and prosperity? Are these things that you would
want for your children? To know wisdom and not foolishness. To be
in the place where they’re going to be blessed and not cursed. If so
they must be a priority. They’re not going to learn those things on
xbox, tablet, tv. They’re not going to learn those things on Facebook,
YouTube or I don’t think they even use facebook; Tik-tok. Those
things aren’t taught there, they need the house of the Lord.

Slide 17: Let’s go on, Don’t despise Godly life Principles in children
in their formative years. What they do now will shape their future.
Children are bundles of joy but they’re not best judge of what’s good
and what’s better and what’s best. God has given you the
experience as a parent; he’s given you the insight, wisdom. “Di nako
tuh buhaton that was a foolish of me.” Young people don’t have to
go through those same things if they’ll listen. Sometimes that’s part
of the plan of your parents, Nanay, Tatay, Grandparents “God I want
my young people to grown to know you”

Slide 18: I just want to leave you a vision tonight for your children
and your young people won’t take long. Every child must be. That is
the vision I have that vision during our Youth Incubation Training we
were trained about these things. To be strengthened and equipped
in advancing the Kingdom of God. Kinsa ra gud di ganahan makakita,
wanna see these principles played out in the lives of the young

Slide 19: No church, no adult Christian, no family can be regarded

as being in a healthy state if we neglect those younger
members .God says, “I want those children don’t cause them to go
away but bring them to me said Jesus”

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