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In an education system, the curriculum is dynamic in nature and changes and developments must
always be made in order to keep up with the developments and challenges of the times. Even so,
the changes and developments must be carried out systematically, directed, not randomly. The
history of curriculum in Indonesia has come a long way, history records these changes starting in
1947, 1952, 1964,1975,1984,1994, 2004, 2006, and the most recent is the 2013 curriculum.

1. Curriculum 1947, “Rentjana Pelajaran 1947”

The current curriculum was known as “Rentjana Pelajaran 1947”. At that time, the term leer plan
(Dutch = lesson plan) was still used instead of the term curriculum. This lesson plan is based on
Pancasila. In the lesson plan, contains two main points, namely a list of subjects and teaching
hours and an outline of teaching.

The orientation of the 1947 Lesson Plan did not emphasize mental education. What is prioritized
is character education, state and community awareness. Subject matter is associated with
everyday events, attention to arts and physical education.

2. Curriculum 1952, “Rentjana Pelajaran Terurai 1952”

In 1952 the curriculum in Indonesia was refined. This curriculum has led to a national education
system. The course syllabus shows clearly that a teacher teaches one subject, (Djauzak Ahmad,
Dirpendas period 1991-1995).

The most prominent and at the same time characteristic of the 1952 curriculum is that every
lesson plan must pay attention to the content of lessons that are related to everyday life. Subjects
are classified into five groups of study areas, namely: (1) Moral; (2) Intelligence; (3) Emotional /
artistic; (4) Keprigelan (skills); (5) Physical.

At that time the Community Class was also formed. namely a special school for 6 year old SR
graduates who did not continue to junior high school. Community classes teach skills, such as
agriculture, carpentry and fishing. The goal is that children who cannot afford to go to junior
high school can immediately work.
3. Curriculum 1964, “Rentjana Pendidikan 1964”

by 1964, the government again refined the curriculum system in Indonesia. This time it was
named “Rentjana Pendidikan 1964”. The issue at that time was that learning would be
conceptualized in such a way as to be active, creative and productive. So that teachers are
required to guide their students in order to be able to solve problems / problem solving.

The method of learning is carried out using the guided cooperation method. In addition, the
government also implements Saturday as a day of krida which aims to give students freedom to
practice activities in the fields of culture, arts, and sports according to students' interests.

4. Curriculum 1968

In this curriculum, there is a change in the structure of the educational curriculum from
Pancawardhana to fostering the spirit of Pancasila, basic knowledge, and special skills. The 1968
curriculum is a genuine and consistent manifestation of the change in orientation towards the
implementation of the 1945 Constitution. Subjects are grouped into 9 points. Djauzak called the
1968 Curriculum a round curriculum. "Only contains the main subjects,". Emphasis on what
material is appropriate given to students at every level of education. The content of education is
directed at activities to enhance intelligence and skills, as well as develop a healthy and strong

5. Curriculum 1975

In this curriculum, the concept of education is determined from the center, so that teachers do not
need to think about the concept of learning to be implemented. In addition, there are several
principles that underlie this curriculum, including:

a. Goal-oriented, which means that the government formulates goals that must be mastered by
students or better known as the hierarchy of educational goals which include national
educational goals, institutional goals, curricular goals, general instructional goals and specific
instructional goals.
b. Adhering to an integrative approach in the sense that each lesson has a meaning and role that
supports the achievement of more integrative goals.
c. Emphasizes efficiency and effectiveness in terms of power and time.
d. Adhere to the instructional systems approach known as the Instructional System
Development Procedure. A system that always leads to the achievement of specific goals,
can be measured and formulated in the form of student behavior.
e. Behavioral psychology is influenced by emphasizing response stimuli (stimulation-response)
and training (Drill). Learning uses the theory of Behaviorism, which sees success in learning
as determined by the environment with external stimuli, in this case schools and teachers.
6. Curriculum 1984, "The enhanced 1975 curriculum"

Along with the development of science, by 1983 the 1975 curriculum was deemed incompatible
with the needs of the community at that time, so that in 1984 a new curriculum was formed,
namely the 1984 curriculum. active or we often call it CBSA. The subject matter is also provided
with a spiral concept, which means that the higher the class or level the deeper and wider the
subject matter is. In addition, the material delivery method is not just lectures, practical methods
have also begun to be used so that learning is more effective and efficient to achieve lesson

In the preparation of the 1984 curriculum, there were also policies taken by the government
including the addition of core subjects which initially only amounted to 8 to 16 core subjects plus
the addition of elective subjects according to their respective majors. This is related to changes
made to the majors program in SMA. If in the 1975 curriculum there were 3 majors, namely
Science, Social Sciences, and Language, then in the 1984 curriculum the majors were stated in
programs A and B. Program A consisted of: (1) A1, emphasis on Physics subjects; (2) A2,
emphasis on Biology; (3) A3, emphasis on Economics subjects; (4) A4, emphasis on subjects

Language and Culture. While program B is a program that leads to vocational skills that will be
able to field students directly into the community. However, considering that program B requires
sufficient school facilities, this program is temporarily abolished.

7. Curriculum 1994 and Curriculum Supplements 1999

The 1994 curriculum was the result of an attempt to integrate the previous curricula, especially
the 1975 and 1984 curricula. Unfortunately, the combination of objectives and process had not
been successful. So that a lot of criticism came, because the student's learning load was
considered too heavy, from national content to local content.
Local content material is tailored to the needs of each region, for example, regional language
arts, regional skills, and others. Various interests of community groups also insisted that certain
issues be included in the curriculum. Finally, the 1994 Curriculum was transformed into a super
dense curriculum. The fall of the Soeharto regime in 1998, followed by the presence of the
Supplement Curriculum 1999. But the changes were more about patching up a number of subject

8. Curriculum 2004, “CBC (Competency Based Curriculum)"

Competency-Based Curriculum or what we often know as CBC is a curriculum concept that

emphasizes the development and mastery of competences for students through various activities
and experiences in accordance with national education standards so that the results can be felt by
students, parents and society, both for continue higher education, enter the world of work and
socialize with the community.

In principle, CBC is shifting curriculum orientation from content-based to competency-based

curriculum orientation. The old content-oriented curriculum encourages teachers to do how to
know and what should be to know. Thus the educators are more focused so that students can
master the material or theory rather than practice in students. It is different from the KBK which
is competency-oriented which demands that students do not only do how to do and what to dose
so that students can "know what" and "do what".

Competence has a strong foundation which is built on the teaching domain, namely cognitive,
effective and psychomotor. So that if students are called "can explain" or can "do" then it has
received support from cognitive, affective and psychomotor specs. So in the CBC process,
educators are required to be able to:

a. How to know(how to make students understand knowledge)

b. How to be(how something that students learn becomes part of the student's personality)
c. How to do(how something students learn makes it do something)

CBC development includes at least three steps of activity, namely identifying competencies,
developing a curriculum structure, and describing subjects.

9. Curriculum 2006, "KTSP (Education Unit Level Curriculum)"

The implementation of the CBC was still under limited testing, however in early 2006, this
limited trial was terminated. And then with the issuance of candy number 24 of 2006 which
regulates the implementation of candy number 22 of 2006 concerning curriculum content
standards and candy number 23 of 2006 concerning graduation standards, the 2006 curriculum
was born which is basically the same as the 2004 curriculum.The salient difference lies in the
authority in its preparation , which refers to the spirit of the decentralized education system.

In the 2006 curriculum, the central government sets competency standards and basic
competencies, while schools in this case teachers are required to be able to develop in the form
of a syllabus and assessment in accordance with the conditions of the school and the region. The
results of the development of all subjects are compiled into a tool called the Education Unit
Level Curriculum (KTSP). The preparation of KTSP is the responsibility of schools under the
guidance and monitoring of the regional and local education offices.

10. Curriculum 2013

This curriculum is the latest curriculum that was implemented in the new academic year 2013-
3014. The development of the 2013 Curriculum is expected to be able to produce productive,
creative, innovative, affective Indonesians through strengthening integrated attitudes, skills and
knowledge. The elements that have changed in the 2013 curriculum are graduate competency
standards, process standards, content standards, and assessment standards. The competence of
this curriculum graduate is an increase and balance between soft skills and hard skills which
include aspects of competence, attitudes, skills, and knowledge. Competencies that were
originally derived from subjects turned into subjects developed from competencies.

Process standards that were originally focused on exploration, elaboration and confirmation are
complemented by observing, questioning, processing, reasoning, presenting, concluding and
creating. In addition to learning, it does not only occur in classrooms but also in the school and
community environment. Attitude learning is not only taught verbally, but through examples
and examples. He teaches learning in elementary schools thematically and in an integrated
manner, at the junior high school level, science and social studies subjects are taught in an
integrated manner. For SMA level there are compulsory and elective subjects according to their
talents and interests and for SMK itself the skill competency is adjusted to industry standards.

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