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While preventing the spread of COVID-19 is the best way to keep you and your loved ones healthy,

isolating is not easy and can take a mental health toll on many families. Some parents are working from
home as their kids do virtual learning, which means that stress and responsibilities can pile up on
everyone. Does your family need a way to relieve some tension and inject some happiness and healing
into your home? Here are eight ways you can alleviate some of the most common household isolation

Create Routines Make sure to stick to routines that help you and your kids keep focus and move
throughout the day. Morning routines for meals and work are crucial for a positive work-life balance,
but also create routines that promote togetherness and fun, like a family game or movie night.

Get Active Physical exercise can be quite a stress-reliever. Karate also brings in an added element:
discipline. Younger kids, older kids, and even children with special needs can participate in martial arts
classes to get the most out of these benefits.

Clear the Air Release negative energy from your home with a regular decluttering routine and
cleansing ritual. Redfin recommends ways to deal with the clutter, criticism, and negativity from your
home so you can keep things happy and healthy.

Give Space Make sure everyone has a space that is all their’s — a place they can go to when they
need to be alone or take some time to unwind. When tensions run high, a spot where you can listen to
your own music, read a book, or unwind uninterrupted can help de-escalate highly charged and
emotional situations.

Practice Non-violent Communication If you want to receive empathy, first you have to learn
to give empathy. Isolation — where everyone is walking on eggshells around each other — can be
miserable. Learn to communicate honestly and openly with each other. Non-violent communication is
one of many effective strategies for becoming better listeners and communicators.

Have adventures Just because you are stuck inside together doesn’t mean you can’t have
adventures. Many world-famous museums are hosting free virtual tours, so you can take a trip to the
Louvre without even leaving your home. If you do want to leave, rent a cabin in the woods and go for a
hike or explore the countryside from your car. You can isolate and still get outside if you play it smart
and safe.
Learn a New Skill Whether you decide to practice karate or self-defense, start scrapbooking or
playing an instrument, bonding while learning a new skill can really help your family shake up the
doldrums of isolation. Being productive and learning a new family hobby, individually or as a unit, can
help deflect their focus off stressful situations and on to something new. Everyone is feeling the impact
of COVID-19. No matter how you deal with stress in your home, take proactive steps to address tension
before it becomes too challenging. These times can be traumatizing, but they can also be healing. When
you have the discipline that comes with martial arts and Eastern philosophies like what’s explored at
Sault Ste. Marie International Karate Daigaku, you can find the silver lining in any grey
cloud. Reach out by sending us an email, or call (705) 759-8552.

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