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CSE3013- Artificial Intelligence

CAT1 E1 Slot
Section- A
1) Which of these terms best describes the type of AI used in today’s email spam filters,
speech recognition, and other specific applications?

a) Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)

b) Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Answer : a

2) What do you call the commonly used AI technology for learning input (A) to output (B)

a) Reinforcement learning

b) Artificial General Intelligence

c) Unsupervised learning

d) Supervised learning

Answer : d

3) Because smart speakers can carry out multiple functions (such as tell a joke, play music,
etc.) it is an example of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

a) True

b) False

Answer : b

4) What is an ‘agent’?
a) Perceives its environment through sensors and acting upon that environment through
b) Takes input from the surroundings and uses its intelligence and performs the desired
c) An embedded program controlling line following robot
d) All of the mentioned
Answer : d
5) Agents behavior can be best described by ____________
a) Perception sequence b) Agent function c) Sensors and Actuators
d) Environment in which agent is performing
Answer : b
6) Which environment best suited for Chess playing ?
a) static b) dynamic c) semidynamic
Answer: c
7) What could possibly be the environment of a Satellite Image Analysis System?
a) Computers in space and earth b) Image categorization techniques
c) Statistical data on image pixel intensity value and histograms
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d

8) Which of the following are AI pitfalls to avoid?

a) Expecting AI to solve everything

b) Expecting AI based projects to work the first time

c) Expecting traditional planning processes to apply without changes

d) All of the above

Answer : d

9) What are the jobs that AI is most likely to displace over the next several years?

a) Jobs that comprise primarily of routine, repetitive work

b) All jobs will be displaced

c) Most jobs involving office work (white collar jobs)

d) Jobs that comprise primarily of non-routine, non-repetitive work

Answer : a

10) What are the current limitations of AI technology?

a) Explainability is hard
b) AI technology can discriminate
c) AI technology can be biased
d) All of the above
Answer : d
11) Which one is a famous chess playing game?

a) Blue heaven
b) Deep blue
c) Deep sea
Answer : b

12) Find the incorrect one

a) Goal base agent is efficient
b) Goal base agent is flexible
c) Goal base agent is goal-oriented
Answer: a
13) Pick the wrong one
a) percept-based agents are efficient
b) percept-based agents are reflexive
c) percept-based agents have memory for internal representation and reasoning
Answer: c
14) For uniform step costs, breadth-first search is optimal, True or False.
Answer: True
15) In terms of space complexity, DFS has an advantage over BFS. True or False
Answer: True
Section B
16) What are the capabilities a system must have in order to pass the Turing test? On passing
the Turing test, whether it is really intelligent, criticise.
Natural language processing , Knowledge representation , Automated reasoning , Machine
Learning , Computer vision.
Refer to Chinese room argument.
17) Find out about the Internet shopping agent.
What are the percepts for this agent?
Characterize the operating environment.
What are the actions the agent can take?
How can one evaluate the performance of the agent?
Sensors: Ability to parse Web pages, interface for user requests
Environment: Internet. Partially observable, partly deterministic, sequential, partly static,
discrete, single-agent (exception: auctions)
Actuators: Ability to follow links, fill in forms, display info to user
Performance Measure: Obtains requested books, minimizes cost/time

18) List 5 tasks that you will like a computer to be able to do within the next 5 years.

Answer: Answer is based on own imagination.

Surfing the web, interpreting an arbitrary visual scene, learning a natural language
19) Consider a state space where the start state is number 1 and the successor function for
state n returns two states, numbers 2n and 2n + 1. Suppose the goal state is 11. List the order
in which nodes will be visited for breadth first search
Answer: 1→2→ 3→ 4→ 5→ 6→7→ 8→ 9→ 10→ 11

20) Consider the following graph

Starting from state A, execute DFS. The goal node is G. Show the order in which the nodes
are expanded
Answer: A→B→D→C→G

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