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Review Article

Surgical Management of
Neuromas of the Hand and Wrist

Steven Regal, MD Neuromas of the hand and wrist are common causes of peripheral
Peter Tang, MD, MPH nerve pain. Neuromas are formed after the nerve sustains an injury,
and they can be debilitating and painful. The diagnosis is made by a
thorough history and physical examination. The treatment options are
quite varied, but conservative measures tailored to the patient should
be initiated first. No surgical treatment has been proven superior to
others or to nonsurgical treatment.

N euromas of the hand and wrist

can be a mentally and physically
disabling condition for patients. A
Sunderland classified nerve injuries
neuroma is the abnormal growth of
based on the histologic structure of
nerve tissue that consists of a disorga- nerves and expanded Seddon’s neu-
nized architecture of axons, Schwann rotmesis category with two additional
cells, macrophages, and fibroblasts as a degrees of injury. In Sunderland’s5
result of the biologic response to nerve third- and fourth-degree injuries, the
trauma or an unsuccessful nerve repair endoneurium is disrupted and the
(Figure1). Neuroma formation may epineurium remains intact, leading
result secondary to a peripheral nerve to disorganized axon growth and
injury, such as a laceration, crush in- fusiform swelling at this site (Figure
From the Division of Hand, Upper jury, chronic irritation or stretch, or 2). Yuksel et al6 hypothesized that
Extremity, and Microvascular Surgery, the result of a nerve repair. Patients the perineurium is a barrier to re-
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, who experience a digit amputation
Allegheny General Hospital,
generating axon so when the peri-
Pittsburgh, PA.
have a reported 2.7% to 30% inci- neurium is damaged, fascicular escape
dence of developing a symptomatic can occur. With escape, the re-
Dr. Tang or any immediate family
neuroma.1,2 In a nerve injury where generating axons grow into the epi-
member is a member of a speakers’
bureau or has made paid the axon is disrupted, the distal portion neural tissue in a disorganized fashion
presentations on behalf of AxoGen of the axon will undergo Wallerian along with Schwann cells, fibroblasts,
and Synthes; serves as a paid degeneration. The proximal portion of and blood vessels. The regenerating
consultant to Globus Medical; and has
received research or institutional
the neuron sprouts toward the empty axons form the patterns of whorls,
support from AxoGen. Neither neural tube and will grow 1 to 2 mm spirals, and convolutions, which are
Dr. Regal nor any immediate family per day to restore the nerve’s function. characteristics of neuroma histology.
member has received anything of A neuroma will form if the proximal
value from or has stock or stock
options held in a commercial company neuron fails to effectively reach the
or institution related directly or distal nerve end.3,4 With more than Clinical Evaluation
indirectly to the subject of this article. 150 different treatment options for (Diagnosis)
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2019;27: symptomatic neuromas, the optimal
356-363 management remains unknown and History and Physical
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-17-00398 hence, the challenge. This article re- Examination
views the nonsurgical and surgical A thorough history and physical
Copyright 2018 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. management of symptomatic neuro- examination is critical in establishing
mas of the hand and wrist. the correct diagnosis. Often, a surgical

356 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Steven Regal, MD and Peter Tang, MD, MPH

or traumatic scar can localize the Figure 1

clinician’s examination to the site of
the neuroma. Hallmark features of
neuroma pain include spontaneous
pain; hyperalgesia or allodynia to
touch, pressure, or movement; and
the sensation of a burning or elec-
trical pain.4,7 A positive Tinel sign is
often found at the site of the neu-
roma, and the area distal to this will
have altered sensation (hypoesthesia,
hyperalgesia, or anesthesia).4,8,9 A
modified Hendler back pain rating
scale is a useful tool to evaluate
neuroma pain with prognostic im- Electron microscopic image of peripheral nerve (A). Electron microscopic image
of neuroma showing hypertrophic nerves with perineural fibrosis (B).
plications. The test is composed of
three components: a body diagram
pain drawing, a numerical scale who have all three of the compo- the surgical versus nonsurgical suc-
quantifying pain, and a list of pain nents experience an exaggerated re- cess rates exist.9-11
descriptors (Figure 3). Patients who sponse to pain and are not surgical
have significant hand dysfunction candidates. Patients who only have
that negatively impacts their daily one of the above components will
lives will have a pain drawing on the likely have a good outcome, whereas Nonsurgical Management
body diagram that does not corre- those who have two of the three are It is important for the surgeon to have
spond to the anatomic course of likely to have suboptimal results. knowledge of nonsurgical manage-
a peripheral nerve, have a score of The modified Hendler back pain ment of neuromas of the hand and
20 or more points on the numerical rating scale helps the practitioner wrist. Conservative options should be
scale, and use three or more ad- differentiate organic from functional exhausted before any surgical inter-
jectives to describe the pain. Patients pain, although no studies examining vention, and it may be the treatment of

Figure 2

Diagram representing Seddon and Sunderland degrees of nerve injury.

May 15, 2019, Vol 27, No 10 357

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Surgical Management of Neuromas

Figure 3 guided steroid injection.17 Rasmus- surgical techniques available to treat

sen et al18 reported on 51 interdigital neuromas suggests that there is not
neuromas of the foot treated with a a benchmark procedure to effectively
single steroid injection with 4-year treat all neuromas. The surgical
follow-up; 80% had pain relief management of painful neuromas
within the first 3 months. However, should follow three basic principles
only 11% had lasting improvement that have been previously described
in pain at 4 years, and 47% eventu- by Nath and Mackinnon: (1) If there
ally underwent surgical excision. are appropriate distal nerve and
Although the injection of local anes- sensory receptors available, a nerve
thetic and/or corticosteroid may not graft can be used to guide the re-
provide a definite treatment, it may generating nerve stump distally into
be useful for diagnostic purposes. the native nerve and distal targets;
Pharmacologic management of neu- (2) if a distal nerve or sensory re-
ropathic pain consists of numerous ceptors are not available and res-
classes of medications, each with their toration of function is critical,
own advantages, disadvantages, ad- innervated free tissue can be trans-
verse effects, and different efficacy rates ferred to accept the regenerating
among patients. The first medications nerve fibers from the injured nerve;
Body diagram to be used by patients that proved efficacious for neuropathic and (3) if function of the injured
to draw location and direction of pain. pain in placebo-controlled trials were nerve is not critical, the local tissue is
the tricyclic antidepressants. A recent not amenable for a nerve graft, or if
choice for those who cannot tolerate a Cochrane review of 61 randomized the patient has had numerous pre-
surgery or choose not to have surgery. controlled trials examining the anal- vious unsuccessful surgical proce-
Physical therapy modalities, such as gesic effect of antidepressants on neu- dures for pain control, the neuroma
percussion, massage, and ultrasonog- ropathic pain concluded that tricyclic can be resected and the proximal
raphy, have been reported to decrease antidepressants are effective in treating stump can be implanted into muscle,
neuroma pain either through desensi- neuropathic pain; one out of every bone, or vein.9,11 Historically, man-
tization or reducing inflammation and three patients treated will get at least agement of neuromas has focused on
local scarring around the nerve.12-14 moderate pain relief.19 Other classes of transposition of the resected neu-
Desensitization protocols often prog- medications include selective norepi- roma into nonneural tissue. The
ress from soft, nonirritating materi- nephrine and serotonin reuptake in- availability of decellular nerve allo-
als, such as paraffin wax, to more hibitors (venlafaxine, duloxetine), graft makes reconstruction a more
noxious stimuli like constant touch or gabapentinoids (gabapentin, pre- viable treatment as long as distal
pressure that assists in the physiologic gabalin), opioids (oxycodone, nerve ends are present (Figure 4).
and psychologic return to normalcy tramadol), antiepileptics (carbamaze-
over time. The use of vibration can pine), and topical agents, such as
stimulate A-b fibers and “block out” lidocaine and capsaicin. These medi-
Neuroma Resection
painful C fiber activity.11,15 Analgesic cations have been used to effectively Excision of a neuroma is one of the
and neuropathic agents are alterna- treat and alleviate neuropathic pain. oldest described surgical techniques.
tive nonsurgical options that can be These medications should be started at Tupper and Booth21 found that of
prescribed early following any trau- low doses and gradually increased to 232 neuromas, 68% had excellent or
matic nerve injury to optimize prog- avoid unwanted adverse effects.16,20 An satisfactory results from neurectomy
nosis and reduce chronic pain in the in-depth review of the pharmacologic alone. However, Guse and Moran22
upper limb.16 treatment of neuropathic pain is retrospectively reviewed 56 patients
Steroid injections have been used beyond the scope of this article. with a peripheral neuroma distal to
to treat neuromas with varying de- the elbow and compared outcomes
grees of success, but most studies are of neuromas that underwent nerve
focused on the lower extremity. A Surgical Management transposition into bone or muscle,
2014 study found that 7 of 14 patients Surgical management is best used simple excision, or nerve repair. The
with lower extremity amputation in patients who have failed at least revision surgery rates and mean
neuroma pain had .50% reduction 6 months of conservative measures.8,9 Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder,
in pain after an ultrasonography- The existence of a large variety of and Hand (DASH) score were

358 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Steven Regal, MD and Peter Tang, MD, MPH

Figure 4

Intraoperative photograph demonstrating an end-neuroma of the posterior cutaneous nerve of the arm caused iatrogenically
during a posterior plating of a humeral shaft fracture performed 9 months ago (A) managed by neuroma resection and
reconstruction with decellular nerve allograft (B) with placement of nerve wraps at the coaptation sites (C).

recorded. Transposition into bone or possible. An end to side repair was results in nerve conduction studies
muscle had a revision surgery rate of described by Al-Qattan24 to be used and Rosen hand function scores at
36%, whereas the DASH score was for neuroma prevention and treat- 2-year follow-up. Decellular nerve
22.4. Simple excision had a 47% ment. Eight patients were treated allografts have been shown to be an
revision surgery rate and a DASH with this technique (three had effective treatment for nerve gaps
score of 31.9, whereas nerve repair painful neuromas of the superficial up to 3 cm, but larger randomized
had an 11% revision surgery rate radial nerve [SRN]) and were pain studies are needed to determine
and a DASH score of 11.4. As a free with more than 16 months of the efficacy compared with nerve
result of the high revision surgery follow-up. Thomsen et al25 retro- autograft.27
rates and poor DASH scores, the spectively reviewed 10 digital nerve
authors’ recommended against sim- neuromas treated with resection
ple excision as a treatment option. and bridging collagen conduits. The Neuroma Resection and
As an alternative to resection alone, average quick-DASH score was Transposition Into Muscle
Tay et al23 reported decreased neu- 19.3; 50% had static 2-point dis- Nerve transposition into muscle was
roma formation in a rat model when crimination less than 10 mm, and first described in 1918 by Moszkoqicz
the transected nerve was treated with none had recurrence of Tinel sign at who had “success” in 2 cases.11
short (4 seconds) or long (10 sec- the final follow-up. A randomized, Mackinnon et al28 showed that a
onds) mono- or bipolar diathermy prospective study of 136 digital sensory nerve implanted proximally
versus no treatment. The control nerve transections treated with end- into muscle had less scar formation
groups had an 83% to 100% in- to-end repair with or without nerve in a primate model, and the nerve
cidence of neuroma formation while autograft versus polyglycolic acid fibers were of smaller diameter
both the short and long monopolar conduit showed no significant dif- and decreased density as compared
diathermy groups had a significant ferences between the groups with with those left exposed in a wound.
reduction in neuroma formation greater than 70% excellent or good Dellon and Mackinnon8 showed
(30%). Only the long-duration outcomes; a subanalysis of nerve histologic and electron microscopic
bipolar diathermy had a signifi- gaps greater than 8 mm showed that evidence that previous sensory neu-
cant reduction in neuroma forma- the conduit group had significantly romas transposed into muscles did
tion (25%). No other published improved sensory recovery and mov- not form a “classic neuroma,” did
articles in the English language exist ing two-point discrimination com- not invade the muscle, and had less
regarding the prevention/treatment of pared with the repairs done with scar tissue than neuromas not con-
neuromas with diathermy. sural nerve autograft, which left all fined by muscle. The goals of neu-
those patient’s with a persistent roma transposition into muscle
numbness on the lateral foot.26 A include complete resection of the
Neuroma Resection With recent randomized trial of 32 distal neuroma and transposition of the
Nerve Repair median and/or ulnar nerve lacer- transected nerve end well away
After resection of a neuroma, a tension- ations treated with direct repair or from an area that is subject to
free primary suture repair is often not collagen conduit showed equivocal repeated trauma, movement, and

May 15, 2019, Vol 27, No 10 359

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Surgical Management of Neuromas

Figure 5 of 26.5 months. Excellent or good

results were found in 87% of patients
with 12 patients having complete and
permanent pain relief. With a mean
follow-up of 15 months, Herbert and
Filan35 successfully treated 14 of 14
patients with neuromas with stump
excision and transposition into a vein.
Two patients who had persistent pain
were reexplored and found that the
nerve had pulled out of the vein; they
were treated with the same technique
and had “excellent results” at the
final follow-up. A disadvantage of
transposing a neuroma into a vein is
that a painful neuroma can develop if
the vein collapses or if nerve pulls
away from the vein.22

Surgical Management of
Neuromas Based on Zones
Sood and Elliot7 divided painful end-
neuromas of the hand and wrist into
three zones (Figure 5). Zone 1 neu-
romas are located distal to the meta-
carpal phalangeal joint and include
digital nerves and terminal branches of
Zones of the hand to be used to guide relocation of end-neuromas in the hand nerves that provide sensation to the
and wrist. dorsum of the hand. Zone 2 neuromas
include pain from the common digital
nerves, the palmar cutaneous branches
mechanical stimulation. The im- be loss of distal sensation/function of of the median and ulnar nerves, and
planted nerve end should be tension the involved nerve. dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve.
free and be placed in an area that Zone 3 neuromas comprise the radial
will prevent regeneration into the border of the wrist and forearm, and
skin and minimize the formation Neuroma Resection and
they include pain from the SRN, lat-
of scar tissue.9 Transposition into a Transposition Into Vein
eral antebrachial cutaneous (LABC)
muscle with large excursion (abduc- Histologically, Koch et al34 examined
nerve, medial antebrachial cutaneous
tor pollicis longus) or intrinsic hand femoral nerve neuromas in a rat
(MABC) nerve, and posterior cutane-
muscles has been shown to be less model that were resected and im-
ous nerve of the forearm (PCNF).
effective than transposition into the planted into the femoral vein. Neu-
Several authors have suggested using
pronator quadratus (PQ).9,22 Other romas that underwent this treatment
the zones of the hand to help guide
successful sites of neuroma resection were smaller in size, had higher neu-
surgical relocation procedures for the
and transposition in muscle include ral tissue to connective tissue ratios,
the PQ, brachioradialis, brachialis, and had a greater amount of orga- neuromas. The first choice for reloca-
biceps brachii, and triceps.7-9,22,29-31 nized fascicles compared with the tion for zone 1 neuromas is the proxi-
Good to excellent results are reported control group, which underwent re- mal phalanx or metacarpal; for zone
with neuroma resection and trans- section alone. With a clinical study, 2, first choice of relocation is the PQ,
position into muscle and will be dis- Koch et al33 then followed 24 neu- and for zone 3 neuromas, it is recom-
cussed further based on the zone of romas in 23 patients treated with mended to relocate the neuroma to
injury.1,7,8,30-33 In all cases of neuroma neuroma excision and transposition muscles of the arm and forearm, espe-
resection and transposition, there will into a vein with an average follow-up cially the brachioradialis.7,22,29-31,36

360 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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Steven Regal, MD and Peter Tang, MD, MPH

Surgical Management of Zone 1 damage and resultant fascicular into the PQ. An intravenous cannula
Neuromas escape.9,38 In contrast to other zone was placed proximal to the buried
Zone 1 neuromas include all neuro- 1 neuromas, bowler neuromas have nerve, and 0.125% bupivacaine solu-
mas volar and dorsal to the meta- been treated successfully with neu- tion was infused continuously for
carpal phalangeal joint. Amputation rolysis and/or neurectomy and graft- 7 days. Pain to palpation of the neu-
of the finger is the most common ing. A recent case report successfully roma was present in all cases before
cause for digital neuromas, and it has treated a bowler neuroma with surgery and completely relieved post-
been reported to occur in 2.7% to transection of the adductor pollicis operatively. Seventy percent of patients
30% of cases.1 Van der Avoort et al1 insertion followed by dorsal trans- experienced some pain with palpation
retrospectively reviewed 583 pa- position of the ulnar digital nerve at the site of relocation, but all patients
tients with a peripheral nerve injury and subsequent reattachment of ad- reported the new location was less
and found that those with a digital ductor pollicis volar to the transposed frequently traumatized with routine
amputation (177 patients) were nerve. The patient returned to bowling use of the hand. Evans and Dellon32
more likely to develop a neuroma at 5 months and had no recurrence of enrolled 13 consecutive patients with
than those with a nerve injury symptoms at 3-year follow-up.38 painful palmar cutaneous branch of the
without an amputation treated with median nerve neuromas that were
primary nerve repair (7.3% versus Surgical Management of Zone 2 treated with resection of the neuroma
1%). Most procedures to treat zone Neuromas and implantation into the PQ. At a
1 neuromas involve relocation of the Neuromas of the common digital mean follow-up of 19 months, 6 pa-
nerve to a proximal site in bone or nerves, the palmar cutaneous branches tients were graded as excellent and had
muscle. Hazari and Elliot36 reported of the median and ulnar nerves, and no residual pain, had increased
on 108 neuromas in zone 1 treated dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve com- pinch/grip strength, and returned to
with proximal relocation; 98% of pose zone 2. The PQ is one of the most previous work status. The remaining
the relocated nerves had complete commonly used muscles for implanta- seven patients had minimal residual
pain relief at the primary site, al- tion of a resected neuroma. This tech- pain but worked at a new job ca-
though 17% of the relocated nerves nique involves dissection and resection pacity or had some degree of limita-
had pain at the site of relocation and of the neuroma and the nerve proxi- tion of wrist movement and were
23% required more than one sur- mally, with implantation into the PQ graded as good.
gery. Their most common treatment muscle at a depth of 0.5 cm.7 Care
was relocation of two bony segments must be taken to have sufficient length Surgical Management of Zone 3
proximal into the radial surface of of the nerve, so that there is no tension Neuromas
the bone. If the neuroma was in the with wrist or forearm range of motion. Zone 3 neuromas encompass neuro-
middle or proximal phalanx, the Evans and Dellon32 had good to ex- mas of the radial wrist and forearm and
neuroma was taken through the in- cellent results in 13 of 13 patients with arise from the SRN, MABC, LABC,
terosseous muscle in the palm and end-neuromas of the palmar cutane- and PCNF.31 Atherton et al31 recom-
relocated into a drill hole on the ous branch of the median nerve that mended transferring neuromas of the
dorsoradial surface of the meta- were implanted into the PQ at a mean SRN to the brachioradialis muscle,
carpal. The authors recommended follow-up of 19 months. Atherton neuromas of the LABC to the bra-
relocating two bony segments prox- et al30 relocated 46 painful end- chialis muscle above the elbow, neu-
imal to minimize trauma and to avoid neuromas into the PQ; 31 of 46 re- romas of MABC to the biceps muscle
any possible palmar-dorsal sensory located nerves had no pressure pain at above the elbow, and neuromas of the
nerve interconnections, which has the PQ, 12 nerves had mild pain with PCNF to the brachioradialis below the
been previously described and occurs pressure, and 3 nerves had moderate elbow or if proximal, into the triceps
most commonly at the middle of the pressure pain. With extremes of supi- muscle. In their study of 33 patients,
proximal phalanx.37 nation, pronation, and wrist exten- they reported on 51 painful end-
Neuritis of the ulnar digital nerve of sion, 10 nerves had mild pain and 7 neuromas in zone 3 arising from the
the thumb, also known as bowler nerves had moderate movement pain. SRN (29), LABC (16), MABC (2), and
thumb, is caused by abundant fibrous Sood and Elliot7 reported on 13 PCNF (4). All neuromas were excised
tissue formation around the nerve as a painful neuromas in zone 2 that were and relocated proximally: 40 im-
result of persistent compression or treated with intraneural dissection of planted into the brachioradialis, 3 im-
trauma, which infrequently forms a the neuroma and excision from its planted into the radius bone, and 1 into
neuroma possibly from perineurium parent nerve followed by implantation the flexor carpi radialis. Forty-seven of

May 15, 2019, Vol 27, No 10 361

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Surgical Management of Neuromas

51 nerves had total resolution of pain and relocating proximally using the tions. Careful history and physical
and hypersensitivity at the original delineated techniques for a primary examination are essential for correct
neuroma site, 48 of 51 relocated nerves neuroma based on its location. diagnosis and management. Conser-
had no spontaneous pain at the relo- However, when preservation of the vative options should be exhausted
cation site, and 43 of 51 nerves had no nerve is necessary for function (eg, before any surgical intervention. Neu-
pain on pressure at the relocation site. median nerve at the carpal tunnel), romas that fail this should then follow
The authors warn that failure of relo- resection and translocation of a the three basic principles that were
cation surgery in this zone may be neuroma-in-continuity would lead to previously described for surgical man-
secondary to incomplete “clearing” of poor results. Adani et al39 treated nine agement. Unfortunately, the literature
the nerves involved; in a cadaver study, median nerve neuroma-in-continuity does not clearly support one technique.
75% of SRN and LABC had partial or at the level of the carpal tunnel with For optimal outcomes, patients who
complete overlap of cutaneous inner- neurolysis and PQ muscle flap. At a undergo surgery should have signs and
vation. Secondary to the overlapping mean follow-up of 23 months, eight symptoms consistent with neuroma
of sensory zones and possible inter- of nine patients experienced pain re- and pain in an anatomic distribution.
connections between nerves, the au- lief, six patients had regression of the
thors recommended having a high Tinel sign, and no patients were dis-
suspicion for more than one involved satisfied with their final results. Other References
nerve and dual neuroma excision and authors use intraoperative neuro-
Evidence-based Medicine: Levels of
transposition when appropriate. Pre- physiologic testing to decide if neu-
evidence are described in the table of
operative local anesthestic injections rolysis alone or resection with
contents. In this article, references 26
may help exclude a secondary nerve grafting would lead to better out-
and 27 are level II studies. References
causing neuroma pain. comes. The question is whether the
3, 9, 13, 17, 19, and 23 are level III
neuroma has the potential for further
studies. References 1, 2, 4, 6-8, 11,
Management of Neuromas recovery before irreversible muscle
12, 14-16, 18, 20-22, 24, 25, 28-37,
damage sets in if the nerve in question
Incontinuity and 39 are level IV studies. Refer-
is motor. If nerve stimulation proxi-
A neuroma-in-continuity is the result ences 5, 10, 38, and 40 are level V
mal to the neuroma-in-continuity fails
of an intact nerve being injured, which studies.
to evoke muscle contraction or a nerve
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362 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright © the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Steven Regal, MD and Peter Tang, MD, MPH

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May 15, 2019, Vol 27, No 10 363

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