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Rizal’s Retraction Letter/ Rizal’s Death before his execution, and he allegedly signed
the letter

- Definition of Retraction Letter: retracted - Translation (English):

everything he said against the catholic church “I declare myself a catholic and in this Religion which

- The Jesuits found this retraction letter that was I was born and educated I wish to live and die.

signed by Rizal although it was already proven I retract with all my heart whatever in my words,

that it was forged writing, publications and conduct has been contrary

- A lot of historians believed that Rizal retracted. to my character as son of the Catholic Church. I

That was the time that the catholic church believe and I confess whatever she teaches and I

(Jesuits) released his retraction letter. submit to whatever she demands. I abominate

- The Jesuit priest, Father Vicente Balaguer, the Masonry, as the enemy which is of the Church, and

eyewitness to the event said that Rizal accepted as a Society prohibited by the Church. The Diocesan

a shorter retraction document prepared by the Prelate may, as the Superior Ecclesiastical

superior of the Jesuit Society in the Philippines. Authority, make public this spontaneous

- Background: Rizal was in Dapitan, Zamboanga manifestation of mine in order to repair the scandal

Del Norte during 1892 to 1896, he was in exiled which my acts may have caused and so that God

there and people may pardon me”

o Josephine Bracken came to Dapitan during Manila 29 of December 1896

the last years of Rizal (they live together and Jose Rizal

had a child that died) o The day he signed this was the day before his

o Latter part of their relationship: Rizal execution

wanted to marry Josephine; however, there o He signed the letter because he wanted to

was no civil marriage; only canon law can marry Josephine Bracken at the last minute

perform wedding rights o Jesuits: favorite of Rizal, but they also

o Rizal was not in good terms with the catholic released his retraction letter

church, so he talked to the friars about - Fr. Vicente Balaguer, missionary pastor in

allowing him to have a wedding with Dapitan. Balaguer was in Manila when Rizal was

Josephine in his detention cell in Fort Santiago

o In return, Friars presented him a longer o “I was the one who assisted Rizal most of the

document of the retraction letter saying that sad day’s hours. I argued with him and

he will retract everything he said against the demolished his arguments. Better than

catholic church anyone else I can form an idea of what

o In Fort Santiago: they presented him a passed through his soul and what Rizal had

shorter version of the retraction letter been and what he had in mind. I presented to
him the formula of retraction, and in my
presence, he wrote it word for word, revising
a few words after some discussion. In my 2) Josephine Bracken is not in good terms with
presence he signed it, and I kept and Rizal’s family.
presented it to Your Reverence, who in turn  Rizal’s mother doesn’t like her.
gave it to His Grace, Archbishop Nozaleda - The following is a letter written by Rizal to his
(Archbishop of Manila in 1889-1904).” family before he died. It contains the request of
o He was the one who witness Rizal signed the Rizal to his family on what to do after he dies.
letter The letter bears no date
o He was with Rizal in his exile and in fort “To my family,
Santiago I ask you for forgiveness for the pain I cause you,
- Fr. Balaguer on Rizal: “For some month but some day I shall have to die and it is better
previously I had been in contact with Dr. Rizal that I die now in the plentitude of my conscience.
since I was the missionary pastor in Dapitan Dear parents and brothers: give thanks to God
where he had been exiled. Following that I may preserve my tranquility before my
instructions, I had received from superiors, I tried death. I die resigned, hoping that with my death
to treat him with the greatest respect and you will be left in peace. It is better to die than to
affection, to which he reciprocated with affection live suffering. Console yourselves
confidence in me.” I enjoin you to forgive one another the little
o He had no bad blood with Rizal, and he never meanness of life and try to live united in peace
said that Rizal retracted just because he and good harmony. Treat your old parents as
doesn’t like him you would like to be treated by your children
o Rizal is close with him; they respect and fond later. Love them very much in my memory.
each other Bury me in the ground. Place a stone and a cross
- Basis for Rizal’s retraction (understanding over it. My name, the date of my birth and of my
Rizal’s milieu): death. Nothing more. If later you wish to
1) According to Professor Austin Craig, surround my grave with a fence, you can do it.
“Spanish law had established civil marriage No anniversaries. I prefer Paang Bundok
in the Philippines, but local government had Have pity on poor Josephine”
not provided any way for people to avail o He was at peace and ready to die (preserve
themselves of the right…” my traquility)
 December 28: He learned that he will die o He was hoping that his family will be left
on this day alone by the government
 December 29: He signed the retraction o He had the most heroic death, for he was
letter, and marry Josephine. calm. Others died very hysterical and natural
 December 30: Josephine was claiming death.
that on the morning of the execution, they o Rizal was courting death or running after it
got married.
o It also states the will of Rizal, and he never  Rizal is a devout to catholic church, he is
thought that people of today would see him only against the Friars
as a hero - On the issue of Rizal being a fickle-minded
o He doesn’t want his death to be celebrated; person: “Well, that may be true, but that is
Paang Bundok is Manila North Cemetery human character. Rizal was not a perfect
o He wanted to secure Josephine’s status. person.” – De Viana
- Father Balaguer as an eyewitness (Re: o Rizal denied being a mason, Katipunan, and
December 29, 1896, the night before Rizal’s knowing Bonifacio. (He said he did not know
Execution) Bonifacio personally)
1) In verifying the final contrition of a criminal, o Rizal and Bonifacio met when he established
according to Canon Law, a single witness La Liga Filipina because Bonifacio was a
is enough. member of this.
 Civil law: 2 witness o La Liga failed to continue when Rizal was
o According to Balaguer, “he received me with exiled in Dapitan; Bonifacio established
open arms. Since I liked him very much, I Katipunan afterwards
was ready to do whatever I could with divine - The issues WILL NOT invalidate Rizal’s works
grace to save his soul. He asked to make his and contribution for the country.
confession. But I had to remind him that I o He wanted to secure Josphine because she
believed he was not properly disposed to was pregnant & his family doesn’t like her
received the sacraments of the church.” (except Paciano)
 It was part of Rizal being a catholic that o Dinemanda ni Josephine yung Pamilya ni
he wanted him to have his final Rizal because she was claiming that he did
confession marry her, and she was asking for money,
 Final confession = must be in good Mi Ultimo Adios & some paintings of Juan
terms with the catholic church Luna
 One of the reasons that a lot of historians o Josephine was not able to provide a
that Rizal DID retracted because he was marriage certificate
buried in Paco Catholic Cemetery. - Interview with one of the Descendants of
• Not catholic = cannot be buried in the Rizal: “The body was found to have ben buried
Paco Catholic cemetery directly into the earth, without a coffin.
• Apolinario Mabini (a revolutionist Nevertheless, the clothes were still recognizable,
and free masonry): Chinese though whatever my Lolo Jose had hidden in his
cemetery because did not return to shoes had long rotted away. A vertebra showing
catholic faith (Augusto De Viana, UST) a bullet wound was kept in a glass and silver cup
• Mason = against the catholic church in Lola’s house.”
o Referring to Narcissa’s house in Binondo
o He allegedly put something in his shoes captive to tortures were shied, And pray too that
(may be a letter) you may see your own redemption.”
- Rizal Monument was designed in Switzerland by - “And when my grave by all is no more
Richard Kissling remembered, with neither cross nor stone to
mark its place, let it be plowed by man, with
Mi Ultimo Adios spade let it be scattered And my ashes ere to
- “Farewell, my adored Land, region of the sun nothingness are restored, Let them turn to dust
caressed, Pear of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost, to cover your earthly space.”
With gladness I give you my Life, sad and - “Then it doesn’t matter that you should forget me:
repressed; And were it more brilliant, more fresh Your atmosphere, your skies, your values I’ll
and at its best, I would still give it to you for your sweep; Vibrant and clear note to you ears I shall
welfare at most.” be: Aroma, light, hues, murmur, song, moanings
o Eden/Paradise was lost = Freedom was deep, Constantly repeating the essence of the
lost faith I keep”
o The kind of life he gave to the country o He always thought that people will forget
- “On the fields of battle, in the fury of fight, Others him, but in reality, he was hailed as a hero
give you their lives without pain or hesitancy, The - “My idolized country, for whom I most gravely
place does not matter: cypress laurel, lily white, pine, Dear Philippines, to my last goodbye, oh,
Scaffold, open field, conflict or martyrdom’s site, harken. There I leave all: my parents, loves of
it is the same I asked by home and Country” mine, I’ll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or
o Heroism = it doesn’t matter how you died as hangmen. Where faith does not kill and where
long as you gave your life to the country God alone does reign”
- “My life’s fancy, my ardent, my passionate o Faith in the Philippines during that time kills
desire, Hail! Cries out the soul to you, that will - “Farewell, parents, brothers, beloved by me,
soon part from thee. Hail! How sweet ‘tis to fall Friends of my childhood, in the home distressed;
that fullness you may acquire; To die to give you Give thanks that now I rest from my wearisome
life, ‘neath your skies to expire, And in your day; Farewell, sweet stranger, my friend, who
mystic land to sleep through eternity” brightened my way; Farewell, to all I love. To die
o He has to die for us to have a life, and he is to rest.”
wanted to die in the Philippines o Wearisome = he got tired
o Marcelo H. Del Pilar: died in Barcelona o “Sweet stranger” = Josephine Bracken
- “Pray thee of all the hapless who have died, For - In Dapitan: there’s a street name after
all those who unequalled torments have Josephine Bracken
undergone; For our poor mothers who in - Rizal was living a normal life in Dapitan, he has
bitterness have cried; For orphans, widows and a clinic and school where he taught a lot of boys

- He won a lottery and he bought a land and a
house in Dapitan; He also introduced a lot of
planting there
- Old houses: comfort room and kitchen are
- Rizalista cult cleans Rizal’s house in Laguna,
Dapitan, and Pampanga; The cult believes that
Rizal will have his second coming
- There’s a marker where Pio Valenzuela talked
with him, for Pio Valenzuela was send by the
Katipunan (Bonifacio)
o Bonifacio asked Rizal regarding his advice to
the Katipunan, and he asked Rizal if he wants
to escape (Katipunan would help him)
- Rizal was a very productive person
- Dapitan made him the reformist Ibarra.
- Philippines would progress if Rizal became the
- Dapitan was very laid back
- “I die without seeing the dawn brighten over my
native land! You who have it to see, welcome it-
and forget not those who have fallen during the
night!” from Noli me Tangere
- Josephine Bracken: Irish/ Dulce Extranjera
o Stranger who went to Dapitan
o Matapobre Mom ni Rizal (Rich and
Intellectual family who represents the family)
o She stole Mi Ultimo Adios cause sa kanya raw
- Mi Ultimo Adios doesn’t have a title; Katipunan
was the one who named it


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