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Time and Love

One sunny morning, the merchants had been hawking their wares. A handsome,
clean young man with beautiful hazel eyes is seen sitting facing his belongings, looking
around while shouting the goods he is selling. The goods he sells are fine antiques, their
simple beauty can charm even wealthy merchants. However, among all the merchandise
he sells, the young man sells various kinds of clocks, from bobble clocks, bird clocks,
antique clocks, made of wood, copper, or brass. They look very beautiful radiated by
the sun’s warm light. However, there is only one clock that always accompanies him by
his side, and not for sale.

Various visitors take a brief look at their belongings, ranging from children,
elderly people, men or women. There are those who just say hello, therefore, very few
items were sold, only a handful of people bought them. The women who came
sometimes even just seduced him, to which the young man replied with a small smile.
He really has no interest in them, he just wants to sell the goods to keep on living, not
to show his face.

One day, the young man Mitosch arrived by a rich merchant. The Rich Merchant
thought that Mitosch is a watchmaker because of the many watches he sold, so he asked
Mitosch to make the Rich Merchant the most beautiful clock he could make, "Young
man, impress me with the most beautiful clock you can make and I’ll offer more gold
coins than you can imagine for a watch!" Mitosch wanted to refuse at first, but this is
an opportunity to get a lot of money, so, Mitosch accepted the rich merchant's request.

That night, Mitosch had no idea how to make this beautiful clock that could
impress the merchant, he works her brain out until midnight, then, a hint of idea flashed
through his head. Immediately he breaks and splits the different parts of the watches he
was selling, then began to assemble them again by putting the pieces together one by
one. Starting from the roman numerals, the pendulum that was originally trapped in
wood is now trapped in the shiny brass, the clock’s hands have been re-engraved and
the antique shape of the clock is carved beautifully. Feeling satisfied and impatient with
the results of his watch, Mitosch could not sleep until dawn, he immediately rushed to
peddle his wares and the remaining hours, then put the Merchant's watch in a special
box and put it away while waiting for the merchant to arrive. At the same time as
yesterday, the Merchant came, he saw his order, nodded lightly, then handed Mitosch a
bag of gold coins. "This is very beautiful, young man, my daughter will love it, thank
you." Then the merchant left. Leaving Mitosch in glee.

The next day, while going through his usual routine, Mitosch finds a girl in a veil
approaching him. "You sell these clocks?" asked the girl.

"Yes, I sell them," Mitosch replied, he could not see his face clearly.

"Then, I’ll take this one." the Girl points her finger to one of the clocks, then
took out a handful of gold coins, and stood up leaving Mitosch.

"Hey wait, this is too much," Mitosch replied. However, the girl was gone.
Mitosch decided to keep a hope that the girl would come again the next day.

The day after, Mitosch's wish came true, the girl was kneeling in front of him
while looking at his belongings again. "Sorry, yesterday, when you bought my watch,
you gave me too many gold coins." Mitosch said.

When the girl looked up at Mitosch, he realized how beautiful the girl is, “In my
opinion, it's a fair price. Save it,” replied the girl with a smile, "I’ll take this one."

The girl took another hour and then gave Mitosch another handful of Gold
Coins. Mitosch just gasped as he accepted the gold coin, then he smiled at the girl's
kindness. And for the first time, Mitosch can't wait to peddle again tomorrow.

"Hi," said the girl, today, he came again, Mitosch was very happy, not because
the money he got from the girl, but he could feel himself comfortable with his beautiful
daily customer.

"Hi, do you want to buy another watch?" asked Mitosch.

"Of course, after all, the clock you made was so beautiful," replied the girl.

Mitosch gasped, "You are the merchant's son?"

"Well, you can say it like that," the girl smiled and began to look at Mitosch's
small watch collection.

"Why do you keep buying watches?" Mitosch asked curiously.

"Is that strange?" the girl replied with a chuckle.

"That's not strange, I'm just curious, maybe you do like clocks."

"Yes, that could also be."

Mitosch just raised his eyebrows in amazement and continued to stare at the girl.
Suddenly he felt very familiar with the girl, however, he thought only because she often
came to buy his watch. He also erased that thought.

"Are you gonna peddling tomorrow?" asked the girl. Mitosch didn't have to
think about answering that question. "Yes, of course, why?"

"I wanted to take you to Kamien Hill, to show you something, but, of course it's
okay if you keep trading tomorrow." The girl replied, still wearing a sweet smile.

"Yes, of course I can, just one day is fine." Mitosch said suddenly. The girl was
a little surprised by Mitosch's reaction, she then pointed to the clock that was standing
beside Mitosch. “Then, may I borrow that hour? I'll return it tomorrow at Kamien Hill."
Mitosch was a little reluctant to lend the watch, it was someone's gift. Inside is an item
that Mitosch can't open because the key is somewhere that someone is located.
However, he still lent it because the girl seemed to like clocks.

"You can borrow it, I'll see you tomorrow." Mitosch cracked his smile.

"Thank you, I'll be waiting for you on the hill tomorrow." The girl stepped away
from Mitosch.

When Mitosch walked towards Kamien Hill, it was a very sunny day. He used to
go to Kamien Hill first with someone, but that was a long time ago. As he climbed a
little, he saw a familiar figure, The Girl. Suddenly, Mitosch realized that he didn't know
the girl's name. When the girl looked back she found Mitosch standing, "Mitosch," the
girl stretched out her hand to help Mitosch ascend. "You come."

Mitosch smiled, cleaned his shabby clothes, then started a conversation. "So,
what do you want to show?" The girl just smiled and then slowly she lifted Mitosch's
watch so Mitosch could see it, she took out a small object, the color matched with the
material of Mitosch's watch and then put it into the small keyhole on the watch. Mitosch
stepped back a little, as if in disbelief. The girl turned the key and opened the clock. He
took something in it, then took out a piece of paper. The Girl's hand reached out to
Mitosch, he said. "Sorry to keep you waiting, Mitosch." Mitosch received the piece of
paper, then opened it.

"To Mitosch,

When you read this I will definitely be beside you, because I told you I will be
back. I really don't want to leave you, Mitosch. But now I have returned. Since you
opened this up in the future, I want to remind you that you once gave me a heart shaped
necklace. I'm sure I'll still be wearing it. I want to thank you for waiting for me, I must
be very happy. Now I will give you a necklace too, take it.

Czasia "

Mitosch looked back at the Girl, someone he had been waiting for years, a person
named Czasia, his childhood friend and first love. Later, Mitosch saw Czasia holding a
necklace that he had written in a letter, a chain with a pendant in the form of an

"Sorry I didn't tell you, I decided to make a moment and I want to dress you like
you used to, if you want," Czasia shows a heart-shaped pendant around her neck. "I
still have it." she smiled apologetically, waiting for Mitosch's reply.

"Sorry I’ve made you wai- "

Suddenly, Mitosch hugged Czasia and buried Czasia's head in her shoulders.
"Sshh, quiet, and let me prove that you're right here." After a few minutes, Mitosch
releases Czasia, his expression calm, and then he smiles. "Wear me the necklace, Czas."
Czasia gasped a little at her childhood name. Then slowly, he wrapped the necklace
around Mitosch's neck. When finished, Mitosch held his hourglass pendant, then looked
at Czasia.

"Czas, which means time, you haven't changed at all, I should have realized,
when your father came, when you came and went to buy a watch." Murmured Mitosch,
Czasia's smile cracked as beautiful as the Hydrangea flowers that surrounded them.
herself into Mitosch, her longing cannot be described in words anymore, she is just
happy to see Mitosch again. When Mitosch embraced Czasia, he felt he was a lucky
young man, to have Czasia again. Mitosch can only say.


"Only time can understand love." Czasia murmured, dissolving in the happiness
of the two of them, accompanied by the wind as music for the flowers and grass that
danced around them.

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