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Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2021

PS1 Student Name: Jackson Waddell School ____

Inquiry: How can I create a classroom environment paired with projects, that allow a student to relax, pursue their interests,
and express themselves.

Professional Goal #2
To create a classroom environment that encourages student engagement, sharing, stress relief, as well as provide projects that
give students space and guidance with inputting their own interests and expression into their projects.

Rationale: I find solace and comfort within art as I listen to music, experiment with methods and combinations, and create my
own personal pieces of art; and I want share these elements with students to give them an outlet within school to unwind,
follow their interests, and create pieces of art they find personal pride and interest in.

Teacher Quality Standard:

1. A teacher builds positive and productive relationships with students, parents/guardians, peers and others in the school and
local community to support student learning.
-(b)- demonstrating empathy and a genuine caring for others;

4. A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and every
student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.
- (b)-using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’ strengths, learning challenges and
areas for growth;
-(c)- communicating a philosophy of education affirming that every student can learn and be successful;
-(d)- being aware of and facilitating responses to the emotional and mental health needs of students;
-(g)- incorporating students’ personal and cultural strengths into teaching and learning;

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Construct projects that

allow for personal a-welcoming-classroom-environment/
expression and to (Classroom aesthetic ideas)
encourage interests to
shine and entice ended-art-projects/ (How to best utilize and
exploration. think about open-ended art projects)

Strive to have a warm,

calming, and relaxing
environment with wall art, (Better understand of due dates and how to
good lighting, door design, utilize them)
theme, decoration lighting,
and desk layout that
emphasis’ connectivity
(tables/ groups of desks
that give students a sense
of community)

Begin the semester with

strict and set due dates and
project outlines, but
gradually and strategically
give more freedom to
students with due date
ranges and project
guidelines that allow them
to explore their own
interests and their
perception of what is art. If
students cannot handle the
freedom, tailor strict due
dates and project outlines
to those that need them to
succeed. It is important to
still make sure project
guidelines are challenging
students via learning and
applying new skills, thus a
general layout and main
objectives are needed as a
foundation from which
students can grow from.

Reflection Midround:
Reflection End of Practicum:

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