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Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2020-21

PS1 Student Name_Jackson Waddell_________ School __Raymond Elementary School______________

Inquiry: How can I inspire independence and self-reliance in the class, while still being the “learned individual” and facilitating
their learning?

Professional Goal #1
To provide students with projects, worksheets, and activities that instill confidence in their own abilities and communicate to
them that they can perform tasks without having to ask for help or assistance.

Rationale: My TA informed me that her students will often immediately ask for assistance and help when they know the
answer or can perform the task.

Teacher Quality Standard:

1(b) demonstrating empathy and a genuine caring for others

2(a) collaborating with other teachers to build personal and collective professional capacities and expertise
2( c) building capacity to support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environments
4(b) using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’ strengths, learning challenges and
areas for growth
4(f) employing classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging learning environment.

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Implement these strategies into my

first few lessons Nov 17-20 TA feedback Students engagement and self-dedication to
their work
- Demonstrations on the board
from which they can expand
on to show themselves they
can do the task.

- Asking the class questions to

give them the sense of
accomplishment of answering
and building up their

- Prompting students to show

me specially where they are
stuck and what they don’t

- Provide students that are

stuck with hints that guide
them without explicitly telling
them the answer

Meet up with TA and go over Nov 20 Working with my TA to focus on effective

strategies to discuss what is effective, learning methods to be assist the students.
what needs improvement, and what
is missing

TA Feedback: 
-Overall achieving goal and
demonstration of attempts to work
towards goal is evident.
-Limit the students showing me their
work until they finish
-Work on giving longer wait times for
students to brainstorm answer
-Randomly pick or call on the quieter
students more often
-Limit prompts and depth of hints

Focus on TA feedback and integrate it

into my teaching to continue to Nov 20- Dec 11
explore ways in which to reach goal

Met with TA on Dec 11

Discussed how I am achieving goal Dec 11
and some of the methods through the
week I have been using and which
students I still need to work on
fostering independence. Overall,
sounds as though I am achieving the
goal and it is being demonstrated in
my teaching.

Reflection Midround: After discussion with TA on Nov 20, I am implementing and working on more ways to reach my goal.
Overall, the students are becoming more efficient at problem solving on their own based on past experiences and I likewise
am becoming more in tune with those that need more encouragement and prompting for self reliance.

Reflection End of Practicum:

TA Feedback from Summative Report

“As he came to know the students better he integrated many different strategies to help meet their needs and make their
learning experience as meaningful as possible.”

“He made sure that students knew he was there to support and help in any way needed. Jackson has improved in his ability to
question students, wait for responses and give students a chance to explain their thinking before giving them the answer.”

“Jackson has continued to uphold classroom expectations and holds students accountable for their decisions and actions in
appropriate and loving ways.”
Personal reflection- At the finale of this practicum I feel accomplished in this goal. I can see my development through this goal
as I look back to my early lessons and how I interacted with the students. I kept this goal in mind while I was in the school
today and I noticed my responses to questions, classroom management, and student prompting has all grown and developed
due to this goal, all in a positive way that reinforces student growth. My TA feels the same way and together we discussed
ways that I had come along in this goal, mainly how I prompt students with more questions rather than outright answer their
initial questions. This is an ongoing goal that I will take with me to every practicum and classroom, as the implications of it are
essential to help students to mature, grow and become confident in themselves.

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