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Classroom Management Plan

Jackson Waddell 001210007

1. Classroom Rules
Explanation of Class Rules (method of creating and reinforcing)

-Listening/behaviour expectations for when teacher + peers are talking or

asking questions.

-Rules for showing up to class on time and procedure if you do not.

-Respectful and non-vulgar language.

-Expectation that when issues arise, the issue is brought to the teacher,
rather than discussed, argued, or solved between peers.

-Do not touch a peer’s artwork without permission.

-Cell phone use- School policy plus classroom rules.


2. Relationship-Building Plan:
 -Learn names- Emphasis on pronunciation.
 -Figure out interests- Through intro sheet or activity where they draw/paint/etc an interest of theirs and
present it to the class. (Be sure to show a Star Wars example and describe that is my interest to break
the ice and show students they can bring out their inner nerd.)
 -Consistency (Clean up, beginning of class, project rubrics, etc)- Have a set structure in place and keep
up on it, rather then changing it all the time.
 -Be honest and real- If you make a mistake, inform the students, and rework the explanation to recover.
 -Listening-Finding time or have time allotted to be able to listen to students, careful not to overdo it as
to not derail classroom and be sure to be aware of appropriate times to listen.

3. Classroom Procedures:
• Attention-Getting Procedure-Attention getter from Gr ½ Practicum (“Hands together, eyes and ears
on the handsome guy up front.”) and/or (Count eyes)

• Transition Procedures-Have students listen with pencils down, with no movement until instructions
are done and teacher says go.

• Individual Seatwork Procedure-Have seating plan that addresses students that work well together
and those that do not, as to have the most efficient seating plan for a safe environment.

• Safety Procedures- Depends on grade and depends on project. (Ex. Elementary- Paint guidelines-
do not eat paint, be careful not to tip over water can, and do not fling or throw paint around. High
School- Spray paint art- Do not inhale paint/inhale too many fumes (take a break), do not puncture
can as it will explode, and do not spray anyone else with paint.)

• Other Procedures: homework, lateness, absence, food policy, personal electronic

devices (iPods, cell phones-secondary level)- Many of these elements are grade
level dependent.
• (Ex. Absences/ catch up have different expectations in Elementary then
High school. Food in Elementary is a no, while it could be allowed in High
school. Phones for music in High school is allowed, but a no in Elementary)
 Clean-up plan and routine- Have plan set in place on the whiteboard that references tables and their
task plus timetable.
(Ex. Table 1: water dump – paint brush clean and put away – wipe down tables
Table 2: water dump- wipe down tables-paint brush clean and put away
Table 3: wait 2 min- water dump- wipe down tables- paint brush clean and put away)

4. Intervention Plan (before and updating during practicum

• Intervention Strategies (Bump System) See Roscoe Article and Class slides
1, 2, 3…

1. Proximity approach: circulate classroom and move towards students that need to refocus. If students still
do not start working, I would calmy say “ Hey ____, what are you working on there?”, hopefully
redirecting their attention back towards the task at hand.
2. Redirecting attention during teaching: “Oi ____, eyes on me okay, thank you.”
3. Offering Choices if student is acting up after first approach: If class is working, take student out into the
hallway or to a quite corner and give them choices of what they can do next and what I would like them
to do. If class is not working, walk over to student, give them choices, and remind them that their
attention is for their benefit. “Hey ____, I asked you a little while ago to stop going on your phone, what is
going to help you best right now? Would it be best if I put your phone on my desk and you can have it at
the end of class, do you need to sit closer to the front of the room, do you need to step outside for a
quick drink of water, or is there another option? This is important content I’m covering right now, so I
need your full attention okay, so you don’t get left behind and have homework. So, lets pick a solution
and then power on through alright.”
4. Reinforce positive behavior: At any step, if students make the right decisions, thank them for making
good decisions, giving me their attention, and/or improving their behavior. This could be done during a
quick walk-by of their desk, as students are cleaning up their books for the bell, or after class for a more
personal one-on-one reinforcement.

5. Reflections on Classroom Management (during and after practicum)

A. Successes/Strengths:

B. Problem Areas/Areas for Growth:

C. Alternative

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