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SESSION (2012-2013)

1. Why Carbon does not form ionic compounds?

2. Why covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points? Why they are poor
conductors of electricity?
3. What are allotropes?
4. How tetravalency of carbon helps us in the formation of covalent compounds?
5. What kinds of flames are generated during burning of saturated and unsaturated
6. What happens when ethanol is dehydrated? What is the agent used?
7. What is denatured alcohol?
8. What is vinegar?
9. What is glacial acetic acid?
10. Why carboxylic acids are weak acids?
11. What are detergents? Why are they effective in hard water? [2]
12. Write the next higher order homologue of C3H6 , C5H8.
13. An organic compound X with a molecular formula C2H6O undergoes oxidation with in
presence of alkaline KMnO4 to form a compound Y. X on heating in presence of Conc.
H2SO4 at 443K gives Z. Which on reaction with H2Oin presence of H2SO4 gives back
X` `Z` reacts with Br2 (aq) and decolorizes it. Identify X, Y, & Z and write the
reactions involved.
14. An organic compound ‘A’ is widely used as a preservative in pickles and has a
molecular formula C2H2O2. This compound reacts with ethanol to form a sweet smelling
compound ‘B’.
a) Identify the compound ‘A’
b) Write the chemical equation for its reaction with ethanol to form compound ‘B’.
c) How can we get compound ‘A’ back from ‘B’?
d) Name the process and write corresponding chemical equation.
e) Which gas is produced when compound ‘A’ reacts with washing soda?
Write the chemical equation.

15. Two compounds `X` and `Y` have the same formula C2H4O2. One of them reacts with
sodium metal to liberate H2 and CO2 with NaHCO3. Second one does not reacts with
Na metal and NaHCO3 but undergo hydrolysis with NaOH to form salt of carboxylic
acid and compound `Z` which is called wood spirit. Identify `X`, `Y`, and
`Z` and write chemical equation for the reaction involved.

16. Name the functional group present in following compounds:-

a) C2H5OH
b) CH3COC2H5
e) CH3Cl
17. What happens when a piece of sodium is dropped into a test tube containing ethanol?
Write the chemical equation also.
18. Explain formation of micelles with the help of suitable diagram?
19. Differentiate between ethanol and ethanoic acid on basis of following test:-
a) Blue litmus test
b) Reaction with sodium bicarbonate
c) Sodium metal test.
20. Draw structural isomers of hexane and write their IUPAC name.
21. Which type of reaction takes place when saturated hydrocarbons react with chlorine in
presence of sunlight? Write the chemical equation if the saturated hydrocarbon is
22. A hydrocarbon compound A is active ingredient of wine and cough syrups. ‘A’ on
oxidation with acidified K2Cr2O7 forms compound B. Identify the compound A and B
and write the chemical equations involved.
23. Which of the following hydrocarbons undergoes addition reactions & why :- C2H6,
C2H2, C3H8, C3H6.
24. Acetic acid is also known as glacial acid. Why?
25. A compound ‘A’ works well with hard water. It is used for making shampoos and
products for cleaning clothes. A is not 100%biodegradable and causes water pollution. ‘
‘B’ does not work well with hard water. It is 100%biodegradable and does not create
water pollution. Identify A&B.                                                

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