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2. How can a business apply spiritual motivation?

a) Understanding, accepting, respect and value employees
Besides marketing, investment and recruitment, coming up with motivation
strategies for the employees is also very important. One of many common
ways to build up a healthy workplace environment is to understand, accept and
respect. Everyone needs to understand people’s differences, no matter if they work with
you or work for you. There are differences between personalities, religions and cultures,
as long as their differences do not cause any bad influence people should learn to
acceptem, not to discriminate them. In many cases, having foreign employees can be a big
advantage, they can deal with difficult tasks that involve language or religion.

b) Communication
Understanding more about the employees and help them to understand
their manager can make a wholesome connection between people in an
organization. It is important to guide the employees through tough tasks
and to know what they want and need not just understand their differences.
To do this, communication strategies are needed.  According to Human Resource
Management, produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing in 2016, there are four
main types of communications in a company, those are Upward communication,
Downward communication, Horizontal and Diagonal communication. A company has
many levels and they are connected, from lower levels to higher levels, from
managers to employees, everyone who works in different or the same position and
level should well communicate and understand each other.
c) Manager attitude
When communicating with employees, it is not all about why we do it but
also how we do it. In an article named 6 Key Attitudes and Behaviors of
Successful Leaders, Alison Vidotto (2020) stated that “If you choose to
congratulate and encourage or to order and criticise, your choice will set the tone
of your leadership”. Manager can be fastidious but they always have to respect
their staff and try to gratitude the hard-working employees. Managers have big
influence at work, if they are always positive and active they likely to pass the that
energy to their employees.
d) Other spiritual motivation techniques
There are many spiritual motivation techniques that business can apply,
employee praise is one of the most common techniques. When employees
excellently finish their jobs, besides material reward they should also receive
praise from their manager. It is necessary to praise hard-working employees in
front of other employees, those hard-working employees can be examples for the
others. Many companies also apply the behaviors checklist method, this is one of many ways
to improve business ethics. Companies need to make sure employees well behave towards their co-
worker, their manager and more importantly their costumers. Giving employees some opportunities to
shine and to be creative is what a manager should do, especially in modern business when there are
many jobs that require gray matter and soft skills

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