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Education We found 8 additional writing issues

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Nowadays there are most peope share the point of
view that education is an important point in our 5
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ives because of our future. Compound/Complex

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Firsty, it is undeniabe that homework as a resut of
2 Word Choice
improving our education is hepfu for us, we Correctness
 Incomplete Sentences Looking good
practice and practice chidren say that they are
bored with homework however they ove getting a Clarity
Very clear
Secondy, more days we are in schoo is aso an Engagement
important point to consider because they do not A bit bland

want to go to schoo but in the future, they wi

“It’s an online service that quickly and easily makes Delivery
approve that time and have a good job. Just right
your writing better and makes you sound like a pro,
Last but not east, doing more exams is has aso to or at least helps you avoid looking like a fool.”
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be mentioned because, if they have more exams Advanced alerts

they wi study more and remember the mattery.

n concusion from my point of view, there is no
doughy that the more time the chidren are in
schoo, more time they are earning, improving their
studies and earning new things

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