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Inspection and Test

• 501.2.7
501.2. 8
501 . 2.9
Building Sewer Test - Building Sewers shall be tested by p.lugging the
end of the building sewer at its points of connection with the public sewer or private sewage disposal system and completely fi
Water Piping - upon completion of a section or of the entire hot and
cold water supply systems, it shall be tested and proved tight under a water pressure not less than the working pressure under w
Defective Systems - an air test shall be used in testing the tightness
condition of the drainage or plumbing system of any building premises when there is · reason to believe that it has become defe
Moved Structures - all parts of the plumbi ng systems of any building
or prut thereof that are moved from one foundat ion to another, or from one location to another, shall be completely tested as
Protectively Coated Pipe - inspection and repair shall confor m to
Section 501 with special care to avoid damage on the outside coating of the pipe and the proper restoration of damaged portions
Test for Shower Receptors - shower receptors shall be tested for
water-tightness by filling with water to the level of the rough threshold. The test plug shall be so placed that both upper and
* Sec. 260 Nl'C 1959
Revised National Plumbing COcle of the Philippines
Stdion 502 - MAINTE NANCE
The owner or his ageilt shall maintain the plumbing and drainage system
of his premises under the jurisd iction of the plumbing authority in a sanitary and safe operating condit ion.
No provision of this Code shall be deemed to require a change in any portion of a
plumbing or drainage system or WlY other work regulated by this Code in or on existing building or lot when such w
Whenever compliance with all the provisions of this Code fails to eliminate or
alleviate a nuisance, or any other dangerous or iusanitary condition which involve healt h or safety hazards, the Owne

Chapter 6
Each plumbing fixture shall be provided \ an adequate suppb; of potable
running wnt c so arranged as to flush and keep same in clean anJ healthful conditior-i'."l without danger of backflo
602.l No installation of potable water supply piping or part thu·cof shall be made
in &uch a manner that it wiU be possible for used, unclean, polluted Oi contaminated water, mixtures, or substances
602 2 No person shall make a connection or allow one to exist between pipes or
conduits carrying domestic water supplied by any public or private water service system and any pipe, conduit
602.3 No plumbing fixture, device, or construction shall be installed or maintained
or shall be connected to any domestic water supply when such installation or
connection may provide a possibility of polluting such water supply or mav

provide a cross-connection between potable water distributing system and

water which become contaminated by such plumbing fixture, device, or construction, unless there is provided an indirect
• Sec. 193/ 194 NPC 1959
Sec. 198/ 199 NPC 1959
No water piping supplied by any pri vate water supply system shall be
interconnected to an approved cit y water supply system or any other source of supply wit hout the approval of the Ad
603. l Cross·-Conncct ion control shall be provided m accordance with the
provisions of t his Chapter .
No person shalt install any water-operated equipment or mechani sm or use
any water treati ng chemical or substances, if it is found that such equipment, mechanism, chemical or substance may
Approval of Devices or Assemblies - before any device or assembl y is
installed for the prevention of backflow, the Ad ministrative Authority shall have first approved it. Devices or assemb
The person or persons having control of such devices or assemblies shall
maintai n all devices or assemblies installed in a potable water suppl y system for protection against backflow in good
* St•c. /Y6 NP( . / 951J
Backflow Prevention Devices, Assemblies, and Methods
603.2. l Airgap - the minimum airgap to provide backflow protection
shall be in accordance with the Table 6-1.
603.2.2 Atmospheric Vacu u m Breaker (AVB) - consists of a body, 11
checking member and an atmospheric opening.
603.2_ 3 Double Check Valve Backflow Prevention Assembly (DC)
consists of two independently acting internally or externally loaded check valvest four properly located test cocks w
603.2.4 Pressu re Vacuum Breaker Backflow Prevention As -embly
(PVB) - consists of a loaded air inlet valve, an internall y loaded check valve, two properly located test cocks and tw
603.2.5 Reduced Pressu re Principle Backflow Prevent ion Assem bly
(RP) - consists of two independently acting internally loaded check valves, a differential pressure relief valve, four p
When not affected by When affecte<l by
Item side walls
side walls1
No. FIXTURES mm mm

(1) (2) (3)

1 Lavatories and other fixtures w"ith effective openingsJ 25 38

not greater than 1J mm in diameter

2 Sinks, law1dty treys, goosene<:k reth!auce\3 snd 38 57

other fixtures with effcctive openings1not greater

than 19 nun in diameter

3 Over rim tn!h fillers and utho \ith effccti re 51 76

opcniusJ not l!fCl'll1.,T.
tl><!n 25 mm in
-4 Elfedive opcrlingsJ not greater th.m 25 rum in Two (2) times Three (3) tilnes
diarneta- diameter ·or effectivc diameter of ctrective
opening opening
1Side walls. ribs or sintilar obstructions do not affect airps when spaced from lhe lnside edge · of the spout opening a distance greater
2 Ven.ical ·walls, ribs or similar obst.rnclions extending from the water surface to or above the

t horizontal plane or ihe spout opening other than specified in Nole l above. The effect of three or inore
icp of the wail.
J The cJTcctivc open ing shall he the minimum crosS·i>CCtional area at the scat of the control valve
« the supplJ pipe or tubing wh ich feeds the device or oullct. If two or more lines supply one outlet, the d :ctivc opening shall be the sum o

Airgap less than 25 nun shall only be approved as a pcm1aucnt {:llft of a listed assembly that has f
teen tested wider actual backflow comtitions with vacuums of from 0 to 63.5 cm. of mel'f'UY. -_ j
Low Haza.rd
Hit?:h Hazard
Installation i,J
See table in this chapter.
Upright No
va Iver. <lovmstream_ Minimwn of l SO mm or listed distance above all downstream piping and
Device Assembly or Back Back Back Back
Method 1 Siphonage Pressure Siphonagc Pressure

2 Atm('lsphcric
x x
x x
Vacuum Breaker
l- ---j- -.. ..,...· -- ..,... -1-
flood lc\•el rim of 1e"c"'e.p""to""r-. i

3 Double Check x x
Valve Backflow
Horizontal unless othern.-ise
lited. Requires 31J S<m rnir._1mum dearmi...:c ti. bottom for maintcrrnnce. May need platforrn.lladCet •
for test ond repair. Dee
1---1-- ·---+ ...... -1----- -----"""'i"' 11o tr-u··--ha_r s!!
4 Pressure Va<:uurn x

x Upright posi1iof! M n.;1

have valve dO\mstr.

tvtinimum of 30.S 1:m above

all pi;nng l'.!ld

n(\(i<l le...el ru.-, of recep'.or .

May discha b - r w ater .

5 x x x
Reduced x
6 8pill-1')-nof x

Vacuum Brettkc:r wilcss otht.rv;i:ie

listed . lk·quire 3D.S-on mirumum clearance at bottom for maintcnanc'!. May need platform/laddcr for te and repair . Ml!y disch

x Upriiht position minute of ,

six 1 52 mm or listd /·
distance ubo,·c rel

00\'!-TISlream piping and

1 Sec description of de·ia:s and .assemblies in lhls chapter.
flood rim of rctt.P!2I - 1

in pit or vault requires previous approval by the Administrative Authority.

2 Installation

] Refer to general and specific requirements for installation_

4 Not be subjected to operating,ei:cssure for more than 12 hours in any 24 hour period.
603. 3
603.3. 2
603 3.3
Gr neral Rf.'q u ircm tnts
All assembl ies shall conform to listed standards and acceptable to the
Administrative Authority havi ng jurisdict ion over the selection and installat ion of back tlow prevent ion assembl ies_
The premises owner or responsible per.son shall have the back Oow
prevent ion assembl y tested by a certi fied backflow assembly tester at the t ime of installat ion. repair, relocation and at least
there-atler or more often when requi red by the Administrati ve Authority .
Access and clearance shall be provided for the required testing,
maintena nce and repair. Access and c.leara nce shall requ ire minimum of 305 m m spa.:e between the lowest portion of the
Direct connections between potable water pipings and sewer-connected
wastes shall not exist under any condition with or without backflow protection . Where potable water is discharged to
Back tlow prevention for hot water over 43.3° C shall be a listed 1ype
assembl y designed to operate at a temperature of 43 3° C or higher wit hout renderi ng any portion of the assemb
Fixtures, appliances or appurtenances with integra l back flow prevcnters or
integral airgaps manufact ured as a unit shall be installed i n accordance
\vith their listed requirements.
• 603.4
603.4. I
603.4 . 7
Specific Req uirements
Water Closet and Urinal Flushometer Va.Ives shall be equipped with a
listed atmospheric vacuum breaker. The vacuum breaker shall be installed at the discharge side of the flushometer valve w
Water Closet and Uri nal Tank s shall be equipped with a li sted baUcock The ballcock shaH be infitalled with the crit ica
Water Closet Flushometer Tanks shall be protected against backflow by ari
approved bac.kflow prevention assembly , d;.;vice or method .
Heat Exchangers. and other assemblies or methods of constructions using potable water shall be of listed construction and
Inlets to Tanks, Vats, Sumps, Swimming Pools and other receptors when protected by a listed atmospheric vacuum brea
Lawn Sprinkling Systems shall be equipped with listed atmospheiit vacuum breakers installed on the discharge side o
* SeL', 200 '201 NPC 1959
Potable Water Out lets with Hose Attachments other than water heate:
drains and clothes washer connect ions shall be protected by a listed non.
removable hosebibb-t ypc backflow preventer or by a liste<l atmospheric
vacuu m breaker i nstalll.!d at least l 52 mm abuv<:. the highest point of usage
and located on the discharge side of the last valve.
603 -4.8 A listed backflow preventer installed in accordance wit h the requirements of
t his Chapter shall prut ccl walc.·r Cooled ('omprcssors, Degreasers or any
other water-cooled equipmen t .
Note: Some waier-cooled equipment may produce back pressure and .hall
he eqmjJped wi1h the appnwed protection.
603.4 .9 Water Inlets to Water Supplied Aspirators shall be equipped with a listed
atmospheric vacuu m breaker mounted at least 152 mm above the aspirator unit or equipped with a listed back.flow preve
oOl4 . IO Potable \\later Make Up Coru1ections to Steam or Hot Water Boilers shalt be
provided with a li ted back tloY.. protect ion assembly.
603.4. J 1 Non-potable Water Piping. In cases where it is impractical to correct
indi vidual cross connect ions in the domest ic water l ine, the l ine suppl ying such outlets shall be considered a non-pota
603.4 . 12 Pot able Water Supply to C'arbonators shall be protected by backflow
protections device as approved by the Administrat ive Authority and
instaUed per the requirements of this Chapter.
6()3.4.13 Bach. flow Prcvcntcrs shall not be locall.:d in any area con tai ni ng fumes t ha t
arc tox ic, poisonous and con osivc
Section 604 - MATFRlALS
604. t
604 .5
Water pressure pipes shall be. of brass.,. copper.. centrifugal cast iron (CCI), B
& S and F & F ends, ductile cast iron (DCI), galvanized wrought iron, galvanized ste4 or other approved PE & PVC w
Cast iron fittings up to and includ ing 51 mm in size, when ·used in
connection wit h potable water piping shall be galvanized .
All small-sized malleable iron water fittings shall he galvanizea .
Pipings and tubings, which were previousl y used for any purpose other than
for potable water systems shall not be used .
Approved plast ic materials may be used in water sc1vice piping, provided
that where metal water service piping is used for electrical grounding purpose and replacement pipings therefor
Exception: Where a grounding .\y.<>tem, act'eptable to rhe Administrativ '!
Authority is installed, inspected, and approved. metallic pipe may b? replaced with 11011-metallic pipe .
604 .6 Solder shall conform to t he requirements of Subsect ion 1302.4
60,1.7 Water pipes and fittings. with a lead content that exceed eight (8) percent
shall be prohibited and not used in potable piping systems.
Stction 605 - VAL\'ES
605 .l Valves up to and includi ng 51 mm in size shall be brass or other approved
materials. Sizes over 51 mm may have cast iron or brass bodies. Each gate
valve shall be a fullway type with working pa rts of non-corrosive materials.
605.2 A fullway gate valve controlling all outlets shall be installed on the
discharge side of each water meter and on each unmetered water supply. Water supply piping supplying more than o
and build ing accessory the eto, may be controlied by one gate valve. Such
shutoff gate val ves shall be access.ible at all times . A fo!lwy gate valve shall be installed on the disch.1rge piping from
605.3 A valve used to control two (2) or more openings shall be a fullway gate
605.4 Control gate valves shall be installed before each water-supplied appli.r,:e
slip joi nt, supply pipings for non·metallic fixture and appliance.
605.S Ail required shutoff or control valves shall be accessible .
605.6 A single control gate valve shall he installed in a water supply l ine ahead of
any automatic meteri ng valv 1 which supplies a battery of fixtures.
606.1 Elevated or gravity storage tank for potable water supply shall be tightly
covered to keep out unauthorized persons, dirt and vermin . The covers of gravity tanks shall be vented with a returnbend vent p
606.2 Potable water inlets to gravity tanks shall be controlled by a float valve,
float switch or clectrodc-1ype water level control to prevent the tank frcm overflowing
606.3 Gravit y tanks shalt be provided wit h a val ved drain pi pe and an overflow
pipe screened as described in Subsect ion 606 1 .
607.1 Inadequate Watr-1·Pressu re - Whenever the water pressure in the mai n or
other source of supply will not provide a water pressure of at least l03 kPa, after a1lowing friction and other pressure
607 .2
607 4
607 s
Excessive Water Pre.ssure - Where the local water pressure is in excess of
551 kPa, an approved-type pressu re regulator preced ed by an adequately sized strainer shall be instal!ed to reduce t
Any water distributing system provided wit h a pressure regula ting device or
check valve at its source or any waler system containing storage wat er heating equipment shall be provided wit h an appro
I n addition tD the required pressure relief valve, an approved and l isted
expansion tank or other device designed for intermittent operation for thermal expansion control shall be installed wh
Each press111 e r elief val v shal l hr an approved automat ic t ype with drain,
and such relief val ve shall be set at a pressure of no more than
Relief vah·es located inside a bui lding shalJ be provided with drain. adequatel y-si zed and not smaller t han t he relief v
bu ilding wit h t he m<l of the pi pe not more t han 0.6m nor less t han l 52 mm
u.bov t he grnund and poi nt ing downwa rd . Such drains may termi nate a\
other approved locations. No pmt of such drainpipe shall be trapped and the
termina' end of th drainpipe shall not be threaded nor capped.
b07.6 Any water-heating device cnnnected to a separate elevated or pressure-type
storage tank and having valves between said heater and tank shall be provided with an approved water pressure
607."1 Not hing contained herein shall prevent the use of an approved combination
temperature and pressure relief valve (CT & PRV). Each such approved CT
& PRV shall be installed on the water heating device in an approved location based on its listing requirements and the
608. l
608.2. l
Installa tion - all water pipi ng shall lie adequately supported to the
satisfaction of t he Administrative Authority . Burred ends shall be reamed to the full bore of the pipe or tube. Changes i
Water pipes shall not be nm or laid in the same trench as build ing sewer or
storm drainage pi pings constructed of day or materials not approved for use
within the building unless both of the following conditions are met
The bottom of the wafer pipe at all points, shall is at least 0.3 m above the
top of the sewer or drain line;
The water pipe shall be placed on a solid shelf excavated at one side of the
common trench wit h a minimum clear horizontal distance between the sides of at least 0.3-m from the side of sewer o
Wa ter pi pes crossing sewer or drainage piping constructed of clay or
materials, not approved for use wit hin a building, shall be laid a minimum of O.J m above t he sewer or drain pipe .
608 .3
608 .3.2
608 . 5
Water piping installed within a building and in or under a concrete floor slab
resting on the ground shall be installed in accordance with the following
Ferrous piping shall have an outside protecti ve coating of an approved
materials, machine applied and conforming to recognized standards. Field bitumastic coating and wrapping shall provide e
Copper tubi ng shall be installed without joi nts where possible. Where joints
are permitted, they shall be brazed and fittings shall be wrought copper Copper tubi ng shall be fully externally protected w
Note: For the purpose of this section. "within the building" shall mean .
within thefixed limits of the buildi11gfo U11dalion.
Plastic pipings shall be installed in accordance with applicable sections
found elsewhere in this Code.
luspection - no water supply system or portion thereof, shall be covered or
concealed unt il it has been first inspected, tested and approved.
Test ing - water piping shal l be tested and approved as provided in Section
50 I.
Unions unions shall be installed i n the water supply pi pi ng within OJ
meter away from regulati ng equip1nent, water heater, cond itioning tank and
simi lar equipment which requ ire removal for servicing or replacement.
609. l The size of the water meter and the im mediate piping from the meter or
from other source of unmetercd water supply to the risers, fixture suppl; branches, fixture connections, outlets or other uses sh
Revised National Plumbing Code or the Phlllppines
609.2 2
Whenever a water filter, water softener or similar water treating device,
backflow prevent ion device or similar devices are installed in a water supply line, the pressure loss t hrough such devices must
adequately sized to provide for such pressure losses.
No water filter, water softener. backflow prevention device or similar
devices regulated by this Code shall be installed in any potable water supply pipi ng when the diameler of the inlet and/or outle
All such devices shall be of types approved by the Administrative Authority
and tested for flow rati ngs and pressure losses by an approved laboratory or recognized testing agency against standards consi
:;hall be in the followi ng form:
Flow, Liters er
Note: The final figure in the press11re drop column shall be based en the
minimum rated.flow or capacity of the device.
609.3 The quantity of water required to be supplied to every plumbing fixture shall
be represented by "f ixture U nits" (FU), as shown in Table 6-5.
609.4 Where the maximum length of supply pi ping is 61 meters or less, each water
pipi ng system uf fifty fixture units (FlJ) or less sha!J be sized in accordance with t he va lues set forth in Table 6-6. Other sys
.,,,.ater supply :-ystem) .
Wat• Supply and Olatrlblltion
Except where the type of the pipe used and the water characteristics are such
that no decrease in capacity due to length of service (age of system) may be expected, all friction loss data shall obt
devices, or other flow restricting devices shall be computed as required in subsection 609.2 of this section.
For proposed water piping installation sized using Table 6-6 the following
conditions shall be determined:
Total number of fixture units (F.U.) detennined from the Table of
Equivalent Fixture Units (TabJe 6·5) for the fixtures to be installed;
Developed length of supply pipe from water meter to the most remote
Difference in elevation between the water meter or other source of water
supply and the highest fixture or outlet to be installed
Water Pressure in the street main or other source of water supply in the
locality where the installation is to be made; and
In localities where there is a fluctuation of water pressure in the main
throughout the day, the water piping system shall be designed on the basis
of the mini mum pressure available.
Size of Water Meter and Building Supply Pipe Using Table .
Knowing the available pressure at the water meter or other source of supply, and after subtracting 9.79 kPa• per m

No building water service pipe shall be less than 19 m'm in diameter.

• 1 PSI = 6.895 Kilo Pascal (Kpa)
tV1 g Size of Brnn rhes. The nu mber of fixture uni ts hand led by a branch shall
determine t he size of tbat branch. follo;.ving the met hods outlined in
subs-:.'ct ion 609. 7 of t hi s section
k"°'9 9 Si·Li ng for Flushom t."aer Valves. Bra11ches and mai ns serving water closets
or $m1ilar tlushomeler val ves may be sized from Table 6-6 when the values in Table 6-4 are assigned to each tlushu mcter v
Any system usi ng flushometer vlves may be sized also by the procedures set forth in Appendix A (Recommended rules frtr si
Flushometcr Fixture Units for Water Sizing Using Table

Fixture Categories • -- -1
......l..''..i.x-tu-rc·-U-n..i.t_s_A_s_s_i L_in.,.e. dfN . Fixtu;esuiJt;i
Number of Water Closets and Similar Urinals and Simil ar Fixtures

eter-V-alves -4-----


I 40 20
2 70 35
3 90
4 105
5 or more 1 15 plus I0 for each
add it ional fix.t ure m
excess of .5
58 pl us 5 for each
itional fixture m excess of 5
)9_ J O
li09 1 1
ei19 1 1. I
ff.)9 !1 2
Sizing Systems for Flushom rter Tan ks. The size of branches and mai ns
s:erving flushomctcr tanks shaU be consistent with the sizing procedures for
flush tank water closet s.
Suing systC'ms \Vi t h Hot \\'•ter Piping I n sizing t he water pi pi ng system
h,1viug a t 11al demand of 50 F lJ. or less, t he g1 catest dcvelopc-d lengt h of the c(1!d \\o <l!t:.'r suppl y pipi11g may be
Compute the t otal hot water fixture u nit dema nd, using t hose values given
Table 6--5 for the combined hot and cold \.vatcr use;
lw:::ign t h{ t otal dema nd. comput t.>d a s refju i rr:d i n 609 1 l 1 above. as t he
tix t u n.:' unit dema nd at t he h nt waH r hl:at er i nlet .
Water Supply and Distribution
609. J 1.3 Starting at the most remote outlet on the cold water pi pi ng and worki ng back
toward the water meter, compute the pipe sizing for the system from the column originally selec1ed in Table 6-6 using the fi
609. 12 Except as provided in Subsection 609. 1 l , water ptpmg systems may be
designed by taking the total length of the supply pi ping from the source of c.o!d water supply through the water heater, to the
609.13 Exceptions: The provisions of t his Section relat ive to size of water piping
need not apply to the following:
609.I 3.1 Water supply piping systems designed in accordance with recognized
engineering procedures acceptable to the Administrative Authority;
609.13.2 A Iteration of or minor additions to existing installations. provided the
Administrative Authority finds that there will be a reasonably adequate
supply of water to allfixtures;
609.13.3 Replacement of existinK .flXtllrt !S or appliances;
609. I 3../ Piping which ispart offixture equipment;
609.13.5 Unusual conditions where, in thejudgement of the Administrative Authority,
a reasonably adequate supply of water isprovided:
609. J 3.6 Non-potahle water lines as defined in subsection 603.4.1I of Section 60.l
609.I 3. 7 lhe sir.e and muteria/ .11 used for irriation wuter piping installed outside of
any twildinK or stmclure and separated from the potable water supply system by mt'ans of an approved airgap or ba
6!0. l The maxi mum discharge flow rates for plu mbing fixture fittings shall be in
accordance with applica ble standards l i sted in Chapter 14.
610.2 Flush vo lu mes for luw consu mpt ion and water saver water closets and
urinals shall he in accordance wit h applicable standards listed in Chapter 14 .
TA BLE 6-5
ombined Hot and Cold Water Demands)

1 - --
···-- ·.
·-Urina_l,.(_wa-i-n·' .... .--·- -·-· -·------·-·-------- ··- -- ---'------··"i'-- .'_i ·-- ----- --·

·- , .. ..

. 22
- \lat - li:i_.!- f1!1s_h tanl0.. -----------
3_ _
_1 -- - -----
=H-- - i - l!--c{Ji;;ri trr : =- ==- - ·=- - -·-21
--- -l-- - _;_:_:·_- _- l
25 Wi.!h::r Closet •{llmhom·lr ,-ahc) • ' •
Water supply outkts for items not listed above shall be

I computed ;ti thei r naximum demand bul in c::isc less ,

r th:m ==--j ,·---·-·--- _: ==-_- - ---... ·-· ....,-

- - - }-- =-- :J
-- -

- r---····-- - j--- -- :: ·-· ----·-----·-------..-- . ... ----- -·..k----·····--- ·- - -

• See S11bseL·1w11 M1Y. Y of St',_:twn 609 for method ,f sizing Jlushometer valve
installation\ u.m1g fob/,_, 6-6
ystem and completely filling the building sewer with water from the lowest to the highest poi nt thereof, or by approved equivalent Low

working pressure under which it is to be used plus 50%. The water used for test shall be obtained from a potable source of supply. A 344 .

e that it has become defect ive. In buildings or premises condemned by the proper Administrative Authority because of an unsanitary cond

be completely tested as prescri bed for new work as described, except that wails or floors need not be removed during such test when

tion of damaged portions .

aced that both upper and under sides of the sub-pan shall be subjected to the test at the point where it is clam ped to the drain.

ting condit ion.

ing or lot when such work was installed and is maintained in accordance with law in effect prior to the effective date of this Code

fety hazards, the Owner or his agent shall install such additional plumbing and drainage facilities or shall make such repairs or al

out danger of backflow or cross-connection. Wi>.ter closets urinals snail be flushed by means of an approved flush

ixtures, or substances to enter any portion of such piping system from any tank, receptacle, etiuipment. or plwnbing fixt
and any pipe, conduits or fixture coni.aining or carrying water from any other source or containing or carrying water wh

e is provided an indirect connection or a backflow preventiou device.

the approval of the Ad minist ra1ive Authori ty, Health Department, or other agencies.

mical or substance may cause pollution or contaminat ion of the domestic water supply. Such equipment or mechanism may be pe

d it. Devices or assemblies shall be tested for conformit y with recognized standards or other standards acceptable to the Admi ni

ainst backflow in good working cond i t ion. The Ad ministrative Authority or other <lcpa11ment having jurisdiction mely inspe

y located test cocks with connectors and two isolation gate valves.

cated test cocks and two isolation gate valves.

re relief valve, four properly loc.ated test cocks and two isolation gate val ves.
pening a distance greater than three times the diame1c.r of the effective opening for a single wall, or a distance gre.ater than four times the effec

opening shall be the sum of the cross sectionaJ areas of the individual supply !hies or the area of U:e single outlet whichever is sm:uler.
e and repair . Ml!y discharge Y ater_
prevent ion assembl ies_

, relocation and at least on an am1uat schedule

the lowest portion of the assemb l y and the grade, floor or platform. Installat ions elevated more than l.52 meters above the floor or grade

e water is discharged to the drainage system, it shall be by means of an approved airgap of two (2) pipe diameters from the supply outlet a

ny portion of the assembly inoperati ve.

he flushometer valve with the critical level at least 152 mm or the distance according to its list ing above the overflow rim of a water c
nfitalled with the crit ical level at least 25 m m above the full opening of the overtlow pipe. In cases where the ballcock has no hush tu

listed construction and materials. Potzble wat shall be separated from the fluids or gasses by a mini mum of two separat:! walls,
tmospheric vacuum breaker shall have such atmospheric vacuum breaker installed in the discharge side of the last valve with the crit
on the discharge side of each of the last shutoff valve. Where atmospheric vacuum breakers cannot be installed hecauSt of piping el

a listed back.flow preventer installed in accordance with its listed requirements and this Chapter. The discharge shall drain throug

be considered a non-potable waler line No drinking or domestic outlets shall be connected to non-potable water line. Whenever possible,

approved PE & PVC water pressure pipe manufactured to recognized standards may be used for cold water distr ibution

ement pipings therefore shall be of like materials.

011-metallic pipe .

supplying more than one build ing in any premise sha!\ be equipped with a separate follway gate valve to each build in& so arr

disch.1rge piping from water supp!y tanks at or near the tank. A iUllway gate valve shall be installed on the cold water supply pi

with a returnbend vent pi pe havi ng an area not less than the area of the down-feed riser pipe, and the vent shall be screened with a fine

on and other pressure losses, a hydro-pneumatic pressure tank or an elevated tank and booster pump wiU provide said I 03 kPa p

be instal!ed to reduce the pressu re on the build ing side of the regula tor to the required supply pressure . Approved regulators w

rovided wit h an approved, listed, adequately sized pressure relief valve wit h approved drain, except for listed non­storage insta
ol shall be installed whenever the bui lding. supply pressure is greater t han t he required rel i ef valve pressure setting or v.hen a

maller t han t he relief valve outlet or galvanized steel, hard draw n copper piping and litt i ngs, CPV C 01 PB wit h fitt ings which

proved water pressure relief valve.

requirements and the manufacturer's instructions. Each such CT & PRV shall be provided with a drain as required in Subsection

pipe or tube. Changes in direction shall be made hy the approptiatc use of fitt ings, except that changes on direction in copper tub

rom the side of sewer or drain line and the water line, and

wer or drain pipe .

wrapping shall provide equivalent protection and application is restricted to those short pipe lengths at points of connection with fittings

externally protected with bitumastic coatins and fiberglass wrapping and inst alled inside a split rigid casing whenever installed underg

outlets or other uses shall be based on the total water demand and shall be determi ned according to the methods ail!l procdures outlined

rough such devices must be included in the pressure loss calculations of the system and the water supply pipe and meter shall be

of the inlet and/or outlet of any s1Jch device or its connecting pipings are less than the iameter of the water supply distribution piping

against standards consistent with this Chapter. The maxi mum rated flow aud the pressure loss shall be stamped legibly on t he device o
in Table 6-6. Other systems of more than ( 50) fixture units and wit hin range of Table 6-6 may be sized from that ti.:: ble or by m

tion loss data shall obtained from the '"Fairly Rough" or "Rough" charts in Appendix A of this Code. Friction or pressure losses
his section.

cting 9.79 kPa• per m of difference in elevation between such source of supply and highest water supply outlet in the building
d to each tlushu mcter val ve beginni ng \vit h t he nwst remote VG! ve in ea'.:h brnnch .
commended rules frtr sizing the water supply system). Piping supplying a flushometer val ve hall not be less in size t han the valv inlet.

uppl y pipi11g may be us1.·d (from Tabl e 6-(1) and the length of t he hot water piping ignored when the hot water piping friction
in Table 6-6 using the fixture unit valves given in Table 6-5 and adding in the fixture unit demand of the hot water heater supply inlet as co

h the water heater, to the most remote hot water outlet and assessing flow values of seventy·five (75) percent of the combined hot and col

approved airgap or backjlow preve11Lio 11 device is u01 regulated by this Code. lhe main potable water supp(v piping supp
- -·-21

.k----·····--- ·- - --·· ll _ .. ]
or by approved equivalent Low pressure air tes or by such other test as may be prescribed by the Administrat ive Aut hority. The buildin

potable source of supply. A 344 .5 Kpa air pressure may be substituted for the water test. In either method of test, the piping shall withstan

ority because of an unsanitary cond it ion of the plumbing system or part thereof, the alterations in such system shall con form to the re

e removed during such test when other equivalent means of inspect ion acceptable to the plumbi ng authority are provided .

clam ped to the drain.

o the effective date of this Code, except when any such plum bing or drainage system or other work regulate.d by this Code is d

or shall make such repairs or alteration as may be ordered by the plumbing authority.

y means of an approved flush tank or flushometer vaJve. Faucets and dive.,·ters shaH be connected to the hot and cold water

, etiuipment. or plwnbing fixture by reason of back-siphonage, by suction or any other cause either during normal use an
ntaining or carrying water which has been used for other purposes or any piping carrying chemicals, liquids, gases or any su

pment or mechanism may be permitted only w hen equipped with an approved backflow prevention device assembly.

dards acceptable to the Admi nistrative Authority. Devices or assemblies shall be tested for conformit y wit h recognized standa

t having jurisdiction mely inspect such devires or assemblies and, if found to be defect ive or inoperat ive. shall require the repai
ance gre.ater than four times the effective, opening for a single wall, or a distance greater than four 11Jnes lhe effective opening for two intetsa.".1

et whichever is sm:uler.
2 meters above the floor or grade shall be provided with a permanent platform capable of supponing a tester or mai ntenance person.

diameters from the supply outlet and the top surface of the drainage inlet, but in no case shall the gap be less than 25 mm. Connection

ove the overflow rim of a water closet howl or the highest pa1t of a uri nal.
here the ballcock has no hush tube, the bottom of the water supply inlet shall be installed 25 mm above the full opening of the ov

ini mum of two separat:! walls, with a positive, vented leak detection path. The sections in contatt with potable water shall be of mat
de of the last valve with the critical level of not less than 152 mm or in accordance with its listing above the flood level rim of such
be installed hecauSt of piping elevation of valves, other listed backflow preventers shall be installed in accordance with their requi

The discharge shall drain through an airgap. When using the tailpiece of a fixture to receive the discharge of an aspirator, the ai1gap sh

e water line. Whenever possible, all portions of the non-potable water li ne hall be exposed and al l exposed po11ions shall be properly i

for cold water distr ibution systems. CPVC.watcr pipe and tubing may be used for hot and cold-water distribution systems w
e valve to each build in& so arranged that t he water supply can be turned on or off to any individual or separate building prov

ed on the cold water supply pi e to each water he ter near the water heater . A fullway gate valve shall be insta lled for each apartm

ent shall be screened with a fine corrosion-resistant screen with openings not less than 14 nor more than 18 mess per 25 mm.

mp wiU provide said I 03 kPa pressure.

essure . Approved regulators with integral bypasses are acceptable . Each such regulator and strainer shall be accessibly located

ept for listed non­storage insta ntaneous heaters having an inside diameter of not more than 76 mm.
alve pressure setting or v.hen any device is installed that prevents pressure relief through the building water supply . The tank o

V C 01 PB wit h fitt ings which wi ll not reduce the internal bore of t h t: pipe or tu bing (straight lengths as oppocd lo coils) and s

drain as required in Subsection 607..5

nges on direction in copper tubing may be made with bends provided that the same are made with proper bendi ng equipment wh
points of connection with fittings necessarily stripped for thread ing and jointing. Zinc coating (galvanized) shall not be deemed adequate

asing whenever installed underground.

methods ail!l procdures outlined in this section .

pipe and meter shall be

e water supply distribution piping, or when the instn lation of such devices produces excessiv pressure drop in the water supply pipi ng sys

be stamped legibly on t he device or on a metal label, perma nently attached with the device, and
e sized from that ti.:: ble or by method set fonh in Appendix A ( Recommended rules for sizing tl':c

Code. Friction or pressure losses in water meter, valve and fittings shall be obtained from the same sources. Pressure loses throug

ater supply outlet in the building or on the premises, use the "Pressure Range" group within which this pressure will fall. Select
less in size t han the valv inlet.

hen the hot water piping friction loss i s comptnsa tcd for by the followi ng met hod:
hot water heater supply inlet as computed in 609 . 11. 1 above, at the point where it occurs. The final size of the cold water branch or main

cent of the combined hot and cold water demand as given in Table 6-5 to the piping supplying either hot or cold water to those fixtures s

able water supp(v piping supplying both the potable water demand and the irrigation systems shall be adequately sized as req
nistrat ive Aut hority. The building sewer shall be watenjght at all points.

od of test, the piping shall withstand the test without leaking for a period of not less than fifteen (15) minutes .

system shall con form to the requi rements of this Code.

hority are provided .

ork regulate.d by this Code is determined by the Administrative Authority to be in fact dangerous, unsafe, insanitary, or a nuisan

nected to the hot and cold water distribution supplies so that the hot wnter supply is located at Ie..ft side :>f the combination

use either during normal use and operation thereof or when any such tan¥..., receptacle, equipment, or plumbing fi:icture
micals, liquids, gases or any substances unless there is provided an approved backflow prevention device .

ion device assembly.

ormit y wit h recognized standards or other standards acceptable to the Administ rative Aut hority, wh ich are consistent with the

perat ive. shall require the repair or replacement thereof. No device or assembly shall be removed from use or relocated, or other
fective opening for two intetsa.".1ing waUs.
ster or mai ntenance person.

e less than 25 mm. Connection may be made to the i nlet side of a trap provided that an approved atmospheric vacuu m breaker is insta

above the full opening of the overflow pipe. Water closets having the flush valve seat less than 25 mm above the flood level rim

with potable water shall be of material and weights suitable for potable water as set forth in this Chapter.
ove the flood level rim of such equipment, and all downstream piping. Water supply inlets not protected by atmospheric vacuur
ed in accordance with their requirements as set forth in this Chapter

arge of an aspirator, the ai1gap shall be located above the flood level rim of the fixture.

sed po11ions shall be properly identified in a manner satisfactory to the Admi nistrati ve Authority Each outlet on the non-potable wate

ld-water distribution systems within a building. All materials used in the water supply system, ex.ce:pt valves. and similar devic
dual or separate building provided however, that supply piping to a single family resideoce

shall be insta lled for each apartment or dwelli ng occupied by more than one family. In add ition to the main supply shutoff valve for e

more than 18 mess per 25 mm.

ner shall be accessibly located and have t he strai ner read i l y accessible for cleaning without. removing the regulator or strair1
lding water supply . The tank or device sh:Ll l be sized in accordance with the manu fac.tmer's recommenda t ion .

lengths as oppocd lo coils) and shall extend from t he valve to the outside of the

h proper bendi ng equipment which does not deform or create a Joss in cross·section nl area of the tuhing. Provisions shall be ma
d) shall not be deemed adequate outside protection for ferrous piping or fittings. Approved non-ferrous pipi ngs such as plastic tubes a

op in the water supply pipi ng system.

e sources. Pressure loses through water treating equipment. Back flow prevention

h this pressure will fall. Select the "Length" column which is equal to or longer than the required length . Follow down the colum
e of the cold water branch or main need not exceed the originally established size of the bu ilding supply.

ot or cold water to those fixtures served by both . Piping serving water heaters plus a11 required cold water demand, shall be sized to deliv

hall be adequately sized as require,/ elsewhere in this to deliwr the ful l connected demand -<f noth si·stems_
s, unsafe, insanitary, or a nuisance and a menace to life, health or property .

Ie..ft side :>f the combination fath;g .

pment, or plumbing fi:icture is flooded, or subject to pressure in e-;,cess of the operating pressure in the hot or cold wat
tion device .

y, wh ich are consistent with the intent of this Code.

from use or relocated, or other device or assembly su bst ituted, wilhout the approval of the Administrative Authorit y
mospheric vacuu m breaker is installed not less than 152 mm above the flood level ri m of such trapped fixture. so that at no time will any su

5 mm above the flood level rim of the closet bowl shall have the ballcock installed in a separate and isolated compart ment of the

otected by atmospheric vacuur.i breakers shall be protected by approved airgap. Where atmospheric vac. uum breakers or airg
ch outlet on the non-potable water Jin which may be used for drink ing or d(,mest ic purposes, shall be posted :

.ce:pt valves. and similar devices, shall be of a like material, except where otherwise approved by the Administrative Authority
main supply shutoff valve for each apartment, individual sh"1totf gate valves shall he provided for each fixture.

moving the regulator or strair1cs hody or disconnect ing the supply pipi ng. All pipe size determinations shall be based on eighty
commenda t ion .

e tuhing. Provisions shall be made for expansion in hot v•atcr pipi ngs. AJI pipings, equipment, appurtenances and devices shall b
pipi ngs such as plastic tubes and pipes need not be wrapped for rustproofi ng.
length . Follow down the column to a fixture unit value equal to or greater than the total number of fixture units required by the
ter demand, shall be sized to deliver the required hot water demand, but in no case need the piping be larger in size than that required by T

nd -<f noth si·stems_

pressure in the hot or cold water pipings.
ministrative Authorit y
xture. so that at no time will any such device be subjected to any back­pressure .

and isolated compart ment of the tank, or provided with a sheathed ballcock, or other equivalent protection.

spheric vac. uum breakers or airgaps are not installed other backflow preventeu suitable against the possible contami nation or pollu
shall be posted :

y the Administrative Authority .

each fixture.

nations shall be based on eighty (80) percent 'f the reduced pressure when using Table 6-6.
purtenances and devices shall be installed in a workmanlike ma nner in conformity with the provisions and intents of this Code. A
of fixture units required by the installation . Having located t he proper fixture unit value for the required length, sizes of meter
rger in size than that required by Table 6-6 for the total building supply.
ossible contami nation or pollution may be installed in accordance with their requ irements as set fort h in this Chapter.
visions and intents of this Code. All water service yard piping shall be at least 0.3 m below t he finish ground level .
required length, sizes of meter and building supply pipe will be found in the two left-hand columns.
rt h in this Chapter.
ground level .

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