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Lesson 1: Understanding

the Nature of Religion

By: Ms. Jo Marie Nel C. Garcia
Understanding Beliefs and

Worldview – a collection of beliefs about life and

the universe being held by people.

Social environment and upbringing are critical in

the development of a religious life.

Belief in god or gods is found in almost all

Kinds of Belief System

Kinds Description
There is no real distinction between
Monism god and the universe

Polytheism The belief and worship of many gods

The doctrine or belief in one supreme

Monotheism god
Disbelief or in denial of the existence
Atheism of a personal god

Agnosticism god cannot be known

Theism – is a belief in the existence of one
god viewed as the creative source of the
human race and the world who transcends
yet is immanent in the world.
Monotheistic religions claim that there is
only one God who could have designed
and created the universe or may have
directed all events that led to the creation
of everything. There is one supreme God
who is both personal and moral, and who
seeks a total and unqualified response
from humans. (Judaism, Christianity and
Polytheistic religions that were
common among early people
recognize many principal gods among
whom no one is supreme. These
include the ancient religions of Egypt,
Greece, and Rome wherein people
worship a multitude of personal gods.
Agnostics deny the possibility for man
to acquire knowledge of the existence
of God.
Monism asserts that there is no
genuine distinction between God and
the universe. Two implications arise
from this belief:
1.That God is dwelling in the universe
as part of it
2.The universe does not exist at all
as a reality but only as
manifestation of God.
Atheists deny the existence of God.
Definition of Religion

Religion– an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies,

and rules used to worship a god or group of gods.

Latin word “religio” – something done with overanxious or

scrupulous attention to detail

Latin verb “religare” – to tie together or to bind fast.

In its original sense, the word refers to the expression of

proper piety (devotion/respect), that is, binding to god.
Nature of Religion
Name of Social Scientist Background View on Religion
Edward Burnett Tylor (1832- English anthropologist; The belief in spiritual beings
1917) founding figure of the
science of social
James George Frazer Scottish social A propitiation or conciliation
(1854-1941) anthropologist; one of the of powers superior to man
founding figures of modern which are believed to control
anthropology and direct the course of
nature and human life
Bronislaw Kasper An eminent 20th-century A body of self-contained acts
Malinowski (1884-1942) Polish anthropologist being themselves the
fulfillment of their purpose;
an affair of all, which
everyone takes an active
and equivalent part
David Ëmile Durkheim French sociologist; Father of A unified system of beliefs
(1858-1917) sociology and practices relative to
sacred things
Common Characteristics Among

Belief in
conduct deity

The essential qualities of religion are
maintained and passed from generation to
generation by source called authorities, which
the followers accept as sacred. The most
important religious authorities are writings
known as scriptures.
Bibles of Christians and Jews
Koran of Muslims
Vedas of Hindus
Religious authority also comes from writings of
saints and other holy persons and from
decisions by religious councils and leaders.
Unwritten customs and laws known as
traditions also form a basic part of authority.
1. Belief in deity
Three philosophical views:
Atheists believe that no deity exists.
Theists believe in deity or deities.
Agnostics say that the existence of
deity cannot be proved or disproved.
2. A Doctrine of Salvation
It is based on the belief that people
are in some danger from which they
must be saved.
Major religions like Christianity, Islam,
Buddhism and Hinduism tress that
salvation is the highest goal of the
faithful and one that all followers
should try to achieve.
3. A Code of Conduct
Is a set of moral teachings and values
that all religions have in some form.
Such a code or ethics tells believers
how to conduct their lives.
It instructs them how to act toward the
deity and toward one another.
4. Religious Rituals
These include the acts and ceremonies by which
believers appeal to and serve God, deities and
other sacred powers.
The performance of a ritual is often called a service.
The most common ritual is prayer or for some Asian
religions, meditation.
Many religions have rituals intended to purify the
body. Some have pilgrimages.
Rituals commemorate events in the history of
religions and mark important events in a person’s
Elements of Religion
The 4 C’s
1. Cult Belief in Deity (how we
2. Creed A Doctrine of Salvation
(what we believe)
3. Code A Code of Conduct
(how we live)
4. Community The believers
Theories on the Origins of Religion
Theory Proponent Explanation

Primitive people believed in souls or

anima found in people (seen in
Edward Burnett Tylor dreams) and in all nature and they
pray and offer sacrifices to these
Theories All early people began their religion
in cognizance of mana, a
Robert Henry mysterious force that inhabited all of
Codrington nature. The destructiveness of the
mana can be avoided by
establishing taboos.
Theories on the Origins of Religion
Theory Proponent Explanation

Human beings first developed their religions from their

observations of the forces of nature. Primitive people identified
and personified them and created myths about the regularity of
the seasons, the phases of the moon and the tides.
Originally there had been one great
god above all others but he went
Theory of
away and had little contact with the
Original Wilhelm Schmidt
world that resulted in majority of
attention and worship to local
Theories on the Origins of Religion
Theory Proponent Explanation

People had gone three phases of

development concerning the spirit
Magic Theory James George Frazer
world: (1) primitive magic; (2)
religion; and (3) science
There were no gods and that belief
Wish in gods was simply wish fulfillment.
Fulfillment Ludwig Andreas von Troubled people who could not cope
Theory Feuerbach with the difficulties in life projected
their wishes and developed gods
and religions.
Theories on the Origins of Religion
Theory Proponent Explanation

Religions were developed by the

few as a means to control the
masses and suppress revolution as
a result of the continuing struggle
Karl Heinrich Marx
between classes. Masses were
persuaded to accept poverty and be
Wish obedient to inherit bliss in another
Fulfillment life.
Religion originated from the guilt
that individuals supposedly feel in
hating their fathers. As a result of his
Sigmund Freud
subconscious hatred and ensuing
guilt, a great father image was
projected in the sky called God.
Exploring Spirituality
“Spiritual” means “relating or affecting the human spirit
or soul as opposed to material or physical things”.
From the Latin word spiritus, its verb root spirare means
“to breathe”. there is an impression that people are
surrounded by a “divine reality as pervasive, intimate,
necessary and invisible as the air we breathe”
The main belief of spirituality is of having an invisible
spirit or soul which is enjoying an earthly experience, or
journey, in a visible body.
One may find inner peace and contentment in life that
are truly independent of religious dogmas and tenets.
Elements of Spirituality
1. An automatic intuitive connection with every other
spiritual being on earth
2. The power and centrality of instinct and intuition
to guide life and its outcomes.
3. Emphasis on loving and emotionally supporting
others, and reaching out to them as a natural way of
4. Keen appreciation of, and interest in, the wonders
of nature and its possibilities.
5. Feeling of serenity, fearlessness, contentment
and acceptance of one's life and fate.
Their Differences
Religion Spirituality Theology Philosophy
(of religion)
Refers to any set Reflects one’s Deals with the Deals with issues
of attitudes, beliefs integrative view of study of the nature like the analysis on
and practices life while affecting and purpose of the existence of a
concerning a the human soul god that may be divine being or on
supernatural undertaken using a sacred texts
power. It is the particular
pursuit of perspective.
guided by a sacred
belief system.
For your reflection:
1. Do you agree that the universe
is designed and created by a
single divine being or God?
Explain your answer.
2. How can you lead a spiritual
life? Cite at least 3 examples.
Enrichment Activity:
Write a two-page essay on the topic
“Religion: What Does It Mean to Me?”
guided by the following questions:
1. What different values have your
religion instilled in you?
2. What various guiding principles
which may have been influenced
by your religion do you adhere to
in your life?

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