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4 cups sifted Bread Flour

2/3 Cup Sugar

½ Teaspoon Salt

2 teaspoon Dry Yeast

¾ cup Warm Milk

1 large egg

4 Tablespoon room temperature butter

Egg Wash

1 small egg

1 tablespoon milk

Equipment / Materials:

Mixing bowl

Measuring Cup

Measuring spoon

Wooden spoon

Wire Whisk

Measuring Scale

Baking Pan

Pastry Brush


1. Preheat the oven.

2. Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl,
3. Add warm milk and mix well.
4. Add the egg and butter and mix well.
5. Used hand to mix the mixture and form into a dough.
6. Transfer into a flat surface and knead 10-15 minutes until the dough get smooth and elastic.
7. Form into a ball and transfer in a bowl and cover with clean wrap or clean towel. And allow the
dough to rise in a warm place for at least 1-2 hours until double in size.
8. When the dough is ready press the dough to release the air.
9. Divide the dough and baston and measure 40 grams per piece.
10. Make a circle motion to have smooth ball shape dough.
11. Place in a baking pan 1 inch apart. Let it rest for another 20 minutes.
12. Prepare the egg wash by mixing the egg and milk mix and set aside.
13. After 2nd rising of the brush the upper part of the dough using the egg wash mixture.
14. Bake at pre-heated oven 180 degree for 15-20 minutes or until its golden brown.

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