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Interview Details

Date, time & place:


Interviewee: Do Tuan Hanh

Section 1: Introductory & Warm Up Questions

1 Background info - Position, Experience in Firm, Experience in Industry (Inside/Outside Vietnam)

Architect at PTW Hanoi

2 Size of company (by revenue or number of employees)

3 Age of company

PTW 125 years

4 Type of Company Ownership: State-owned, Private, Foreign, Foreign Invested/Venture?

5 Location of company. Is the company in a region which is strongly influenced by SOE (nothern regions) or south (private enterprises)

6 Are you familiar with Building Information Modeling (BIM)?

Section 2: Technology Field

Does your company (or do companies) primarily use 2D hand-drawn, 2D computer-aided, or 3D computer models for building
7 construction projects?

8 If computer based models are not used, why not? Do firms have access to hardware, software, technical training?

How are material quantities, cost estimates and schedules developed for construction projects? Hand estimates, spreadsheets, or
9 3D/BIM models used?

How do parties in the construction process share documents/information? Are there intra-firm technology, databases, cloud (sharing)
10 processes, platforms and co-ordination between parties?

Are there common standards (drawing standards, building codes, construction practices) that companies use for hand, computer or BIM
11 information sharing?

If you have or currently use BIM, describe how BIM is utilized? 1. Are object based 3D models used for to coordinate Design,
12 Construction or Operation phases of a project life cycle? What software is used…eg ArchiCAD, Refit, Digitial Project, Tekla?

13 Have you observed a larger adoption of BIM by designers or construction teams? Why was BIM used for these projects?

14 What is the availability/penetration of BIM service providers in Vietnam?

15 To what extent are technical barriers limiting broader BIM adoption in Vietnam?

16 Can firms hire experienced staff or train staff to use computer / BIM software work practices?

17 Access: What is the availability/reliability of cloud services in Vietnam for the purpose of BIM collaboration

18 Are the younger generations of Vietnam more amendable to digital technologies?

Section 3: Policy Field

19 How important of a role does the government have in the adoption of BIM in Vietnam?

How do government regulations/approvals help or hinder BIM use in Vietnam? How do regulations vary at local, regional or national
20 levels?

What is the status of BIM standards and standard adoption in the industry? Is the government taking an active role to develop common
21 standards?

22 What form or type of contracts are used for BIM related projects? Are they more relationship or contract based?

23 Is BIM is considered as “additional” work, within a fixed fee and so lack incentives? (as in China!)
Is there supply of (tertiary) educated and trained BIM professionals?
Is more training recommended, or more supply of construction oriented degree programmes, incorporating BIM as a concept, open
24 standards, (collaborative) work processes in Vietnam?

Is there supply of labor available to the market, either internal to Vietnam or by importing foreign labor (i.e. have the systems to support
25 the supply of foreign skilled labor)

26 Labor Protection: does the lack of labor protection policy influence the decision to invest in training people in BIM?

Why do or would firms elect to use BIM in Vietnam? What are the financial drivers? Do local firms have a long-term or short-term
27 orientation to return on investment on capabilities like BIM?

What is Vietnam’s attitude towards environmental sustainability in Building projects? Is BIM seen as a enabler for more sustainable
28 projects?

29 Do firms have sufficient access to capital to invest in BIM software, hardware, training for employees?

30 What options of funding do firms have to invest in BIM? (Bank Loan, Foreign Investment, Self Funding, Private Loans)?

31 Does access to influential individuals (government or private), gift giving or payments influence the use of BIM?

Section 4: Process Field

32 How do firms in the A/E/C industry work together in Vietnam? Are relationships collaborative (flexible) or formal/mechanical (inflexible)?

33 How do firms in the A/E/C industry share information like building design specifications, drawings, schedules?

Would firms in the A/E/C industry participate in a work process of sharing building information models electronically to integrate building
34 design, construction and operation?

35 How would you describe the organizational structure and working relationship in a A/E/C firm? Formal or informal?

How do employees work together on a typical A/E/C or BIM project? What processes, technology, work platforms support a
36 collaborative work process?

Implementing BIM requires employees to be innovative and creative to integrate information and develop complex building information
37 models. Do employees have the self initiative and freedom to work in a collaborative BIM work process?

Are people willing to move away from traditional methods in the A/E/C industry and adopt BIM? For example, could there resistance
38 to change from traditional methods to collaborative BIM processes?

Why would individuals in Vietnam choose to adopt or support BIM? Does entrepeneurial culture, a desire to save time or make more
39 profit (money) have an important role?

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