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Here are some survey questions to be used to collect data on the maturity level of Building
Information Modelling (BIM) in the Nigerian construction industry:

Demographic Information:
a. What is your role in the construction industry? (e.g., architect, engineer, contractor,
government official)
b. How many years of experience do you have in the construction industry?
c. What is the size of the organisation you work for? (e.g., small, medium, large)

Awareness and Understanding of BIM:

a. Are you familiar with the concept of Building Information Modelling (BIM)?
b. How would you rate your level of understanding of BIM?
c. Have you received any formal training or education on BIM?
d. Are you aware of the potential benefits of BIM adoption in the construction industry?

BIM Adoption and Implementation:

a. Has your organisation implemented BIM in any construction projects?
b. If yes, at what level of maturity would you consider your organisation's BIM
implementation? (e.g., initial, intermediate, advanced)
c. What were the key motivations for adopting BIM in your organisation?
d. What are the major challenges your organisation has encountered during BIM

Benefits and Challenges of BIM Implementation:

a. In your opinion, what are the main benefits of using BIM in construction projects?
b. Have you observed any specific benefits from BIM implementation in terms of project
efficiency, cost savings, or collaboration?
c. What are the major challenges or barriers your organisation has faced in adopting BIM?
d. How do you perceive the cost-effectiveness of BIM implementation compared to
traditional construction methods?

Government Support and Industry Collaboration:

a. Do you think the Nigerian government provides adequate support and incentives for BIM
adoption in the construction industry?
b. Are there any industry collaborations or initiatives promoting BIM implementation in
c. What role do you think government and industry stakeholders should play in promoting
BIM adoption and maturity?

Future Outlook and Strategies:

a. How do you envision the future of BIM implementation in the Nigerian construction
b. What strategies or best practices do you think can enhance BIM adoption and maturity in
c. Are there any specific training or capacity-building programs you believe would be
beneficial for BIM implementation?

Additional Comments:
Is there any additional information or comments you would like to provide regarding BIM
adoption and maturity in the Nigerian construction industry?

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