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Environmental consciousness

Fuente: SENA

Our planet is our only resource. It is the place where we live and the source of
life, food, water and everything we need. Therefore we need to treat it well and
conserve it for future generations.

In this third learning activity of English Dot Works 5, we are going to discuss
environmental consciousness and the natural resources our planet offers to us.
For that purpose, we will study first and second conditional and the vocabulary
and expressions related to environmental consciousness.

Introductory material

Dear learner,

This material will help you study the topics related to learning activity 3.
You will learn about:

1. Will for spontaneous decisions.

2. Environmental consciousness.
3. Zero conditional.
4. Contrast between if and when.
5. First conditional.
6. Vocabulary: Environmental facts.

Let’s begin!

1. Will for spontaneous decisions

A. When we make a spontaneous or instant decision about the future, we use

will. Usually the decision is about short term plans or simple activities.


I will call
the doctor.

Do you have
any plans Umm...I
for tonight? think I
will go to

I feel

My car does not

work. The tow I don't have
truck will take it to any money.
the mechanic… I will go to the
bank later.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

B. Structure

Verb in
Subject Auxiliar Complement
will answer the phone.

Verb in
Subject Auxiliar Not Complement
will not drink coffee today.

Verb in
Auxiliar Subject Complement Mark
Will win the game ?
2. Environmental consciousness

A. What do you think about our planet? Is it in good shape? Is it in danger?

What will happen to plants and animals if we don’t protect them?
Environmentally conscious people are concerned with these questions and
with the role of humans in caring for the planet.

Fuente: SENA

a. What is recycling? Recycling is a process in which new products are

made from products that have already been used.

Materials such as plastic, paper and glass can be separated from regular
trash and then used to create new products.

b. What is reusing? We reuse when we give old things a new function

instead of throwing them away.

We can also use a product many times before disposing it. Another way
to reuse is to buy things we can use again and again. For example you
can take a ceramic coffee mug to work and use it many times instead of
using disposable cups.

c. The benefits of recycling and reusing: Recycling and reusing can

have a positive impact in the environment. If we use materials properly,
we can conserve natural resources and avoid contamination. Here are
some benefits of recycling and reusing:

 Saves energy: Less energy is used to produce new products or burn

the waste collected.

 Conserves natural resources: Recycling and reusing materials

keeps us from using as much natural resources.
 Reduces pollution: Garbage is often burned in the landfill which
creates air pollution. Cities with recycling programs show reduction in
their pollution levels because less trash is burned.

 Reduces the amount of waste: The less you consume, the less you
will throw away. When we reuse things or avoid buying new things,
we are also reducing the amount of waste that is produced by us.

Saves energy. Conserves natural resources.

greenhouse gas

Reduces the amount

Reduces pollution.
of waste.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

B. Other green ideas

Fuente: SENA
You can also contribute to our planet and protect our natural resources in
different ways. Here are some green ideas everybody can implement in daily
life. Some of them are just simple changes we can easily do. The benefits for
the environment can be huge:

Ride a bike instead of using a car:

Cars contaminate. Nowadays cities

are crowded with cars. Riding a
bicycle is good for your health and
reduces contamination from cars!

Only buy what you really need:

Sometimes we buy things because

they are on sale, trendy or just because
we like them. The more we buy the
more we throw away.

Avoid using or buying plastic


In the U.S. alone, people dispose of

more than half a billion plastic bottles
every week. Plastic is a material that
never decomposes. Don’t use
unnecessary plastic.
Grow your own food:

It is fun, delicious and rewarding.

You can help protect air and water

quality when you grow your own food
organically without chemical

Recycle containers and reuse bags:

Next time you go to the supermarket,

don’t throw away the plastic bags.
Keep them and use them again.

Turn off the lights when you are not

in the room:

People often leave the lights on when

they are not using them. Turning off
the lights will not take you more than
two seconds. It will save energy.

Use energy saving bulbs:

They use a lot less energy and last a

lot longer than conventional bulbs.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

3. Zero conditional

In English some structures are called conditionals. If a specific condition is true,

then a particular result happens.

Conditionals have two clauses, the if clause and the main clause.

If you eat too much, you get fat.

If clause (condition). Main clause (result).

As you can see the result depends on the condition.

We have different conditionals. They are used in different tenses depending on

the situation.

A. The zero conditional

Tim and Nicole are talking about sports. Look at the conversation:

So do you Of course I do.

like sports I love riding
Nicole? my bike.
Well, I don’t have
How often do much free time, but
you ride your if I have to go
bike? somewhere nearby,
I ride my bike. How
about you? Do you
do any exercise?

Well, I am not a
sports fan, but I
know I have to
exercise. If people
don’t exercise, they
get fat.

So, if I don’t
have to work on
the weekend, I
go jogging in
the morning.
Fuente de imágenes: SENA

The zero conditional refers to a situation that is always true. It can refer to
universal facts or to general situations that always occur.
Look at the examples from Tim and Nicole’s conversation:

 If I have to go somewhere nearby, I ride my bike. (General situation).

 If people don’t exercise, they get fat. (Universal fact).

B. Structure

If Condition Result

Simple present Simple present

If it is Sunday, I sleep late.

The result and the condition are in simple present.


 If you drive a car, you need to have a driving license.

 If you study, you do well on the test.
 If you don’t work, you don’t earn money.

Note: The order of the two clauses is flexible. The if clause can be first or
second. When the if clause comes first, the clauses are separated by a comma.
You don’t use a comma if the result clause comes first.


 If it rains, we can’t play in the park. (Separated by a comma).

 We can’t play in the park if it rains. (No comma).
 If I am in class, I can’t answer my phone. (Separated by a comma).
 I can’t answer my phone if I am in class. (No comma).

C. Uses of the zero conditional

The zero conditional can be used in different contexts:

a. To express rules:

 If the light is red, you stop your car.

 You don’t eat or drink if you are in the library.
 If you go to school, you have to wear a uniform.
Fuente: Fotolia (s.f.)

b. To describe routines:

 If I use the computer, I wear glasses.

 My mom always makes a cake if I visit her.
 If I am sleepy, I drink some coffee.

Fuente: SENA
c. Universal facts:

 If you play tennis, you need a racquet.

 If you are a vegetarian, you don’t eat meat.

Fuente: SENA

d. Cause and effect:

 If you close the door, it locks automatically.

 The cell phone turns off if it runs out of battery.
 If you use less water, you help the planet.

Fuente: SENA
4. Contrast between if and when

We can replace if with when in the zero conditional. They have the same
If it rains, she feels depressed = When it rains, she feels depressed.


 When I go to the movies, I eat popcorn. - Or - If I go to the movies, I eat

 Garbage produces pollution when it is burnt. - Or - Garbage produces
pollution if it is burnt.
 When it is New Years, we celebrate with a big dinner. - Or - If it is New
Years, we celebrate with a big dinner.
 You use less energy when you use energy saving bulbs. - Or - You use less
energy if you use energy saving bulbs.

5. First conditional

A. Tom and Andrew are making plans for Friday. Read their conversation:

Hey buddy, I’m good,

how are you? how are
I am fine, thanks.
So, are we going
swimming on I don’t know yet. I
Friday? might have to work.

But if I don’t have to

work, I’ll go with

I thought you were

not working
anymore, didn’t Actually no, but I have
you quit last a job interview on
week? Friday morning, If
they offer me a better
salary, I will take the
Great, man. If
you get the job,
we will celebrate
on Friday night
with the girls! Sure, that’s a great
plan. There is a new bar
near my apartment that
I want to visit.
Somebody told me the
music is really cool.

We should go
there then. Well
man, good luck
with your
interview. See
you later.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Note: We use the first conditional to talk about events in the future that are
likely to happen. There is a real possibility that the condition will happen:
 If I don’t have to work, I’ll go with you.
 If they offer me a better salary, I will take it.
 If you get that job, we will celebrate on Friday night with the girls!

B. Structure

If Condition Result

Simple present Will + base verb

If I feel better tomorrow I will go to school.

As you can see the condition goes in simple present while the result goes with
will + base verb.

Note: The order of the two clauses is flexible. The if clause can be first or
second. When the if clause comes first, the clauses are separated by a comma.
You don’t use a comma if the result clause comes first.


 If we reduce contamination, we will have a cleaner planet.

 We will have a cleaner planet if we reduce contamination.
 If she comes, I will cook pasta.
 I will cook pasta if she comes.
 If I get paid today, I will buy a new phone.
 I will buy a new phone if I get paid today.

C. Uses of the first conditional

a. Possibilities:

 I will buy a new phone if I get paid today.

 She will call me if she is in town this weekend.
 If it is not raining, I will ride my bike tomorrow.
Fuente: SENA

b. Superstitions:

 If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck.
 If you rub a rabbit’s foot, it will bring you good luck.
 You will have bad luck if you open an umbrella inside.

Fuente: SENA

c. Threats and warnings:

 This city will collapse if the population continues to grow so quickly.

 If you don’t wear your uniform, you won’t be allowed into the school.
 The planet will run out of drinking water if we don’t change our habits.
Fuente: SENA

6. Vocabulary: Environmental facts

Our world is a unique place full of wonders and amazing places. We must take
care of it and try to preserve it for future generations. Here are some
environmental facts about our planet to take into account:

Every year tons of garbage are thrown

into the ocean. This contaminates the
water and affects ocean animals and their
Fuente: SENA

Every day thousands of newspapers are

read and then disposed of in regular

This increases the number of trees being

cut down to produce paper. If we recycled
this paper, thousands of trees could be
Fuente: SENA saved.
About 5 million tons of oil waste ends up
in the ocean every year, contaminating
the water and killing many species.

Fuente: SENA

The human population is growing

alarmingly fast, 100 years ago there were
2 billion people in the world. Now there
are about 7.5 billion inhabitants!

Fuente: SENA

97% of the world’s water is salty and

therefore cannot be drunk. Just 1% of the
world’s water can be properly used. The
remaining 2% is frozen.

Fuente: SENA
Every hour, thousands of plastic bottles
are used and disposed of as regular
garbage. Sadly, only a small portion of
plastic bottles is recycled around the
Fuente: SENA

About 1 million sea animals die every

year due to plastic garbage thrown into
the ocean.

Fuente: SENA

100 acres of rainforest is cut down every

minute. If the trend continues, soon we
will not have any rainforest left.

Fuente: SENA

Fuente: Wayland Baptist University (s.f.)

Note: Use a dictionary or check the glossary to look for the meaning of the
words in bold from the previous reading. They are associated with the

You are going to read to three people talking about environmental problems
in their communities. Before you read, match each picture with one
environmental problem from the box.

a. Pollution.
b. Garbage control.
c. Water shortage.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Fuente: SENA
Tom: This town used to be really clean. You could breathe clean air and enjoy
the fresh air from the forest. However, a couple of months ago, some factories
moved here from the capital because they pay fewer taxes here. They produce
a lot of smoke most of the time. Now the air is quite polluted and some
residents have started suffer respiratory diseases. The mayor says there isn’t
much we can do as the factories seem to comply with all the legal regulations.

Some people have already started to move already and the situation doesn’t
seem to improve as more companies are planning to move here. If this situation
gets worse, we will have to move too.

Danny: I live in a beautiful little village in the mountains. In the past year we
have started to suffer water shortages as the river we take the water from is
drying up and the water that’s left is contaminated. The problem is that some
people from other villages are cutting the trees at the edge of the river.
Therefore the river is starting to dry up. Also, some people throw garbage in the
river and they don’t seem to understand the damage this causes. We have
already started a campaign to heal the river. If everybody participates in the
campaign and we manage to stop the deforestation at the edge of the river, we
will have clean running water again.
Mike: I live in a small city near the mountains. We try to keep the streets clean
and make our city litter-free. However we are facing an issue now: the landfill is
full and they closed it. The city didn’t have a plan for it. They built a small landfill
as a short term solution. However it is getting full already. We are all worried as
there isn’t a long term solution yet.


A. Look at the following table. To which case do these sentences belong, Tom,
Danny or Mike? Check the correct column. One example is done for you:

Tom Danny Mike

They don’t have a 
place to store the
The problem is
caused by people
cutting down
The air is polluted.
He lives in a city.
It is not safe to
drink the water.
A campaign was
started to try to
solve the problem.
People are having
health problems
due to factories.
Some people
dispose of the
trash in the river.

B. Choose the best answer.

1. The river is contaminated because:

a. Factories throw chemicals in it.

b. People cut down the trees.
c. People throw garbage in it.

2. They started a campaign in Danny’s city to:

a. Recycle and produce less garbage.

b. Clean the river.
c. Stop pollution.

3. One possible solution in Mike’s case is:

a. To use solar energy in their homes.

b. Recycling to produce less garbage.
c. To build a smaller landfill.

4. Tom’s town is being contaminated by:

a. The residents.
b. New factories.
c. The major.

5. It is difficult to take action against the factories contaminating the air as:

a. The mayor is the owner of the factories.

b. They pay lots of taxes to the town.
c. They comply with all the legal regulations.

Practice 1

A. Join each environmental problem (left) with a possible solution (right), by

drawing a line between them.

Problems Possible solutions

Some diseases are produced by
Wear a mask.
food contaminated with chemicals.
There are water shortages. Use electric cars.
Gas on the planet is running out. Try to produce less garbage.
The air is polluted. Grow your own food.
Forests are being cut down. Don’t waste water.
Landfills are filling up. Recycle paper.

B. Write sentences using zero conditional with the conditions and results given.
You can use if or when in the condition. One example is done for you.

Condition Result
Wear a mask Protect yourself from toxins
Use electric cars Decrease contamination
Produce less garbage Help extend the life of landfills
Grow your own food Eat healthier
Recycle paper Save some trees
Don’t waste water Ensure water for future generations


If you wear a mask you protect yourself from toxins.

1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________

C. Select the best option to form zero conditional sentences.

1. When people get sick,

a. they will go to the doctor.

b. they went to the doctor.
c. they go to the doctor.

2. You need to have a driving license

a. when you drove a motorbike.

b. when you will drive a motorbike.

c. when you drive a motorbike.

3. It is easier to sleep

a. if you had relaxed.

b. when you are relaxed.

c. when you will relax.

4. ______________, I look for it in the dictionary.

a. If I won’t know a word.

b. If I doesn’t know a word.

c. If I don’t know a word.

5. They usually play football

a. if it will be raining.

b. if it won’t rain.

c. if it is not raining.

6. If you freeze water,

a. it turn to ice.

b. it turns to ice.

c. it doesn’t turn to ice.

D. Read the list of words related to environmental consciousness and classify

them according to their positive or negative connotations. Classify them in
the chart below:
Recycle / Energy saving bulbs / Waste /
Contaminate / Reuse

Positive Negative

Complete the conversation with the words and expressions from the previous

Fuente: SENA

John: Hey Richard, how are you?

Richard: Fine thanks. Have you heard about the campaign they are doing at
the office?
John: Not, what’s it about?
Richard: Well, people have to __________. They have put bins for sorting
trash all over the building.
John: Really? That’s silly. I don’t like to sort my garbage. I always end up
throwing the garbage in the wrong place.
Richard: It is not that difficult. There are three main categories: glass, paper
and plastic. We should help with this because we __________a lot with all the
garbage we produce.
John: Right. I guess I’ll have to pay more attention to it.
Richard: We are also going to use __________ all over the building.
John: But those are more expensive.
Richard: Yes, however they last longer than the conventional ones. Have you
noticed the way we __________electricity here? All the lights are always on,
even during the day!
John: Alright. I guess I’ll have to cooperate with that too. What else do we have
to do?
Richard: We are going to __________printer paper and plastic bags. With the
paper, if you print something and the other side of the page is still useable, you
put the sheets in a box near the secretary. If you have empty plastic bags,
instead of throwing them away, put them in the kitchen so that somebody else
can use them.
John: Ok. I hope I can remember all these things I have to do now…

E. Complete the following sentences in zero conditional with the information


One example is done for you:


1. We help to protect the environment if we recycle. (recycle).

2. When you travel to another country, ___________________. (need /


3. You can visit Disneyworld ___________________. (go / Orlando).

4. You go to the ATM ___________________. (have money). (Negative

5. If you don’t have a driver’s license, ___________________. (can drive).
(Negative sentence).
6. You can see wild animals ___________________. (go zoo).
7. He usually exercises in the park ___________________. (have time).
8. I never work properly ___________________. (to be / stressed).
F. Match the descriptions with the words.

Descriptions Words
a. A place where all the garbage is Ocean.
finally stored.
b. To make something impure or Reuse.
c. A place full of trees and animals.

d. Lack of resources.

e. A place full of fish and water.

f. The total number of people living in Shortage.

an area.
g. To utilize an item again.

Practice 2

A. You are going to read an interview with Matt Denis, a specialist on

environmental issues. Number the following topics in the order he
mentions them.

Water contamination

Wildlife conservation
Global warming

Air pollution

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Fuente: SENA

Interviewer: Welcome to our radio program Dr. Denis. It’s such a pleasure to
have you here today. You recently participated in the international convention of
environmental problems in Moscow and you are here to talk about the
environmental issues people should worry about.

Doctor Denis: Thanks for having me.

Interviewer: So, Dr. Dennis, what are the main issues that are affecting our
planet right now?

Doctor Denis: Well, there are a lot of things affecting our planet right now.

I think the principal problem we are facing right now is contamination of drinking
water. The number of contaminated rivers and fresh water sources is increasing
rapidly. If this trend continues, we will not have natural drinking water in a few
years and all the water will have to be purified before drinking it.

But the bigger problem is that governments don’t seem to be concerned enough
about these things.

Interviewer: That is terrible. Water is quite important for human life.

Doctor Denis: Another issue that is alarming is the increase in air pollution.
The level of pollution in main cities is shocking. Except for a few European
cities, most cities in the world have doubled their pollution levels in the past 10
years. If we don’t do something to stop contaminating the air, everybody will
have to wear a mask in a few years.

Air contamination is also responsible in part for global warming. All the gases
emitted into the air by industry and cars stay trapped in the atmosphere,
increasing heat and warming the planet. If we don’t do something about this, the
average temperature will increase rapidly on our planet. In fact, this is already

Interviewer: Thanks doctor Dennis. We’ll be right back after this short break.
Stay tuned.

After the break…

Interviewer: We are back with doctor Dennis talking about environmental

issues. We know one of the main issues we are facing now is overpopulation.
How is this related to wildlife conservation and deforestation?

Doctor Denis: Well, overpopulation affects our planet in many ways. For
example, as the world’s population grows, cities become bigger and more
congested. As cities become bigger, they grow in size, deforesting big areas to
build new places to house more people.

Interviewer: How bad!

Doctor Denis: As this happens, a lot of animals are displaced or their habitat
invaded. This certainly ends up in conflicts between people and wildlife.

Doctor Denis: Well dear listeners, unfortunately we ran out of time. It was a
very interesting topic you developed today doctor Dennis. Thanks for coming to
our program.

Doctor Denis: My pleasure.

B. Listen to the first part of the interview again. As you listen, read the script
below and complete the missing parts.

Interviewer: Welcome to our radio program Dr. Denis. It’s such a pleasure
to have you here today. You recently participated in the international
convention of environmental problems in Moscow and you are here to talk
about the environmental issues people should worry about.

Doctor Denis: Thanks for having me.

Interviewer: So, Dr. Dennis, what are the main issues that are
___________right now?

Doctor Denis: Well, there are a lot of things affecting our planet right now.

I think the principal problem we are facing right now is contamination of

drinking water. The number of contaminated rivers and fresh water sources
is increasing rapidly. If this trend continues, ___________natural drinking
water in a few years and all the water will have ___________before drinking

But the bigger problem is that governments don’t seem to be concerned

enough about these things.

Interviewer: That is terrible. Water is quite important for human life.

Doctor Denis: Another issue that is alarming is the increase in air pollution.
The level of pollution in main cities is shocking. Except for a few European
cities, most cities in the world have doubled their pollution levels in the past
10 years. If we don’t do something___________, everybody will have to
wear a mask in a few years.

Air contamination is also responsible in part for global warming. All the
gases emitted into the air by industry and cars stay trapped in the
atmosphere, increasing heat and warming the planet. If we don’t do
something about this, the average ___________ rapidly on our planet. In
fact, this is already happening.

C. Vicky and Richard are talking about their vacation plans for summer. Read
the conversation carefully.
Well I am planning to
buy a car next year,
so if I stay in town this
summer, I will take
So, what are you
some driving lessons.
planning to do
I really want to buy a
this summer?

Cool. I love
driving. What car
are you planning
to buy?

Well, my father wants me

to buy a sedan, but I
prefer something smaller,
like a coupe. Besides, for
me the most important
thing when picking a car
is fuel economy. I don’t
want to spend a lot of
money on gas.
Definitely, if you buy a
coupe you will save a lot
of money on gas. How about you?
Coupes are really fuel What are your
efficient. plans for this

Well, if my family
stays here, I think But I thought you
I will get a were going to visit
summer job. your friend Emily
in Canada.
Yes, but first I need to
save some money. If
I have enough money And where are
by Christmas, I will you planning
visit her. to work?

At my aunt’s
restaurant as
Well, good
a waiter.
luck with

Thanks, good
luck with your
lessons, too.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

Choose true or false based on the conversation between Vicky and Richard.

Statements True False

Vicky will buy a car next summer.
She prefers a coupe.
For Vicky, the most important aspect in a car is
Richard plans to work during the summer.
He will work as waiter in his uncle’s restaurant.
He will visit his family at Christmas.

D. Complete each sentence with will or won’t and the words in parentheses.

1. _________ a soda and a bacon sandwich please. (I / have).

2. It is quite late, _________ a taxi. (I / take).
3. Look, there is an accident! _________an ambulance right now. (I / call).
4. It is very windy. _________the window. (I / close).
5. _________ any coffee, just the bill please. (I have).
6. _________ the red shirt or the blue one? (you / take) I think _________
the red one. (I / take).

E. Look at the pictures. What did each person say in each situation? Write the
number of the corresponding sentence in each picture.

1. I will have a beer please.

2. I will start my diet tomorrow.

3. I will not go to class today.

4. I will call the insurance company right now!

5. Will you marry me?

6. I am lost, I will ask for directions.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA
F. Match the sentences in column A with the sentences in column B to make
first conditional statements.

Column A Column B
We will miss the plane if I get that promotion
If I visit my mom this weekend if we don’t hurry
If Maria takes her medicine if she gets that job
If I don’t get paid she will stop exercising
If Ana is pregnant she will cook pasta
She will be very happy she will get better
I will save a lot of money I will not come to work tomorrow

Pronunciation practice

Note: This practice must be completed using the multimedia version of the
study material. There you will find the corresponding audio files.

A. Look at the transcription of the following words. Write the words.

Note: The symbol ˈ represents the stressed syllable. If the word

has three or more syllables, a secondary stress ˌ can also appear.

For example:

careful complicated

ˈkeər·fəl ˈkɑm·plɪˌkeɪ·t̬ ɪd

Transcription Word Transcription Word

ˈoʊ·ʃən ˈnɑʊ·əˌdeɪz
ɪnˈvɑɪ·rən·mənt hjudʒ
spɑnˈteɪ·ni·əs ˈbɑt̬ ·əl
ˈben·əˌfɪt bʌlb
rɪˈwɔr·dɪŋ kənˈven·ʃə·nəl

Now, go to the multimedia, listen to the words and check how they sound. Then,
practice pronouncing them.

ˈoʊ·ʃən ˈnɑʊ·əˌdeɪz
Ocean Nowadays
ɪnˈvɑɪ·rən·mənt hjudʒ
Environment Huge
spɑnˈteɪ·ni·əs ˈbɑt̬ ·əl
Spontaneous Bottle
ˈben·əˌfɪt bʌlb
Benefit Bulb
rɪˈwɔr·dɪŋ kənˈven·ʃə·nəl
Rewarding Conventional

B. Go to the multimedia and click on each of the following words to listen to

them. Then, select the word with the different stress pattern.

Ocean Contrast Reduce Impact

Rule Luck Grow Bottle

Effort Away Amount Reduce

Significant Conventional Spontaneous Generation

Recycle Benefit Rewarding Pollution

Overpopulation Contaminating Environmental Deforestation

Environment Economy Superstition Contaminate

C. Go to the multimedia and listen to the following sentences. Click on the word
that has been pronounced with a weak form.

Note: There can be more than one weak form in a sentence.

 Ride a bike instead of using a car.

 If you drive a car, you need to have a driving license.
 We can’t play in the park if it rains.
 If the light is red, stop your car.
 When I go to the movies, I eat popcorn.
 You use less energy when you use energy saving bulbs.
 If you get the job, we’ll celebrate on Friday.
 If they offer me a better salary, I will take it.
 It is not safe to drink tap water.
 I will take some driving lessons. I really want to buy a car.
 What are the main issues that are affecting our planet right now?
 Water resources are quite important for human life.
 Air contamination is also responsible for global warming.
 If it is not raining, I will ride my bike tomorrow.

Now, listen and repeat. Try to imitate the natural rhythm of English by
weakening the highlighted words in each sentence. Remember, practice makes

Ride a bike instead of using a car.

If you drive a car, you need to have a driving license.
We can’t play in the park if it rains.
If the light is red, stop your car.
When I go to the movies, I eat popcorn.
You use less energy when you use energy saving bulbs.
If you get the job, we’ll celebrate on Friday.
If they offer me a better salary, I will take it.
It is not safe to drink tap water.
I will take some driving lessons. I really want to buy a car.
What are the main issues that are affecting our planet right now?
Water resources are quite important for human life.
Air contamination is also responsible for global warming.
If it is not raining, I will ride my bike tomorrow.

 Fotolia. (s.f.). Manikin Clipboard. Consultado el 06 de noviembre de 2014,


 Wayland Baptist University. (s.f.). Recycle facts. Texas, Estados Unidos de

América: Wayland Baptist University.

Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert Dirección de

Juan Carlos Asesor English Dot Formación October
Solano Works - Programa Profesional. 2014
de bilingüismo Dirección General

Rachman Copy editor – Línea November
Adaptation Agroindustrial.
Bustillo Martínez de producción 2014
Regional Quindío

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