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Atividade de Inglês

3ª Série
Confira os textos em inglês com o verbo to be. Leia este artigo e melhore as suas

1. Texto - Text

Anna is twenty years old. Mike is twenty-five years old. They are friends and they are
living in the same city now. Anna is a teacher. Mike is a doctor. They are great people
and love their jobs.

Anna is very happy today because she is going to visit her grandmother who lives in
another city. Mike is happy for Anna.

Mike and Anna aren't married, but they would like to get married, as they are still

I hope Mike and Anna can find someone who will make them happy. They are also my
best friends and I wish them well.

Responda - Answer

Why is Anna happy?

A. Because she is married.

B. Because she is going to get married.
C. Because she is going to visit her grandmother.
D. Because Mike is happy.
E. Because she is rich.

Texto 2:
A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes
to school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies
English at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day
and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help
their parents too. They want to open a small restaurant because they like to work with
food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her father tells her that it is
necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are correct. This is
my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up.
Jane doesn’t have everything she wants but she works hard.

Questão 2: Traduza o texto acima e responda:

A) Qual a idade de JANE ? R: Ela tem 15 anos
B) O que ela mais ama ? R: Sorvete e churrasco
C) O que ela mais gosta ? R: Gosta de ciências
D) O que ela quer ser ? R: Médica
E) Por que ela acha que o sonho dela é capaz de se realizar ? R: Porque ela é
F) Quantas vezes ela toma sorvete por semana? R: Todos os dias
G) O que ela gosta de comer nos fins de semana ? R: Churrasco
H) Em que seus irmãos se diferenciam dela ? R: Não gostam de estudar

Are you my son?

The Prince and the Pauper (1881) is a book by Mark Twain. The book is about two
boys, Tom and Edward. They are 15 years old but their lives are very different.
Tom is a poor boy but Edward is a prince. They change places by mistake so
Edward is a poor boy and Tom is a prince. The old King, Henry VIII, is not well but
he is Edward's father and he wants to know the truth...
The King visits the prince (or is he the poor boy?).
King: I don't understand! Are you my son?
Tom: No, I'm not a prince, I'm poor.
King: Are you sure? Your clothes are not very old!
Tom: They're not my clothes. They're Edward's clothes. He's poor now.
King: Oh no! This is terrible! Is it true?
Tom: Yes, it is. I'm really sorry, King Henry.
You aren't my father, you're my King.


1. Circule a correta opção.

a) I be / am/ is twelve years old.

b) They be / am / are in the garden.
c) It am / is / are six o'clock.
d) You be / is / are a dentist.
e) I am / is / are in the station.
f) It am / is / are very hot.
g) My sister am/is/are at work.
h) I be / am / are hungry.
i) We am / is / are students.
j) The book be / is / are about tigers.

2. Complete the sentences from stories with the present simple of be. Some are
negatives or questions.

a) The poor boy has no coat. He was cold.

b) We are the three bears. We were not in the woods.
c) Cinderella is running home. It was 12 o'clock.
d) Tweedledum and Tweedledee have the same parents. They were brothers.
e) The monster has a very ugly face. He was not handsome.
f) The wicked queen is asking her mirror: Was I beautiful?
g) Achilles and Hector fight. They were not friends.
h) Robinson Crusoe has no friends on the island. Was he unhappy?

3. Complete this book review of The Prince and the Pauper with the present simple
of be.

The Prince and the Pauper was a very good book. I was 11 years old and I (not) was not
very interested in history but I really like this book. Mark Twain was a great writer.
It (not) was not a true story but the characters were very realistic. The story (not) was not
difficult. It was easy to understand and enjoy the book. Tom was a simple English boy.
His family are poor and they were always hungry. Edward (not) was not poor because
he was a prince. The boys were very different but at the end of the book they were friends.
There are many films of the book too but they (not) were not very good - the book is the

4. Use the verb be to make these sentences true for you.

a) My mobile phone is new.

b) Today is Monday.
c) Coffee is my favourite drink.
d) I am a good cook.
e) My eyes are blue.
f) It is warm today.
g) My shoes are clean.
h) I am at home.
i) History books are interesting.
j) My bed is next to the door.

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