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Assignment #1



Jane Handumon (FB/messenger)


I am AGAINST Globalization

Generally, globalization existed as a solution to the betterment of trade, multinational

production, and international finance. Well, it may be true to some but in reality, globalization
seems to outcast its main purpose and aside from that, I am very against its negative effects
and destructive long-term consequences – needless to say, I am partly against globalization.

We keep on denying the real condition of the world. According to Chanda Sharma,
management consultant, globalization existed to provide employment but now it exports poverty
and unemployment. The availability of cheap labor in Asia, Africa and South America will result
in companies shutting down their operations in the host country which will result into people
being laid off and forced into unemployment. Anti-globalists view the globalization as the result
of foreign businesses investing in the country to take advantage of the lower wage rate.

Furthermore, in his in-depth academic article, Anthony J. McMichael from the National
Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University asserts that the
effects of globalization are not separate but multifaceted phenomena that have a domino-like effect
on the environment. He discusses how climate change will make it exceptionally difficult to grow
crops, contributing to food scarcity crisis, changes in ocean waters and how they cause lower protein
content in fish and introduction of new diseases to particular regions.

In addition, promotion of free trade has reached its peak that resulted to the existence of
illicit drugs and goods circulating the market.  The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) issued a report that the global drug trade generates more than $320 billion a year in
revenues. The international trade of endangered species is second only to drug trafficking. The
use of parts of endangered species has created controversy and resulted in a black market of
poachers who hunt restricted animals.

Globalization is irreversible, but if I personally continue to affirm globalization, changes

for its better modification won’t happen. We still have a choice to achieve social, personal and
economic goals without or less the negative consequences associated with it – we should work
on to reaching this target.

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