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Jerlyn B.

Caldedero 3 BSMA-A March 6, 2021

Acc 324A (International Business and Trade)


Each country is doing its best to achieve a powerful economy whereby output and value will
increase that may eventually result in higher customary of living. However, so as to attain it, the country’s
economic system should be integrated and independent through the assistance of globalization.

Over the several years, globalization brought the best impact on human lives. It led to an
improvement in infrastructure and transportation, communication, entertainment, culture and environment,
law and science, health, knowledge, and standard of living. Globalization is everywhere. It became part
of everyone’s daily lives until everything was changed as we were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This pandemic challenged not only the national but also the global health systems. Societies are in
turmoil and disrupted by this international crisis that we are facing.

In the midst of infectious disease, globalization was afflicted due to closing of operations of most
companies which causes the unemployed workers to increase. Enforcements of lockdowns becomes a
burden since people’s livelihoods were affected. Travel authority within and outside the country was
restricted in order to prevent the continual spreading of virus. The coronavirus disease made everyone
suffered especially those in the healthcare system because of the increasing number of COVID-19

Though pandemic presents number of disadvantages to people and greatly affect the economy,
but it also leads us to be more updated on the technological advances brought by globalization which is
its advantage. One of the benefits is the usefulness of internet connectivity in online education. In my
own experience, it was not easy however through this mode of education I was able to continue my
studies. Another advantage is the social media which is widely used in giving information concerning the
protocols and procedures to be followed. Additionally, the use of electronic money is very significant as it
serves as the simplest means these days in payment transactions. It is more convenient considering that
activities happen through online for instance buying of food, groceries or any goods, and necessary

Living with virus is not new but this time it is unfamiliar and more dangerous. It could result
to unavoidable illness, causing death, not only thousands but millions of people around the world. During
this time, what we need is an efficient response to bring our global economy back to what it had been
before. The effect of pandemic was devastated, yet I believe that through the help of everyone of us
dealing with the emerging health crisis will be much easier. We have an important role especially in
encouraging public to make a global action and come up with a global solution in restoring the economy
and livelihoods of individuals.

It’s been almost a year since we experience the pandemic due to COVID-19. It was very
challenging actually but the contribution of everybody through following the instructions mandated by the
government helps a lot to lessen the number of positive cases. As what Secretary General Antonio
Guterres of the United Nations said on his interview last March, 26, 2020, “With solidarity, we can defeat
the virus and build a better world.” So, let us help and be part in fighting against COVID-19. We should be
united against a common, invisible enemy.

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