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PT. Meares Soputan Mining | PT. Tambang Tondano Nusajaya

• 1986: Penandatanganan Kontrak Karya PT. MSM
• 1997: Penandatanganan Kontrak Karya PT. TTN
• 1998: Persetujuan AMDAL MSM & TTN (DPE RI)
• 1999: Akuisisi Aurora Gold Limited oleh Archipelago Resources Plc
• 2006: Revisi FS (Selesai)
• 2007: Konstruksi Pabrik & Tambang dimulai (MSM)
• 2009: Persetujuan Revisi AMDAL MSM & TTN (KLH RI)
• 2009: Rajawali Group menguasai Archipelago Resources Plc
• 2011: PT Archi Indonesia menguasai 5.0% kepemilikan MSM dan
• 2011: Selesai Konstruksi/Pembangunan Fasilitas
• 2011: Mulai Operasi Produksi (MSM & TTN) - Sekarang
• 2011: Pembakaran Emas Perdana
• 2013: Archipelago Resources Plc dimiliki secara private oleh
Rajawali Corpora
• 2014: PT Archi Indonesia mengakuisisi Archipelago Resources
PteLtd, yang memiliki saham 95.0% of MSM and TTN
• 2015: Penandatanganan Amandemen KK (25-12-2015)

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STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.

PT. Meares Soputan Mining (MSM): Pemegang KK tertanggal 2 Desember 1986

PT. Tambang Tondano Nusajaya (TTN): Pemegang KK tertanggal 28 April 1997.
Persetujuan AMDAL:
PT. MSM : SK. Meneg. LH. RI, Nomor 523 Tahun 2009
PT. TTN : SK. Meneg. LH. RI, Nomor 524 Tahun 2009
Adendum AMDAL
PT. MSM : Izin Lingkungan - SK Gub Sulut No.139 Tahun 2017
PT. TTN : Izin Lingkungan - SK Gub Sulut No.125 Tahun 2017

Tahap Kegiatan:
PT. MSM: Operasi Produksi, SK. Menteri ESDM, Nomor 937.K/30/DJB/2011
PT. TTN: Operasi Produksi (Blok III), SK. Menteri ESDM, Nomor
PT. TTN: Operasi Produksi (Blok II & III), SK. Menteri ESDM, Nomor
Luas Wilayah:
PT. MSM: 8.969 Ha (Status Operasi Produksi)
PT. TTN: 30.848 Ha Ha (Status Operasi Produksi)
Dikenal sebagai “Tambang Toka Tindung”
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
Lokasi Operasi dan Karakteristik (Update EOY 2019)

Lokasi Tambang
TESP ▪ MSM Toka Pit – pit Utama – 14 M Ton bijih @ 1.06 gr/t Au Ins
Toka-E ▪ Pit satelit
TSP pit wd ▪ MSM &TTN Araren – 5 M Ton Bijih @ 4.2 gr/t Au Ins
▪ TTN Kopra – 1.3 M Ton Bijih @ 2.3 gr/t Au Ins
▪ TTN Alaskar – 0.15 M T Bijih @ 4.3 gr/t Au ins
▪ TTN Pajajaran (mine out 2013), Blambangan (mine out 2019)
▪ Metode Tambang

Toka wd ▪ Tambang Terbuka, Sistem berjenjang

▪ Nisbah Kupas PT MSM 1 Bijih : 2 Waste
PSP ▪ Nisbah Kupas PT TTN 1 Bijih : 13 Waste
▪ Umur Tambang
▪ Tambang berproduksi sejak tahun 2011
▪ Perencanaan saat ini , penambangan ditargetkan selesai
tahun 2023 dan pengolahan selesai tahun 2027
▪ Total Rencana Produksi 26 Juta ton bijih diproses dengan
1.25 M ozs Au (2020 – 2027)
Pajajaran Pit
Araren Pit ▪ Pengembangan

▪ Hasil eksplorasi termutakhir dan optimasi tambang sedang

Blambangan dikerjakan (Y 2019-2010) dengan indikasi awal umur tambang
Kopra Pit Pit
sampai dengan 2031
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shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document. 5



STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.

• Mekanisme Operasi Bersama didasarkan Atas Persetujuan Dirjen Geologi dan SDM,
Nomor 1176/40/DJG/2005 Perihal Persetujuan Kepemilikan Bersama Pabrik
Pengolahan Emas Toka Tindung oleh PT. MSM dan PT. TTN
• Dua Kontrak Karya dengan Wilayah KK Berdampingan dan Berdekatan.
• Operasi Bersama Dilakukan Agar Operasi Tambang Lebih Efektif dan Efisien untuk
menghindari investasi sarat modal.
• Prosentase Kepemilikan Pabrik didasarkan atas Jumlah Cadangan Layak Tambang
• Persetujuan Pemakaian bersama juga dilakukan terhadap Infrastruktur Tailing
Storage Facility (TSF) dan Waste Rock Dump
• Persetujuan Metode Perhitungan Biaya Bersama melalui SK Dirjen Minerba Nomor
• Ketentuan Kewajiban (Royalti, Perpajakan) Sesuai Ketentuan Kontrak Karya

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.

• Proses Penambangan PT MSM dan PT TTN menggunakan Mitra Kerja Penambangan untuk
penyediaan alat penambangan dan perawatan jalan
• Secara umum , sejak tahun 2011 Tambang Tokatindung melakukan penambangan pada 2 sampai
3 pit aktif dari Pit PT MSM dan PT TTN yang kemudian hasil Bijih disimpan di ROM untuk
kemudian di “ blending” untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Pabrik Pengolahan (PT MSM) dari segi
jenis material dan target kadar.
• Perencanaan produksi tambang dan produksi pabrik ditargetkan untuk memenuhi hasil produksi
emas yang paling optimum untuk Tambang Tokatindung.
• Rekonsiliasi perencanaan dan hasil penambangan material bijih (ore) dan batuan penutup dari
masing masing lubang bukaan (Pit) dilakukan dengan menggunakan rekonsiliasi survey yang
akan dilaporkan berdasarkan Batas Kontrak Karya yang berlaku.
• Proses rekonsiliasi aktual proses pengolahan di Pabrik dilakukan dengan merekonsiliasi hasil
actual kandungan “metal poured” dari material yang disuplai oleh proses penambangan (Pit to
Mill), dan dilaporkan sebagai dasar pembagian porsi/jumlah metal yang dihasilkan oleh masing
masing perusahaan.

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
• Proses perencanaan dan operasional Tambang Tokatindung menitik beratkan pada keberhasilan
proyek secara menyeluruh untuk Tambang Tokatindung dari segi teknikal, operasional dan
• PT MSM dan PT PTTN menunjuk KTT dan PJO yang bertanggung jawab secara administrative
terhadap areal lokasi, baik untuk internal dan mitra kerja
• Proses pengolahan / Pabrik berada dalam kawasan kontrak karya PT MSM
• Hampir seluruh infrastruktur Utama di Tambang Tokatindung terdapat pada wilayah kontrak kerja
PT MSM, yang dirancang menurut tata letak yang terbaik dan efisien dari segi teknis (Pabrik
Pengolahan, Lokasi TSF, Manajemen air limpasan tambang, Settling pond, dll)
• Khusus untuk operasi peledakan, PT MSM dan PT TTN memiliki gudang terpisah dan juru ledak
untuk masing masing Kontrak Karya
• PT MSM menetapkan Joint Process Fee pada PT TTN pada komponen biaya produksi yang
digunakan secara bersama.

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shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
Joint Cost Process / Intercompany Charges

Aktivitas Dasar Alokasi

Processing Rental (Joint assets charges) Gold Poured (oz)
TSF charges Gold Poured (oz)
Mining & Geology Bijih + Batuan Penutup (bcm)
Processing Gold Poured (oz)
Site Support Gold Poured (oz)
Exploration Drilling meter
Offsite Support Volume penjualan (oz)
Refinery Charges Emas & perak terkirim (kg)
Transport Charges Emas & perak terkirim (kg)

Join Cost Process adalah biaya biaya yang harus dibayarkan oleh PT TTN untuk menggunakan fasilitas
fasilitas yang digunakan bersama
contoh : salary personil Mining & Geology MSM yang bekerja di daerah TTN dibagi berdasar ratio bcm

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.




Geo Mine : Processing: Finance:

•Dry Tonnes Ore Processed •Metal Shipped
•Ore Mined, Stockpiled &
•Actual Metal Poured & Shipped •Sales
Crushed (survey based)
•Indicative Metal Grade (g/t)
•Measured Metal in Tailing (g) •Mining Fee
•Indicative Metal Recovery (%)
•Metal in Circuit and Vault (g) Cost / tonnes mined
•Processing Fee
•Indicative Ore Processed (t)
Cost / tonnes processed
•Indicative Metal Content (g)
•Calculated Metal in Feed (g) •Service Administration Fee
•Indicative Metal in Tail (g)
•Actual Metal Recovered (g) Cost / tonnes processed
•Calculated Metal Recovery (%)

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
Araren Pit : Contoh pit terbagi 2 KK

KK PT Meares Soputan Mining

KK PT Tambang Tondano Nusajaya

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
Contoh :WRD BatupangahPajajaran

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
• Tambang Toka Tindung memberlakukan perencanaan sebagai satu kesatuan
project tambang.
• Proses perencanaan produksi dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai produksi dan cash
flow terbaik untuk gabungan kedua kontrak karya (bukan menilai untuk masing
masing KK)
• Hasil perencanaan produksi kemudian di ekstrak untuk kemudian dilakukan
penjabaran per Kontrak karya sebagai bahan acuan pelaporan terhadap pemerintah
• Hal ini dilakukan terhadap seluruh aspek penambangan seperti produksi bijih,
penimbunan waste rock dump, strategi blending pabrik pengolahan, low grade ore
stockpiling, rencana bukaan lahan dan reklamasi

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
• Operasi Pengeboran, Peledakan, Gali Muat dan pengangkutan
hingga pemenuhan terhadap produksi pabrik dilakukan oleh
mitra kerja dengan pengawasan dari personil tambang PT
• Operasi penambangan dilakukan oleh mitra kerja yang sama
bekerja di PT MSM | PT TTN. Pembebanan biaya untuk masing
masing Kontrak Karya dilakukan melalui rekonsiliasi survey.
• Biaya actual perawatan jalan dan kegiatan penunjang lain
dibagi sesuai pembagian kontrak karya
• Seluruh prosedur operasional di Tambang Tokatindung, dibuat
melalui persetujuan kedua KTT (PT MSM & PT TTN)

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
Inspeksi Pemeriksaan Pengujian
• Kegiatan inspeksi, pemeriksaan dan pengujian
dilakukan secara menyeluruh sebagai satu kesatuan
project tambang tanpa membatasi pada
pembagian kontrak karya.

• Peralatan tambang dan penunjang yang berada di

tambang Tokatindung didaftarkan, diuji dan
diinspeksi atas persetujuan dari kedua KTT PT

• Pelaporan insiden, inspeksi dan pemeriksaan

Infrastruktur dilakukan dan dilaporkan kepada KTT
masing masing batas kontrak karya yang berlaku.

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
Pelaporan/Ketaatan pada Regulasi

• Pelaporan dan Perijinan di Tambang Tokatindung tetap mengikuti

ketentuan yang berlaku, dimana setiap kontrak karya memiliki
kewajiban secara terpisah.

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.
Kelebihan & Kekurangan
Deskripsi Kelebihan Kekurangan
Perencanaan Perencanaan dilakukan untuk Perubahan rencana terhadap
kedua kontrak karya secara salah satu kontrak karya dapat
menyeluruh mempengaruhi kontrak karya
Operasional Pengawasan lebih mudah dan Harus memiliki pengawas dan
memiliki fleksibilitas dengan infrastruktur terpisah untuk areal
adanya payung sistim Join yang tidak/belum memiliki
Operation (Pabrik pengolahan, payung hukum yang bisa
TSF, Waste Dump) digunakan (i.e Gudang handak,
Juru Ledak, PJO, KTT)
Inspeksi, Pengujian, N/A, sama halnya dengan N/A, sama halnya dengan
Pengawasan tambang lain tambang lain
Pelaporan N/A, sama halnya dengan Pelaporan yang terpisah,
tambang lain memerlukan usaha dan waktu
lebih dalam rekonsiliasi,
penyusunan dan persetujuan
Komersial Dapat menghindari pembuatan Terjadi intercompany charge
infrastruktur ganda yang yang secara transaksi finansial
membutuhkan sarat modal harus dilakukan

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shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.

STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - This document is for the internal use of Archi Group and no party other than Archi Group may rely on it. No representations shall be made and no warranties
shall be given in respect to this document. This document is the property of Archi Group and must not be disclosed, distributed or reproduced for distribution in any form and/or for any
purpose. Any party other than Archi Group who, by accident or otherwise, is in possession of the original or a photocopy of this document must return it to Archi Group or, at the request of
Archi Group, destroy it. Archi Group reserves all rights under the laws for any abuse by any party of this document.

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